Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Five hundred and thirtieth chapters inseparable relationship (6k)

In the room of the Saint-François fortress, when Wilhelmina saw the words on the notebook held up by the pink-haired girl, her steps to leave suddenly stopped. wide open.

Seeing Miss Knight's reaction like this, Teresa showed a helpless look and silently took back the book, and she began to think about this possibility.

Although it has been a year since the end of the Challenger Cup, Roja has also stated that he will not use Wilhelmina as a substitute for the dead, but it is a fact that the girl has been wearing that armor for a long time, even in a year Now, due to the effect of accelerated growth and some undisclosed reasons, Wilhelmina is still wearing this armor.

Although this armor did not respond when Roja awakened his bloodline, it failed to function as it should, but since Roja appeared, Wilhelmina has been able to feel some of the state of the boy through the armor. This situation is actually This has continued throughout the year, and often affects Wilhelmina's emotions.

Just like a while ago, the girl with gray-blue hair was very flustered because she couldn't feel Roja's breath all of a sudden, which once affected the fighting state, until the members of the Rose Dawn in the back passed a quick report that Roja defeated [Sixth]. The news of Calamity] finally made the girl feel at ease.

The inexplicable unease in Wilhelmina's heart this time is different from the previous state of perception of the teenager, but it is not impossible to have a connection with it. After all, although scholars have conducted research on these strange ancient lost technologies, but There are still a lot of uncracked places, and unexpected functions are normal.

The pink-haired girl held the pen and thought so, and Wilhelmina on the other side also came back to her senses, but after thinking about it, the girl became suspicious.

"Is such a thing really possible? Forget about the body, something like the mind that cannot be touched..."

[Your oath can bring the distance between each other infinitely closer, so it's okay to have a heart-to-heart connection, right? 】

"Although it can be said in theory, but..."

Seeing the words on Teresa's book, Wilhelmina fell into silence with a hesitant expression on her face. The pink-haired girl thought about this for a moment, then raised the book again and said:

[If it's not the problem over there, could it be the princess and the princess? 】

"No, I'm sure not. After all, our positioning is different and there is not much comparability."

Regarding the pink-haired girl's new hypothesis, the gray-blue-haired girl thought for a moment and then shook her head decisively, denying the possibility of her feeling the pressure, and Teresa was not surprised to see this situation.

On the front line today, there are three female commanders who are frequently active on the battlefield. They are Lilian Archiman of the Noyes Fortress of the Austin Empire, and Noai of the New Tucker Fortress of the Church of St. Mestre. El Hizcrett, and Wilhelmina Cumbernet of the Fortress of Saint-François in the Land of Knights.

The three girls are all from St. Freya College, and have similar ages, similar status, and even equal beauty. Therefore, the three girls are often compared by the soldiers on the front line, but in fact, they each Individual priorities are different.

Lilian Aqiman is the highest level of the three, and her strength has reached Source Level 2, but judging from her current record, her best defense is defense.

Under the ability of [Kingdom] Origin Quality, the array formed by the ancient Austin Empire army cooperated with the fortress to play an incredible defense. Even in the face of an army that was several times her own, Lilian could still help the soldiers. It is easy to deal with it, and the Noyce Fortress, which has no geographical advantage and is the most difficult to defend, has been turned into an impregnable wall.

Noel Hizkrit was the latest to be promoted to Source Level 3, and it has only been a year since he was promoted, but his group attack power is the strongest among the three, and he is good at frontal combat on the vast battlefield. , The bloodline of the [Angel King] brought an extremely terrifying erosive force to Noelle's attack, and as long as the enemy got on it, he could not escape the bad luck of body collapse.

On the battlefield of the previous autumn, the golden-haired angel who used mass destruction spells destroyed all the enemy's defenses in a single encounter. The Holy See's army was not affected by the power of the angels and marched forward in the rain of golden spells. , making the battle situation completely one-sided.

And the last Wilhelmina Companette has the most comprehensive personal ability among the three, but to say that there is no lack of specialties, it is a single-point breakthrough.

The heart sword and the blood of the dragon make Wilhelmina's single-point breakthrough power extremely strong. Although it is only source level 3, it is unstoppable on the front line. The most typical case is to lead the warriors of the kingdom of knights to defeat the counter-charge. It can be said that the battle on the flank of the aliens brought the impact to the extreme.

Three people with such completely different focuses cannot be compared even if they want to compare. In fact, the fighters on the front line are basically their own, and there is absolutely nothing to contend with.

After thinking about it, Wilhelmina had to admit that compared with the psychological pressure that did not exist, the influence of Roja's side was more likely, but even if she knew this, the girl with gray-blue hair didn't know what to do. Yes, I don't even know if I should write to ask.

[Didn't you write to him before? 】

"I have written, but those are official exchanges, not personal letters or anything."


Hearing Wilhelmina's words, Teresa twitched the corners of her eyes slightly, for a while she didn't know how to evaluate it, and on the other hand, Miss Knight was also very distressed.

In Wilhelmina's view, her relationship with Roja is not too close at the moment. If it is Noelle or Lilian who feels this matter,

Then they can write directly to the teenager to ask about the situation, but for Wilhelmina, this feels a little too close.

"We're just friends, and it's been a year since we last met. Suddenly writing a letter saying such a thing, if it's right, it's fine, if it's not because of Roja's side, it will be very confusing. ."

[Although it is true, but Mina, if it was those two people, they wouldn’t think about it. 】

"...It's different, one of them is his childhood sweetheart, the other is a blood relative with the same bloodline, and I'm just an outsider."

After a moment of silence, Wilhelmina replied in a somewhat disappointed manner, with a bit of bitterness in her words, and Teresa, who heard this, frowned and started writing again.

【outsider? Mina, what the hell are you talking about? You are his oath, you sacrificed ten years for him! 】

"But I didn't do anything for him, didn't I? I couldn't even find him when I was young, let alone protect him. Going to the academy is just to cause trouble for him and impose his own ideas on him."

Wilhelmina's mood was even lower after saying this, and Teresa's pen, who heard this, also stopped and looked at the girl with gray-blue hair, not knowing what to write for a while.

Wilhelmina has a very serious sense of distance from Roja, and even has a feeling of being cautious and afraid to approach. Teresa actually understands this feeling. After all, for the children of the hidden family in the kingdom of knights, choosing The Wang family is a special existence, a hero who only appears in the stories they heard since childhood, and a person they should follow.

Although Wilhelmina is the royal family of the kingdom of knights, the kingdom of knights itself was created by the ancestors of Roja, and it is reserved for the country led by the king's family, and the girl herself should protect Roja's guard. Such an identity Coupled with her childhood education, Wilhelmina placed her position very low, and the relationship between the two was like a leader and a follower.

If in the past, Teresa would not have been surprised by this relationship, after all, Teresa herself also had respect for the black-haired boy, but after realizing the feelings in Wilhelmina's heart, the girl felt that this relationship was not acceptable. Yes, because of the alienation caused by unequal identities, it will make it almost impossible for the two to develop feelings.

The pink-haired girl who thought so sighed, while the gray-blue-haired girl on the other side was worried about the uneasiness in her heart. If this feeling really came from a young man thousands of miles away, does it mean that Roja met her? What's the trouble?

[It is indeed possible, but now he should be in his own territory. 】

"Well, that means it's not a xenogeneic person, could it be a cult?"

Hearing Wilhelmina's guess, Teresa nodded in agreement. After discussing for a while, the two decided to report to Friedrich, the king of the kingdom of knights who was also Wilhelmina's father in the castle. this matter.

The two princesses of the kingdom of knights ended their conversation and chose to report, but the situation in Akate, thousands of miles away, gradually became less optimistic with the passage of time.

-------------------------------------------------- --------

In Shia, the New Year is in the middle and late stages of winter. In terms of time, it is a veritable deep winter. It is also the time of the year when the nights are the longest and the temperatures are cold and the snow is most likely to fall.

It's normal to wake up in the morning before dawn, and in the afternoon, the sky will be dark earlier than usual, and in the study in Akate's collar, the candles are already lit at this time.

Facing the possible crisis, Roja started to improve himself after he dealt with what he could do, and the easiest way was promotion.

After a bloody battle with the [Lord of the Dead Tide], Roja's strength has reached the peak of source level 3. Although the higher the level, the more troublesome the promotion will be, but in the absence of any good means, this It is the only method that Roja can think of, but unfortunately, the progress of ordinary methods is very slow.

Obviously, the leap from source level 3 to source level 2 cannot be broken through just hiding at home and studying. The only effect is probably to make the boy's spell power more solid, but fortunately, it also plays a role in the mood. , for example, to make Roja's mental state as calm as possible.

It's just that at this point in time, Roja's goal of seeking peace is not the elusive sense of unease in his heart, but the heartache after frantic bleeding.

Today, Roja took the silver-haired girl all over Akate City, saw all the defense facilities that can be used in the city now, and frantically threw money to activate them all.

I have to say that, as an old-fashioned military town, Akate has a lot of inventory, and the ancestors and clans of the family have not left anything else, but various defense facilities have not been built less, and the awareness of upgrading is very high.

It is no exaggeration to say that after all the city defense systems have been activated, the defense level of the Akate Territory has reached the climax of the total war. Now that the enemy has not appeared, such behavior is really extravagant. Many officials and generals. It is also quite puzzled, but in view of Roja's historical achievements and the predictability of various things, no one has raised any objections.

To a certain extent, the money that Akate received was originally earned by Roja. Now, the black-haired boy has to spend it naturally and no one can stop it, but in fact, there is no need to stop it, because every time the most entangled is Roja himself. .

When he saw the expenditure bill of more than 200,000 gold coins that day, the black-haired boy almost gasped on the spot. Thanks to Alyssa who was behind him, he helped him in time, otherwise he would have to fall directly.


As the saying goes, the children of poor families are the early masters of the family. As a wealthy generation who started a business, Roja was once the "debt king" of St. Meister. It can be said that he is very sensitive to money. But even so, 200,000 gold coins is too much.

The expenditure of more than 200,000 gold coins is estimated to take a year in other territories, but Roja spent one day. Although the cost of various spells is much lower after activation, it is still far higher overall. at the usual level of consumption.

In such a situation of spending money like water, a matter of course appeared in front of Roja's eyes, that is, the financial bankruptcy of the territory.

Being a pauper during the war is not too common among nobles, and after the end of a circle of money, the black-haired teenager will naturally not miss this issue.

"According to the current consumption level, how long can the Akater Territory last?"

"Lord Roja, after our calculations, it will be about half a month. No matter how long it takes, the finances of the territory will not be able to support it."

"......I understand."

Looking at the financial officer who also counted money like cutting meat, the black-haired boy nodded and said so, quite a feeling that he wanted to hug him and cry, and after careful consideration, Roja also made a preliminary decision, then Just open for three days.

Three days, this time is almost when Artasia returns, and after that, reinforcements from Rose and the Holy See will also arrive one after another. With support at that time, this behavior of ruining money and avoiding disasters can be terminated.

Recalling the previous arrangement, the black-haired boy in front of the lamp couldn't help sighing softly. He didn't expect his vacation to be so difficult. It can be said that people are sitting at home, and disaster comes from the sky, but Roja's sigh has not ended. , the silver-haired girl knocked on the door and walked in.

"...Brother, are you still reading the information?"

"Huh? You're looking right, what's wrong?"

Looking at Alyssa who pushed the door open with hesitation on her face, the black-haired boy blinked as he answered, a little surprised by the girl's arrival.

Although the girl with silver-white hair usually comes to Roja when she has nothing to do, do something by his side, or simply rest by the boy's side, but the number of times that Roja is disturbed when he consults the information to upgrade the level is not high. More, after all, at this critical moment, more strength means more security.

The sudden arrival when Roja improved his strength did not match the style of the girl, and on the other hand, the expression of Alyssa now is a bit strange.

The silver-haired girl who walked into the door at this time did not have the usual joy of seeing Roja, but she frowned slightly and seemed to encounter some intractable problem. Seeing this, the black-haired boy would naturally not ignore it and wait. For a moment, after finding that Alyssa was silent and wondering what she was thinking, Roja couldn't help but be the first to ask.

"Alyssa, what happened? I always feel like you have something on your mind?"

"...Forget it, eldest brother, in fact, I also feel something is wrong."


Hearing the girl's words, the black-haired boy raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, then put down the book as if he understood something, and his face became serious.

Nowadays, the high-level superhumans of the Akate family are not only Roja. After the promotion, Alyssa has also stepped on the ladder of high-level supernormal people. Now that Roja has feelings for some reasons, the silver hair with more magical power It is normal for a girl to feel how she feels.

But what makes Roja a little puzzled is, why did Eliza feel so late compared to herself? Is it because of strength? Or did the girl feel something else?

The doubtful boy waved his hand slightly worriedly, and with his movements, Alyssa also slowly approached and came to the boy's desk.

"Alyssa, when you say something is wrong, do you mean the same feeling as me?"

"No, my brother, my feelings are a little different from yours. I don't have such a strong sense of unease in my heart, but... I always feel that my power has been affected."

"Power affected?"

Repeating the girl's words, the black-haired boy frowned again, not knowing what the girl wanted to express for a while.

The power of the superhuman comes from himself, and the high-level superhuman has a strong resistance to the interference of external magic power. In theory, it is impossible for a girl to be affected by the outside world in the absolutely safe place of Akate's mansion. ......and many more!

The black-haired boy who thought so suddenly froze for a moment. The next moment, he suddenly got up and came to the window. He looked up at the sky outside the window, and seeing Roja's behavior, Alyssa also followed closely to the window. Then his red eyes widened in surprise.

At this time, it was just after the evening, and it was not long before the sun set. According to the normal situation in winter, the sky should still be in a gray-black state at this time, and it would be completely dark after an hour or two. However, the actual situation is that now The sky is now dark.

It was as dark as ink dyed, spreading over the sky as if it devoured all the light sources. Unlike the dark clouds, it was pure and unknown darkness, and it was also a vision that was clearly different from the normal sky, and Roja The reason for such a certainty is also very simple, and that is the moon.

In this dark sky, the silver moon that shone on the earth all the time at night has disappeared, and this should be the reason why Alyssa feels uncomfortable.

"Brother, that is!"

"Well, it seems that this is the reason why your power is affected."

Looking at the dark sky, Roja's

His face became visibly gloomy. He took out the glasses that Alyssa had sent not long ago, and when he put them on, he found that the sky at this time had turned purple full of magic elements.

When the [Inspirational Chick] was injured before, the teenager put his doubts on the sky, so today he deliberately activated the fortress spell, but what he didn't expect was that the worst expectation was so fast. it came true.

The phenomenon of the sky, although Roja still does not know what this means, but it is obviously not a good thing, and on the other hand, the boy has no clue about how to restore the sky to its original state.

Thinking of Roja here, he frowned. The current situation can be said to be quite bad. Generally speaking, there are only two possibilities for spells that can affect nature.

The first is a large-scale group spell, that is, a ground scrubbing spell released by a large number of spellcasters during the war. The reason for this spell changing the environment is very simple. It's just wide-area killing. If this is the case now, Roja is nervous, but he is not worried.

But unfortunately, this is not the case today.

It is impossible to sneak into such a team silently in the Akater Territory, which is heavily guarded, and there are even monsters in the forest to inform the news. Then the enemy's situation can only be the second one, that is, it belongs to the individual. Special spells.

Unique bloodline spells, or spells that can be released by any kind of spell, are basically quite troublesome things, and the effects are unknown to outsiders. Compared with the first type, the risk of fighting them can be said to be infinitely higher. .

Looking at the dark sky, Roja's eyes flickered, thinking about the enemy's strategy, but beside the boy, the silver-haired girl was covering her chest with her hands, and her red eyes still flashed with doubts.

The abnormality in the sky is undoubtedly one of the reasons why Alyssa's power is affected, but in the eyes of the girl, it is not everything, because in fact, Alyssa's feeling of her own power is not weakened, but up and down.

Losing the bonus of moonlight may be the reason for the decline in bloodline power, but what about the occasional rise?

Such a question emerged in Alyssa's heart, but looking at the dignified boy beside her, the silver-haired girl did not say it out. After all, for today's girls, the important thing is the result, and the occasional increase in strength is beneficial and harmless. , the reason will be found later.

The girl whose mind was suppressed looked up to the sky and felt the moon that was nowhere to be seen, and above the sky in the distant Akat Territory, an evil black figure flashed through the clouds, with infinite The darkness spread in the sky, advancing towards where the boy was.

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