Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 172: Blood Tarot (21)

Gu Liang followed Yang Yegang to the door of the No. 104 dormitory and was about to enter. Yang Ye seemed to remember something suddenly, took his hand, and continued to walk forward until he came to Ma Jian's room. +++Mobile reading visit

Yang Ye quickly found the medicine box and asked Gu Liang to sit down first. "I'll change the medicine for you."

Before Gu Liang opened his mouth to ask anything, Yang Ye explained, “There are too many people in the 104 dormitory and it’s crowded. Let’s wait for them to come out and then go in. The main reason is that I just went in and turned around a little bit. What's going on. You'll find out later."

Gu Liang naturally believed what Yang Ye said, and didn't say anything immediately, and sat down in a well-arranged manner.

Yang Ye took a cotton ball soaked in iodophor, first sterilized the scissors, and then used the scissors to cut off the bandage tied on Gu Liang's shoulder.

The old bandage was removed, and there was a lot of blood in it.

Yang Yexin smoked, changed a cotton ball to help Gu Liang clean up the wound, lowered his voice and asked him, "Does it hurt?"

Gu Liang shook his head. "It's okay. Don't be so nervous."

Yang Yexin said how could he not be nervous.

Gu Liang is his most precious treasure, he will feel distressed if he stumbles, not to mention the straight cut this time.

Yang Ye also understands the pain of a knife wound. It hurts every meal and throbbing. Sometimes it breaks up in the middle of the night, and it makes people feel like they can’t sleep (sleeping Shui).

Gu Liang wanted Yang Ye to leave the game by himself, but he couldn't rest assured that Gu Liang would stay here alone.

After treating the wound, when he just picked up the gauze to re-dress Gu Liang, Yang Ye noticed a few drops of water coming out of the hair behind his ears.

Seeing that the water droplets were about to reach the location of Gu Liang’s wound, Yang Ye quickly stopped the water with a cotton ball, washed it (dry gan), and then went to find a (dry gan) towel to wrap Gu Liang. He rubbed his head vigorously back and forth to make sure that his wet hair would not continue to drip, so he put down the towel, picked up the gauze, and continued to bandage his wound.

While bandaging, Yang Ye said in a reproachful tone: "If this is the case, I need to take a (xi) bath?"

Gu Liang argued for himself: "I raised the sprinkler in my right hand to wash, and the wound on my left shoulder was not exposed to water. And I just rushed briefly."

Yang Ye: "Hair is still dripping. Didn't wash my hair even if it was wet?"

Gu Liang: "Bent over to wash my hair. It's okay."

Yang Ye helped Gu Liang bandage the wound on his shoulder, replaced it with a new cotton ball, and walked around him to help him deal with the scratch on his cheek again.

Yang Ye stared at the wound on Gu Liang's face intently. Gu Liang took the opportunity to look closely at his eyes to confirm whether he was angry.

Yang Ye received this look and raised his eyes to meet Gu Liang's.

The moment his eyes met, Gu Liang blinked, then a smile curled out of his mouth.

Seeing Gu Liang like this, Yang Ye couldn't afford to blame him, so he had to change his tone and educate him in a teasing way. "I have to (wash xi) in a bath and wash my hair (dry gan) or something. We can't see (guanguan) only after washing our hair. Besides, if you have to wash, you can let me help you. It's not always back I'm ashamed to see it. You said it yourself, old man and old man."

Gu Liang kept silent, but Yang Ye continued to exhort him gently. "You still need to pay attention to such a big wound. This is mainly summer vacation, hot weather, easy to get infected."

With Yang Ye's babbling and babbling kung fu, the players walked out of Room 104 one after another, and when they heard the sound of Ma Cleaning Room, they all looked around.

At this moment, everyone saw Yang Ye applying medicine to Gu Liang's face.

The posture of Yang Ye's movements was like caring for a delicate flower in a greenhouse, for fear that the delicate flower might break if he moved a little harder.

Of course, Gu Liang didn't look squeamish. If he had to describe it, he actually looked cold and serious.

Everyone had this illusion because Yang Ye's eyes were too solemn and his expression was too tense.

It was also because they saw this situation, and everyone realized that the two of them just didn't go to 104 for on-site investigation, which was the reason.

The former detective, Mrs. Yang, was too considerate. He didn't care about investigating the case and had to take care of his boyfriend's wounds first.

Hey, envy, look at people, play a game, and fall in love.

This point has been reached. After playing too many scripts, the players have been relatively calm. Therefore, despite the many dead and tight time, everyone's expressions are not tense. Looking at Yang Ye and Gu Liang, their expressions are a little bit (暧ai) ambiguous.

Of course, the boys inside are not all like this. After all, not everyone can understand homosexuality.

But two girls (exposed) showed a very clear look.

Gu Liang turned his head to catch a glimpse of the faces of the people, a little embarrassed.

But soon he felt that this was also good. He was a few steps behind in the name of love and tenderness. Later, if everyone talked about the timeline on the road, his actions later than everyone said about the timeline would also appear more natural.

One thing is extremely detrimental to Gu Liang.

It was that he did not act on Li Xiaoyu and was convicted of violations. This matter was notified systematically and everyone knew.

Inevitably, everyone will follow up on this matter.

Then Gu Liang has to find a perfect excuse for himself, and this excuse needs to rely on other people’s timeline-after all, he can’t just talk nonsense, he has to listen to other players as much as possible and know their timeline , And then make up your own.

After treating the wound, Gu Liang checked the time. It was 7:45, and only 15 minutes had passed.

After checking 104, the players did not leave immediately, but went around the corridor again.

Gu Liang didn't delay any longer, and took Yang Ye to check inside 104.

Yang Ye was right just now. The two-person dormitory is not big. Just now a group of people were crowded in. Gu Liang wanted to find something, but it was actually quite strenuous.

There are only eight players still alive. Now those six people are no longer crowded in this room, and the room appears empty, which makes it easy for Gu Liang to flip and check at will.

Before looking at the body, Gu Liang roughly paid attention to the surrounding furnishings, which was not much different from the previous searches.

Then he went straight to the corpse.

The corpse was lying flat on the floor in front of the window, and his clothes and hair looked a little messy.

Not far from the corpse, there was a turned over bench, and the bench was facing upwards, which was her tool for "hanging up".

The dormitory does not have a balcony. You can go to the rooftop to dry the quilt. However, there are still two drying racks made of steel pipes near the window in the dormitory for you to dry light clothes.

At this time, there was a circled scarf hung on the steel pipe, and the neck of the corpse should have been hung on this circle before.

The place on the steel tube that corresponds to the knot of the scarf is somewhat deformed. The top position is sunken down, which is the effect of being pulled by the downward force.

This seems to be caused by the body hanging on it for a long time.

It is conceivable that if the corpse is hung longer, it will deform more severely, and perhaps it will fall to the ground with the iron nails that are not very stable on the walls at both ends.

Gu Liang didn't see the scene the first time, so Yang Ye explained to him: "When I came, the deceased was still hanging, and there was a bench that turned over under his suspended feet. You see her She fell to the ground and put her down when everyone was searching."

"In addition, the deceased's clothes were neatly dressed, and her hair was beautifully combed. Now her clothes and hair are messy, they were messed up when everyone checked the body."

"Yeah, I see." Gu Liang nodded, crouched and checked the body.

The deceased was Zhu Physical.

Except for the scar on her neck, she didn't seem to have any other fatal injuries.

In addition, she has her tongue out, her eyes bulging, and she looks terrifying, and she is indeed a symptom of strangulation.

After Gu Liang took a closer look at the scar on her neck, he found that the scar turned out to be very clear.

Gu Liang stood on tiptoe, removed the scarf that might kill her from the steel pipe, and compared it in front of her neck. He found that the thickness of the scarf and the width of the scars could indeed be closed. .

Since the scar on the neck is obvious-there is only one, then it all looks like she actually hanged herself (killing sha).

After all, if the person was strangled to death and then pretended to hang himself (to kill sha), unless the murderer was very particular, there should be two strangle marks on the neck of the deceased.

In addition to the suspected fatal injuries on the neck, the deceased also suffered two injuries.

But the injury did not appear to be fatal.

——The backs of both her hands were scratched, covered with blood stains.

Gu Liang took her hand and looked at the nails of her two hands carefully, only to see that the nails of her ten fingers were full of blood, not only blood, but also some (flesh) (color) fibers were faintly visible.

As you can imagine, she caught these injuries by herself.

And she tried so hard that all the (肉rou) on the back of her hands were caught in her nails.

After examining all the wounds on the body, Gu Liang finally looked at her face, hair, and clothes carefully.

The deceased Zhu Physical’s face was wearing makeup.

Gu Liang couldn't see the powder or rouge, but he could see that the deceased had put on lipstick, the red (color) that was orange.

Furthermore, although her hair was messed up during everyone's inspection, it could be vaguely seen that her long hair was twisted.

Of course Gu Liang didn't understand the specific style of the pan, but he leaned over and pushed aside the thick hair of the deceased, and he could see that there was a carefully combed braid hidden inside. There is still a bun on the back of the corpse's head. Although the shape is no longer visible, it is conceivable that she had carefully managed a hairstyle for herself.

Finally, the clothes of the deceased.

She is wearing a pink (color) skirt. Compared with the simplicity of the school uniform, this skirt has a sense of design. There are some small sequins on it. It looks like an evening dress. It can be worn daily, but it is better than Normal clothes are more gorgeous.

Yang Ye naturally noticed these outfits of Zhu Pingchu during his lifetime.

Yang Ye rummaged for a while, brought a diary, and said to Gu Liang, "I just looked at the dress of the deceased. I can only temporarily think that she might be going on a date when she did this dress before death."

"But we have looked for it in various dormitories before. Basically, every classmate just wants to study and progress. We didn't find anything related to puppies and emotional entanglements. Not only did we have no premature love, but there were no clues to show friendship."

"Then I think, if Zhu Physical Science really planned to date before she was alive, then her relationship line may only be born after catching Qian Chemical. However, I just searched for a circle and still didn't find it. Any clues related to emotional entanglements."

Gu Liang turned his head to look at the diary in Yang Ye's hand and took it. "I remember this diary. In the first stage, I voted for the murderer of the serial (sha) murder. My first vote was Zhu Physical. I suspected her and searched her room very carefully. This book was only a record at the time. I have learned something related to learning, similar to how many points I scored in the test on what month and day. You are showing it to me now because—"

"What's new on this?"

"Yeah." Yang Ye nodded, "You just turn to the latest page."

Gu Liang turned to the latest page as he said. The date column reads "July 26", which seems to have been written yesterday.

As for the content of the diary, it is a bit strange.

"I really didn't expect that the truth would be like this. But how did I suddenly realize it? I don't seem to remember. Anyway...this time, I was lucky not to be (killed). But for people like us , Alive or dead, what is the (guan) relationship?"

"Or maybe...I can't choose my own birth, but I can choose my own (death si) death. This world is a scam, and I can't change the status quo, I can only use (dead si) escape (to escape tuo)."

"My specialty is the piano. Everyone praises my beautiful hands for playing the piano. But now, all this seems to be just a joke. My favorite hands are now what I hate the most. Something. I'm going to destroy it."

After reading the diary, Gu Liang frowned tightly. "At least two points can be seen from this diary. First, the back of her hand was indeed dug out by herself; second, she has a plan to kill sha. If she has to say that she can see the third point... …"

Gu Liang paused to think for a moment, and then said, "Although she doesn't understand what happened to (fafa), there is no doubt that her diary is very true and sincere. If the murderer forged her self (killing) The illusion of sha, of course, may forge a diary that tends to kill sha.”

"But I think for the time being that the content of this diary can reflect the deceased's personal (sexual xing) and point to (sexual xing), unlike what a murderer can write. Unless the murderer has a special knowledge of Zhu Physics, Can fully understand her psychology and thoughts, and can imitate her tone of voice. This possibility (sexual xing) should be relatively small. Without the support of other evidence, I will temporarily think that this diary is indeed written by Zhu Physical Science himself."

"So if you can see the third point from the diary, then Zhu Xishi did think about self (killing sha), but he was killed by the murderer (killing sha) before he took action. The murderer decided (killing sha) for her At the time, he might be considering his own (killing sha) technique. It happened that he saw Zhu Physical’s diary, so he had inspiration and decided (gan gan) to make her an illusion of self (kill sha)."

"Although the deceased wrote a diary, he planned to (kill sha). But the diary is only expressing emotions, and it does not mean that Zhu physical will really kill sha. So despite seeing the diary, the murderer plans to kill sha himself. ) Her."

"Very much agree."

It was not Yang Ye who answered Gu Liang's words, but Wu Biology, who wandered around for a while and turned back.

Gu Liang looked at her with a little scrutiny.

But Wu Biology's expression was very calm.

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows and looked at Wu Biology: "Then you are actually very suspicious. If you live with her, you are most likely to see her diary."

Wu Biological Tanshou: "It makes sense. But it's not me. If I were a murderer, I would (kill sha) my roommate, and I would never commit crimes in my dormitory."

"Yeah. It makes sense." Gu Liang asked again, "So last night, didn't you hear anything? The murderer was in your room (killing sha) and setting up the scene, there is always no movement at all. "


Wu Biology shook his head, "This question was asked by other players before. I originally thought that it might be hypnosis again, but Li Yingwen and Qian Chemical are dead, who will hypnotize me?"

"Later, I guessed that there was something like a drug. I was the murderer and was stunned. But I went through the dormitory carefully and found no result. Just now we left 104 and went to the horse cleaning room to see you and With a glance, Teacher Yang went to the trash cans in the corridors and halls, and found nothing, but found a lot of orange peels."

When he heard "Orange Peel", Gu Liang's pupils shrank slightly unconsciously.

But Wu Biology obviously didn't notice it, and just continued: "So, I didn't explain this problem clearly. But I did not hear any big movements. I (sleeping in Shui) well all night."

Wu Biology glanced at Gu Liang and then at Yang Ye, who was still searching behind him, and said, "I came over and just heard you analyzing the diary of the deceased, so I chatted casually. But I actually came to call you We went to the library together. Although you came a little later, we have searched the entire 104 and can tell you about it."

Gu Liang thought about it, and said, "You go first. I'll search for two minutes and still want to see it with my own eyes. Although you have a lot of people, but when there are too many people, it is easy to have herd reactions, and you may miss some details. "

"That's OK. Let's go first." Wu Biology felt that Gu Liang's words also made sense, waved to him and Yang Ye, turned and left.

After Wu Biology left, in order to confirm his guess, Gu Liang found Zhu Physics test paper to compare the handwriting, and compared the latest diary with the diary she wrote before, and basically confirmed that this is her handwriting. .

After comparing the handwriting, Gu Liang looked at the latest diary again, read the words slowly and carefully, and asked Yang Ye, "Is there anything else you found over there?"

During this period, Yang Ye rummaged through the cabinet of Zhu Physical Science who lived with Wu Biology, but could not find any special clues.

So he shook his head and returned to Zhu Physical's desk.

Yang Ye took a closer look at the desk, and during the period he picked up several photo frames and checked them one by one. There was nothing hidden in the photo frames.

Putting down the photo frame, Yang Ye opened the closet next to him and said, "The deceased Zhu Physical has many simple school uniforms, three sets for winter and summer. In addition, she also has many beautiful and exquisite clothes. There are many on her desk. Cosmetics, come on, her photos are also very artistic, very different from others."

Yang Ye gave Gu Liang the picture of Wu Biology next to him for comparison. "Wu Biotin has a face to the sky and is very simple. But every photo of Zhu Xihua has delicate makeup. I can see that she is a person who loves beauty."

After listening, Gu Liang looked at the whole room again, and finally just picked up the diary, and it seemed that he was planning to leave with the diary.

Yang Ye looked at him. "Can you take photos this time, and bring this book?"

"Just in case there are other uses."

After saying this, Gu Liang seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly stopped. "By the way, where is Wu Biology's wardrobe? Is there anything special in it? I want to take another look."

"It should be gone. Wu Bio is relatively simple. She doesn't have a skirt. The clothes except school uniforms are basically sportswear."

Having said that, Yang Ye turned around and opened Wu Biology's cabinet to show Gu Liang.

Gu Liang glanced back at Yang Ye's movements, and when he turned around, he immediately picked up the phone of the deceased Zhu Physically that he had just found, took out the sim card, and placed it in the drawer in front of him.

Then he took out the sim card of his mobile phone, put his mobile phone in the drawer, and put his sim card and Zhu Physical’s mobile phone back into his trouser pocket.

When Yang Ye turned his head, he happened to see Gu Liang closing the drawer.

——It seems that he just finished searching the drawer and then closed it.

Yang Ye caught a glimpse of his movements and said casually: "The drawer has nothing but a few tubes of lipstick and a few pens."

"Yes." Gu Liang nodded casually, turned around calmly, and looked at the closet of Wu Biology opposite that Yang Yegang had opened, as if he was looking carefully at something.

In fact, Gu Liang wasn't interested in Wu Biology's wardrobe, he just wanted to prevent Yang Ye from continuing the topic of drawers.

Lest he was chatting, he came over and took a look. In that case, the matter of Gu Liang dropping the phone would be exposed (exposed).

Yang Ye saw Gu Liang's expression and just asked seriously, "Do you have any thoughts about Wu Biological's wardrobe?"

"It's nothing. I'm just wondering who owns that scarf. The scarf is colorful, and the clothes in Wu's biological closet are all plain. It is estimated that the scarf belongs to the deceased."

After speaking, Gu Liang picked up the deceased's diary and went out. "Time is coming. Let's go to the library."

In this game, everyone’s mobile phone is of the same model and looks exactly the same.

In addition, through the morning system broadcast, Gu Liang determined one thing-the crime scene will be closed before free exploration.

These two prerequisites made Gu Liang think of a good idea to hide his evidence.

Gu Liang is now playing as the real murderer, so he must hide as much evidence as possible against him.

There is a piece of evidence that can point to Squad Leader Gu, which is hidden in Squad Leader Gu's phone-an app he wrote that can control electric lights.

Gu Liang tried to delete this app last night, but because the leader Gu (kill sha) in the script (kill sha) had red eyes, and he wanted to continue (kill sha), he thought he might still use this app. So it was not deleted.

Then Gu Liang's act of deleting it by himself violated the rules of the script and was an ooc act. It could also be counted as destroying evidence privately. So as soon as he made a move, the card vibrated violently, which was a reminder that he was about to violate the rules.

For this violation, multiple crimes will be punished, and I am afraid it will really expose (expose) yourself directly.

Gu Liang had to give up.

Without deleting the app, Gu Liang had to figure out how to handle his mobile phone during the investigation.

Hearing that the system said that the crime scene would also be closed this time, Gu Liang felt relieved and quietly left his mobile phone at the crime scene that would be completely closed after a while.

As a result, when everyone remembered to search their phones, they could no longer return to the scene, so that they found the app on his phone.

Gu Liang just left his cell phone and the sim card of the deceased Zhu Physical’s in the 104 dormitory, and brought out his sim card and Zhu Physical’s cell phone, which is equivalent to losing two people’s cell phones.

If he puts Zhu's physical phone (inserted in the cha) on his sim card, he can disguise it as his own phone if possible.

In fact, Gu Liang also knew that being able to truly treat the deceased’s cell phone as his own is just a very ideal state, and it may not be possible. After all, there may be some selfies on the phone of the deceased, which cannot be deleted.

Gu Liang decided to read the contents of the deceased's phone before making the next step.

But what Gu Liang never expected was that Yang Ye suddenly stopped him: "By the way, everyone has a mobile phone this time. I think the mobile phone can also be taken away for inspection. The deceased's mobile phone seems to be—"

Gu Liang turned his back to Yang Ye, and his eyelids twitched.

——Tsk, so keen?

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