Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 257: A Gift from a High Official

in a hurry!

Jian Heng was so anxious that he scratched his head.

Because of what, Jian Hengsan is now separated by the railing, and there is someone else's pasture over there, and there is no way to go in. In Jian Heng's position, you can only hear the barking of dogs, and use this to speculate what happened there.

Fortunately, the barking sound of the dog changed from the original woof woof to woo woo, and finally to ow ow, which clearly and truly showed the process of the dog gradually losing in the battle between the dog and the chicken.

Jian Heng wanted to see it, but he couldn't see the battle blocked by the bushes with his eyesight. He wanted to take out the telescope in the space. One was afraid that the two sisters would ask where the telescope came from, and the other was that even if he took it out, he might not return I use it myself. As for why, just look at the two sisters who are almost standing on the saddle next to you.

Jian Heng can't just find three telescopes at once, even if he finds two, they will have to be requisitioned by the two sisters first, and it's not Jian Heng's turn to use them himself. At this time, Jian Heng felt that it was not a good thing to have a girlfriend.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Damai and Mai were anxious.

"I don't know either," Jian Heng replied.

"Chinese, Chinese," Damai said.

"I... also... don't... know... know!" Jian Heng had to repeat it again in Chinese.

Jian Heng is very helpless. Ever since the two sisters started learning Chinese, Jian Heng sometimes feels that speaking is a kind of torment. From time to time, he has to say a sentence twice in Chinese and English.

Just when the two sisters were looking at the bushes and repeating some strange sounds in Chinese, two big black dogs slipped out from behind the bushes, looking like bereaved dogs.

"Twist Pollyton?"

Wheat said softly.

Jian Heng's eyesight is very good, and he has seen the wrinkled skin of these two dogs for a long time. They look like Shar Pei dogs that Jian Heng knows. There is only a piece of white imprinted hair on the chest. Hearing what Mai Mai said about Nupoliton, Jian Heng couldn't help asking.

"In the past, the Mafia liked to keep this kind of dog. It is a very old dog breed from Italy, and it is a very fierce dog." Damai explained to Jian Heng a little bit.

After hearing this, Jian Heng praised casually: "Yes, you all know this, it's really profound."

Jian Heng said it in Chinese and English respectively. As a boyfriend, it is a habit to casually boast about his girlfriend. Although Jian Heng is not too good at this aspect, he finally knows that he still has room for growth.

At this time, Damai was not in the mood to talk to Jian Heng, and continued to look around with his head stretched out.

The three of them looked like idiots for a few more minutes, but none of the officials came back. Jian Heng couldn't bear it anymore: "Let's go back?"

"Do you think the rooster will..." Damai asked Jian Heng worriedly.

Jian Heng listened with a smile: "Just two dogs? So many people didn't do anything to this cunning guy, and just two dogs can kill him? That's fine, don't read it, you won't Something happened, maybe he went crazy again!"

Speaking of this, Jian Heng was a little bit disappointed. Jian Heng thought of his four-eyed black eyes from the high official. One could still see a shadow from time to time, and the other was whether he had really let go. Once he released the space Immediately, the world evaporated. Although Jian Heng knew that it was not hung, he still felt a little uncomfortable. Thinking about how good these guys stayed at home like the big cows and the two tigers, thousands of acres of pastures can still hold Can't let you down?

At this time, Jian Heng didn't understand that his four-eyed black had become the wolf king, and now he was facing the greatest encirclement and suppression of a group of wolves by human beings in history.

There was nothing to see, so they turned around and rode back. After walking for a while, Mai Mai looked up at the sky, and said to Jian Heng, "Aren't there too many eagles in the sky above our pasture?"

Hearing what Mai Mai said, Jian Heng and Damai raised their heads at the same time, looking at the sky above their heads.

Jian Heng stretched out his hand to cover the sun slightly, and when he looked up at the sky, he found that there were at least four or five eagles circling in the sky above his pasture.

"Hey, it seems that there are a few more!" Jian Heng replied in surprise.

Generally speaking, it is not a strange thing to see eagles in the United States. Let alone the United States, even Jian Heng’s hometown can see the shadow of eagles in the sky from time to time, but so many eagles are circling over their pasture at once. There must be a reason for that. It is impossible for a few eagles to be free and come here to practice the S-turn and prepare for the research.

"The only reason why the hawks come here is that there are their prey in the pasture!" Barley came to a very simple but extremely factual conclusion.

"Do you want to eat the chickens from the pasture?" Mai Mai was the first to think of the chickens from the pasture.

It is nothing new for a chicken to be taken away by an eagle in the United States. Once, Jian Heng saw an eagle trying to take away a child playing on the grass on the Internet.

"The chickens in our ranch?" Jian Heng thought for a while and shook his head: "It's unlikely, the chickens are all kept in the pen now, just to feed some corn leaves and so on, and they don't let them out like they used to , not to mention that there are two big dogs watching beside the chicken coop, not to mention eagles, it is not so easy for people to come and steal.”

The two sisters heard the same thing. Ever since he knew that the eggs laid by these chickens were delicious, Zhao Changshan took these chickens more seriously than his nephew. Not only did he get two of the idle cattle dogs to watch the chicken coop, but he also took care of them from time to time. As for going to the chicken coop to get eggs, Zhao Changshan did it himself, so he took it very seriously.

Not to mention Zhao Changshan, there used to be a lot of complaints about the high officials bullying their chickens, but now everyone can't wait for the high officials to be at their house every day, because everyone knows that the hens that the high officials bullied are good at laying eggs eat.

The fact that the rooster is more popular than the owner, this situation shows that Jian Heng's popularity in this area is really not good.

The three of them just looked at the eagle above their heads leisurely for a while, but didn't see anything. They continued to go back for a walk, and after two more laps, Jian Heng suddenly seemed to sense the call of the high officials to him. This feeling is very strange. He had never sensed a high official calling him before, so Jian Heng couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"What are you doing, why are you in a daze?" Damai rode on the water lily and had walked two or three meters away. When he turned his head and wanted to talk to Jian Heng, who knew that when he turned his head, he didn't see anyone, so he had to hold back After stopping the horse, he turned around and found that Jian Heng was standing on the horse dumbly, as if in a daze.

Damai's sound woke Jian Heng up. Once he regained his senses, Jian Heng opened his mouth and said, "I suddenly remembered something. You guys were walking, so I'll go back as soon as I go!"

As he said that, he hit the horse's head and walked towards the place where the high officials called him.

"What's so urgent?" Damai muttered softly, then turned to his sister and said, "Forget it, let's continue!"

"Then who will accompany us to practice Chinese?" Wheat asked rhetorically.

"..." Damai was defeated by his sister.

Jian Heng rode a black bean to the place called by the officials. After trekking in the snow for a while, Jian Heng saw the fence again, and this time he was facing the territory of the Eagle Ranch in North Africa. What happened was that Jian Heng didn't have a good relationship with them, and he didn't have the face to enter their territory.

So Jian Heng had no choice but to stand by the fence and call for the officials.

After several calls, Jian Heng waited for another five minutes before the high official appeared in front of Jian Heng, fluttering his wings. He didn't know whether it was a chicken or a half-tuned bird, anyway. This is how the official moves, and it is rare to see it taking steps like a chicken, strolling leisurely.

When the official flew to the top of the saddle again, Jian Heng found that the official had a stone in his mouth, a long stone about the size of a thumb, long and oval in shape.

"Why is there a stone in his mouth!" Jian Heng casually said this curiously.

But after thinking about it, chickens have the habit of eating stones. Although I don’t know if the officials eat them or not, it is normal for them to eat them. Small stones may not be able to fully help its digestion.

Just thinking about it, the high official stretched his neck and put the stone in Jian Heng's hand.

As soon as Jian Heng raised his hand, he spread out his palm and the official put the stone into Jian Heng's hand.

Jian Heng held the stone in his hand, fortunately he has gloves on his hand now, otherwise a stone would suddenly be caught in the palm of his hand in this weather, and he would throw it out.

Holding the stone and looking at it for a while, Jian Heng felt that there was nothing special about it. There were a few white lines on the gray stone, and then there were a few black lines on it, which looked like lightning, so there was nothing special about it.

After watching for about a minute, Jian Heng casually threw the stone out.

Who knew that the stone just went out, and the senior officials flapped their wings quickly, and flew towards the place where the stone landed, hit one back, took the stone over again, and put it in Jian Heng's hand again superior.

Jian Heng tossed the stone a few times, and every time he tossed the high official, his wings fluttered and he wanted to fly.

"You gave it to me? That's fine. I won't throw it away. Is it okay if I accept it?" Seeing the high official's appearance, Jian Heng had no choice but to put the stone in his pocket, which was regarded as accepting the high official's gift. .

Seeing that Jian Heng put away the stone, the senior officer fluttered his wings and slid down from the pile head, then flew about 30 to 40 meters and landed on the ground. After so many ups and downs, he quickly disappeared In Jian Heng's sight.

"It's not good to give me a stone!" Jian Heng looked at the back of the high official and murmured.

Since the high official gave it to me, let Jian Heng put it away for now. Anyway, I don’t need much space for such a small stone, so Jian Heng put the stone in his pocket, then turned around and went back to prepare to continue with the two sisters, Damai and Wheat. walk a horse.

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