Taking the rabbit cage from Mary, Jian Heng took it in his hand and followed Mary back to the hall.

Seeing Jian Heng coming out, Jim immediately turned his gaze away from Fanny: "Jane, have you chosen?"

When his eyes fell on the rabbit cage in Jian Heng's hand, he immediately frowned: "Why did you choose Benny, he will be euthanized soon? Mary, pick a good rabbit for Jane... . . .”

Without waiting for Jim to finish speaking, Jian Heng immediately explained: "I picked this one myself. The rabbits recommended by Miss Mary are all good, but I like this one better."

"Choose a better one for the first time. Benny is sick all over and won't live long. Now maybe euthanasia is the most suitable for him," Jim said seriously.

Jim's suggestion is really for Jian Heng's good. He has made friends with Jian Heng intentionally, without so many twists and turns as his father. He wants to be friends with Jian Heng because he appreciates Jian Heng's unique temperament. Jim has seen people who are cunning, cunning, honest, and hard-working, but this is the first time he has seen a person like Jian Heng, who is willing to spend almost all of his savings to save his friends. What country is this like? It's not something you can see.

Jim didn't know, this is called yiqi in Chinese! He also didn't understand that Jian Heng didn't talk about loyalty to everyone, and even a slap would dissatisfy anyone who received this kind of treatment.

Jian Heng knew that this rabbit was definitely not easy to raise. Seeing Jim's serious face and suggesting that he should change to another rabbit, Jian Heng's affection for Jim also rose a little bit, and he said with a smile: "This rabbit and I It's fate!"

Hearing what Jian Heng said, Jim had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and stop persuading him.

"I have a pet, I'm going back! Thank you, let's have a drink together if we have time!" Jian Heng completed the formalities, carried the cage and walked to the door with Jim, and then said goodbye to Jim politely.

As soon as Jim drank two glasses, he immediately asked: "When?"

Hearing Jim's question, Jian Heng wished he could clap his hands and slap himself in the face. He followed the Chinese routine to be polite, and Jim, a silly foreigner, took it seriously. It's just that you can't change your words after they get out, so Jian Heng can only say: "Next Tuesday night, I don't have work that day, if you have time"

Jian Heng is going to use the procrastination trick here. If it's not a rest day, you, a rich second-generation successor, will never have time.

"Okay! Where is it?" Jim nodded his head and called it a quick acridine!


A group of mud horses flew by in Jian Heng's heart, and he said helplessly: "The empty cabin bar!"

"What time is it?"

While asking, Jim took out his mobile phone and began to mark it on the mobile phone schedule.

"Seven o'clock!"

Jian Heng was speechless.

Just like that, the two went back and forth to confirm the time and place of the next meeting, and then separated.

Carrying the rabbit cage back home, Jian Heng hastily fed the rabbit a glass of water from when the 'crystal ball' was full, and waited for more than a minute without seeing the effect. Looking at his watch again, it was almost five o'clock in the evening and almost six o'clock in the evening, and it was time for him to go to work, so Jian Heng had to hurriedly change his clothes, and rode his bicycle to the restaurant where he went to work.

Arriving at the restaurant, after changing his clothes, he handed over shifts with the waiter in front of him. Jian Heng almost got stuck and walked into the restaurant, seeing the 40-year-old female manager in the lobby looking at him like a knife.

Just as Jian Heng stood still, a black boy also wearing a waiter uniform came over and said to Jian Heng in a low voice: "Table 12, your old customer is here again!"

Hearing the old customer, Jian Heng couldn't help but feel tense, this old customer is not a good bird. Jian Heng's colleague was talking about a Caucasian couple who had to sit in their own seat every time they came here to eat.

Almost to the point of putting oneself in service.

Anyone who has served plates in an American restaurant knows that the American waiters are not paid dead wages, but the main source of income is tips. In a high-end restaurant like Jian Heng’s, the daily tips are quite good, of course. In the same restaurant, the tips you can get in different districts are different. After working for a long time, every waiter will understand which part of the restaurant is the oil and water district and which one belongs to the food and clothing district.

A few years ago, it was impossible for Asians like Jian Heng to occupy the current area, and they would only be responsible for the corner areas.

But enjoying the dividends of the Chinese economy, more Chinese people come to New York to play, more importantly, the pockets are bulging and the money can be spent, and there are more high-end restaurants, so Jian Heng, who can speak Chinese, is very popular. If you don't believe me, look at the same Asians, like the Vietnamese in the restaurant, and the Malay waiters are still mixed in the corners. They don't have the same treatment as Jian Heng.

Just when Jian Heng was stunned, people saw Jian Heng coming, and the white man sitting on the seat stretched out his hand, snapped his fingers lightly, signaling Jian Heng to go over.

Slightly tidied up his clothes, put a smile on his face, and with a gentle smile on his face, Jian Heng walked to the table of this white couple who made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Although he had already begun to insult their ancestors in his heart, Jian Heng's tone of speech was still so peaceful and natural, as if he had no resentment at all.

The man said while poking at the menu with his hand: "Steak, medium rare...".

While taking notes, Jian Heng maintained a smile on his face. In fact, Jian Heng could tell the tastes of this pair of dogs and men without any mistakes, but it was as if he wanted to disgust Jian Heng. This couple had to say it every time they came, as if they wanted to see Jian Heng standing in front of him with a humble look.

After talking for almost three minutes, the man put down the menu and glanced at the woman sitting opposite.

"The sauce must be made carefully, the sauce from last time..." The woman glanced at Jian Heng and continued.

After listening to the woman, Jian Heng repeated it again, and then asked again: "Is this all right?"

The woman said: "Go, I will call you again if necessary."

Jian Heng took the order placed by the two of them and passed it to the kitchen, and at the same time said to the chef's assistant: "Twelve tables, old customers!"

The white guy on the leaflet looked at the items on the list, and immediately cursed in a low voice when he heard Jian Heng's words, and then asked Jian Heng: "The troublesome couple are here?".

Seeing Jian Heng nod his head, this man scolded Fa Ke again.

It didn't take long for the dishes to be ready, and Jian Heng immediately started to serve them. Every time the couple served a dish, the couple began to play tricks. Either the taste of the starter was wrong, or the temperature of the soup was not right. First, the man changed the starter, and then The woman changed another soup, and the most outrageous one was the main dish, steak. She changed it twice, and she stopped after the third time. She tossed back and forth for almost half an hour.

Fortunately, Jian Heng kept smiling throughout the whole process, and kept hinting to himself in the way of Ah Q: Anyway, it was the chef who was really tired, and he just carried the dishes twice.

This table tossed things that other ten tables didn't have. Fortunately, when the couple tipped generously, Jian Heng didn't care about it. The waiter eats this bowl of rice, so it's useless to worry about this job The law went on.

In this way, he was busy from 6:30 to 9:00, and then Jian Heng got off work.

After walking in the living room for three hours, Jian Heng immediately half-lyed and half-sat on the sofa when he returned home.

If it is normal, Jian Heng is used to going to bed after washing, but today Jian Heng is not interested in going to bed so early, the excitement of gaining a space has not passed yet.

Thinking of the space, Jian Heng immediately remembered the rabbit he had just brought back, stood up and walked towards the rabbit cage.

"Am I going?"

The rabbit was in the cage when I left, but now the rabbit doesn't know where to go, only the empty cage is left! Before he got out of the cage door, it was obvious that the thin barbed wire welded to one corner of the cage was bitten off by the rabbit.

Now Jian Heng had no choice but to start looking for the rabbit, and Jian Heng didn't make much effort, and soon found the rabbit on the kitchen window sill, but how could this rabbit look like it was going to die now? Not only is the original appearance of dying gone, but it also seems to be going to heaven!

Just when Jian Heng found it, this guy was crawling on the window sill and gnawing on Jian Heng's prickly prickly pear, the extra-large one, the original stem height was almost 30 centimeters!

This is a kind of prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly pear. It is said that it can live for several years on the moisture in the air alone. Stuff animals New York simply don't have, this prickly pear is just so pissy.

The only thing that is not cute is that the thorns are too hard, like steel thorns, not to mention humans, even the neighbor's cat can't reach out its paws to touch the prickly pear ball, it hurts people.

But now the rabbit seems to be not afraid of thorns, chewing the thorns and skin together, I don’t know how exciting it is!

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