Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 110: Xuan Ji (5) two more

Yang Ye stretched out his hand and touched the flower with his fingertips, "So, leaving from the dark room yesterday afternoon, in their eyes, I am still the evil apprentice controlled by them (fuck cao). + +Mobile reading interview m. But in fact, I have completely restored the memory of Qing Shizun."

Gu Liang's back was stung by him, and he blinked a few times.

Then he avoided Yang Ye's hand. "So you don't actually blame me? Don't you blame me... betrayed you?"

Yang Ye grasped the back of his neck and said in a deep voice, "What am I to blame for you? You are just too young to be fooled."

Gu Liang was taken aback, and then asked, "So why did you get this flower tattooed on my back at that time. Could it be that at that time, you've got everything?"

Yang Ye nodded: "Yes. Do you know the purpose of our martial art Xuanji stone?"

Gu Liang: "Of course. It is a prophecy stone, very efficacious. There will be a prophecy on it every once in a while. This time interval is variable, sometimes long and sometimes short. In fact, a hundred years ago... I also saw it saying you There was a chance to live, but in the end it didn't stop you."

Yang Ye said: "The Qingqiong Patriarch left a saying that someone needs to sacrifice to the different demons, but in fact they only talked about the birthday of the sacrificed person, so what Tushouzu said to you is not entirely accurate. Patriarch did not say The birth date of the sacrifice is specific to the year. So in fact, although there are not many people who fit that fate, you are not the only one."

"My birthday is the same as yours. I suspect that when I was chosen as the head, or when my master accepted me as a disciple, I might have thought about making me a sacrificer."

When Yang Ye talked about this, Gu Liang got up and opened a box.

The things in that box belong to Master Qing. After his death, Leng Xianjun sorted it out.

At this moment, Gu Liang turned out a booklet. The record on it was indeed as Yang Ye said, the birthdays of Master Qing and Leng Xianjun were the same, but the year was different.

Yang Ye said again: "Later, after I became the head, one day, the Xuanji stone showed the specific birthday and month of the sacrifice. I only knew that person was not me. That person should have been born in Gaoyang. Emperor 360 years. According to this, we found you. Therefore, you are the one who can sacrifice for the world. This is actually the prophecy of Xuanjishi."

"I took you as a disciple and raised you with my own hands. After all, I couldn't bear it. So I decided to take you away. But a prophecy appeared on the Xuanji Stone, that is, you will be locked in a dark room a hundred years from now, the same as today The scene is exactly the same."

"Aunt Feng has admired me for a long time, and I knew about it back then. I have also inquired about it a long time ago. She bought things like reincarnation fruit at a high price. So, in fact, I probably guessed what would happen to me. ."

"So, don't blame you. To blame, you can only blame me for not telling you the truth."

Gu Liang now understands thoroughly.

Qing Shizun had long realized that he would be reincarnated, and that Leng Xianjun's catastrophe would be considered today, so he planted peach blossoms with memories on his butterfly bones.

This part is different from the shoulders, neck and other places that are easy to be seen. Relatively speaking, it is relatively secret and difficult to be found. This is probably the reason why Qing Shizun hid his memories with him back then.

"In short, I have seen the situation today through the Xuanji Stone a hundred years ago, but my master told me at that time that things like fate should not be changed easily, especially the matter of life and death. Therefore, I am only responsible for what is happening today in a hundred years. , Planted a little bit of opportunity, and did not act against the sky a hundred years ago (Qiangqiang)."

"The turning point I planted is the peach blossom on your back."

"So, a hundred years ago, I knew there was fraud in the ceremony, so I went too."

"A hundred years later, seeing the peach blossom on your back, the turning point I planted back then took effect, and I remembered everything."

Gu Liang sat back at the table, took a sip of water, and then asked, "But, how did you know that you would see my back? Is this... weird?"

Yang Ye replied, "Aunt Feng Xian looks good?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "The three fairies of Qingqiong are all outstanding in the world. Feng Xiangu is one of the best. Why don't I marry her?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "The person I like has always been you. I know that I will fall in love with you after I am reincarnated. I also know that you must like me too. But if I don't have a chance to see your back, I let you go. ...That is probably the providence that you and I cannot go against after all."

Gu Liang was taken aback, his ears a little red.

Then he stood up and quickly took the detective camera he had just found to take a picture of Master Qing's birthday. "No, wait a minute, why do you enter the scene like this?"

Yang Ye smiled, only found a piece of clothing from the closet and handed it to Gu Liang. "Come on, my little apprentice, change your clothes. Don't let others see you like this."

"You think everyone is as full of brains as you-forget it, come back to the case."

Gu Liang still changed his clothes, after all, it was not easy to swagger through the market under a rag.

After changing clothes, Gu Liang found the signature pen of the detective's notebook, opened a page, and looked at Yang Ye: "So, your motive is to (kill sha) them to save me. You shouldn't... All four firsts want to (kill sha)? Do you have any plans?"

Yang Ye said: "Yesterday, when I saw the peach blossom on your back in the dark room, I recovered my memory. It can be considered that that was the time when my (killing sha) machine was generated. When I returned to the bamboo house in the back mountain, it was almost at the time of Xu 7 pm."

"At that time, my (killing sha) machine was not absolute. My main consideration was how to save you. If someone stops me, I will (kill sha) that person. But I have to be prepared to deal with the four first seats. ,Definitely."

"There is a secret door in the mountain behind the waterfall. Inside the door is the formation I set up a hundred years ago. It is a teleportation formation that can instantly teleport us thousands of miles away. What I want to consider is how to get you out of the dark room. He was rescued and taken to the mountain behind the waterfall."

"If I can't do this, I will have to kill all four first seats."

Gu Liang listened attentively, and Yang Ye said again: "But what I didn't expect was that when I returned to the bamboo house, I first felt a very (strong qiang) intention. Then, there was a black masked face. People came forward to attack me."

"If I were an evil disciple, I would have been assassinated by him. But fortunately, I have the memory of my previous life, and with my rich experience in combat, I escaped a fatal blow. After that, I was hit by that person. , Did not succeed, so he fled."

Hearing this, Gu Liang wrote the three words "Night Walker", which is considered to be an important point.

At this time, Gu Liang didn't expect to find night clothes in many rooms of the suspects.

Yang Ye waited for Gu Liang to finish the notes that should be taken, and then continued: "I can only judge that the person who attacked me was not the first one. Because the soil spells are absolutely against the water spells of you and me. Restraint the effect. If he makes a move, I'm afraid I can't avoid it, and I really have to die in his hands. After all, he has practiced for too many years. And I was reincarnated and reborn, the previous life's cultivation was not directly inherited."

"In short, the person who shot, because of a night suit, makes people invisible. But it must be a man. Excluding the first seat of soil, that is one of gold, wood, and fire."

Gu Liang understood what Yang Ye meant.

His judgment is closely related to the setting of this script.

Turk water, in this way, if two people have the same cultivation level, those who practice the earth-based spells can (kill sha) the water-based spells.

If there is no restraint (guanguan) system between the two practicing magic systems, then it is purely a comparison of cultivation skills and practical experience.

Most of the evil disciples who attacked were the first ones other than the first one.

He thought that he could kill the evil apprentice by virtue of his profound cultivation, so he took action.

After all, the evil apprentice has only come to Qingqiang for ten years, and his practice experience is still very small. How can he be able to compete with his cultivation level of more than a hundred years?

But he did not expect that the memory of the evil apprentice had recovered. Although his cultivation level was not good, he escaped a fatal blow by virtue of Master Qing's experience in casting demons and slayers many times.

Assassination (killing a sha) is something that doesn't succeed in a single blow, so you have to stop it after seeing it.

Otherwise, the longer the entanglement, the easier it will be to expose (expose) the moves and the system of magic techniques used, and the easier it is to expose (expose) the identity.

As for the reason why they excluded the first seat of the soil, it was only because if he really took the shot, even if the evil apprentice had the actual memory of the previous life, but due to the restraint (guan) of the spell, it was really difficult for him to avoid the deadly sneak attack.

"This person didn't use magic techniques any further, because he was afraid that if (killing sha) would not kill me, he would expose (expose) his identity to me. After he left, I felt very strange. I don't want to go back to the thatched house for the time being. Because I always feel that someone will come (kill sha) me."

"So I wandered outside for a while and accidentally went to the waterfall."

When Yang Ye said this, his eyes sank, "At this time I saw the Xuanji Stone again. A new prophecy appeared on it, and it turned out that the evil disciple will become the 91st head of Qingqiang."

Gu Liang thought for a while and frowned: "So in fact, maybe the four first leaders thought that as long as they don’t help you be the head, you won’t be the head. Just like I did, without their support, I can't be the head at all. I have just started in the past and have no qualifications at all. You are in the same situation as mine, but you have only been in Qingqiang for ten years. But now the situation is different."

Gu Liang became more serious. "So they didn't put you in the eyes. You are not qualified to be the head, and they did not treat you as an opponent. In their opinion, the competition for the head is only between the four of them."

"But now, because of Xuanjishi's prediction... they treat you as an opponent. They have to get rid of you first."

"In order to avoid being removed by them, to save me, you have to (kill sha) them."

"Yang Ye, you now have a double (sha) machine. You—"

"Don't worry. I don't know if I am the real murderer."

Yang Ye said, "Back to my timeline."

"After I saw the prophecy on the Xuanji Stone, I understood that the four first seats might deal with me because of this prophecy. So I had to find a way to protect myself."

Yang Ye also took a sip of water and continued: "Fortunately, although I lost my cultivation base, my memory is back. I went down the mountain to eliminate demons and learned a rebound spell more than a hundred years ago."

"I made a'shadow man' with paper and illusion. It was cursed by me. I let it sit on the couch and make a seat. Looking from the outside window, there will be a shadow of the seat on the window. It looks exactly like mine."

"Anyone who moves (kills sha) against this shadow man will be backlashed."

At this moment, both of them heard the shout of the player not far away: "Can anyone hear? Can everyone come to me! I'm here at the waterfall! I found the corpse!"

Genius remembers this site address in one second: ... zbb mobile version reading URL: m..

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