Source level 1, the king of races.

This is the pinnacle of combat power in this world, and they are also the most powerful people that almost no one has seen. Most of their enemies have been wiped out, and even the scene where they make a move is as rare as a legend.

However, today, the pinnacle of the transcendent, which is almost impossible to touch, appeared in front of Roja again, making him feel the horror and power of source level 1 again after a long time.

At the moment when the fierce thunder light filled his field of vision, Roja seemed to lose all five senses. The roaring thunder light illuminated everything, and the rumbling sound penetrated into his brain. Roja's side, making him unable to move.

Familiar feeling, the last time I faced this kind of shock was in front of the King of Spells hundreds of years ago. However, unlike when I faced Priest, Roja at this time is no longer the low-level man who was slaughtered by others at that time. A transcendent, but a breakthrough person who has transcended life and death and found the root of self.

Under the huge pressure, Roja's body quickly ignited a flame-like mantra, and the white-haired witch appeared out of thin air, releasing a black vortex that shattered everything in front of Roja, and at the same time, the dim mantra of the mother goddess emerged , strengthened Roja's defense, and made the nearby flying sand and rocks quiet again.

The collision of the spell power of the two sides was only in an instant, and even the other people on the enemy and us had no time to react. However, this instant confrontation was the critical moment of life and death. Under the fierce thunder bombardment, Roja's body slammed backwards. Retreating, the layers of trees around the forest were scattered by the young man's body, and the sound of branches and leaves snapping rang out.

The huge King of Calamity's hair stood on end in this blow, obeying the instinct of a creature like a frightened animal, and quickly fled towards the forest behind him, while the other monsters were fixed in place by the irresistible coercion. After falling to the ground, Roja's ears seemed to flash the silver-haired girl's shout, but everything was buried in the thunder.

In a few seconds, the lightning beam that crossed the plain advanced a thousand meters in the forest and finally stopped slowly. The residual current crackled in the air, and the smell of burning filled the nostrils. After this blow beyond imagination, the battlefield fell into a strange state. Both the Nishizawa Army and the Acatel Army were silent under this terrifying force that seemed to be like the might of God, and they also understood the consequences of rash actions.


Unimaginable pressure fell on the Akat leaders at this moment. Everyone was looking at Roja's direction, but reason told them that there was no hope. After all, even the talented Akat family The heir is nothing more than source level 3.

But at this moment of desperation and oppression that made people breathless, in the smoky forest, at the place where the thunderbolt stopped, the boy's body was not broken into pieces, but stood up amidst the ruins.


Bright red blood was coughed up from the boy's mouth, and the edges of the clothes he was wearing were also slightly burnt. However, other than that, the black-haired boy miraculously remained unchanged.

As the night wind blew, Roja's eyes lit up with golden light under the firelight of the forest, and the fire of magic power on his body began to burn again, which also ignited the flames in the hearts of everyone led by Akat.


"How can it be?"

The soldiers who discovered that the boy was still alive were either excited or surprised, and they blocked the blow of the source-level 1 powerhouse. Such a fact made everyone, including Duke Caesar, stunned and found it incredible, but the soldiers of Akat Territory were Excited, hope rose again in my heart.

The moment the silver-haired girl saw Roja standing up again, she felt relieved and almost cried with joy. Alisa, whose body began to shine under the moonlight, wanted to go to the boy's side for treatment, but halfway through using the spell, she stopped abruptly. end.

Because the terrifying coercion has struck again after a brief pause.

Leighton Caesar, this has not happened a few times in history, but the old man who left behind the illustrious reputation did not let go of the slightest because of Roja's injury. The coercion as strong as Tianwei came again, and it seemed that even The dark clouds above the sky were even shorter, but this time the old man didn't attack rashly, and in the forest, the black-haired boy didn't move for a while.

The source quality of Caesar's family is [Frenzy], but they don't have a specific bloodline. Berkeley's liquid manipulation is more defensive, which is actually not suitable for this source quality. Unlike Layton's bloodline, which is completely different from the source quality The thunderbolt that was paired with it was just different from what most people imagined. According to the records, Layton was actually a Transcendent who favored knights.

The attack just now was actually not the way this experienced old man was good at, and on the premise of knowing this point, any rashly launched long-range attack is just to find a loophole for himself.

The young man who understood this wiped off the blood from his mouth, silently waiting for the movement of the enemy in the distance, and seemed to understand that Roja would not easily reveal his flaws. After a short hesitation, the white-haired old man finally took a step forward However, it is only one step, but it is like changing the world.

One step down, accompanied by a sudden increase in mana power and a drastic change in appearance. In just a few seconds, Layton's body swelled rapidly, his muscles bulged as if they were about to burst his clothes, and flashing thunder entwined around his body. , Lighting up the entire Nishizawa army camp.

On the other side, as the enemy, Akat's leading army was suffering unspeakably, and the powerful oppressive force was further strengthened with the changes in Layton's body. Within the range of his power, thunderstorms in the sky continued, and everyone in the forest The towering tree was ignited and smoke billowed out.

It was only the driving force that caused such a disaster. Layton's strength clearly surpassed everyone's perception. Even Roja's face couldn't help but gradually become dignified.

But these old people don't care.

second step.

A huge and blurry phantom appeared behind Layton, the king of the race, he was a man comparable to a god, and just like when he saw Glandar, people who witnessed the hazy shadow in the night rushed out one after another. The fear in his heart made him lower his head involuntarily.

At the end of the forest, the black-haired boy's body was gradually burning with crimson thunder. In the mist, a huge skeleton appeared and wrapped around Roja's body like a demon god descending into the world. The strong divine aura squinted in all directions, suppressing the opponent's aura.

This person, in terms of breath, seems to be stronger than Priest, he doesn't look like an old man, he seems to be in his prime.

Roja, who felt a little better under the protection of Glandar, thought so, and didn't understand what happened to Layton's body with such a significant change, but no matter what, it was a fact that the enemy's condition was better than imagined, so look at it like this The effect of [Eclipse Breath] might not be great for him.

The vigilant boy frowned, feeling Roja's worry, Petra's defense was further strengthened, and Altasia also set up a barrier nearby, surrounded by suspended stones, the black-haired boy with golden Both pupils stared at Layton's body, observing his next move,

However, what Roja didn't expect was that under such strict defense, the figure of the old man disappeared, replaced by the shadow of the fist that had almost walked in front of him.


That was the old man's third step, and it was also an attack that suddenly appeared in front of Roja in just a short moment. The rapidly approaching fist brought endless thunder, and the white-haired old man came to the boy like breaking through space. This is too surreal Roja, who is a traditional conjurer, didn't even have time to react to such a scene, and only his common sense was shattered in disbelief.

This is gymnastics?

In front of the boy with wide-eyed eyes, the old man's fist was like smashing glass, breaking through layers of barriers and rushing towards him. The air of earth is also scattered under the fist wind, but even so, although Roja was surprised, he was not too flustered.

Because the boy knew that even with such an attack, he still couldn't break through his partner's defense.

The black-haired boy entrusted his life to his partner, and at this critical moment, the huge skeleton responded with all his strength. When the old man's attack was about to arrive, the seemingly irresistible fist of thunder appeared in front of him. is another fist.

It was a fist of white bones that seemed to be burning. If Layton's fist was a frenzied and flamboyant fist, then Gulandar's fist was a restrained fist full of glory but without sharpness from the dusty past. This blow, which has gone through countless vicissitudes, even Layton, who has an overall advantage at the source level, can't help but change slightly.


The pale bone fist collided head-on with the enemy like this, accompanied by a fierce light that seemed to separate the world, the blue thunder and the blood light each occupied half of the sky, and finally came to an end in the deafening roar.

The mixed spell power that soared into the sky penetrated the sky like a spear, and the sky where the dark clouds cleared was covered with stars, and under the starlight, after the fierce impact that shook the entire plain, the black-haired boy and the white-haired old man had separated again. Each was buried deep in the smoke and dust of the explosion.


Since the start of the battle, the boy coughed up a second mouthful of blood. At this time, Roja's standing body trembled slightly, his vision was a little blurred, and the severe pain was also spreading in his body, and on his body, the huge skeleton was attacking. Half of his body has been shattered and disappeared, and the red light on his body has also weakened a lot.

In the previous conflict, due to the level difference, Gulandar's body could not support such a powerful force and was broken. The silent giant did not lose. It is better to say that he won the victory when the level difference was huge, but even In this way, the black-haired boy was still seriously injured.

Although Roja was not hit, he was in the center of the source level 1 power impact, and the resulting concussion injury was equally serious. However, even with large-scale bone fractures and internal bleeding, the black-haired boy still insisted on not fall down.

If he falls at this time, not only will Glandar's victory be slandered, but the warriors of the Akat Territory will also fall into despair again. As for Roja, once he falls, the boy feels that he may never have a chance to stand up again.

The black-haired boy gritted his teeth, his body flickered with a faint yellow light, the power of the Earth Mother began to quickly repair the boy's seriously injured body, the Witch King also tried to do something, and Roja himself stared intently Staring at the depths of the smoke, under the gaze of the young man, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the old man wrapped in lightning also reappeared.

"It actually blocked it. It was beyond my expectation. It seems that you are very lucky to have found a powerful god."


Looking at his slightly injured arm, the white-haired old man said this in surprise, but when the words reached Roja's ears, the young man's eyes suddenly widened, and he immediately noticed the problem in Layton's words.

Lucky? turn up?

Why did he use those words?

The awakened members of the Akat family can summon the gods. This is naturally not a secret. The major families and the royal family should have records, but the problem is that the mechanism of this system is normally unknown to the outside world. In fact, many people think that Ah The ancient gods on the awakened Carter family have been there since childhood, so naturally it is impossible to say something like finding it.

He knows the contract mechanism of the Akat family, why?

The black-haired boy stared at the enemy in front of him, frowning with puzzlement in his eyes, as if observing

Realizing his slip of the tongue, the expression of the white-haired old man couldn't help but change slightly.

"He is really a keen young man, but careful observation is good, but the gap in strength cannot be made up for."

Saying this as if sighing, Layton looked at the young man in front of him with blue pupils emitting light, and offered a suggestion lightly.



Facing Layton's words, the black-haired boy couldn't help but fell silent. Surrender, especially to a strong source level 1, is naturally not unacceptable, no matter how harsh a person is, he can't surrender to this. Some people blamed, because in the face of source level 1, even struggling is often meaningless.

Even so, the black-haired boy still couldn't give up his resistance, because he knew the meaning of his existence here.

In the distance behind him, the general attack on Edgar City has already begun. Once Roja retreats, the war that the Theocracy has put all its efforts into may fail, and the human world will also fall into turmoil.

Countless reasons weighed on the young man, preventing him from saying the words of surrender, and in front of him, the white-haired old man seemed to have understood the young man's choice, and the violent spell power fluctuations began to appear again.

"It seems that you don't mean it anymore. What is it for? Family honor? Or personal pride?"

"If you want to say... race, it naturally includes the people I value, but I want to ask you, Leighton Caesar, why are you standing there? As a jihad hero, you What kind of thoughts do you have that you would actually take action for this kind of boring power struggle between countries?"

Facing the old man's question, the black-haired boy wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and asked back with a mocking expression. Hearing this, Layton fell silent. He just raised his hand silently, holding the flashing thunder and clouds in the sky. .

"Is this your last words? In that case, I can answer you. I am not here for Aqiman's boring dream, nor for the Nishizawa family. I just want to confirm something."

"That's it, it's really an unclear answer, but I want to correct you, this is not my last word, and I don't intend to lose."

"Oh? How can you win now that you are seriously injured?"

"If I want to defeat Yuan Level 1, I'm not that arrogant yet, but it's possible to be temporarily trapped. As for the injuries, you don't have to worry about it, because... when I am the weakest, I am also the strongest ah."

The black-haired boy showed a fearless smile, and the next moment Shia's blessing was activated silently, absorbing the power of blood and fire to rise steadily, and finally turned into a scorching torrent of energy.

[Live to death], this is the blessing that Roja got in the gap between life and death, and it is also the weapon that his tortuous life condenses to resist fate. In the face of an unprecedented powerful enemy, the core of this belief The ability to transform is also fully activated.

The gushing mantra was accompanied by the blood-colored light, and the blessing of the Earth Mother came to give it a second boost. The boy who had reached the limit reached out his hand, and the evening wind blew in the dark night and turned into a cage. On the other side, Layton The attack has also struck again.

The white-haired old man punched out, and the sky and the earth shook, and the light of thunder illuminated everything, as hard to resist as the judgment of the gods. Unlike the previous two times, this attack was a blow that Layton went all out. The boy who felt this also turned out his last hole card.

Fragments of the golden crown spilled out of his palm, drifted and merged into Glandar's body, the huge skeleton roared, after thousands of years, the king of giants was crowned again with the help of the boy, the bloody plain was reflected in the sky, With boundless power gathered on the front of his fist, he swung his fist and launched a counterattack against the thunder that was attacking rapidly.

The bloody light collided with the thunder light again, and the explosion and hurricane swept across the plain again. However, unlike last time, the mottled mana did not go towards the sky, but rewinded back towards the initiator of the attack.

Amidst the exclamation of the people, a huge amount of mana engulfed the figure of the old man, and the aftermath of the attack continued to spread to the distance, tearing the ground and dividing the vast plain into two.


The violent explosion and the rumbling of the earthquake finally sounded after a long time, and a large amount of smoke and dust covered the ground again. The black-haired boy was panting, but his eyes were still vigilantly looking into the depths of the smoke and dust. Under his gaze, Layton The figure finally slowly emerged.

At this time, the seemingly indestructible body of the old man had some scratches and faint bloodstains, and the entwined thunder was much thinner, but it was obvious that even under such an attack, Layton did not was seriously injured.

Looking at the enemy that appeared again, Roja's face was solemn, and he quickly gathered his strength to prepare for the counterattack of the king of humans. However, what he didn't expect was that Layton didn't move, but stared at himself The wound is silent.

"...I didn't expect to be injured so soon. Should I say that you have a good heir?"

After a long time, the old man who had experienced vicissitudes of life sighed and said so, he looked at the young man ahead, and said calmly and solemnly:

"Young man, you are qualified."

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