Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 129: Xuan Ji (24)

In fact, at the beginning, Yang Ye and Gu Liang had no problems with their thinking. +++ Catino Novel Network

It is of course reasonable to see the state of the corpse and judge that the nectar drunk her, and then use the sword to kill her.

Then, it is reasonable to judge that the culprit is mostly because he can't beat Feng Xiangu head-on.

Since Drunk Feng Xiangu’s thing is nectar, most of the things that make her drink nectar are born on a certain date.

After all, it is relatively reasonable for two people to eat dessert, nectar, and tea when they meet for a conversation.

Continue to push down and analyze the action lines of the two time-space Fengxiangu. It will be Fengxiangu from the other time and space who will attend the appointment, and she will definitely die.

Up to this point, the reasoning is all logical.

All reasoning after this is premised on this.

Even if the poisoned needle was discovered later, they did not change their initial judgment.

They think that there must be a date (fat).

However, for Feng Xiangu's death, in the deduction and restoration of the facts of the case, the two people changed from Feng Xiangu's drinking nectar on a date to a poisoning shot on the way to the appointment, and then being supplemented with nectar after death.

But now, the first words of the fire awakened the dreamer.

——If this date does not exist originally?

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang and said, "The matter of tricking her into drinking nectar must have been born on a date. After we discovered the poisoned needle, we thought that the poisoned needle was used on her way to the appointment. But in fact, nectar must be related to dating. But the poison needle itself is not necessarily related to dating."

"After we saw the poisoned needle, we pushed down along the dating train of thought brought by nectar and fell into a misunderstanding."

"Plus the note in Feng Xiangu’s house that asked her to attend the appointment, and the inference that the murderer should have put the body in the tower while Xue Xiang was drunk... So we naturally thought that Feng Xiang was poisoned on the way to the appointment. Needle pierced. We only then set the time of the crime and finally delineated it between 5 and 9 in the evening."

"If the poisoned needle has nothing to do with this date, then when is the time of the incident, it will be pushed again."

Huo's first righteous words, patted the table and said: "Yes. So this note, I think it was written by the real murderer to blame me!"

Gu Liang thought for a moment and frowned, "In fact...the nectar and the sword were made up by the murderer afterwards. Besides the use of the nectar to be blamed on Xue Xiangu, there is another possible use—— Misleading."

After thinking about it, Gu Liang's expression became more and more serious. "It is precisely because we believe that the nectar must be born when two people are dating and talking. From Feng Xiangu's line of action, we can infer that Feng Xiangu a is dead."

"If this date doesn't exist, the note is fake, and the nectar is made up afterwards... Then, it is not necessarily Feng Xiangu in any time and space that died. Anyway, the Feng Xiangu who is discussing with me now is also very There is suspicion."

Come on.

Now the identity of the deceased has not been determined, the time of the crime has not been determined... and everyone's motives are probably known.

But in general, the conversation with Huo Chau was quite rewarding.

At this moment, Gu Liang invited him out first. It was said that a few of them could have some discussions outside, and he took care of his thoughts for a while before deciding who to call here one-on-one.

During this period, Yang Ye's cards shook.

Gu Liang stared at the notebook, did not look up, just asked, "Any hint?"

Yang Ye nodded and smiled helplessly: "This time the reminder about'substantial (sexual xing) love', the system sent directly to each player's card, and the reminder was highlighted in bold and red."

Gu Liang frowned, feeling very upset, and said coldly, "Why didn't I receive it?"

Yang Ye said: "I'm afraid to arouse your alert. The system wants everyone to see how you are acting to protect me."

Gu Liang: "..."

Putting down the pen, looking up at Yang Ye, Gu Liang got up. "Wait for a while, I'll go get some evidence."

Leaving the interrogation room and returning to the table in the discussion hall, Gu Liang took a few notebooks and pamphlets that he had brought in just now.

But in fact, he just borrowed the evidence to see if other players were drunk.

The snacks in front of Mu Shouza and Jin Shouza each were missing, and both of them (sleeping Shui) were sleeping.

The others are sober.

They didn't touch the snack in front of them.

Therefore, players who are still sober have doubts whether this snack can be eaten.

During the period, Gu Liang heard the first person who just came out and asked: "Have you tried the dim sum? How about these dim sum? These people (sleeping Shui)...are it related to dim sum?"

Aunt Yunxian said: "I advise you not to eat such unopened things. For the things in the intensive discussion room, such as mineral water, I have to see with my own eyes the water box being unsealed on site, and the bottle cap was unscrewed by myself. I dare to drink."

"I think Yun Xian Gu, Mu Shou Zuo and the Golden Shou Zuo, their previous experience in the game is probably too simple. They are lucky, and they have not met a murderous murderer, right?"

"I met once. The real murderer borrowed the technique in the script and poisoned everyone. I had a stomach ailment that day and couldn't eat anything, so I managed to escape!"

Gu Liang: "..."

Gu Liang glanced at the interrogation room, glad that the door was closed.

Gu Liang believed the sound insulation effect of the door of the interrogation room. The people inside could not hear the conversation outside, and the outside could never hear the inside.


So, after making a short stay in the discussion hall, Gu Liang returned to the interrogation room with a few notebooks.

Yang Ye looked up at him, and Gu Liang also looked back at him, then sat down again and picked up the pen to sort out the case.

First, the real murderer may be Xue Xiangu.

Her technique was to use Yun Xiangu's nectar to push the boat along the water, trick the wind to drink the nectar, and then use the sword to kill her.

As for the poisonous needle in her room, it just didn't come in handy.

Of course, based on the situation that Yun Xian Gu left at 5 pm, and when Yang Ye went to steal the sundial at 9 pm, she was still faint (sleeping in Shui), she was very suspicion. After all, she could not have guessed that Yang Ye would steal the sundial, so as to pretend (sleeping Shui) when Yang Ye sneaked in.

In the end, her chance of (killing sha) has nothing to do with the battle for the boss, and it is the least urgent.

Second, the real culprit may be the first fire.

He made an appointment with Feng Xiangu under the guise of the other two Xiangu and hung in an ambush on the way of Feng Xiangu.

In this case, his murder weapon is a poisoned needle. The note was written by him. He also threw the earrings of Feng Xiangu found in the public area.


When I wrote this, Gu Liang hesitated and said, "The first two possibilities are when the date of the three fairy aunts is established. If the date is not established, let's take a look."

"The first premise is that Aunt Xuexiang likes to eat nectar, but there is no information that Aunt Feng also likes to eat nectar. Therefore, it is unlikely that a murderer will have a date with Aunt Feng and prepare nectar to deal with her situation. Even if the murderer is poisoned. , Will also prepare other things that Feng Xiangu might like to eat."

"And our current discussion is based on the premise that the nine-storied pagoda dating of the three fairy girls is not established. It means that the murderer can't borrow the nectar from the cloud to prepare for the snow and give it to Feng Xiangu.

"In this case, the nectar must be added afterwards. Then, the other way to kill the wind, judging from the clues we found, only needles are left."

"Of course, there are two kinds of needles, one is a poisonous needle; the other is to use a needle to pierce a dead spot."

"There is no information related to needles in Yun and Jin, which can basically be ruled out. Their stories and the suspected (killing) people, in the perspective of other players, are actually mainly on the side of the first seat of the dead."

"Then, in this case, the murderer is in Mu Shouza Hefeng Xiangu."

Gu Liang looked back at the four possibilities he listed, and finally underlined Xue Xiangu's name. "Her suspicion is indeed very small. I think the real culprit is basically concentrated in Huo Shou, Feng Xiangu and Mu Shou."

"If the note is true, the date is established, and the real murderer is the first one."

"If the note is fake and the date doesn't hold, then the real murderer is one of Feng Xiangu and Mu first."

"Well, it's basically clear."

Gu Liang put down the pen, yawned, took a sip of water, and then seemed to pick up a snack casually.

In fact, of course he is paying attention.

Which snack was added with nectar and which was not added, his heart is like a mirror.

After taking a bite by himself, Gu Liang took another piece of nectar-added dessert and handed it to Yang Ye's mouth. "You haven't eaten anything overnight. Eat a little bit."

Yang Ye looked at his eyes, and then asked directly: "If I eat it, will I (sleep in Shui) sleep?"

Gu Liangping looked at him: "I don't understand what you mean."

Yang Ye: "When I went to explore Fengxiangu's residence, were you alone in the back mountain?"

Gu Liang: "Why do you ask?"

Yang Ye: "Because when I came back, you had a good conversation with Yun and Xue. Your expression at that time was very different from the look you were very depressed before me."

Gu Liang: "I just figured out one thing when I was alone. Even if I don't vote against you, the real murderer, if I can vote against (killing sha) the real murderer of Feng Xiangu, maybe I won't necessarily die. "

Yang Ye: "What about now? At least so far, we haven't heard of any different regulations in the system. Do you think I will let you take this risk?"

After being silent for a while, Gu Liang handed the snack to Yang Ye's mouth again. "So are you eating or not?"

Yang Ye: "..."

Gu Liang paused and said, "This is the first time I have been feeding you seriously."

Yang Ye smiled a little angrily. "Huh? So what?"

Gu Liang went out. "So don't you eat it?"

Yang Ye immediately grasped his wrist with a little force.

Gu Liang had a pain in his wrist, and when he loosened his hand, the snack fell off the table with a "pop".

Gu Liangjing looked at him quietly, and commented for a long while: "Waste of food."

"Gu Liang, you--!" Yang Ye was really sad and helpless, "You are already shameless, do you know?"

"What do you have to be so sensitive and smart (gan gan)?" Gu Liang finally couldn't hold on, frowning immediately.

——Why did you find out so quickly?

Did he come back from Aunt Feng, and when he saw me in the courtyard, he already felt that something was wrong with me?

In fact, he has been pretending to be? He pretended not to find anything wrong with me?

Gu Liang was a little frustrated, but more sad and confused.

He pushed Yang Ye's hand away, walked to the cabinet beside the table in the interrogation room, (gan Gan) took up the rope and handcuffs.

The interrogation room is prepared to have these props.

In the first script, they also used these things against Bai Son.

When Yang Ye saw Gu Liang's actions, he almost smiled again. "Cool, calm down. You handcuffed me here, don't they doubt you? Besides, can you beat me?"

Gu Liang really saved himself again, and replied after learning from Yang Ye's cheeky before. "Are you going to fight back against me?"

Yang Ye knocked on the table. "You didn't do it right, of course I have to fight back."

Gu Liang pressed Yang Ye's wrist and took the handcuffs with the other hand, preparing to cuff his hand to the back of the chair.

Gu Liang gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Then you try."

Yang Ye's wrist immediately turned down, and then pushed forward.

Gu Liang stretched out his arm to hold his wrist, and was immediately pushed back to his (chest xiong) mouth.

As a result, it actually formed a posture of Yang Ye oppressing him.

His upper arm was firmly buckled in front (chest xiong), and he couldn't move it.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ye's knee was pushed up again, directly on Gu Liang's elbow.

Gu Liang's elbow was numb all over, and he involuntarily let go of his hand.

Yang Ye took advantage of the situation to buckle his wrist, turned back, and then raised his other hand, immediately cutting both his hands behind his back.

In this posture, Yang Ye held down the back of his neck and held him on the interrogation table.

Gu Liang gritted his teeth, too angry to speak.

Then he heard a crisp sound, it was Yang Ye who was caught in handcuffs.

After doing all this, Gu Liang heard Yang Ye open the door and walk out.

Gu Liang's hands were cut behind his back, and then buckled together on the back of the chair, so that he could hardly look back and see the situation outside.

But the door is open now.

So he heard Yang Ye say with his own ears: "The soil head is over there. I'm a real murderer. Three minutes before the concentrated discussion, I have received a more precise reminder from the system, so that I can protect myself during the discussion. Several suggestions were given."

"The dim sum is the detective to protect me. Sorry. Someone who has (sleeping in Shui) now..."

"Well, it will be more troublesome if Jin and Mu are the first seats, and Yun Xiangu (sleeping in Shui)."

"I will use a delay card to extend the discussion time. You can continue the discussion, or you can go back to the lounge for a break. Sorry."

"Also please let me use this time to spend more time with my love."

After Yang Ye said this, he walked into the interrogation room and closed the door.

When he came to Gu Liang, Gu Liang kept his head down.

Yang Ye stepped forward and lifted his face, and saw him pursing his mouth, his eyes were red with anger.

Yang Ye felt badly distressed, and quickly helped him loose the handcuffs, and then stroked his face with his thumb.

"Gu Liang..."

Gu Liang ignored him.

Yang Ye leaned over (kiss wen) and held his forehead, hugged him tightly, with a very soft voice. "Cool, give me a kiss. OK?"

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