Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 181: Blood Tarot (30)

Gu Liang squeezed the water glass tightly and said nothing. +++ Catino Novel Network

Yang Ye said again: "I guess it's right? The banner exploded. It wasn't the murderer who used it to (kill sha), but the murderer used it to make an alibi and cover up the crime."

Gu Liang's voice was very low. "You mean, I did this mechanism? How did I make the lights in my dormitory turn on? Did you find the remote control for the lights?"

"I really haven't figured this out yet. But it doesn't matter."

Yang Ye categorically said, "If you don't use this reason to separate yourself, it is enough to prove that you are the murderer."

Gu Liang's teeth closed tightly. "You still have no real evidence."

Yang Ye grabbed his shoulder. "Gu Liang, you tell me the truth. You pretended to be true in front of me, but you obviously didn't deal with any evidence. Fishing line, tape, orange fruit (flesh) and skin, just put it in the dormitory. Lou...So, you never thought of escape (getting out of tuo). You just wanted us to catch you. But you were afraid that I would disagree, so you pretended to delay time, am I right?"

Gu Liang was completely helpless, put down the water glass, and put his head back on the back of the sofa.

Staring at the floating dust in the void, Gu Liang didn't speak, his expression was a little dumbfounded.

Yang Ye stared at Gu Liang’s eyes and continued: "Gu Liang, you keep saying that you want me to go back. I did agree at first. Because I also thought that...I really have to go back as soon as possible to help as soon as possible. To you. But have you ever thought about..."

"Meng Qiancheng doesn't remember us anymore. When Su Lan was taken away, the system broadcast also said that it would erase her memory and let her restart the game. What does this mean? This means that the system can tamper with our memory."

"Furthermore, have you ever thought that in reality, we have lived for so long... and we are living in an age when information communication is very smooth. Why have we never heard of such a system? Except (Mo Mo ) At one point, the myths and legends, we never know that after death, we can go to other worlds."

"This system seems to have existed for a long time. If your classmate tells you the truth, then someone must have returned to reality after clearing the game, and this number will not be too small. But why have we not received any news? "

"What does this mean? It means that the existence of the system is not allowed by the real people to know. Therefore, if I can go back, the system will clear my memory before going back. I have just been told that I can go back this time At that time, I was standing by a river, and the man in black handed me a strange bottle of water. I thought it must be—"

When Yang Ye said these words, he kept watching Gu Liang's expression.

So he found out. When he told this analysis, Gu Liang didn't face (showing) the slightest surprise. He just sighed deeply, and then his eyelashes drooped.

It seems that Gu Liang is just a little frustrated and helpless. But he didn't feel surprised.

"You knew it a long time ago?" Yang Ye's voice trembled immediately, and said in disbelief, "Gu Liang, you already knew...If I went back, would you forget you?"

Gu Liang's ten fingers grasped the sofa tightly, lowered his head and said nothing.

Yang Ye exhaled deeply, and when she spoke again, her voice had become extremely hoarse. "You knew it a long time ago, but still let me go back? Why did you tell me to go back and stop your father, let me go back and help you... You lied to me?"

Yang Ye's hoarse voice suppressed emotions, making Gu Liang uncomfortable.

He finally raised his head, looked at Yang Ye's eyes, and said softly: "I just want you to live."

Yang Ye grabbed his hand and held it firmly. "But I don't want to forget you when I die. You are giving up the relationship between us."

Gu Liang shook his head and retorted seriously: "Yang Ye, you are not right. I did not give up our feelings. I just feel that everything must be based on living."

After a while, Gu Liang lifted the other one and gently stroked Yang Ye's face.

He looked at Yang Ye affectionately, and said, "Yang Ye, you and I are alive, so there are other possibilities."

A dark cloud came. The light outside the window dimmed a bit.

As if wanting to see Gu Liang's expression clearly, Yang Ye got up and turned on the light.

The light in the room brightened up.

When returning to Gu Liang again, Yang Ye just exhaled another long breath.

After a long time, Yang Ye spoke to Gu Liang: "You are right. It's just that your priority to go back is ahead of me. As you said, because of your father, your situation will be more critical than mine. "

"I am different from you. I must live in the best ward and receive the best care. My condition is much better than you. So I have to make sure you earn enough gold. I have to watch you go back, otherwise I'm worried."

I knew it would be like this.

Gu Liang frowned. "Like I couldn't stop you last time. You can't stop me either. Can you stop my mouth?"

Yang Ye's voice became very deep, revealing great helplessness. "I can't stop your mouth. But I don't want to continue to lie to you. I don't know what will happen between us after this script is over... I don't want to cheat with you at the last moment. I just watched. Whether you lie to me, or I deliberately lie to you, to be honest, Gu Liang, I feel uncomfortable."

"So I can only try to persuade you. Gu Liang, you will listen to me this time, okay?"

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye and knew that his heart was indeed upset.

In normal times, Yang Ye will definitely be able to pretend to the end. Since he has guessed his own routine, of course he will reverse the routine.

I don't know anything, I just pretend to be the murderer according to the plan, and then admit it before voting.

But at that critical moment, he would most likely be under his control suddenly, and he couldn't say a word. Finally, he was shocked to find that Yang Ye had already guessed everything.

Gu Liang knew that he would definitely step into the trap at that time. At first, he deceived everyone that he was not a murderer. When he wanted to admit it, he suddenly couldn't admit it and finally escaped (tuo).

This kind of thing, Yang Ye (gan gan) several times.

But this time he didn't. Because his mood was too heavy, he couldn't hold on.

Maybe both of them can go back alive, but they will look at each other in pairs, maybe they missed it for a lifetime... Yang Ye really had no intention of pretending.

If the remaining few hours are the last time two people can stay together, how can Yang Ye be willing to use this time to deceive Gu Liang?

Thinking of this, Gu Liang's slender porcelain-white fingers slowly glided over Yang Ye's eyebrows and the bridge of his nose, and then dropped to his lips.

Then he said softly: "You are right, the last time should not be wasted like this."

"Gu Liang—"

"Yang Ye, everyone has arranged to meet in classroom 102 at 5 o'clock. Now it is 5 o'clock, and there is still enough time."

Gu Liang climbed onto the sofa, knelt down with his legs apart, bowed, cupped Yang Ye's face with both hands, and pressed his lips (kiss wen) over.

Yang Ye clasped his neck with one hand and wrapped his waist with the other, and quickly returned (kiss wen) eagerly.

This kiss (kiss wen) can be regarded as the most intense time between two people. It seems that they took it for the last time in this life (kiss wen)...

The sky (color) has sunk again.

The breeze blows, and the shadows of the trees are whirling.

After a long time.

Gu Liang's eyes and ears were red.

Despair, tenderness, pain, scorching heat, and some kind of pleasure enough to numb the spine, always entangled him.

In the chaos, he could only hold onto Yang Ye's arm tightly. During this process, he bit his lip, and the whisper in his mouth was almost like a depressed cry.

At this time, Yang Ye also had mixed feelings.

Gu Liang's moist eyes are because of him; his red lips and skin with red marks are also because of him.

All this seems to be... he can ask and ask for Gu Liang; he can invade Gu Liang wantonly and even ravage him.

He can act recklessly. No matter what he does, Gu Liang will accept it completely, and he will cater to it completely and thoroughly.

But Yang Ye felt that he had put his lifeline in Gu Liang's hands.

Whether he is alive or dead is between Gu Liang's thoughts.

At the last moment, Yang Ye's actions could be called rough.

In Gu Liang's ear, he gritted his teeth and sank, saying every word: "Gu Liang, I assume you promised me. I will rely on you for whatever you want. I just don't allow you to lie to me. If you lie to me again, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life."


5 o'clock afternoon. The players gathered in the 102 classroom to start a temporary discussion.

At this time, there are still 4 hours before the formal concentrated discussion; there are still 10 hours before the voting.

Yang Ye and Gu Liang were late, and this temporary seminar was hosted by Wu Biology.

Under the auspices of Wu Biology, each player spoke in turn, mainly talking about their timeline from 5:30 pm yesterday to 7:30 this morning.

Gu Liang just caught up with the first player to speak, and listened rather seriously.

At 5:30, the crisis of the serial (sha) case was resolved. After everyone broke up in classroom 102, Teacher Yang went to the classroom dormitory to clean the room, and the principal director returned to the building for a brief meeting.

Around 6:25, the three people walked towards the cafeteria together.

When passing by the dormitory building, an explosion was heard.

After that, they went on to the cafeteria, checked the food preparation in the cafeteria, and arrived at the (fuck cao) field at 7 o'clock to greet Mr. Wang.

Wu Biology, Aunt Guan, Ma Qingjian, Gao Canteen and the canteen where the deceased Meng Yuwen went directly.

After going to the cafeteria, they also held a short meeting to discuss the division of labor.

At 5:50, the discussion is over.

According to the results of the discussion, Aunt Guan, Ma Jingyi and Gao Canteen are in the back kitchen, Aunt and Cleaning are mainly responsible for the preparation work such as cutting vegetables, and Gao Canteen is in charge of the spoon. And Meng Yuwen and Wu Biological, who don't know how to cook, are responsible for setting up tables and chairs in the cafeteria lobby.

At 6:15, Aunt Guan went to the toilet, which was located in a corner of the (fucking cao) field; she said that she heard the explosion at 6:35; it was 6:40 when she returned to the cafeteria.

At 6:20, Ma Jianqing also went out. She went to the teaching building where she went to the teaching equipment room to bring some fake flowers and other decorations to the dining hall. When Ma Jianjing came back, It was also 6:40.

During this period, Gu Liang dictated that he had a headache and was uncomfortable. He left the classroom at 5:30 and went back to the room (sleeping in Shui) all the time.

(Shui Shui) By 6:35, he was awakened by the explosion, got up, turned on the light, put on clothes, took a bath, and arrived late. It was almost 7 o'clock before he appeared in full view of (Fuck) cao) field.

Finally, Wu Biological made a brief summary: "Based on the analysis of the violations of the squad leader Gu, the death time of Meng and Li (died si) was between 6:15 and 7:00. Gao Canteen can basically be ruled out. He has been doing it. Fan. Teachers, principals and directors can also be ruled out. They can testify to each other."

"Auntie Guan’s crime time is 6:15-6:40, a total of 25 minutes; Ma Cleanliness is 6:20-6:40, a total of 20 minutes. Of course, I also have the opportunity to commit the crime. I set a table in the front hall, The three people in the back kitchen can't actually see me. So you can distrust what I say."

"However, I did watch Meng Yuwen's library at 6:25; at 6:35, I heard the explosion and ran out of the cafeteria to take a look. I noticed that the light in room 102 of the dormitory was on. , So squad leader Gu should also be able to rule out. Besides, squad leader Gu is the last one to come (fuck cao) to gather. I don’t think the murderer would do this (gan gan)."

When Gu Liang heard this, he said in his heart that monitor Gu came too late, but simply didn't expect Meng Yuwen to suddenly run away. Therefore, he originally wanted to (kill sha) one person, but temporarily changed it to (kill sha) two, which took some time.

Wu Biological concluded: "My personal opinion is that the suspicion of Aunt Ma and Ma Jianqing is relatively high. Of course, this is only a preliminary inference on the timeline. Please do not have any opinions on me. Next, we will continue to talk about after the dinner. Timeline."

Hearing this, Gu Liang concentrated and pricked his ears.

However, catching Yang Ye's gaze, he finally had to... pretend, and put on an expression that didn't care.

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