Near the creek.

More and more tourists are attracted by the beautiful birds in the sky.

The voices of amazement and praise are endless.

For tourists, this is undoubtedly a huge surprise. Especially those tourists who see these birds for the first time are even more excited.

"Haha! It's really possible to have surprises at any time when you come here to play."

"No, although these birds are not divine beasts of protecting the village, they are enough of a surprise."

This kind of surprise that may appear at any time is undoubtedly one of the reasons why tourists like to visit Sansheng Village so much.

"How can I get them down?" This kind of questioning could be heard everywhere in the crowd.

"I don't know, it is said that if someone is lucky enough, they can let them down." Someone replied.

Xu Minling looked at the birds in the sky and said, "Luoxue, you are so beautiful, can you make them come down?"

Lin Luoxue was quite speechless, and said, "You girl is really big and brainless. The birds in the sky are not men. When they see beautiful women, their eyes light up. What's the use of being beautiful? You have big breasts. , people are beautiful, you think of a way to seduce one down."

Xu Minling nodded and said, "Well, let Rao Dan give it a try. Her breasts are not small and she is prettier than me."

Rao Dan hurriedly said "Bah", "I have big boobs and brains, not like you have big bosoms and no brains. If you try it yourself, maybe you can really seduce a male bird down."

The three people's voices were not small, but fortunately, the scene was relatively noisy, and the voices did not travel far.

However, several people near the three people should have heard it, and it can be seen from the eyes that frequently look at the three people.

Seeing this, Yu Qin quickly moved away from the three of them calmly.

Well, there was another person in the crowd, who was far apart, but he could still clearly hear the voices of the three of them.

This person is naturally Li Fan.

After hearing the voice, Li Fan was quite amused, "The three very cute girls."

Afterwards, looking in the direction of the voice, he looked towards Lin Luoxue and the three of them in the crowd.

Seeing that the three of them are quite beautiful, "Huh?" Li Fan, who had already withdrawn his gaze, let out a sigh and turned his attention to the three of them again.

To be precise, he looked at Lin Luoxue alone. After seeing it clearly, he was slightly taken aback, "It's her, it's a coincidence."

Li Fan knew Lin Luoxue. To be precise, he had met Lin Luoxue.

The last time he went to Beijing to attend the Children's Literature Summit, on the first night of his arrival in the capital, he borrowed the singing equipment of the boy named Chen Yu and sang the song "Yulin Road" on Yulin Road.

When he sings, he wears a peaked cap with a long brim. The people around him can't see his face clearly, but he can clearly see the appearance of the people around him.

At that time, among the people standing in the front row of the crowd, there was Lin Luoxue.

Moreover, when he started to sing for the second time, Lin Luoxue took out his mobile phone and recorded him.

Li Fan's memory was so good that it was almost unforgettable, so after so long, he was still able to recognize Lin Luoxue at a glance.

Of course, now he only knew that the other party was called "Luoxue", and this was just what he heard from the woman with thin breasts.

Unexpectedly, she came to the village today, and she even let herself see it, it was a fate.

From the expression on Lin Luoxue's face at this time, it can be seen that she is very eager to have a beautiful bird fall for her.

Li Fan smiled lightly and slowly walked towards the four daughters of Lin Luoxue. He could naturally see that there was a girl next to him who was deliberately staying away, who was also with them.

"Aiya! Why don't they come? Luoxue, what do they want to come down? You should have a smart mind with a small chest.

Quickly think of a way. "Xu Minling is still talking, obviously, she doesn't plan to give up.

Lin Luoxue said angrily: "You're still talking, you've been heard by others. Later, the bird didn't seduce, but instead seduced a few satyrs. What do you do? Besides, why is my breast smaller? Yes Your own is too big."

Xu Minling said: "Xingxing, you are not small. I just want them to come down. I like them so much!"

Lin Luoxue said: "I like it too, but they don't come down, what can I do?"

"You waved to them, they saw it, and maybe they came down." A voice suddenly appeared in the ears of the girls.

Lin Luoxue, Xu Minling, Rao Dan, and Yu Qin, as well as a few people nearby who heard the sound, either turned their heads or turned their heads, and all looked at the speaker.

I saw a young man in his twenties with a faint smile on his face.

Other than being a little strange, why this person said this, there was no reaction, but Lin Luoxue's heart jumped, and there was a look of surprise and inconceivable in his eyes.

This naturally did not escape Li Fan's eyes, he smiled in his heart, and secretly said, "This girl should recognize herself."

Xu Minling, who was next to him, didn't notice the strangeness of Lin Luoxue, but asked with some surprise and doubt: "Really? Will they come down if you wave your hands? How do you know?"

Li Fan shrugged and said, "I guessed it too, you can try it."

"Oh, that's it." Xu Minling said in disappointment. Obviously, she didn't plan to try it.

The rest of the people also looked disbelieving. There were many people beckoning at the scene, and there were even jumping and screaming, but none of them flew down.

However, despite this, everyone at the scene was not discouraged, but became more and more interested.

At this time, Lin Luoxue smiled and said, "Min Ling, give it a try, I believe you will succeed this time."

Xu Minling wondered: "Huh? Luo Xue, why do I feel that your way of speaking is suddenly wrong. Are you really going to come down?"

Lin Luoxue continued: "It's definitely possible to come down, because those birds can feel your charm now. You can give it a try without any trouble."

Xu Minling thought to herself, "That's right, it's easy to wave, why don't you try it?"

After thinking about it, Xu Minling waved her hand vigorously towards the birds in the sky, and shouted at the same time, "Hey! I'm here."

The sound is naturally futile. The scene is so noisy that the birds who want to come to the sky can't hear it.

But gestures should be visible.

It's just that no one thought the gesture would work.

However, the next scene made them so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

I saw dozens of birds of paradise hovering in the sky, and one suddenly left the team and slowly lowered its height.

Everyone at the scene saw this scene, and there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

"My God! Is it coming down? Who is so lucky?"

"It's down, it's down, and it's actually going to come down. It really didn't lie to anyone before."

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"


The people at the scene suddenly became excited, and the atmosphere instantly entered a climax.

And the person who was most surprised and excited was naturally Xu Minling.

She looked at the beautiful bird that was clearly heading towards her in the sky, and exclaimed in disbelief: "Oh my God! Falling snow, it actually came down, it... it Is it for me?")!!

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