Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 183: Blood Tarot (32)

After coming out of Classroom 102, the players went to the cafeteria for a meal. +++ Catino Novel Network

After all, voting has to wait until four in the morning. Everyone has to fill their stomachs and ensure that they consume enough sugar to keep the brain running.

Yang Ye is in charge.

Because of crowds and time constraints, he cooks noodles.

Put a large pot of noodles into the pot, and prepare a wok, thaw a piece of (肉rou), chopped, and fry it into (肉rou) froth.

When the noodles are cooked, put them in a bowl, and pour the (meat rou) foam on top, and finally put two green vegetables on it. The (color) flavor is delicious.

Gu Liang sat by the window, waiting for Yang Ye to come over with two bowls of noodles.

The others are of course the noodles that go to the back kitchen.

Gu Liang glanced at them, then looked at Yang Ye, and finally slid down and fell on the two bowls of noodles in front of him.

Gu Liang remembered something. "The first time we met... In the script of Boss Bai, you cooked me noodles."

Yang Ye handed him the chopsticks and smiled upon hearing this. "Well, I still remember that when you eat noodles, you like to roll the noodles on your chopsticks. The food is very delicate and small."

Gu Liang laughed too, took the chopsticks and started rolling the noodles. "I didn't expect that I could be with you."

Yang Ye gave a "tsk": "I gave you such a bad first impression?"

"It's not very good, but it's not bad. It's just that I simply didn't expect me...I can still fall in love with someone." Gu Liang looked at him, smiled, said nothing, just lowered his head to eat noodles.

Yang Ye cooperated with Gu Liang's speed of eating noodles, and now he was eating slowly.

After a few days of getting along, other players probably got used to the crooked look of these two people. It's no surprise that they quickly cleaned up their own dishes and continued to investigate.

After confirming that everyone else had gone away, Yang Ye asked Gu Liang, "Hey, where did you hide your phone?"

Gu Liang was taken aback for a moment. "You are too... keen. How did you guess?"

Yang Ye said: "When we first discussed, Wu's words reminded me that the light can be controlled through the control console, that is, it can be controlled remotely (fuck cao). And then--"

"One of the bugs of the experimental product is that you suddenly learn another skill without a teacher. But I think that this skill is definitely not generated for no reason. I studied it. The eight students of last year and the eight students of this year actually The skills are all the same. For example, last year there was a man named Fang Gangqin. His body is now lying in an underground laboratory. His skills are piano."

"We are the deceased Zhu physical from (killing sha) this year, and her skill is also piano."

"Furthermore, the murderer Qian Chemistry, he can throw shots and his skills are the same as Meng Yuwen; he can hypnotize, and his skills are Li Yingying..."

"Painting, literature, sports, singing, memory, occult...The skills of each experiment actually come and go, basically these are the same."

"Therefore, the skills learned by the experimental product in this script due to the emergence of bugs must not be allowed to our imagination. Players must find clues from existing skills that have been written in the script."

"The question made by the system is quite cryptic, but through Wu's remarks, I solved it."

"I think that in the serial (sha) case last year, there was a deceased. His name was Ma Computing and his skill was programming. In this year's case, our first deceased Zhao Mathematics, his skill was also programming. "

"Squad leader Gu has a bug. This bug is programming. He can control the lights remotely... This is not hard to imagine."

After listening to Gu Liang, he said sincerely, "Well, there is a set of reasoning and analysis, association, coercion and temptation, and torture to extract a confession. I think you have the potential to be a policeman."

"When I first went to the group company, I was rotating in the internal audit post. I don’t know if you don’t know clearly what the following branch company did secretly (mo), then the investigation is more than the investigation— "

When Yang Ye said this, he was silent, because suddenly reacted, Gu Liang was not necessarily boasting himself.

Intimidation? Severely torture a confession?


Before catching a glimpse of the red mark on Gu Liang's neck (exposed), Yang Ye lowered his voice. "Cool, does it still hurt?"

Gu Liang has always been embarrassed to say such things, and bowed his head to eat noodles.

Yang Ye stroked his wrist lightly. "Sorry, I was a little emotionally out of control at that afternoon..."

"I know." Gu Liang looked up at him and changed the subject, "My mobile phone is in the dormitory of the deceased Zhu Physical."

Yang Ye: "Principal Li's cell phone?"

Gu Liang: "Well, I stole it and put it in classroom 201."

Yang Ye nodded, her eyes serious: "We can think about how to use this together, and find a more perfect reason for you."

Gu Liang didn't say a word. He is thinking about other things.

Yang Ye is actually not a real player now, but an npc.

This time, he won the opportunity to play the game as a player and earn gold coins.

Yang Ye has enough time to commit the crime. From the perspective of others, he (killing sha) Manager Wang is very suspicious.

But during the previous discussion, Yang Ye didn't really defend herself.

Gu Liang knew that he had never thought of winning.

If this continues, in the eyes of the system, Yang Ye's behavior must be very poor.

——You are all npc, my system is very kind to give you a chance to play games to earn coins, you are not fun at all, your attitude is too bad!

Just imagine, players will be punished for negative attitudes, not to mention npc?

In this way, after the "Blood Tarot" script, Yang Ye estimated that there would no longer be such an opportunity to earn gold coins through the game.

Gu Liang knew his situation.

He has since (killed sha), and the hope of returning to reality may be very slim, at least not so easy.

He doesn't know how long he will stay in this world, but no matter what, that is the consequence he should bear.

He bears the consequences for the reasons he planted, and he cannot hold Yang Ye to bear with him.

If Yang Ye were to spend a lifetime here with him, maybe both of them would lose the chance to live.

In fact, Gu Liang didn't think about giving his gold coins to Yang Ye.

In fact, on the night when the script started, before the two people hugged and fell asleep, Yang Ye put his shirt down (take off tuo) and put it on the chair. Gu Liang helped him fold the shirt and took the opportunity to stuff three gold coins inside. .

But early the next morning, Gu Liang discovered that—just like the card that ran back after being thrown away, the three gold coins had automatically entered his pocket.

The system has not previously prohibited the trading of gold coins between players.

Gu Liang estimated that that was actually part of the test. By observing players' gold coin transactions and even players stealing gold coins, the system will evaluate players' moral values ​​and other dimensions.

But now Yang Ye is an NPC and no longer a player, so Gu Liang can't trade gold coins with him at all.

After thinking about it, Gu Liang had no other choice.

Losing this opportunity, Yang Ye wanted to earn gold coins, but it was difficult.

Gu Liang must let Yang Ye win.

Then the question that Gu Liang faces now is, who is the one who (killed sha) Manager Wang?

While eating the remaining noodles, Gu Liang sorted his thoughts in his head.

At 9:40 last night, Manager Wang returned to the teachers' dormitory.

He might rest for ten minutes and then take another ten minutes to walk to the teaching building.

This reasoning was mentioned by Wu Biology. Gu Liang basically recognized it-Mr. Wang arrived at the teaching building at least after 10 o'clock.

Then, Gu Liang remembered one thing-when the door of the underground laboratory opened, there would be a lot of movement.

This is something that all players can experience when freely exploring. At that time, they activated the app on Mr. Wang's mobile phone on the second floor. When the hidden door embedded in the wall on the stairs on the first floor opened, the floor was shaking.

Gu Liang speculated that Mr. Wang should have killed Qian Chemical in classroom 201 (killing sha) first, then opened the door of the laboratory, and finally walked down from the second floor with his body, and went to the one hidden behind the stairs on the first floor. The door to the basement.

It was the movement caused by his opening the door that attracted the attention of those who had stayed in the teaching building beforehand.

This person includes the deceased Zhu Physical, as well as the murderer.

Gu Liang thought for a long time, thinking that Zhu Physics might have finished his self-study at that time, and turned off the lights and planned to leave.

She didn't leave the school building temporarily, maybe just because she went to the toilet.

But no matter where she went, she must have turned off the lights at that time.

Otherwise, when Mr. Wang came to the teaching building and saw a classroom with lights on, he would not open the underground laboratory rashly. He must have thought it was dead at night and there was no one here, so he would do so.

So... when did the murderer and Zhu Wuxi enter the basement?

If Mr. Wang has entered the underground laboratory, he will put Qian Chemical into the destruction warehouse.

When he came out, he would definitely close the door.

Let me talk about destroying the warehouse first.

When he was in the underground laboratory before, Gu Liang had studied it, but he didn't understand how to open the destruction warehouse.

Therefore, if Mr. Wang had put Qian Chemical in, it would not be so easy for the murderer to bring people out and put them on the second floor to set up the illusion of self (killing sha).

Therefore, the hypnosis chamber should not have been used.

Secondly, if Mr. Wang entered the laboratory, he would definitely close the door when he left.

So, if the murderer and Zhu Physical Science want to enter the laboratory again, it is likely that Dong Xiao (sha) must be killed before he can get the mobile phone from him, and then reopen the laboratory to find out the truth.

But this is not reasonable.

In the absence of personal grievances, the murderer’s (killing sha) manager Wang’s motives can only be speculated from the public plot.

He (killing sha) Manager Wang can only be based on his resentment of the experiment, wanting to terminate the experiment to save the experiment, or simply avenging the dead experiment.

But in any case, from the perspective of motivation, he has a kind (sexual xing) personality.

People with such a (sexual) personality will not be indiscriminate, so they will first kill Dong Xiao (sha) when they go up, and then go to the laboratory to check the truth.

This is illogical.

The murderer must have gone to the laboratory to see the truth before he started to get rid of Manager Wang.

This point can also be confirmed by another speculation made by Gu Liang-the murderer is not a new teacher Yang who knows nothing about what was born in school (fafa); most of them are people who have experienced cases in the past year.

This person waited for a year and waited until the investigation is clear today. It can also prove that he is not a reckless person.

In addition, there is a very basic fact-the murderer should not know in advance that the switch to open the basement is on Mr. Wang's mobile phone, and his mobile phone needs a fingerprint to unlock.

This fact also determines that the murderer will not ignore (kill sha) Manager Wang and then use the corpse's fingers to unlock and enter the laboratory.

The murderer heard the noise caused by the opening of the basement door and entered the laboratory before the door closed, which was reasonable.

So, on the whole, Gu Liang can infer the fact that Mr. Wang never entered the laboratory last night.

—— Last night, Mr. Wang used the mobile app to open the door of the underground laboratory and walked down from the second floor with Qian Chemical. Before he entered the laboratory, something went wrong.

But at this time, the murderer probably didn't kill him, but just knocked him unconscious with something like a stick.

The murderer stunned the manager of the king at that time, just to walk in to investigate the truth while the basement door was open.

After the investigation is clear, he will (kill sha) people.

After careful consideration of the details, it seems that only this possibility is closest to the truth.

Then, the true case should be like this.

——The murderer followed Mr. Wang to come, or accidentally arrived at the teaching building because of other things. He hid in the dark after hearing the opening of the basement, which was probably the blind spot behind the stairs.

Then he saw the manager Wang carrying Qian Chemical.

Is Qian Chemical unconscious or dead? Did Mr. Wang really do something to him? Is it possible that my own guesses have been true? Does that basement hide the big secret that I have been looking for?

No, I don’t know how to open this door. I have to take this opportunity to get in.

How do I get in? Knock out Manager Wang first, right?

Thinking of this, the murderer knocked Director Wang out.

Then he found that Qian Chemical was out of breath, and naturally guessed that Dong Xiao (Kill Sha) was him.

At this moment, the murderer's guess was confirmed, so he walked into the laboratory to investigate further.

Of course, at this time, there is a possibility that Zhu Physics, who was originally in the bathroom, also ran up because of hearing the movement. The two people may even walk into the laboratory together.

Gu Liang carefully calculated the time.

When Mr. Wang arrived at the teaching building, there must be no lights in classroom 102, otherwise he would not do it.

Suppose that at that time Zhu Physics just went to the toilet, and when Mr. Wang finished handling Qian Chemical and brought people downstairs, Zhu Physics had time to finish using the toilet.

She heard the movement coming from the stairs, and when she ran over to check it, she might have just hit the scene where the murderer knocked the manager out of school.

Even if Zhu Physics comes a little later, the murderer will definitely be probed in the laboratory at that time.

The murderer is investigating a big secret, and it is impossible to come out after two minutes in the laboratory. So, after Zhu Physically went to the toilet, he ran to the stairs and saw the open basement door. After he walked in out of curiosity, he would still reach the murderer.

At first Gu Liang was hesitant, but now that he puts the logic in order, he thinks that the murderer and Zhu Physically most likely met each other.

Finally, after coming out of the laboratory, the murderer (killing sha) who learned the truth dropped Manager Wang.

In this process, Zhu Physics may have done it too.

After all, her tragedy was caused by Mr. Wang, and she had no reason not to do it.

Zhu Physical is an accomplice, so the murderer did not attack her.

Of course, it is also possible that the murderer was originally good. He was the school manager Wang who was only trying to save the experimental product (to kill sha), so even if he was hit by Zhu Physical, he did not act on her.


After analyzing the case and restoring it, it's time to take the murderer.

Now Gu Liang discovered that most of the murderer had met Zhu Physical, and the two had communicated.

So he had a logical error before.

In his initial assumptions, the murderer was not a genius, and it was impossible to understand the truth of the experiment at once.

But now he discovered that even if the murderer didn't understand it, after the genius Zhu Physically understood everything, he could explain it clearly to the murderer.

However, even though this logic is wrong, Gu Liang can still rule out Teacher Yang.

Just two days after Mr. Yang came to school, although (fafa) had a serial (killing sha) case, the murderer had been locked in Qian Chemical. He directly perceives something wrong, and then the possibility of suspicion of Mr. Wang is still very small.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to follow Manager Wang, and then unintentionally discover the truth, and finally (kill sha) people.

If Teacher Yang (killing sha) Manager Wang, there is only one possibility-at that time he happened to be in the teaching building, accidentally bumped into everything, and understood the truth under Zhu Physical’s explanation, only then would he be filled with righteous indignation. sha) people.

But this is not true. He has no reason to return to the school building.

At 9:40 last night, Teacher Yang went back to his room to prepare lessons, and would not return to the teaching building for no reason.

Then the only other faculty and staff who can commit crimes after 9:40.

Gu Liang pondered for a while and decided to consider the possibility of the principal and director cooperating to commit crimes.

The two people left the canteen at 10:10 and went to the teaching building again.

Based on the fact that Mr. Wang had to take the key of 201 in front of them, they might guess that Mr. Wang would return to the teaching building.

And if they have guessed part of the truth of the experiment, they are more likely to go to the teaching building to check the situation.

But the key point now is that these two people sent Ma Jianjie a job and asked her to clean the teaching building.

If they guessed that Mr. Wang might deal with Qian Chemical, would Ma clean the past?

This possibility is very small, but in fact, they can be basically eliminated.

When thinking about this, Gu Liang glanced at Yang Ye, guessing (touching Mo) that he said this at the discussion meeting just now, just to (gan gan) disturb everyone’s thinking and let everyone follow the possibility of cooperating in crime. Use this to delay time and make it difficult for everyone to find the truth, right?

Yang Ye caught Gu Liang's eyes and asked him: "Cool, you haven't had a bite of noodles for a long time. Why do you want to be so absorbed?"

Gu Liang didn't lie to him this time. "I'm thinking about the case of Manager Wang. Even if you want me to escape (escape tuo), we can try to solve the case of the school manager. This time the case is complicated. Maybe you can find a murderer and you can get a little gold. Even if you want to help me, you can't give up on this line."

Yang Ye nodded after listening, but didn't feel much entangled. "Yes. Who do you suspect now?"

Gu Liang looked around for a while and explained his reorganization of his thoughts, and then said, "I mainly suspect Ma Qingjian and Gao Canteen. The key question now is, who would know that the Wang School Board will go to the teaching building in the middle of the night?"

"If it was because of last year's case, the murderer would have suspected Manager Wang and would choose to follow him. You are a newcomer. I think the possibility of you (sexual xing) is very small. I will exclude you. But apart from you, Others have no tracking conditions."

"Ma and Gao both live in the canteen (gan). Even if they suspect Manager Wang, will they think that he is going to (kill sha) this evening? So I was wondering whether Ma's suspicion would be even greater. bigger."

"She had suspected Mr. Wang for a long time. When she was sent to work in the teaching building (gan gan), she ran into Mr. Wang assault. After finding out the truth, she (gan) (killed sha). "

Yang Ye thought for a moment, wiped his mouth with toilet paper. "Not necessarily. Manager Wang said that he only stayed for one day. So if he had to deal with Qian Chemical, he would most likely do it during the dead of the night last night. The murderer might have guessed about this. Out of worry. He might go to the 201 classroom to take a look at Qian Chemical, but he ran into it."

Gu Liang nodded. "Yeah. Agree. So... Ma Jianyi and Gao Canteen are equally suspected."

Yang Ye asked again: "Where do you plan to start next?"

Gu Liang: "On the one hand, it is a murder weapon. What exactly killed Manager Wang... There must be a murder weapon."

"On the other hand, I want to focus on the suspect’s information and (sexual xing) profile. The real murderer did not do this out of personal grievances. It is actually a person who likes to fight injustice, is helpful, or similar. I think we can start from the perspective of person design, take a closer look at what kind of person they are, and finally exclude from this."


After leaving the canteen, Yang Ye and Gu Liang focused on visiting a few faculty and staff rooms for further investigation.

The situation of the principal and director’s rooms are very similar, both in a very commercial style.

And both people love money very much.

There is a painting hanging in the principal’s room. It looks very stylish at first glance, but when you look closely, it shows three big characters "money, money, money."

He also has a calendar with a line on the title page: "Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible."

The principal's watches, suits, and belts are all high-end, and the whole person has a strong sense of sex.

The director's food and clothing costs are not comparable to the headmaster's exaggeration.

But he has a ledger that records the expenses of his wife and children.

"X month x day, my son went to a summer camp abroad, costing 60,000 yuan."

"X month x day, my wife fancy a new limited edition bag, which cost 200,000 yuan."


On the ledger, the director wrote: "Fortunately, I have a high salary, otherwise how can I afford my wife and children! I have to work hard! This summer, I will try to get the students from Class 7 to get the top three of the Olympiad. First name! I want a bonus!"

In this regard, Gu Liang commented: “The principal exaggerates his love for money and will not (kill sha) Manager Wang; the director not only loves money, but judging from what he wrote on the ledger, he really did not realize that something was wrong. So, he I think the suspicion of the two can basically be eliminated."

"From the timeline, the suspicion of Auntie Guan is also very small. Let's focus on Gao Canteen and Ma Clean."

The room in the high canteen is neatly arranged (dry gan). Although it is close to the back kitchen, there is almost no smell of oily smoke.

He also has a booklet here, dedicated to students' tastes.

"I found that monitor Gu liked to eat spare ribs very much. This kid Li Yingwen loves spicy food..."

Yang Ye said: "In this way, it is possible for him. His approach is different from the headmaster and director who are committed to moving forward. He really loves the children. This time there is no personal grievances. If the motivation is inferred from the public plot... indeed We can only start with people. Few people may think of this."

After Yang Ye said this, he found that Gu Liang's eyes were a little serious. "In fact, I think the real difficulty in this case is not here."

Yang Ye: "Where do you think the difficulty is?"

Gu Liangdao: "There is always a way for a living suspect. Even if you really can't find a clue, you can still think of a way to lie. But the dead can't speak."

"It suddenly occurred to me...According to my reasoning, I think it is impossible for Zhu Physical Science to miss the murderer, so she may have participated in the (killing sha) Wang school manager. But she has already (killed sha). How can it be done? Prove... Is she a murderer?"

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