Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 964 The most perfect Qingwu flying

Zhou Haiyang did not doubt Yan Yun's judgment, or he believed in Yan Yun's feeling. ??Fire Ranwen??????????`

No wonder Yan Yun is the same age as him, but he is much more famous than him. He originally thought that the other party had better luck than him, but now it seems that it is not just a matter of luck.

Zhou Haiyang sighed in his heart, and then heard Yan Yun ask: "Director Zhou, what do you think about Qing Wu Feiyang?"

Zhou Haiyang quickly replied: "Qing Wu Feiyang is undoubtedly the most important role. As long as this role is played well, most of the film will be successful. This time, we must choose one who can make the vast majority of the audience feel Satisfied dance is flying."

Yan Yun nodded and said, "That's right, that's true, then Director Zhou, who is the most suitable for the role of Qing Wu Feiyang, do you have a candidate for approval?"

Zhou Haiyang has been thinking about this question all the time. He carefully thought about the young actresses who are more active now, as well as the actresses who are the most popular among netizens on the Internet, and finally locked down a few that he thinks can be tried. people.

Now listening to Yan Yun's question, he told Yan Yun the candidate in his heart.

Yan Yun nodded after hearing this, hehe smiled and said: "It seems that I have similar vision to Director Zhou, and I am more optimistic about those people. In this way, we will immediately send them audition invitations, and whoever is the most suitable will have to audition. Sure. However, I don't think that's enough. Those few people may not be suitable. We can also release information to the outside world. Actors who have not received our audition invitations can also audition on their own. Anyone can. Until we Until you find a satisfied Qingwu and fly."

Zhou Haiyang was stunned for a moment, but quickly nodded again, yes, this is a good idea.

You must know that some actors may not be suitable for the role of Qing Wu Feiyang just by looking at their watch, but after the audition, they may be very suitable for the role of Qing Wu Feiyang.

However, in this case, the preparation time may be longer than expected.

If it takes too long to exceed expectations, there may be opinions above, and I hope they will have better luck.

After thinking about it, Zhou Haiyang smiled and said, "Yes, this is a good idea. This way, the scope will be much larger. I hope we can find the ideal Qingwufeiyang as soon as possible."

When Yan Yun heard the words, he also smiled and said, "It won't take too long, I have such a hunch."

After Zhou Haiyang heard it, he laughed again and said, "I believe Director Yan's hunch."


Sansheng Village.

"Who is more suitable to play Qing Wu Feiyang?" Li Fan is also considering this question, and he is also very concerned about the role actors of Qing Wu Feiyang.

Of course, it's just attention, this time he won't intervene in the "First Intimate Contact" crew.

Hua Guo is very mature in the shooting of this type of drama and does not need Li Fan to worry about it.

He is just pure concern, who will play the role of Qing Wu Feiyang?

Seeing that there are many netizens recommending Li Ying on the Internet, Li Fan shook his head. Although Li Ying is pure and beautiful, her temperament does not match Qing Wu Feiyang.

As for Song Feifei and Li Fan, they also shook their heads, both beautiful and pure.

As for Tang Ying, that girl has no plans to make a movie at all.

In Li Fan's mind, he thought about the actors who were the most popular among netizens, and found that none of them were particularly suitable.

Of course, whether an actor is suitable for a role is inaccurate just by looking at the surface, and we need to wait until the audition to know.

Therefore, Li Fan believes that the crew of "The First Intimate Contact" will find Qingwufeiyang that will satisfy everyone.


a residential area.

A 212-year-old, very beautiful girl, looked at the other girl in surprise, who was even more beautiful than her and said, "No, are you going to audition for Qingwufeiyang?"

The girl's name is Cheng Fei.

The girl who was even more beautiful than her was Qin Yulin. Seeing his girlfriend's surprised expression, Qin Yulin smiled and said, "Why, can't you? I received news that the crew of "The First Intimate Contact" allows anyone to audition. And it's in the magic capital. ,very convenient."

Cheng Fei said: "Of course it's not impossible. The key is that you don't like acting, don't you? After you graduated from the Modu Film Academy, you haven't acted once."

Cheng Fei was really speechless about Qin Yulin. As a top student at the Magic Capital Film Academy, Qin Yulin, who was originally very interested in acting, suddenly became uninterested in acting after graduation.

It's been two years since graduation, and I haven't acted in a single play.

I don't know what's going on with my nerves today, and suddenly I want to audition for Qingwufeiyang.

Qin Yulin said: "That's because there is no role I want to play. Now Qing Wu Feiyang is a part, and I really want to play it. Maybe, this will be the only role I want to play. Can't act?"

Cheng Fei said helplessly: "It's not like you don't know how beautiful you are? The prettiest woman in this world is your old sister who is a few days older than you, and who else. As for acting, you But there is no need to say more about the top students of the Modu Film Academy."

Qin Yulin said, "Isn't that enough?"

Cheng Fei said, "Do you really want to go?"

Qin Yulin said: "Of course, I'm serious."

Cheng Fei said: "Then you don't need to audition, you just need to measure your identity, and definitely make the entire crew cry and beg for you to act."

Qin Yulin curled his lips and said, "I don't want it. I have to fight for it with my own strength. Only then will it be interesting. Only then can I experience the real fun."

Cheng Fei shrugged and said, "Well, my eldest lady, what you said makes sense, then I wish you a good time this time."

Qin Yulin said helplessly: "I'm not playing, I really want to play this role, and I want to play her the best, why don't you girl understand?"

Cheng Fei said: "Well, I believe you are serious. So, when are you going to audition?"

Qin Yulin said, "Just tomorrow morning, it's better sooner rather than later."

Cheng Fei said: "Okay, then I wish you success in winning the role of Qing Wu Feiyang and interpreting a classic brown butterfly."

Qin Yulin nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's almost the same."


On the morning of August 6, the cast of "First Intimate Contact" auditioned.

Director Yan Yun laughed excitedly and said, "Okay, okay! It's so perfect, it's even better than I thought. It's just you, there will be no one more suitable than you. Welcome to join "The First" The Second Intimate Contact" crew, Miss Qin Yulin."

The assistant director Zhou Haiyang next to him was also full of surprises and inconceivables. One was that the other party was too beautiful, and the other was that they were able to find the perfect Qingwufeiyang so quickly. )!!

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