Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 193: Cookies 1

Conference room. +++ Catino Novel Network

After Yang Ye sat down, facing the crowd, the first sentence was: "This matter is indeed not authentic in Huamao."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows, guessing that he first used this sentence to pull into He Ning Yue's (guanguan) relationship, and the next sentence would probably begin with the word "but".


Sure enough, Yang Ye continued: "At that time, you Ning Yue did not sue Huamao. When we acquired Huamao, we did not see any relevant litigation disputes when we did a net worth investigation, so we initially did not know about this matter. of."

"Of course, now that we are taking over Huamao's business in its entirety, we should be responsible for this matter. I come today with the utmost sincerity, and I will definitely give Ning Yue a satisfactory answer. But now Haiyuan has settled in for renovation, and Haiyuan has followed We also have a lot of business cooperation. To be honest, I am actually quite embarrassed."

While Yang Ye was speaking, Gu Liang made key points in his heart, fully understanding what he meant.

Yang Ye's words simply indicate two points-

First, when Huamao breached the contract, Yang Ye and the others were unaware of the matter when Huaiyu Group acquired Huamao. So whether they are required to pay compensation or deal with lawsuits, they are actually very innocent and aggrieved.

He was telling Ning Yue that if you ask too much, it would be inappropriate.

Second, he expressed that Haiyuan had cooperation with him, and he was very embarrassed. It actually meant that he had decided to cooperate with Haiyuan and wanted Ning Yue to give up this site.

After a short period of preparation was completed, the people of Ning Yue hadn’t spoken yet. Yang Ye had already said directly: “Since Haiyuan has moved in for renovation, according to the original plan, the entire shopping mall will open next spring. If Haiyuan is demolished now, you The time is too late to settle in and re-decorate, which will affect the overall opening momentum. Taking into consideration, I will still lease this area to Haiyuan."

"Our Huaiyu security department is very professional and can ensure that Haiyuan's subsequent renovations will not be hindered. In addition, I think you don't have the budget to invite people to make trouble there every day."

"As for litigation, it costs attorney fees and drags for a year or two... Even if you win, it is not necessary. With this time and energy, you can relocate and renovate your business a long time ago. So, waste this time. Why not make money?"

"So, let's talk directly about the pre-trial settlement."

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang's side, "I have settled this appointment. How much compensation do you want?"

The business and developers next to Gu Liang talked several times, but found that they didn't know what to say for a while.

Accuse them of breach of contract? When they came up, they divided the responsibilities clearly.

Accuse others of being insincere? The highest rank of the person from my side is the director; the president directly came to talk with him.

Express appeal? The other party had already said everything to death-only one way was given, and with good reasons, it was impossible to refute it. Including the measures that I want to take here, and the corresponding consequences, others have analyzed it clearly.

So the person in charge of the project set his sights directly on Gu Liang.

They have cooperated many times, and he has enough trust in Gu Liang.

Gu Liangchao nodded his head for business and said to Yang Ye: "Our company attaches great importance to the development of this business district. We are the first to settle here as a boutique supermarket before all our competitors. This is related to the overall planning of the group. In the short term, this area There is no construction plan for other similar large-scale shopping malls, so the negative floor of this shopping mall is a battleground for the military and we must take it. There is no more suitable location than this."

"So about Mr. Yang, it is totally unnecessary for us to spend a year or two in litigation. It is not like that. This is a new business district, and the group does not have this requirement for how much profit it makes in one or two years. Even breakeven is fine. What we are after is the future development."

"Furthermore, if you want to make up for profits, business and location developers can of course expand other stores. This does not affect our legal department to fight a lawsuit. As a functional department, we just want to **** the business department. Therefore, also There is no such thing as a waste of time as you said... The legal department takes wages.

"Therefore, we do not accept the termination of the contract. This matter is that Huamao breached the contract for no reason. We have no problem here. We will definitely win the lawsuit, and the lessee must be us, not Haiyuan. Even if Haiyuan is now open, we will wait for the judgment to come down. , It must also be withdrawn. We don’t mind moving in two years later."

Yang Ye turned his eyes and stared at Gu Liang for a long time, with scrutiny, probing, and a little deterrence.

"This is Gu always?"

Yang Ye said, "Mr Gu seems to be very familiar with your company's business and has been in this field for a long time. Then you should be very experienced in theory, not the kind of legal affairs that... A simple account for you."

"I have seen the first contract you signed with Huamao. 53's cooperation model, that is, starting from the 6th year, you have the priority to renew the contract and renew the lease for 3 years under the same lease terms. Then, I Even if you signed for 8 years."

"Now Haiyuan’s opening is imperative. You sue me, the landlord. The first and second instance of the lawsuit will be delayed for 1-2 years; even if you win, the lawsuit will be decided and Haiyuan will withdraw. But Haiyuan will definitely not withdraw. Years are not enough to amortize their renovation costs."

"Haiyuan will occupy the site and continue to operate, and I believe that Ning Yue is a regular and legal company and will not do things like finding someone to demolish it. Then..."

"You will only have one way to go-to prosecute Haiyuan. At that time, the first instance and the second instance will be delayed for another two years."

"Let us file a lawsuit with Fangdongfang first, and then file a lawsuit with Haiyuan. It is already four years later that you can actually enter this business district. You have already missed the opportunity to'get in first' you mentioned earlier."

"At that time, you will only have four years of lease, which means that you only have four years of operating time. The decoration fees are not cheap, and it will be difficult for you to make a real profit in the first two years. You have only the last two years left to make money."

"So Mr. Gu, do you really think it's necessary to go to court? How much compensation you want, just ask for the price."

Gu Liang smiled faintly. "It seems that Mr. Yang has accepted my statement-we have lost not only a store, but an opportunity to enter the core business district of the future city. This is a loss at the strategic level. If Mr. Yang must want to talk about it. Settled before the court, yes, we offer a price. We need you to compensate 200 million."

After Gu Liang said this, the air condensed for a while.

The old employees of Huaiyu Group and Huamao sitting across from each other whispered, insinuating that he spoke loudly.

Yang Ye's face (color) sinks slightly, and then he does smile again. "I want to know how the two hundred million are calculated?"

Yang Ye said: "This store is 3,000 square meters, and the rent is 3.14 yuan per square meter per day. It will remain unchanged for the first three years, but will increase by 5% every year thereafter. After this calculation, the total rent for eight years is 30.26 million yuan."

"President Gu, I rented this place to you for eight years, and only earned 30 million yuan. Now I just don't plan to rent it to you. Why are you embarrassed to ask me for 200 million?"

Hearing what Gu Liang said about Ning Yue's own business next to him, he was actually a little vain, so he subconsciously glanced at his colleagues in the finance department. The financial colleague gave him a gesture of relief, and he secretly exhaled. It seems that Gu Liang has confirmed the data with her.

Gu Liang faced Yang Ye and said, "Mr. Yang, this is not the calculation. Let me explain to you. In the first year, our estimated revenue will be 100,000 per day, and 36.5 million per year. The average gross profit is 25%. To calculate, the subsequent annual income increase is estimated at 20%. After deducting various expenses, the total profit for eight years is 72.76 million. I will give you a discount and calculate it as 70 million."

How did you make the discount?

Yang Ye slightly lifted his chin, stared at Gu Liang, and listened to him continue: "This 70 million is a potential loss of profit for us if this store fails to open. But it is not a big head. As you just agreed, this For our group, the store is mainly of strategic significance. Losing the opportunity to enter the market has a great impact on the effectiveness of the brand. The loss of brand value is not much at 130 million."

Gu Liang paused and concluded: "The loss of 130 million in brand value, plus the potential loss of 70 million in profit, is exactly 200 million."

Yang Ye responded indifferently: "Don't talk to me about brand value and goodwill, such vain things. Let's not talk about your 130 million. Your 70 million is very problematic."

"The gross profit is 20%? The gross profit of vegetables is 5%, and the maximum for seafood is about 10%. The more expensive (milk Nai) powder and premium beverages are about 15%. Unless you want to tell me that your supermarket specializes in tobacco, High-end cosmetics. If you want to set the gross profit to be as high as 25%, you have to tell me first, what is the category structure of your supermarket?"

Gu Liangdao: "The specific category structure involves trade secrets, so there is no comment. Because this is a new supermarket model launched by our group. But if you think the data is not reliable, I can show you the report. This is because we have found a professional A professional report issued by a consulting company. 25% of the gross profit, including the front and back office, will only be less, not more."

At this point, Gu Liang elbows the business person next to him.

A salesperson immediately said to Yang Ye: "Mr. Yang, you have heard our legal opinions. If the compensation fails to meet the requirements, we can fight the lawsuit. We can afford to spend with Haiyuan."

"I got up from the bottom-level employees (gan gan) of the store. I can't say anything to analyze strategy, but I stay at the end of the business all the year round, and I have very much experience in looting territory. It is nothing more than who is more rascal and rascal. Isn't it?"

"When Haiyuan and your shopping center are open as a whole, please invite the funeral team to sing songs every day. I can do it. I live nearby. My family is dead. Singing is not illegal, right? Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Some budget, we still have it."

Yang Ye laughed, but did not speak temporarily.

Gu Liang knew that he was not speechless, but that he would go on. Those words that couldn't make it to the scene might not be suitable for this kind of meeting.

At this moment, a secretary came in and whispered to Yang Ye, "Ms. Yang, it's almost time to leave."

Yang Ye nodded, adjusted his tie, and stood up calmly. "Cancellation of the contract to compensate for three months of rent. This is the market situation. You have paid the security deposit, and I will pay you at an interest higher than the bank interest rate. Then I will compensate you for your hard work. The total compensation is 2 million. My family has more than one. This shopping center. There are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"So, there is no need for everyone to be too ugly, right?"

"2 million, one price. No negotiation. Otherwise, every time I develop a business district, I can lease it to Haiyuan instead of giving you any chance. By that time, you will lose more than 200 million?"

"That's it. I'll catch a plane. Let's leave first."


Before going downstairs, Yang Ye went to the bathroom first.

Today's meeting was a bit longer than he expected. The lawyer on the other side did have the ability to prepare all the data from the beginning.

But for him, things are not too troublesome.

As he said at the end, after the acquisition of Huamao, his family group has already mastered most of the city's commercial real estate development business. Ning Yue wanted to develop offline business and compete with rivals, so he had to cooperate with Huaiyu.

Therefore, even though Ning Yue was the party who was in breach of contract in this incident, Huaiyu still held the lead.

After washing his hands at Liulitai and about to take it to dry (gan dry), Yang Ye raised his head and saw Gu Liang walking towards him in the mirror.

He wore a slim-fitting light gray (color) suit and a royal blue (color) tie. He was very white, and his pupils were very light, which is a rare tea (color). The waist is narrow, the legs are long, plus an impeccable facial features, but the expression is so abstinent and cold...

This person is almost in charge of Yang Ye's aesthetics. Although the contact time is short, it can be seen that he has no ability to say.

In the past, Yang Ye would feel that he was something he could pursue.

But Yang Ye did not intend to contact him too much now.

Yang Ye thinks he looks straight, and this is one of the reasons.

And the most important reason is that since Yang Ye went into a coma, even though he didn't remember it, he felt that he had been in a very unforgettable relationship. If he woke up and looked at other men more, he would betray the lover he had forgotten.

So Yang Ye quickly lowered his head to wash his hands again, and did not watch Gu Liang again. He just said casually: “After Ning Yue’s transition to the Internet, he is said to be pursuing freedom of dress. In such non-serious meetings, I rarely see you. Wear formal clothes."

Gu Liang looked at him in the mirror for a long time, and said, "Mr. Yang is very professional. As far as I know, you don't have a supermarket business in Huaiyu, but you can clearly know the gross profit margin of each category."

Yang Ye nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

He did not expect that Gu Liang would immediately ask: "Mr. Yang, add another?"

At this time, I used a dryer (dry gan) to dry my hands. The noise would be loud, and it was not very polite after all. So Yang Ye drew a tissue for wiping his hands, and while wiping his hands, he said to Gu Liang: For me, please contact my secretary directly."

Gu Liang stood upright, with his right elbow resting on his left palm, his index finger nodded his chin, and he looked at Yang Ye deeply: "...what if it's a private matter?"

Yang Ye turned around, this time he was no longer looking at people in the mirror, but directly met Gu Liang's gaze.

A minute later, Yang Ye said, "I don't think there is any private matter between us to discuss."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye left, and when he passed by Gu Liang, he only said: "As far as I know, the fight for higher-level parties will begin immediately. For the so-called company's interests, it is meaningless for you to fight here for the benefit of the company. . It’s nothing more than helping people (gans). Two million is enough for you to make a deal. Think about it and plan for yourself."


After Yang Ye left. Gu Liang didn't follow it directly, but walked to the Liuli platform and washed his face.

After washing his face and staring at himself in the mirror for a while, Gu Liang turned and left.

When leaving the men’s bathroom, a girl happened to come out of the women’s bathroom. She was talking on the phone with tears in her eyes. She was probably having a conflict with her boyfriend. She was talking to her friend and said: "Men are all big Trotter! I will never believe their nonsense again!"

Gu Liang thought of the love words Yang Ye once said, such as "Even if you forget yourself, I will remember it for you", and nodded with approval, silently adding a pig's hoof to Yang Ye's image in his mind.

But soon he thought of the sentence Yang Ye said to himself in the final script, "If you lie to me again, I won't forgive you forever"-Gu Liang feels a little frustrated again, and takes the pig's feet away from his mind Up.

Unconsciously opened the briefcase and glanced at the Ji Chuanshui inside, Gu Liang frowned and left with the bag.


Three days later is the third day of the National Day holiday.

In fact, this is the busiest time for Gu Liang and his company. After all, there is a retail business, and discounts and promotions are all in time for the holidays.

Fortunately, Gu Liang is working in a functional department. After two days of shift, he can still rest.

Gu Liang (sleeping Shui) had a lazy sleep, watched a movie in the afternoon, did some exercise, ordered a takeaway and started reading after dinner.

At 9 pm, he received a call from Old Qi.

Lao Qi is a person he met when he worked at the law firm.

One piece of the business of the law firm is in divorce litigation, and the clients that their law firm has contacted are generally quite high-end.

Old Qi used to be a tabloid reporter before and later opened a private detective office by himself, but he did not solve the case, but mainly engaged in secret photography. He also cooperated with law firms like Gu Liang, and when the client wanted to capture evidence of his spouse's affair, Lao Qi made a lot of effort.

The old Qi (gan gan) relies on personal connections, the kind that many wealthy gossips can be understood by a circle of friends.

Gu Liang didn't intend to contact Yang Ye through this channel.

But at the moment he really has no choice, so he has to hire Old Seven.

He didn't hire Old Qi to follow Yang Ye, but just asked him to pay attention to Yang Ye's whereabouts.

The reason Gu Liang gave was very legitimate-he wanted to negotiate with Yang Ye, but the other party’s secretary kept pushing (off tuo), which caused him to always be unable to date him, so he hoped that Old Seven would help pay attention, such as one day Yang Ye Gu Liang can run over before he finishes eating and leave, and drag him to talk about work.

"Boss Gu, there is news about Yang Ye. He just returned from a business trip today and went straight to 37bar. Uh, rest assured, I didn’t follow it. I saw it in the circle of friends. Someone in that circle posted it. Uh, ok, I'll send you the location. By the way, it's not the kind of noisy bar, it's still quiet, you can rest assured to negotiate."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Liang's phone vibrated. It was from the location of the old Qi.

Gu Liang put on his clothes and was about to go downstairs, when the phone shook again.

After listening to the latest voice from Old Qi, Gu Liang's face (color) immediately changed.

——"I just made a mistake, there may not be suitable for negotiation. Um...that's gay, and all the guys there are gay. If you talk about work, it's appropriate to be there. You can judge by yourself."

Gu Liang put away the phone, picked up the car key on the shoe cabinet, and went out.

At the elevator entrance, the door opened, and a young man dragging a suitcase appeared, staring at Gu Liang and shouting: "Brother, Jianghu, help me, I will borrow your house for a while."

This is the son of Gu Liang's little aunt, and Gu Liang's cousin-Duan Yi.

Gu Liang: "I changed the password to open the door, 0726. Go to the guest room to make the bed. I'll go out to do something."

Seeing Gu Liang walk into the elevator with a brutal expression on his face, Duan Yi asked with some worry, "It's okay, brother? You are (sha) angry and are going to (gan gan)? May I help you call a bunch of brothers? "

"Just stay home. Don't smoke." Gu Liang raised his hand and pressed the elevator, and went to the underground garage with an iron face.


the other side.

As soon as Yang Ye got off the plane, he was dragged into the car by the two friends Song Xinyun and Wang Xu who had come to pick him up.

Yang Ye maintained a frowning expression on the rear seat all the way. Gan gan)? I just finished a business trip, can you let me rest?"

Song Xinyun drove in front: "Okay. It's easy for you to take a few days off, National Day, come out and have fun. Brothers haven't celebrated your dying."

Yang Ye: "Don't. Let me go back (sleep in Shui). What time is it?"

Wang Xu, who was sitting next to Yang Ye in the back seat, said, “No, Brother Yang, you’re so wrong. You can still turn (sexual xing) in a hospital? You have been lifeless since you were discharged from the hospital. You are very depressed. Feeling about life? Or lost a love when we didn't know it? Today, I must pull you to indulge and be cool."

Yang Yefu: "You wave yourself. I am taking care of myself. I have to go home (sleep in Shui)."

Wang Xu patted him on the shoulder: "Well, keep in good health, let me order you a glass of wolfberry foamed vodka."

"Fuck you." Yang Ye couldn't help cursing.

In this way, Yang Ye was forced to go to 37 bar.

The three of them found the deck and sat down. Wang Xu was also crooked. After sitting for a while, he picked up someone by himself (gou).

Song Xinyun, a straight man, accompanies Yang Ye to drink. He himself drank wine, Yang Ye drank juice.

"You don't even drink wine?" Song Xinyun asked.

Yang Ye: "I just left the hospital and don't drink. Besides, you are all drunk, who is driving? The first generation to drive this year is not reliable."

"Are you not going to find someone?" Song Xinyun asked again.

"Nothing to find." Yang Ye said.

Sitting here all the way, many people came to look for Yang Ye, but they were all sent by Yang Ye.

Yang Ye also saw several good looks.

But no matter who he saw, he felt that he couldn't compare to the person he had forgotten.

Song Xinyun sighed: "Then I'm so boring. I wanted you to relax and get to know some people, but we became crazy with Wang Xu instead. You see...he really talked with that o."

Yang Ye: "..."

Song Xinyun: "I'm so bored. Hey, you say, am I... popular? Will anyone come to tease me?"

Yang Ye looked at him earnestly: "Lao Song, you have always been male. I didn't even bother to find someone. Are we going back? Let Wang Xu go crazy here alone. Just call his driver and watch. "

The two didn't chat, Wang Xu suddenly ran back excitedly and patted Yang Ye on the shoulder. "Fuck Brother Yang, I saw the best. Although I'm not sure if it's o, I plan to try it. Do you want it? If you don't, I'll go and tease it."

Following the direction of Wang Xu's fingers, Yang Ye tilted his head, originally just inadvertently glanced.

At this glance, he was a bit stunned.

——The person sitting at the bar is Gu Liang.

A singer sang beside him, sang Leslie Cheung’s 春chun) Guangxuan". At this moment, it happened to sing that sentence: "It is easy to pass away and it is difficult to bear the waste of light in this night (chun chun)."

Just at this time, Gu Liang raised his head, and his light tea (colored) pupils faced Yang Ye's eyes at a short distance.

He sits under the psychedelic light, blue to the strange wine (color), his eyes are calm, as if he is out of tune with the noise around him, but instead he is full of controversy (inducing you). .

"The more I look forward to, the more beautiful it is, to let this night (chun chun) light replace it. Do you have to wait for the youth to wither until you get everything..."

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