Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 145: Withered bones (9)

Not long after returning to the village chief’s house, Gu Liang unlocked the code for the fence on the stone. +++ Catino Novel Network

The original sentence is: "you_e_tonight".

That is—"You won't hear me tonight."

At this moment, all players gathered in the living room after cleaning (dry gan).

Together they figured out how to solve the code to deal with the night’s puzzle, and at the same time they were waiting for the night to come.

As long as it passes tonight, the most dangerous moment in this punishment book will also pass.

They have survived a major difficulty.

After listening to Gu Liang's interpretation of the password, everyone looked at each other for a long time.

Murahua was the first to ask: "What does this mean? For the first two nights, she gave us questions every night. The first night I asked where the post office was, and the second night I asked her what she looked like. But tonight... …We can’t hear her, how do we know what her topic is?"

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while and looked at Gu Liang: "So, tonight's title, is it for us to guess?"

Gu Liang thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes. I agree. The question is to be guessed."

Li Xiaoyu: "That's a blind answer. The answer is not correct, she just (kill sha) for ten minutes? This is too..."

Gu Liangdao: "You can follow the rules of the previous two topics. Still from the perspective of the perpetrator. The perpetrator will not save her, and of course she will not be asked to go to the post office for help. Therefore, the perpetrator will not Tell her where the post office is. Come again, she's blind, and the perpetrator won't let her see her. So what else?"

"For example, she can't speak, from the perspective of the perpetrator, what can she do..."

Li Xiaoyu's eyes lit up. "She has her tongue cut and can't speak, so the perpetrator won't hear her wish. And her wish... must be that she wants to leave here, she wants to go home."

Gu Liang nodded again in agreement: "I think this is reliable. Brainstorming. You can also think about it. Are there any other ideas."

On the side, Wang Kaifa made a rare reply. "Actually, it is completely logical. She is blind, so she can't see the perpetrator. So now, it is also possible that she is deaf, so she can't hear the perpetrator. This topic may also have been told to her by the perpetrator. What is she talking about, but she can't hear it. What does she want to hear from the victimized person?"

Gu Liang thought for a while, and said, "Of course she can go home. Such as-"I let you go. You can go home." It's just..."

"At night, we imitated the victim's mouth (kiss wen) and said something similar to let her go. Or we should do something more practical, such as helping the post office send her a letter of help. , This is not good."

Having said that, Gu Liang stood up. "You have to go back to the village chief's bedroom or the room where the female ghost was locked up for clues."

Everyone finally followed Gu Liang's suggestion.

Several people were divided into two groups, one group went to the village chief’s bedroom to search, the other group went to the room where the female ghost was locked up before her death.

Gu Liang went to the former residence of the female ghost on the second floor.

After all, he has searched the village head’s room. If he has a blind spot and has unexpected clues, he may still not think of it the second time. Therefore, the efficiency of going again will be lower. It is better to hand it over to others. But he went to see the female ghost's residence, the efficiency was higher.

Li Xiaoyu is the residence of the female ghost who searched with him.

After a while, Li Xiaoyu made a discovery. She found a piece of paper from the cabinet. "Gu Liang, there is a map here! It is a map of this village, with six red circles drawn on it. I don't know what it means."

Gu Liang leaned over to see that the front of the map was indeed like Li Xiaoyu said, drawing a map of the village.

I don’t know who painted the six red circles or what the meaning is.

But when Gu Liang and Li Xiaoyu turned over the map together, they understood.

It says on the back of the map: "You never want to escape here. You can't even die. Your (body shen) experience will be chopped up by me and hidden in different places. That way, even if you turn into a ghost, you will find it all Incomplete body!"

"I marked this map, and it can be placed here. Because you can't see anything, haha!"

When Li Xiaoyu saw this, his teeth trembled. "This is... so outrageous!"

After Gu Liang looked at it, his mood was so heavy that he kept frowning.

Then he also found a very important clue, and said in a deep voice: "I know where her hometown is."

Gu Liang wiped the heavy dust off the wall with a towel and saw countless words-"Ancheng".

The writing was crooked, because she couldn't see it. Moreover, she used her finger to dig out this stroke on the wall. Even looking at the wall carefully, she could still see the dark red blood stains.

One can imagine how desperate she was to write these words stroke by stroke during the countless days and nights locked up here.

"She wants to go home and return to Ancheng."

Gu Liang said, "We have to help her find the body first, and then promise her that we will send her home and let her soul return to her hometown."


After guessing the problem and finding a way to solve the problem, Gu Liang and Li Xiaoyu found the others and explained the matter clearly.

The next thing everyone has to do is to help the female ghost find the whole body.

According to the six circles drawn on the map, everyone moved separately.

Among them, Gu Liang went to the location by the river.

Go through the small gate in the yard to the fruit forest, pass through the fruit forest, and reach the river. Gu Liang checked the map on the card along the river and finally found a marking point.

He squatted down, moved the pebbles one by one, and then digged the soil under the stones with the shovel he brought.

In the end, he dug up something-it was a hand that had become bones.

Gu Liang couldn't help thinking, could it be that the female ghost's body was divided into six parts?

-Limbs, head, and trunk (gan).

The red face turned into dry bones, and was still divided up to this point...

What kind of cruel demon would do this to her?

After returning to the village chief's house with this boneless hand, after waiting for the rest of the players to return, Gu Liang's earlier guess was confirmed.

What everyone picked up was her head, left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg, and finally the trunk (gan).

There is a small coffin shop in the village. Gu Liang and Wang Kaifa, the only two men, went to carry the coffin back and put the whole bones in it.

In this way, after many years, the body of the female ghost is finally complete.



When the female ghost came, she was still wearing a tattered wedding gown and looked blind.

This time she didn't say anything, except for the red boss, the five surviving characters (color) stood in a row in front of her.

She pointed at the person on the far left, where Gu Liang was standing.

The female ghost did not speak, and no one heard her voice.

But everyone knows what she means.

——After ten minutes, she will (kill sha) Gu Liang.

Li Xiaoyu standing beside Gu Liang was extremely nervous. Because she was afraid that they didn't guess the question correctly, or the answer was wrong.

This time, Gu Liang was the first one, and he had no chance of trial and error.

If he answers wrong, he will die. It is estimated that the rest of them will hardly have a chance to live.

In front of the five players is a coffin.

The lid of the coffin was opened, and inside were dead bones that reunited after many years.

At this moment, Gu Liang walked to the coffin and slowly closed the coffin board.

Then he took out the press card of his character (color) and handed it to the female ghost. "This is my press card. There is the address of our magazine here. It is diagonally across from the Ancheng government. I am also from Ancheng. I decide to return to Ancheng tomorrow. I will take you back at that time. You can go home. Up."

After Gu Liang said this, everyone was concentrating and holding their breath.

When the female ghost stretched out her rotten arm and put her finger in front of Gu Liang's neck, Li Xiaoyu, who was next to Gu Liang, only felt that her heart had jumped to her throat, and she was so nervous that she could not even breathe.

But the female ghost did not move further, and then Li Xiaoyu watched, and Gu Liang stretched out his hand again and took the female ghost's hand.

——So the female ghost is going to shake hands with him and express gratitude?

Sure enough, after the female ghost shook her hand, she bowed slightly to Gu Liang.

Gu Liang bowed, bowing her deeper. "Sorry. For your experience, we can't do anything to make up for it, and we can only do this. We have agreed that we should apologize to you for this world. I'm sorry... you didn't see the good side of the world. "

When the female ghost heard this, she turned her head and faced where Li Xiaoyu was.

She has no eyes, but Li Xiaoyu can feel that she is looking at herself.

She seemed to be saying-she still has the only beautiful thing, and that is that she had a very naive and lovely daughter. Thanks to the kind people who raised her to become a talent and allowed her to grow up to this age safely.

After a while, the female ghost disappeared.

Then there was the coffin in the room that disappeared.

This means that the biggest hurdle in this script has finally passed.

11 midnight.

Gu Liang received a new interpretation of the plot-going back to his room to sleep.

After reading the hints of the card plot, Gu Liang looked at the others, and everyone said in a tacit understanding that now that the crisis is resolved, they can go back to each house tonight, take a good bath and sleep well.

My own timeline is simple, but the timeline of others is not necessarily.

Most of the murder (sha) cases (fa fa) were born tonight.

Gu Liang knew all this well, but didn't say anything.

Regarding the story of the female ghost, his heart is quite heavy.

Although the crisis was resolved, he couldn't get up, just want to take a good bath.

Before entering the house, Gu Liang still locked the doors and windows as usual, affixed spells, and sprinkled dog blood, so he could take a (xi) bath with confidence.

After the shower, Gu Liang slowly fell asleep with the sound of bones hitting the doors and windows.

For two consecutive nights, he actually seemed to be used to this sound. The rhythmic percussive sound actually had a kind of sleep-helping effect at this moment.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Gu Liang woke up and received a new plot, asking him to interview Boss Red. He has something that he wants to inquire from Boss Hong.

Gu Liang went to the Red House as required, but no one was found.

On the way downstairs to find Boss Red, Gu Liang found blood.

Finally, he found Boss Hong's body in Zhiguolin. There was a familiar cell phone with blood beside the corpse-Li Wanghong's.

Genius remembers this site address in one second: ... zbb mobile version reading URL: m..

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