After the informal welcome ceremony ended, everyone returned to their normal state, and each of them made a serious self-introduction. At the same time, the group name was changed back to [Embryo Development Center]. Yan Tang also introduced himself seriously, and then asked everyone to take care of him.

How dare they take care of her? Day and day are well-known writers on Lily Channel, and find a girlfriend who is a goddess-level singer in the ancient style circle. Really, they are also their wives and wives who take care of them. But they are not the character that hugs their thighs, their status is just a joke, and no one is malicious.

Yantang had a good impression of Ai Xiao's online friends, and after a few words, she integrated into this small group. She smiled and thought as she typed, Xiao Xiao was really lucky to have met these people.

Seeing that everyone behaved normally afterward except for the mysterious welcome ceremony at the beginning, Ai Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that these people would perform air cannons for the goddess. When the goddess asked her face to face, she didn't know how to explain it.

Does she want to say that she has seen air cannons countless times? It seems that her little Huangwen will be able to write?

Everyone chatted in the group for a while, and Ai Xiao suddenly remembered that he hadn't written a word today. However, perhaps because of the drink yesterday, it was only nine o'clock, and she was already terribly sleepy. The novel is coming to an end, and the goddess's new song is about to be released. She still remembers that she said she would finish the new song in one breath on the day it was released, and she must not break her promise.

So she said goodbye to the goddess and her friends. She forced herself to code for half a chapter. At ten o'clock, she went to wash up in a daze, and came back to say good night to the goddess.

Day Day: Good night QAQ I'm going to bed, I have a headache.

Yan Laishi: Only good night, no good night kiss?

Day and day: QAQ what!

When the geese come: good night, sleep =3=

what! Ai Xiao reacted, and quickly pulled out the face-to-face emoji that he had collected that he had not used for many years, and hid in the bed and sent it quietly.

Day and day: [啵唧~.jpg] Good night!

Ai Xiao turned over and regretted that she had drunk the clip yesterday, so she could barely remember how the goddess kissed her.

But this kind of thing... It's going to be a long time in Japan, she yawned, and when she wanted to put down her phone, she thought that Tong Tong would send her CP a good night kiss every day, so she went to her again for an emoji package.

Tongtong's hair is a large series, all kinds of kisses are almost everything, and at the end there is [tongue kiss.jpg]... Ai Xiao was a little embarrassed, and after thanking her, she saved the emoji package.

Well, it would be better if you could not use emojis, she wanted a realistic goodnight kiss more than emojis. Thinking of this, she blushed and threw her phone aside, huddled under the quilt and counted the sheep.

I can't think about it anymore, what a shame!

She had an early rest the day before, and the next day she became a veteran cadre who got up at five o'clock. The time to get up was also coincidental, just at 5:19. After thinking about it, she turned on her phone, stuck at 5:20, and sent the goddess "good morning" and a good morning kiss.

At seven o'clock, the goddess sent her a good morning, and then sent a screenshot.

Ai Xiao opened her eyes wide and looked at the chat records more than 20 days ago in disbelief. It turned out that when they had not known each other for a few days, did they send good morning to the goddess at the special time of 5:20? ! She still remembered that when the goddess read her novel all night, she was shocked when she received the reply in seconds.

Some things she didn't remember very much, but she didn't expect the goddess to remember. She was so warm in her heart that she would laugh out loud in the dormitory to prepare for the class. Huang Xiaoyue used to think that there was something wrong with her giggling from time to time, but now she knows that this child giggles because of Yantang!

Nonsense, if she can hook up with her idol, let alone smirk from time to time, she can smirk continuously for 24 hours.

The morning preview is over, and the whole day's class begins. To be honest, Ai Xiao used to feel nothing about the full class, but now she feels inexplicably irritable. If it wasn't for the full class today, she could still see the goddess.

At noon, she sent a message to the goddess complaining that the class was full. The other party seemed to be busy and did not contact her until the afternoon class. Ai Xiao finished a whole big class depressed and finally received a reply.

Yan Laishi: I talked about a list of background music for a TV series today. The whole studio is busy, so I'm sorry to see it.

Yan Laishi: When can you finish typing at night?

As Ai Xiao rushed to the classroom for the next class, she happily replied to her news.

Day and day: o ( ̄ヘ ̄*o) around 9 o’clock.

Yan Laishi: Don't be angry, I'll find you at 9 o'clock.

Daytime: So late? Will you be working hard>///<

Yan Laishi: It is the happiest thing to be able to see you, how can it be so hard.

oooooooo! Ai Xiao sat on the seat occupied by Huang Xiaoyue and covered her face. Next to her, Huang Xiaoyue pinched her nose and said, "The sour smell of love."

The other two roommates nodded together: "Yes."

Ai Xiao opened her mouth and watched them play tricks sadly, and told the goddess that she was going to class.

Yan Lai Shi: Let's go, see you tonight~

After dinner in the evening, Ai Xiao wrote a code like chicken blood, and his hand speed soared to the highest record. As usual, she edited the text several times, and it was almost nine o'clock, she put on the lipstick that raised the color, and then remembered how can I see it clearly when we meet at night. But this doesn't dampen her enthusiasm at all. Since the goddess is with her, her self-confidence seems to have increased a lot than in the past.

She once read an article saying that with the right person, she will become better. Now, even her self-confidence, which has always been lacking, has increased a lot, which means that the goddess is the right person, right?

When I'm not in a relationship, I read any emotional articles without any fuss. When I'm in a relationship, I can't wait to put all the positive emotional experiences on myself. Ai Xiao trotted all the way to the school gate in the night breeze with an uncontrollable young girl's heart in her arms.

The familiar car stopped there, and she slowed down and walked over. The people in the car also noticed her coming, got out of the car and leaned on the front of the car to wait for her to come.

When Ai smiled in front of her, Yan Tang rubbed her messy hair and asked softly, "Does your head still hurt tonight?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Ai Xiao felt the tenderness of the fingers running through her hair, and there was an urge to hug her in her heart.

She is obviously not the kind of clingy and coquettish person, but facing this person, Ai Xiao always wanted to have some contact with her. Whether it's holding hands or hugging, as long as she feels that this person is in her hands, she feels extremely at ease.

Yan Tang retracted his hand, said "wait a minute", then went back to the car and took something out.

There was a fluffy little rabbit in the beautifully packaged pocket. The rabbit was very familiar, and Ai smiled "yah" and said, "It's the rabbit doll that the orange cat in my avatar is holding!"

Yan Tang smiled and handed it to her: "Well, I checked it during my break today. I didn't expect this brand to have a physical store nearby."

Ai Xiao likes the internet celebrity orange cat and the rabbit doll in the orange cat's arms, but she never thought that she would have this cute rabbit one day. She hugged the little rabbit that was much bigger than in the photo in surprise, and when she looked up at the goddess, her eyes were shining.

Such a small thing, even she didn't realize it, but the goddess thought of it.

What to do, she is so happy, so happy that she wants to hug the person in front of her.

Yan Tang saw her happy appearance, the tense state of work during the day gradually loosened, his fingers moved, he wanted to hug her, but he felt that it was not right. After all, it was the gate of the school, and there were many people coming and going. She didn't want to let the smile fall into her mouth.

After thinking for a while, she asked, "Do the guards at your school check strictly?"

Ai smiled and shook his head: "Just go in directly."

Hearing this, Yan Tang frowned: "It's so unsafe? Let's go, show me around the campus, you can't stand here all the time."

"..." The turn of the goddess is really without any sense of disobedience.

Ai Xiao hugged the rabbit in both hands and took her into the school. After walking two steps, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. She changed to hugging the rabbit with one hand and gently pulled the sleeve of the goddess with the other hand.

Yan Tang glanced down at her, turned his palms over, and clasped hers. Ai Xiao, who achieved her goal, was shy and happy. While taking her to the pavilion not far away, she introduced the special buildings in the school.

Yan Tang had heard these introductions from Yi Xian, but it was a different feeling to hear them from Little Squirrel. Walking to the pavilion, there were some people sitting scattered in the corridor. Ai Xiaozheng said, "Many people do morning reading here in the morning", and saw a couple not far away kissing.

Ai Xiao: "…"

For the first time, she knew that the night here was for romance.

Yan Tang pursed her lips with a smile and dragged the shy her away, walking around on a road that was almost deserted. Ai Xiao lowered her head and said that she didn't expect there would be so many couples there, Yan Tang hooked her finger and said it was fine, but saw the little girl suddenly stop.

"What's wrong?" Yan Tang also stopped.

Ai Xiao pointed to the curb on her right: "I want to go up and go." As she said that, she jumped up, and her height instantly became much closer to Yan Tang.

Her childish behavior made Yantang laugh, and the two of them changed heights and continued to walk forward, chatting about the background music of various TV series, and walked for more than 40 minutes without knowing it.

With ten minutes to close the school gate, Ai Xiao tightened her hands with the goddess, a little reluctant. When they were about to walk out of this deserted road, she stopped again and let go of Yan Tang's hand.

"That..." Her voice was a little low, Yan Tang leaned forward slightly, only to see Ai Xiao raise her arm and hook her to him at once.

Everything happened too quickly, and when the warm breath fell on his face, Yan Tang realized that the little squirrel had kissed him. Her soft and soft lips pressed against her face, and she left in a split second. She was still in the mood and wanted to wrap her arms around Ai Xiao's waist, but was forcibly separated by the rabbit doll in the middle.

...she kind of regrets giving this rabbit.

Ai Xiao blushed and loosened her neck, and said, "Thank you for your little bunny, I like it very much... Cough, send you a good night kiss."

"Give me the rabbit."

Ai Xiao handed over the rabbit for unknown reasons. The moment the rabbit was handed to the other party, her body was suddenly brought forward, and the aura belonging to the goddess of wild goose came to her face.

The soft lips fell, and the delicate and gentle kiss led her to another unknown world. She couldn't help wrapping her arms around the other party, probably feeling the response, the other party paused slightly, and the force of the kiss was a little heavier, but this force made Ai Xiao's heart beat faster.

Not only was her heart racing, she was almost out of breath.

Ai Xiao couldn't help but let out "um", the other party kissed her on the corner of her mouth and let go of her gently.

"I...I..." Ai laughed dizzy, not knowing what to say.

The rabbit returned to the owner's hands, Yan Tang coughed lightly, and the corners of his mouth curled into a beautiful arc: "Good night kiss in return."

Ai Xiao: "..." Don't lie to her! How can there be such an intense goodnight kiss!

Yan Tang still smiled: "Well...the lipstick tastes good too."

"Yeah, it's very expensive." After Ai Xiao said, she felt a little silly, she lowered her head and hugged the rabbit tightly, and continued to walk forward with her hand in hand.

After sending the goddess away, she almost jumped back to the bedroom, her head full of the kiss just now.

Is it that as long as she takes the initiative, the goddess will respond to herself with more? Realizing this, she was very excited, as if she had found some treasure. Opening the [Embryo Development Center] habitually, she sent a message excitedly.

Day and day: Ah ah ah ah, just now the goddess kissed me so tenderly and tenderly! Going to heaven!

A puddle of cats:…


Steamed bun:…

When the geese come: cough...

Day and day: …………

[Ziday withdrew a message]

OMG! !

Ai Xiao in front of the desk covered her face, unable to believe that she had done such a stupid thing - she was so happy that she forgot that Goddess Yan also came to this group.

thump. She slammed her head on the desk.

So her reserved image... should no longer exist now...

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