Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 132: Xuan Ji (27)

After listening to these words, Aunt Yun Xian first asked Yang Ye: "How did you rule out Mu Shouzu, thinking that Aunt Feng Xian is more suspicious?"

Yang Ye said: "Just talk about hiding the corpse. + + Catino novel website"

"I looked at the Qingqiong gate regulations. At the bottom of the cliff, there are Qingqiong disciples guarding them to prevent foreign enemies from invading."

"With this, the possibility of the murderer directly throwing away the body after (killing) the person."

"Then, after the murderer (killing sha), he still has to hide the corpse. The scope of the corpse is actually based on the script setting, and is locked in the place that can be displayed on the card map and where we can actually detect it. ."

"In this case, Gu Liang's question just now appears to be very critical-why do we have to hide the body in the nine-storied pagoda?"

"Actually, for the real murderer, hiding the body in a public area is the safest. Because in the public area, anyone can commit crimes, and everyone is equally suspected. Next, if you rashly send the body to other mountains to hide, It is not a safe act to carry out framing, even if it is not seen by the target of the framing, it is easy to be seen by the disciples of other mountains."

"So, if I were a murderer, I would definitely hide the body in a public area."

"The public areas of Qingqiong are mainly concentrated in Qianshan, Qingyun Hall, Cangshu Pavilion, Shenbing Pavilion, or Zhailou, even lotus pond...There are many places."

"As for the back mountain, because there is a Xuanji stone hidden here, there is a barrier, only the four heads, the head, his apprentices, and the three fairy aunts can go. In this case, although it is a little more secretive, but in view of the fact that the suspect is also It is these people, so the back mountain can be regarded as a public area."

"Then the places where the corpse is hidden in the back mountain, including under the waterfall, in the stone pond, in the bamboo forest...or actually throw the corpse directly on a large open area where Leng Xianjun and the evil disciple practice swords."

"Why did he hide the body in the nine-storied pagoda? He even hid it on the beam?"

"Is it because... he doesn't want people to find this body at all?"

Aunt Yunxian reacted, perhaps because she felt that the murderer had played too well and covered up too well. She was a little shocked for a while and her face turned pale. "Only...only Feng Xiangu is afraid that others will see the corpse. Because the corpse looks exactly like her!"

"If the murderer is Mu Shouzu, he can cover up (kill sha). Only Feng Xiangu will completely hide the body!"

At this moment, Gu Liang thought for a while, then turned on the camera again, and called up the half of the explanatory page about the sundial: "Come on, hiding this piece of paper can also explain that Feng Xian Gu a doesn't want us to know that time goes back in time. thing."

"As for the reason she did it—"

"Of course, it can be understood that as an elder, she must conceal this matter. Things like Reverse Time and Space are not always easy to spread out at will. The first few of Qingqiong's first seats may understand her painstaking effort, but If it reaches the ears of the people, the three will become tigers, and it may be possible to determine what the rumors are, thinking that Qingqiang is too powerful to do whatever it wants to control the world."

"In fact, this is also a natural guess when Yang Yegang and I saw this note. This is based on the person of Elder Feng Xiangu."

"But if you look at it from another angle, if the sundial description page is hidden by the real murderer... then her purpose is not to let us know that time has gone back. Because she doesn't want us to know that there is someone who has traveled through it. fact."

"If we could not find this note and only saw the corpse, maybe she could even make up a twin lie."

Aunt Yun Xian pressed her temple with her index finger, and said, "I understand. This means... that Feng Xiangu who is alive now is not our time and space."

"Only if it is Feng Xiangu who has passed through, (killing sha) our time-space Feng Xiangu b, Feng Xiangu a will try to conceal things related to time travel as much as possible at the beginning. Because she needs to conceal her (Kill sha) machine."

"Yes. I think so."

Gu Liang nodded and said, "Of course, all of this reasoning is based on the fact that the date is not established. If the date is established, whether it is Xuexianggu or the first seat of the fire, it is possible to put the body in the nearest nine-storied pagoda. "

"Xue Xiangu's suspicion is very small, so in this case, the suspicion of the fire is even greater. The murder weapon is a poisonous needle."

"Finally, in this case, the dead Feng Xiangu is Feng Xiangu a."

"When the date is not established, based on our logical analysis just now, the deceased was not Feng Xiangu a, but Feng Xiangu b. Another time-space Feng Xiangu a became the murderer."

"Because the real murderer is Feng Xiangu from another time and space, she knows exactly when and where she would do things in the'past day', and even know when she might be lost and easy to start."

"Therefore, in this case, she (killed sha) the wind fairy b of our time and space around the early morning of the fifth day of March, and took the corpse into the third floor of the tower while Xue Xiangu left the tower, and completed the collection. The corpse, the explanatory page of the hidden sundial, the actions of the hidden sundial, and finally steal the Yuheng pen, take it away, and hide it under the waterfall."

"Then, the one who later appeared in the Qingyun Temple to join us in the luncheon is actually another Fengxiangu from another time and space."

"The reason why she (killing sha) died in this time and space of Fairy Feng is naturally to replace her."

"As for the method of (killing) people... it may be to pierce a dead hole with a needle. Or it may be directly stab a sword."

"As I said just now, Aunt Feng Xian may understand that at a certain point in time,'the self of the previous day' will be disheartened or taken lightly because of something, so she can take the opportunity to start. She knows her cultivation skills, techniques, and moves best. "

"Although the two Wind Immortals are of equal strength, it is possible that if the'Feng Immortal' is in a bad state and is in a state of being attacked by a sneak attack, it is possible to be killed by a single blow."

"The one who can defeat oneself most easily may always be the other one."

After listening to Gu Liang's summary, Aunt Yun Xian couldn't help but said: "From this point of view, Feng Xiangu is actually much more suspicious. Otherwise, what about designing such a story of time travel (gan gan)?"

Gu Liang shook his head: "It's not necessarily. People in this time and space, regard the wind fairy who travels through this time and space as the wind in this time and space, and then (kill sha), it is also possible. The main thing is that there is a lack of key (sexual xing) evidence."

"Wait—" Aunt Yun Xian asked Gu Liang again, "Will there be two Wind Immortals in the system for us to choose when the time comes to vote? If the fire first is not the real murderer, and the real murderer is Wind Fairy, yes There is no other possibility?"

Gu Liang asked: "Which possibility do you mean?"

Aunt Yunxian said: "Is it sure that Feng Xian Gu b died? What if, another time and space from Feng Xian Gu a, wants to (kill sha) our time and space's Feng Xian Gu b, but she is opposed (kill sha) ?"

Gu Liang reminded: "The main thing is the time to hide the corpse. Only Feng Xiangu b knows that Xue Xiangu is not in the Nine-storied Pagoda in the early hours of the fifth day of the fifth day, so she can complete the series of actions of (killing sha) people hiding the corpse. ."

"And in the early morning of the fifth day of March, our time-space fairy goddess has not yet gone to the Qingyun Temple to prepare for a luncheon, and she hasn't heard Xuexiang telling that she almost got into trouble and left the nine-storied pagoda to rest."

Aunt Yun Xian exhaled, "Oh, yes, yes. I understand. I almost forgot about it."

"Then you have to think about the key (sexual xing) evidence..."


Another half hour passed.

Aunt Yun Xian left and returned to her lounge first.

After staying up all night, the analysis till now, she is also a little tired.

She intends to (sleep in Shui) a nap and recharge her energy so that she can continue to struggle and make sure she casts the correct vote.

In the lounge.

Yang Ye and Gu Liang were seated next to each other.

Yang Ye propped his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his elbows, staring at Gu Liang.

Gu Liang was looking down at a notebook.

For a long time, when Yang Ye saw him turning to a certain page, his movements and eyes stopped.

Yang Ye knew that he had discovered something, and asked him, "What did you see?"

Gu Liang raised his upper eyelid to look at him, and suddenly thought of something. "If it's a goodbye soon, why am I still looking at something? Why should I solve the case?"

"Because—" Yang Ye raised his hand and rubbed his face, "Cool, this must not be parting."

Gu Liang stared at him and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a while, he pushed the notebook to Yang Ye. "This is the last thing I took from the Shenbing Pavilion to record the situation of the Shenbing loan. Isn't there a lot of swords and halberds in Feng Xiangu's residence? There are indeed some weapons in her residence."

"But there are still many weapons, which she borrowed only on the evening of the fifth day of March."

"Look carefully, there are some self-defense things like the emperor silkworm protectors, which were only borrowed."

"I'm not sure if this is the key (sexual sex) evidence. But it does increase her suspicion."

"In Time and Space a, the prediction was changed by Yun Xiangu, and the subsequent changes caused the prophecy..."

"In that time and space, the position of the head has nothing to do with the evil apprentice. Everyone has no chance to kill Feng Xiangu."

"In order to change the ending of Qingqiang's destruction, Feng Xian Gu a came across with the sundial and stole Yu Heng pen before Yun Xian Gu. In this way, the prophecy will not change, and it will always be the'evil disciple's head'. "

"In that time and space, after seeing the prophecy, what did you do to the person who was prophesied as the head, Feng Xiangu a is in your eyes. Therefore, after crossing over and stealing the pen, knowing that the prophecy will not change, Aunt Feng Xian can predict that others will eventually deal with her in order to deal with the evil disciple, so she will go to the Shenbing Pavilion to borrow something like Baojia to defend herself. Even..."

"On the night of the fifth day of March, she went outside your courtyard and kept guarding. It wasn't the so-called fear that your memory would go wrong."

"She is afraid... someone will go (kill sha) you."

"She is outside your bamboo house, not waiting there humblely for a few hours, just to answer her if she is there for you."

"She is just there to guard you, she is afraid that someone will (kill sha) you."

"The last little problem is that in that time and space, the sundial is actually in your hands."

"Then, what happened to you and me in that time and space, so that I might also die, and the sundial returned to Feng Xiangu's hands, so that she could travel through..."

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