Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 188: boating

In the small black room, Gu Liang fell into a coma halfway through the punishment. +++Mobile reading visit

This kind of punishment is basically a round of mental torture and a round of (flesh rou). Physical torture. Shang Fangliang has experienced mental torture. This time, the experience is nothing but a kind of (flesh rou).

However, despite the physical pain, Gu Liang felt that this was much better than mental punishment.

No matter how many injuries the body suffers, as long as he leaves the small black room, the trauma will automatically recover, but if he suffers mental damage, it is not necessarily.

After experiencing the punishment of the last time Shenhu and watching Wang Qing Shenhu, Gu Liang was sluggish for a long time.

Gu Liang was in a daze, feeling that he was being carried out.

After being punished for 24 hours, he was soaked with sweat and suffered from severe physical exhaustion.

Occasionally opening his eyes, he could see the man in black approaching to give himself an injection, and later even used a sling bottle, probably to supplement himself with glucose and salt.

After the infusion, Gu Liang recovered some strength, and was then carried to a room with a shower device and prepared (dry gan) clean clothes.

After the shower, Gu Liang felt much better.

But when he walked out of the shower room and saw a set of white robe placed on the wooden shelf, Gu Liang still frowned subconsciously—this dress was the same as Yun Xuan's, and it was similar in style to Mingyue's.

But there was no other clothes to wear right now, Gu Liang had to put a white robe on him first.

Opening the door, Gu Liang entered an ancient courtyard.

Yun Xuan was waiting outside the door.

Seeing Gu Liang, Yun Xuan greeted him, and then led him through the winding path and stopped in front of a room.

After knocking on the door three times, she opened the door and signaled Gu Liang to go directly in.

Gu Liang walked in and found that this was the room he had come back to.

There was still a square table in front of the fireplace. On the square table there was a pot of tea, a bowl of porridge, and a lump... something that looked slimy and dark and seemed to be called a snack.

Mingyue sat at the other end of the square table.

Seeing Gu Liang, he made a "please sit down" gesture.

Gu Liang looked back, and Yun Xuan had closed the door. After a pause, Gu Liang stepped forward and knelt down at the square table.

"Brother Liang, you missed the Mid-Autumn Festival in reality. I think I can make it up for you. This is the moon cake I made."

Mingyue pointed to the dark dim sum and motioned to Gu Liang to have a taste, "You can taste it. You have been punished for too long this time. You have to eat something first, and we will talk about other things."

Gu Liang is indeed hungry.

In this way, even though the selling of the thing was so poor that it really made people unable to appetite, he still caught a piece with chopsticks.

But only took a bite of this so-called moon cake, and Gu Liang was stunned. He tried desperately so that he would not vomit.

The bright moon frowned. "Isn't it delicious?"

Gu Liang: "...This, is this moon cake?"

"It's not delicious? It shouldn't be. I basically follow the recipe, only slightly improved."

Mingyue explained, “You sweated in the little black room, and your body lost a lot of salt, so I put a lot of salt. You still need to add sugar, so I put a lot of sugar. Considering you just When I woke up, I might have no appetite, and the sour taste can stimulate the taste buds and stimulate appetite. Therefore, I specially made moon cakes filled with sauerkraut."

Gu Liang: "..."

Seeing Gu Liang's expression, Mingyue asked, "It's not delicious?"

Gu Liang: "Um... have you tasted it yourself?"

Mingyue nodded, and then said: "But I have no sense of taste."

Gu Liang was startled slightly, and Mingyue said lightly, "I didn't have it when I was alive. But I don't care."

He doesn't have a sense of taste, and he doesn't seem to have seven emotions and six desires... He doesn't even feel the joys of life such as eating (lust) (sexual xing), so when he is alive, where does the fun come from?

He seems to have committed some serious crime... So, are these defects in him the reason for his (Fan) crime?

-Can't feel the happiness of ordinary people, he needs to do something else to find (stabbing ci) excitement?

Gu Liang glanced at Mingyue with a rather inquisitive gaze, then didn't want to ask more, just bowed his head and drank the porridge.

The salt and sugar in the porridge are also heavy, and the taste is very difficult to express. Gu Liang made do with tea and drank half a bowl, and asked Mingyue, "You are going to do the test for me? When will it start?"

Mingyue: "No hurry, Brother Liang, drink porridge first."

Gu Liang took another spoonful of porridge and drank it, and asked Mingyue, "Can you tell me what happened to Yang Ye?"

Mingyue smiled. "Don't worry. He's gone."

Gu Liang straightened his back and asked nervously, "He didn't throw any gold coins this time?"

Mingyue said: "It has never happened before (fafa) that players abandon gold coins and refuse to go back. So last time, those in black clothes were unprepared. But they will not let such a thing happen again (fafa) . This is a serious waste of system resources."

When Gu Liang heard this, he laughed first, but his eyes soon became a little heavy. "Then he...did he also drank Wangchuan water?"

Mingyue: "He refused to drink it at first."

Gu Liang's fingers clasped the edge of the table. "Then... later?"

Mingyue: "Later it was changed to an injection. Meng Po's new invention finally came in handy."

"Yeah. I see. Thanks a lot." Gu Liang took a breath, his eyes drooping.

Gu Liang faintly heard Mingyue sigh, and then he said, "Actually, it doesn't have to be so long. When "The Undead City" is over, you could have come out. Who thought that Yang Ye would get a free death card? Later..."

Gu Liang's gaze flickered, and he looked up at the bright moon. "What do you mean?"

Mingyue shook his head. "I just feel that you don't need to fall in love at all. Wouldn't it be okay to come and do research with me earlier? If you came out on that script, it wouldn't be so uncomfortable now."

Gu Liang came down seriously: "I don't quite understand what you mean by this. Do you think I can't pass your test?"

Mingyue shook her head, took out a tablet and handed it to Gu Liang, then changed the subject. "He is awake. You can check his state."

Gu Liang immediately took the tablet.

A spacious white (color) room was shown on the screen. Yang Ye leaned against the head of the bed to take a nap. There was an infusion needle on the back of his hand and an oxygen tube on his nose. The nurse next to him was slowly pushing away a series of complex and sophisticated instruments.

It seems that he has indeed recovered.

With a soft breath, Gu Liang smiled, and couldn't hold back his finger, and placed it on the screen as if he had reached his face.

It is estimated that in reality, the Department of Guanguan has been living in the hospital, Yang Ye is thinner than in the game, and his face is a lot paler.

Looking around, Gu Liang inevitably felt worried and hoped that he could return to normal as soon as possible.

Gu Liang's fingers slid from Yang Ye's forehead to the bridge of his nose. At this time, the ward door opened and someone walked in.

Yang Ye opened his eyes, smiled brightly, and called her: "Mom."

Gu Liang couldn't see what Yang Ye's mother looked like, and the screen went black.

Mingyue took back the tablet. "You can't continue to violate the rules, just stop here."

Gu Liang was a little bit reluctant, but finally withdrew his hand restrained. "Thanks a lot."

"He is in good condition, and has no game-related memory at all. So—" Mingyue looked at Gu Liang, "I think you can have no worries at all."

After saying this, Mingyue stood up and walked out. "Three days later, our test begins. You have to take a good rest these days. Sleep and eating status are also key factors to measure whether you are depressed."


Three days later, Gu Liang got his test questions.

Gu Liang never expected that this was really a whole test question.

"Do you feel loss of appetite? Or overeating uncontrollably?"

"Do you suffer from insomnia? Or feel exhausted and drowsy all day long (Shui Shui)?"

"Have you lost interest in (sexual xing)?"

"Do you think you are worthless or think you are a loser?"


Gu Liang needs to examine his own situation according to the problem and score according to the severity.

——A score of 0 means that there is no such situation at all, a score of 1 means that the situation is mild, a score of 2 is moderate, and a score of 3 is required for severe cases.

Gu Liang scored all 0 points, and then handed the test paper to Mingyue. "My condition is very good."

Mingyue read the title next to her, her face (showing) a little surprised, and then (showing) an expression of praise. "Well, it really is."

Gu Liang: "..."

--It's that simple?

"Then, come with me."

Mingyue took Gu Liang out of the courtyard, tapped a few times on the tablet, and said to Gu Liang, "Now, I announce that you have passed the psychological assessment. You have no tendency to be depressed, and your desire to live is very (strong qiang). Will not (kill sha)."

"I have notified the people in black and they will come to pick you up. You can go home soon. Brother Liang, I will see you off. But before sending you back, I want to ask you a question, you still refuse to accept me. invite?"

Gu Liang shook his head.

Mingyue said: "Although there is no sun here, it's always in the dark...but you can go to the script from time to time as I do. There are fake suns there."

Gu Liang still shook his head.

Mingyue's face (showing) a bit helpless. "Okay. I'll give it to you."

About ten minutes later, a sedan chair appeared in front of Gu Liang.

Gu Liang sat in, and Mingyue followed.

The sedan shook, and it took about twenty minutes before it stopped.

After stepping off the sedan chair, a very spectacular and beautiful scene appeared in front of Gu Liang.

A river meandered to the sky, filled with stars, and he seemed to be beside the Milky Way.

There are large tracts of red (color) flowers blooming by the river, without leaves, so there is only full-color (yanyan) red.

Gu Liang asked, "This is Manjusawa?"


Mingyue raised her finger in one direction, "Get on that boat and paddle away from Manzhushahua, and you will be able to go home."

"Of course, the test for you is not as simple as a test paper. You have to prove to the system that you are really eager to survive. Therefore, there is no person in black to take you this time. You have to draw back by yourself. I will give you a map. If you can paddle to the other side, someone will pick you up and go down the road."

"By the way, there is Wangchuan water on the boat. When you get to the other side, remember to drink it."

Gu Liang asked him: "Can I not drink it?"

Mingyue shook his head: "After getting ashore, there is still a section of desert to go. If you don't drink water, you will definitely die of thirst on the way."

Gu Liang turned around indifferently, walked to the river, and stepped on the boat: "I will try. Maybe I can make it through."

Mingyue smiled. "Brother Liang, please choose carefully. If you don't drink water and fall into the desert, maybe I will have no desire to survive."

"I will hold on."

After receiving the map, Gu Liangwu let go of the cable and took the oars away.

Sure enough, there is a can on the small wooden boat, it is probably Nawangchuan water.

Gu Liang glanced at it, then ignored it, and looked at the map seriously.

After a while, Gu Liang put down the map and started rowing.

Before leaving, Gu Liang looked back at the shore, and Mingyue waved at him on the shore with a reminder.

"Brother Liang, I have to remind you one thing. You may encounter'water ghosts' while boating. They occasionally jump into the water and try to escape from the control of the man in black. In order to return to reality, they Will defraud your ship. You have to be careful not to let anyone on board."

"Remember my words, this boat can only take one person. If someone goes up, the boat will sink."


As far as I can see, there is only the endless galaxy; what I hear is only the sound of wood pulp across the water.

Without a watch, without a card, you cannot see the time or even feel the time.

The only thing that made Gu Liang feel that time was flowing was one thing-his rowing arm was getting sour.

The quiet, endless environment is a bit frightening.

Wandering alone on the sea, or wandering in the endless dark night of the universe, Gu Liang now faces a similar situation.

He doesn't know how long he has been rowing, but fortunately he has a firm goal-to go home.

Furthermore, even though he was driving slowly, he was able to reluctantly row along the established route after passing a few reference objects.

I don't know how long it took, but what broke the silence was a falling water.

Gu Liang turned his head and looked at the place where the sound came from, but saw that the wind was calm and no one seemed to approach him.

Until a long time passed, a hand was (shown) out of the water, and it snapped onto the side of the boat. The five fingers were pale and swollen, and there was a great rotten smell, and they seemed to have been soaked in the water for many days.

Then a head came out (exposed) from the water, with a faint cry for help from his mouth. "Help me, help me, I want to go home too..."

Gu Liang's first reaction was to lift the oar and smash at this person.

Because he remembered Mingyue's reminder-he might meet the water ghost on the boat, and the water ghost would take the boat that sent him home.

Gu Liang vigorously waved the oar to the person's head, and the strong wind he brought up swept away the long hair that stood in front of her.

At this moment, Gu Liang saw her face clearly.

Although it was already swollen, Gu Liang recognized it—it was Wang Qing's face.

The oar immediately stopped in front of Wang Qing's forehead.

Gu Liang suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"There is a stone in the bag on my back! It... it turned into a monster, dragging me into the water! Help me!"

"You were not able to save me. You save me! You save me now!"

"Take me home! Please! Take me home!"

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