Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 98: The Mountain Spirit

Jian Heng pricked up his ears, waiting to hear the announcement of the plane landing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the flight from New York to Kalispell is delayed by twenty minutes...".

Depend on! Jian Heng couldn't bear it any longer and cursed directly.

"Fuck, you don't have any sense of time! Washington and the gang should be hanged!" Old Walsh also became angry when he heard this.

A large group of people brought a bus, a minibus, and several pickups. They had been waiting here at the airport for almost an hour, and now they were still 20 minutes late.

Jian Heng is here to pick up people. There are barley and wheat together. The students who come to pick up are naturally the students of this physical training class. Including the troublesome couple, there are a total of 26 people. Forgot, there is also a supermodel , with a full count of twenty-seven people.

In addition to Jian Heng and his group, guests from Old Walsh and Catherine Anderson also came at the same time.

The two of their families also came to pick up the plane, the researchers, and of course the entourage of some of the twenty-seven people. Like Mr. Trouble's secretary, the supermodel's little follower, anyway, the two ranches have benefited from Jian Heng's favor this time, and they actually rented out all the available guest rooms at home because it wasn't a holiday.

There is always a distance between people, and the ones who get along well with Jian Heng in this neighborhood are the old Walsh's family first, and Catherine, a widow in her fifties, is next.

Don't look at this woman as a widow, her personality is not as good as a man's. She raised a few children by herself, and managed her ranch well. She is inferior to many male ranchers. She is very capable and belongs to Jian Heng. Respected people.

"Don't be angry, anger can't solve the problem, just keep waiting!" After finishing speaking, Catherine reached out to pick up her collar.

At this time in Montana, the climate has begun to cool down.

Moreover, the wind is not too small today, and the airport is not very good, the facilities are a bit old, and there is a bit of air leakage in the place where several people are standing, which naturally makes people feel a little cold.

There is no way to make the plane faster by complaining, and we have to wait.

So everyone waited for more than 20 minutes, and finally heard the news that the plane had landed, and everyone was refreshed and waited to pick up people.

Soon, Jian Heng saw the troublesome couple coming out of the exit. The plane that was supposed to arrive a long time ago had already reached 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Jin!" Mr. Trouble was very happy to see Jian Heng,

Can't help waving.

The troublesome wife next to her was grinning cheerfully at Jian Heng while eating.

Jian Heng nodded at the couple, and turned his eyes from them to the members of the physical blood training team who came out behind them.

Seeing these guys, a sentence suddenly jumped out of Jian Heng's heart: What kind of fuck is this!

There are twenty-six or seven people in total, half of them are fat and half are thin. The fat ones can hardly see their necks. The thin ones are all like hemp sticks, and two of them are almost like skeletons covered in skin and then come out to mix.

Not only that, whether fat or thin, there are three generations of old, middle-aged and young, the old ones have gray hair, the young ones have youthful faces, and the middle-aged ones are all bald. There are also skin colors, almost black, white, yellow and brown.

Even if you search for this thing deliberately, it will probably take a lot of effort.

"What are these things!" Old Walsh muttered a few words in his mouth when he saw this group of people.

Then I saw him looking at Jian Heng with sympathy, reached out and patted Jian Heng's shoulder, and sighed before saying anything: "Oh, I heard about your asking price before, and thought your asking price was too high. See These people, I think if you can change them, the price is nothing at all, and people will come if you double it! This is simply a group of monsters."

Walsh knew at a glance that these fat and thin people were more or less sick, or how could ordinary people reach this point. Of course, apart from the troublesome couple, these two couples were the fault of Jian Heng himself.

Catherine was also a little worried, she stepped forward two steps in a low voice and said in Jian Heng's ear: "Why don't you return the money you received, some of these people don't look normal!"

Jian Heng grinned after hearing this, and squeezed out a smile on his face: "It's okay, I'm confident!"

He said so, but in his heart, Jian Heng thought that fat people were normal fat, and thin people, men only weighed 70 to 80 catties, and women looked like 60 to 70 catties.

But now this group of people, walking at the exit of the airport, turn their heads back 1,000% of the time, and there is no one who does not look at it, let alone passengers. A flight attendant dragged the box and looked directly at the wall.

Even so, the old stewardess in her forties continued to watch while rubbing her head.

Now Jian Heng's mind was filled with 10,000 mud horses, and he finally determined in his heart that these people must be gathered together by a specific organization, and he also understood that He Ye reminded himself to prevent others from stealing technology.


Sisters Damai and Wheat were also a little worried for their boss when they saw these people.

"Go, reception!" Jian Heng took a breath, with a smile on his face, and thought: Isn't it just to use two more drops of water, I don't believe it, I can't handle you with such a magical thing Mountain spirits and monsters.

Leading these people to the parking lot, Jian Heng said loudly to the crowd: "Those who are going to the Silent Lake Ranch get on the bus, they don't want to go there, and each finds out where he lives. This is Mr. Walsh, and that is Ms. Catherine. The houses you live in are provided by their two ranches! Please check which one you are booking, and don’t go wrong.”

Throwing down a sentence, Jian Heng stood at the door of the bus, and then checked the list of people on it.

The troublesome couple didn't get in the car first, but helped Jian Heng maintain order.

The supermodel is easy to recognize, because she is the only normal person in the whole team, but when she goes up, a young girl also wants to get in the car.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Branca's assistant, you let me go up," the girl said.

Jian Heng stretched out his hand to block the car door, and then pointed to Old Walsh and Catherine: "Either you go there, or you can just buy a plane ticket and go back. There are only students in my ranch, and there are no assistants or assistants."

"I'll pay!" said Blanca, who had already gotten into the car, "I can't live without Mary!".

"I'm sorry, there are so many people in this episode, there is no way to add more, it's not about money!" After speaking, Jian Heng directly motioned for the troublesome couple to get in the car, and then let Damai and Wheat get in the car too.

After he was the last one to go up, he closed the car door casually and threw the assistant beside the car.

After getting on the bus, Jian Heng stood in the aisle of the bus and looked at the messy group of people. The fat people were almost eating, and the thin people were all stupid and didn't know what they were looking at or thinking.

First, I nodded once, and there was a lot of one!

"Crack, crack!"

Jian Heng clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Jian Heng opened his mouth and said: "This is the first time we have met, my name is Henry Jean, you can call me Henry. I am your head coach for this month. This is Miss McAvoy, and they will take you to exercise most of the time. The amount of exercise I arrange is not large, and I will not ask you to go on a diet. In short, I will let you have a very special exercise experience."

Speaking of this, Jian Heng raised a finger and said loudly: "My request is very clear and simple. During this period of time, please don't do anything under my nose. Some of you may Thinking that you spend money, it is God, I am obliged to give you a smile. Bull-**! In my opinion, my only mission is to drop your body fat by twenty-five pounds within a month, Or increase twenty pounds. As for the smiling face or other things, I don't care about it at all, and I have no obligation to do so! Those who don't understand this can get out of my car now, buy a plane ticket and go back to New York! "

Jian Heng's voice was very loud, and the eardrums of the big people sitting in the back row of the car were a little shaken. Almost everyone in the car felt an inexplicable sense of shock at the same time, feeling that the Asian man in front of him was very difficult to mess with. A tough tuff-guy!

Jian Heng, who is 1.87 meters tall, can now see the muscles on the arms exposed from the short sleeves. This kind of deterrent effect is quite good.

After Jian Heng finished speaking, he looked around, everyone's expressions were full of surprise, and the result satisfied Jian Heng. Jian Heng didn't think that he was coaxing others like a general fitness instructor, he was just going to urge his students like an instructor in the army.

"Who else has a problem?"

Jian Heng looked at everyone in the car and asked aloud.

There was a fat man sitting in the middle of the car, who was holding a large bag of potato chips in his hand. Hearing Jian Heng's question, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Jian Heng looked at him and glared at him: "Did you pee your pants? Or did you pull them on?"

Seeing that the fat man was a little silly in shock, he couldn't help shaking his head, so Jian Heng said: "Well, you have no problem, apart from these two points, I don't care what else you guys have** Things! Anyone else have a problem?"

Now who is willing to raise their hands again, the whole car is shocked by Jian Heng.

"Drive!" Jian Heng patted the back of the driver's seat with one hand.

After speaking, Jian Heng sat down directly in the first row.

Hearing Jian Hengyi's words, the driver suddenly trembled, and immediately started the car quickly after recovering.

Damai saw the window and suggested to Jian Heng: "Shall we wait for them?"

Jian Heng glanced out the window and saw that group of people were still packing their things in a mess, so he said, "Let them go!"

After the car left Kalispell, a pickup truck followed. It seemed that the person who organized these people to come was quite responsible, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Jian Heng directly ignored the dull atmosphere in the bus, put his hands on his chest, then closed his eyes and began to rest his mind.

When the car arrived at the ranch, Jian Heng opened his eyes.

After getting off the car, ask Damai and Wheat to take these people to the dormitory, and arrange the accommodation first. The place where they live is the barn that has been remodeled.

Zhao Changshan also saw this group of people, and moved closer to Jian Heng, looking at the backs of these people: "I said, where did you find this group of monsters?"

Zhao Wei also came up together: "It's the only one you can see, and it's still very good-looking!"

Obviously, he saw the supermodel named Blanca, who squinted her eyes lewdly when she spoke.


Zhao Changshan stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Wei's head: "What kind of supermodel is he, and you can remember him? Do your job well, our ancestral grave doesn't smoke like this!"

"Speak as you speak, what do you keep beating me for!" Zhao Wei muttered and walked away rubbing the back of his head.

Jian Heng said, "Let's prepare dinner!"

"Then let's forget about the meal at noon? They must not have eaten," Zhao Changshan asked.

After thinking about it, Jian Heng felt that this meal was not easy to save, so he asked: "Is there anything less convenient in your kitchen, and you will have dinner soon!"

"I just came out with a pot of large intestines, one bowl for each person is definitely not enough, but adding some vermicelli or something, I can make do with it." Zhao Changshan didn't have the nerve to say, it's only past two o'clock, and dinner will be in a few hours.

"Is it clean?" Jian Heng pouted his mouth after finishing speaking, signaling to those who came from the pickup truck: "They brought the guy!"

Jian Heng's question of whether it's dry or not doesn't just refer to whether the large intestine is dry or not, but whether all the ingredients are polluted or not.

"Clean!" Zhao Changshan said affirmatively.

"Then let each of you do it for one night, save some large intestines, and cook a plate of sausage fish or something in the evening. The two of us just have a drink," Jian Heng said.

Zhao Changshan said with a smile: "Yes, yes, there are many of these things, and this is the cheapest here."

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