Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 141: Withered bones (5)

The fact that Uncle Bai was eaten alive made all players feel angry and heavy. +++ Catino Novel Network

Village Chief Hong, who was sitting on the right of Uncle Bai, was not only scared to urinate, but thinking that the next person to die was himself, his face (color) was pale, his body was shaking, and his shirt was completely wet with sweat.

In this case, he almost completely lost the ability to think.

Sitting on the right of the village chief is the village flower.

Her expression is not much better.

After all, in order, after the village chief died, if no one could answer the ghost’s question, then another dead person would be her turn.

The red second heard that the female ghost said that she had answered incorrectly, and was very unwilling and very angry.

After a while, he pointed to the window and said angrily: "I did not answer wrong! There is a little reflection of you on the window, I saw it! You clearly look the same as last night! I was not wrong! It was you who violated the rules. You foolishly (kill sha) people!"

Then he took out a piece of paper with a portrait on it. "That's always true! This is how you are! My art talent and accomplishments are very high. I have participated in archaeological restoration projects! Restore the appearance of my life based on the appearance of bones. Others need to use a computer, but I can Draw it by yourself. What's more, you haven't completely turned into a bone. The second painting of mine must look exactly the same as when you were alive!"

"Okay. I received your second answer."

"wrong answer."

The village chief opened his mouth and couldn't even scream. He was taken away and torn to pieces by the female ghost.

The village flower on the right of the village chief could not sit still, and fell to the ground suddenly.

She hugged her knees and trembled, not daring to turn her head, and closed her eyes tightly.

"Great! I can eat two people this time!"

"I said you are not allowed to look at me, huh, reflections are not allowed!"

"Have you found the hint?'Don't look at me tonight','Don't wait and see','Especially don't look back'..."

"I have written very clearly. These key sentences mean that you are not allowed to look at me anyway. Looking back is the most intuitive way to look at me, of course not, but if you look around, you can see my reflection inadvertently... ...No!"

The sound of chewing bone and blood sounded three times.

The whole living room smelled of blood.

After this **** smell entered the nose, it turned into the deepest fear, haunting everyone's heart.

Li Xiaoyu clutched the edge of the bench tightly. She racked her brains and found that she really didn't know how to answer.

Obviously the female ghost was the one last night, why would the answer be wrong if she was drawn?

Uncle Bai, the head of the village Hong, and the second child of Hong, all three men died at once.

Now the time has passed by one minute and one second, it is the countdown to the death of Liu Cunhua (die si).

Ten minutes was stretched indefinitely, but Li Xiaoyu hadn't figured out a way yet. When she felt that Liu Cunhua might be about to die, she handed a hand in front of her, Gu Liang's.

"Give me the phone on my neck." Gu Liang said.

"Ah good!"

Li Xiaoyu didn't know what Gu Liang wanted to do, but handed him the phone anyway.

This mobile phone was brought by Li Xiaoyu’s character (color) Li Wanghong to do horror live broadcast.

But she couldn't do live broadcast at all.

——After dealing with "**oss" and returning to the living room last night, at 12 midnight, in Li Xiaoyu's plot interpretation, there was a section where she took out her mobile phone and prepared to broadcast live broadcasts of various bones knocking on windows and doors to netizens.

But at that moment, she found that the mobile phone had no signal.

As soon as I arrived at the village chief’s house, the cell phone signal was cut off.

At this moment, Gu Liang took Li Xiaoyu's phone, found the camera, and turned on the selfie function.

During this process, he paid attention to adjusting the angle to avoid the ghost face from the phone.

Three seconds later, he completed a selfie in an extremely strange atmosphere, and then raised his phone to show himself to the female ghost.

"Didn't you ask what'I' looks like. I look like this. Look at it."

Among the remaining living people, what is the os in the hearts of Li Xiaoyu, Aunt Bai, and Wang Kaifa-this tm is all right?

The next village flower who is about to be attacked by a female ghost thinks-it's over, it's over, I'm over.

Ten minutes is up.

Liu Cunhua was not eaten.

She heard the voice of the female ghost with everyone. "Okay, I know what you look like. Goodbye."

The wind is gone. The female ghost disappeared.

Li Xiaoyu took a bold look, and the reflection on the window was gone, which meant that the female ghost or female zombie had finally gone.

She breathed a long sigh of relief before she dared to look back.

The doors and windows are still tightly closed.

The bone knocked on the doors and windows. Although it was still eerie and terrifying, it was estimated that it was not much different from the situation last night.

It seems that the most dangerous has passed.

Li Xiaoyu turned his head to look at Gu Liang, and Gu Liang returned her phone.

She couldn't help asking: "What if you don't have a mobile phone?"

Gu Liang: "Self-portraits should be fine. But I don't know how to paint, so I asked you to borrow a mobile phone."

Li Xiaoyu: "How do you think that the ‘me’ she asked is our own? Then, is it okay for anyone to take a selfie for her? If I take a selfie, it’s okay?"

Gu Liangdao: "Yes, it looks like this now. But I was only 50% sure."

Liu Cunhua couldn't help but said: "With only 50% certainty, you dare to... Then I almost died."

Liu Cunhua is a little afraid.

After all, it was Uncle Bai who died the first time Hong Lao made a mistake.

The second time he answered incorrectly, he killed the village chief.

He himself died, it has nothing to do with answering the question itself, but he told the female ghost that he saw her. He died of breaking the rules.

Gu Liang said indifferently, "Anyway, ten minutes will come, and you will have to die."

Liu Cunhua was stunned for a moment, and had nothing to say. "...Well, that's true."

Li Xiaoyu frowned and looked at Gu Liang: "So, what does this female ghost mean?"

Gu Liang's eyebrows were also a little solemn, not at all the ease after the crisis was resolved.

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "The question she asked tonight is not completely unrelated to last night. From what I saw last night, she was blinded by someone's eyes, so her eyes fell. It was acquired blind."

"In this way, she should know what she looks like. She just can't see others."

"Hong Lao Er drew her appearance, and was judged that the answer was wrong, which confirmed this even more."

"The reason I said I was only 50% sure was that I was not sure who she was asking."

"Because she is very likely to ask who is the person who blinded her. Maybe what she really wants to see is the appearance of the person who harmed her. But now the clues are limited, I can only try and show her first What we look like."

Li Xiaoyu nodded: "I understand. Then do you think... her mouth (kiss wen) is a bit strange."

"Yes." Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu, "This is exactly what I want to say. Have you noticed last night, whether she sings or speaks, in fact her mouth is not opened. She only opened it accidentally once. Mouth, if I read it right, she has no tongue."

"I think she can talk and see, but it is actually something like a ghost's spell. But in front of her, maybe not only her eyes are blind, but her tongue is cut."

"Therefore, I think her question came from the perspective of the perpetrator."

"This is what you think is strange. Because it is not her own mouth (Kiss Wen). It also makes people feel that there is a certain degree of violation."

"Someone once cut off her tongue and said to her,'Don't talk to me'."

"Someone once pierced her in the eyes and said to her,'Don't look at me','I can't let you know what I look like'."

"So she is actually the victim herself, but instead she stood from the perspective of the perpetrator to raise these issues that once caused her so much pain."

"What she really wants to see is the person who harmed her."

The more Li Xiaoyu thought about it, the more cold she felt. "Is this related to the secrets of this village?"

Gu Liang nodded: "It is estimated. I have a lot of reporter's information in my suitcase. The real purpose of my visit this time was to investigate an old case here ten years ago. I will look back at those information carefully. Liu Cun flower--"

Gu Liang looked at Liu Cunhua. "Do you know something?"

Liu Cunhua pursed her lips and said nothing.

Gu Liangdao: "I just remind you that side missions are not as important as fate. If you know something, you'd better tell us. This may be a puzzle until tomorrow night. If you don't figure it out thoroughly, we May all die here."

Liu Cunhua exhaled. "Let me think... how to say it. Tomorrow, I will tell you what I know."

Gu Liangduo looked at Liu Cunhua for a few moments, and then said, "She wants to find the post office. But that person wouldn't let her talk. The post office must be very important to her."

"Come on again, while she was dancing last night, we saw that only the skin around her neck was intact, and that's why."

"These questions, everyone can think about it in combination with their own story."

When Gu Liang said this, he thought of something, and then asked: "That's right. What's the matter with Boss Red? How can he escape (escape tuo) danger every time? The female ghost never let him down and participate in the game with us. the meaning of."

Liu Cunhua said: "I think it is the npc who plays the red boss. After all, no player plays the role of mental retardation so naturally."

correct. npc. Almost forgot this.

Gu Liang couldn't help thinking—if Boss Hong was an NPC, then he might actually be the deceased in this case.

The system has said that if the real murderer dies during the game, it will temporarily adjust the script.

However, the basic content and plot of the script must have been decided long ago, which is not easy to change temporarily.

Even if the system adjusts the plot, it is fine-tuned.

Many people have (killing) the deceased and have used their hands. If there is a real murderer who has died, the system can fine-tune the script to transfer the real murderer to another person. This is relatively easy.

But if the player playing the deceased died during the game, such as being eaten by a female ghost, the game would be difficult to continue.

After all, if this is changed, it will be changed drastically-it involves the motivation and timeline of all players, and all adjustments will be very troublesome.

Therefore, if there is nppc in this script, it will probably be the deceased in this case.

Only the npc will not die by the hand of a female ghost, and will definitely live to the end and be killed by other players.

The story behind the female ghost, the deceased in this case...

Everything gradually became more eye-catching.

I just don't know what the topic will be tomorrow night.

Genius remembers this site address in one second: ... zbb mobile version reading URL: m..

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