Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 200: Cookies 8

The night (color) outside the window is deep. +++Mobile phone reading visit dark waves surge in the window.

Yang Ye poured the medicinal wine in his palm, rubbed it to heat, and pressed it on Gu Liang's shoulder.

He naturally had a lot to ask, but he didn't ask in the end.

After a long while, I helped Gu Liang massage his left shoulder to relieve the pain. After washing his hands, he came back to pack the medicine box. Yang Ye sat back on the bed and suddenly asked Gu Liang, "Remember the last time we were on a business trip together, when we played chess? ?"

It was about a month ago that the two went on a business trip to the branch office together.

During the off-season, there are very few people on the plane and even fewer people in the first class.

Yang Ye found that Gu Liang was playing a mobile phone. He thought he was playing a game, but unexpectedly he was playing chess.

The journey was boring, and Yang Ye offered to go with him. So Gu Liang no longer played with the computer ai, but turned on the two-player mode, and played chess with Yang Ye using a mobile phone.

Yang Ye is not proficient in chess, he doesn't plan too much, and eats it when he can eat the chess piece on the opposite side.

But Gu Liang is not.

At the beginning, Yang Ye couldn't see how he played chess. The number of Yang Ye pieces he had eaten in the early stage was not many, and Yang Ye once thought he would lose.

But before she knew it, Yang Ye found herself in a situation of embarrassment on all sides.

Further down, no matter which chess he plays, he will be suppressed by Gu Liang.

Gu Liang just attacked the city in a silent way, until Yang Ye had to hand over his "handsome".

At this moment, Gu Liang nodded and looked at him. "Remember, what happened?"

Yang Ye only smiled and said, "It's nothing. It's just the way you play chess. Is it also the way you deal with everything? For example, if you try to move later, you must hit something with another hit."

Gu Liang was silent for a while, and said, "When playing chess, planning layout is a kind of fun. But it doesn't apply to life. I don't enjoy planning in life. The process is not fun. It's just... if you face it. I don’t have any experience. When I don’t know what to do, I can only rely on my work experience or what the chess game has taught me.”

In the faint, cold (color) light, Yang Ye stared at Gu Liang with deep bottomless eyes, his voice was very deep. "Then you plan to—when are you going to be'General'?"

Some kind of window paper between them became transparent, and it seemed that it was about to be pierced completely.

Gu Liang subconsciously grasped the bed sheet with his fingers.

——Yang Ye, I remember, the person who broke all his steps and walked into his life abruptly was clearly him.

He broke in and then exited, so he had to pursue it. But I have no experience, so I have to be cautious step by step so as not to disrupt the balance and put both people in an awkward situation.

Finally, Gu Liang released his hand and breathed out a soft breath, facing Yang Ye's eyes. "You laughed. I got the job now, what else is there. It's getting late. You—"

Yang Ye took a deep look at him, and after all, he only said, "I'm going to live in the guest room. You (sleep Shui)."


After closing the door of Gu Liang's bedroom, Yang Ye did not leave, but leaned against the door panel.

He (touching Mo) took out a cigarette and wanted to smoke it, thinking that Gu Liang didn't like the smell, so he let it go.

Too (暧ai) ambiguous. Gu Liang's words are too ambiguous.

In the adult world, some of his words can almost be regarded as some kind of tacit invitation.

According to the normal love logic, Yang Ye felt that he could go directly to him just now.

But not only Gu Liang took it back, but Yang Ye didn't continue to ask questions, but actually took it back.

At this moment, Yang Ye's heart was beating fiercely.

This kind of power is not only a heartbeat, but also hides a certain panic. He didn't know where this panic came from, but he could feel it, as if he had been close to someone like this before, but finally encountered a tragic parting.

Yang Ye stood against the door panel for a long time before going to the bathroom to wash.

At this time, he found something on the Liuli stage—that was left by Gu Liang.

He (washed xi) took off these things before taking a shower, and after the shower, he had a little accident because of (发fa), and he didn't have time to wear them back.

That is a watch.

And beside the watch, there is a red rope.

Almost subconsciously, Yang Ye thought of something, went to the hanger at the entrance, picked up his suit jacket, and took out one of the things he carried with him.

It is a small piece of black cloth. Can't see the material. But when he woke up from the hospital, the cloth was tightly held in his hand. No one knows where the cloth came from, but according to his mother, the moment he was about to wake up, his fingers moved first, and then he kept holding on to the cloth and refused to let it go. It's as if that is a vital thing.

This night, Yang Ye had a very strange dream.

In his dream, he was sitting on a wooden boat. The dark river was reflected with some stars. A red rope swayed in front of him, and finally drifted away with the water, was blown by the wind, and landed on the shore, and it was a large patch of blood red. The other shore flower.


Early the next morning, Gu Liang took a shower and had breakfast on the table.

Gu Lianghu walked to the dining table and sat down with his slippers, bowed his head and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Yang Ye walked to him and glanced at him up and down, "My shirt is quite suitable for you."

Gu Liang blinked. "I chose a smaller size."

"Yeah. Very good. Hold out your hand." Yang Ye said, raising the watch and red rope in his hand.

Gu Liangduan's hand retracted. "I can do it myself."

Yang Ye quickly held his hand with his eyesight, and first helped him tie the red rope, and then covered the watch on the rope. "Am I doing this right?"

He looked like he didn't seem to see the scar on Gu Liang's wrist at all.

Gu Liang casually explained: "When I was in school, I was not mainstream and rebellious, and scratching my hand had no special meaning. The rope was asked for me by my aunt at the temple, saying that it was opened before it would keep me safe."

"Yeah." Yang Ye didn't make any comments, and sat back opposite him, "Let's eat."


After dinner, the two took the elevator downstairs together and walked out of the community.

They got off work late last night, and today they can go out later. So there are not many people in the community at this time, and most of them are already at work.

But Li Xiaoyu is still there.

She left work after ten in the evening last night. According to company regulations, she can work one hour late today.

Most of the people living in this community are Huaiyu employees. After the repair was completed at that time, employees could buy a set with internal discounts, but this did not prevent someone from selling an extra set at the normal price and renting it to new employees in the future.

Li Xiaoyu is a set of three bedrooms and one living room shared with other colleagues of the group.

So when Yang Ye and Gu Liang walked to the door, Li Xiaoyu ran into them.

President, President and Assistant President?

! ! ! !

Li Xiaoyu clearly knew that Gu Liang would not live here.

——But now, he and Yang Ye are walking together! Did the two live together last night? !

At this moment, in Li Xiaoyu's eyes, the two people walking towards her were bathed in pink (colored) bubbles instead of the morning sun, which was still very dazzling.

Having said that, Li Xiaoyu never dared to knock. One of these two is her immediate boss, and the other is her boss's boss.

The aunt laughed (exposed) a little bit, and she quickly took it back.

She didn't dare to say hello, covered her face with her bag, quickly turned and ran.

——Just kidding, if they knew about their (rapist) feelings, maybe they could hardly guarantee their work!

"Hey, isn't the one in front—" Yang Ye raised his eyebrows and smiled at Gu Liang, "You said your subordinates saw us, why did you run?"

"In a hurry to clock in." Gu Liang replied lightly.


That morning, Yang Ye went through the things that Gu Liang had worked overtime to organize last night, and revised some of the content. After Gu Liang perfected it, Gao Qing and Li Xiaoyu did the ppt together. One day later, Gu Liang reviewed the ppt and revised it into the final confirmed version.

Two days later, the report meeting began.

This time, the presidents of different business modules are doing reporting together.

After Yang Ye was discharged from the hospital, he was specifically responsible for the commercial real estate module, and he played the role of overall leadership for the remaining modules. Therefore, he is the last to report, and there are several presidents in front of him.

The penultimate speaker was President Huang from the cinema and film business.

Yang Ye's father is Yang Junwei. The previous report has already taken an hour, and he is already a little impatient at this moment.

Yang Junwei interrupted directly when he heard Mr. Huang talking about choosing a spokesperson and the road show plan for two movies to be launched next year. "Okay. I don't need to know these details. You confirm with Yang Ye. The film and television sector is a new business, and it does not require you to make a profit, so you don't need to make a lot of losses. The important thing is the market share. You can predict the market share next year clearly and report it to me. Yang Ye is there."

"You guys--" Yang Junwei sat on the stern main seat, sweeping the crowd with a rather stern look, "Is there someone who hasn't seen me for a long time and is nervous? Or said that their speeches were all written in advance. I haven't read it, I stumbled upon reading. Did the secretary or assistant write it?"

Finally, Yang Junwei's gaze fell on Gu Liang behind Yang Ye. "You are Yang Ye's newly hired assistant? I think Yang Ye's situation is similar to that of other bosses. He doesn't report. I will listen to your report. Other bosses should also listen to them, so they should reflect on it. Look. Is the assistant higher than yours."

Yang Junwei was too caught off guard.

Yang Ye frowned and looked at his father. Yang Junwei, who did not recognize his son in business, ignored him at all.

Gu Liang was ordered to stand up when he was in danger, but finished the report without being humble or overbearing.

Since the (guanguan) department he finally reported was a bit of Chairman Yang’s temper, he further deleted it, and spent ten minutes as succinctly as possible to make the main points clear. .

Yang Junwei smiled and applauded first. "Sure enough."

Gu Liang frowned secretly and said something to Yang Ye. "President Yang took us to sort it out. I just did the sorting work, remember to please.

Yang Junwei glanced at him thoughtfully, but did not comment on it, but asked again: "I plan to focus on adjusting the it structure next year. Do you have any suggestions?"

How did Gu Liang know about it architecture, which is complex and requires technical background work?

He suddenly embarrassed Gu Liang (gan gan) what?

Yang Ye immediately said, "Dong Yang, my assistant is in charge of—"

"Shut up." Yang Junwei put the teacup on the table, his eyes crossed, "Have you asked me to (insert cha)?"

"Your department must coordinate the overall situation. As your chief assistant, of course you should understand everything." After Yang Junwei said this, he looked at Gu Liang again.

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "Any suggestions...I can't answer this question for the time being. But I believe that not only I can't answer it. Any colleague, even a cto, can't answer it all at once."

"Huaiyu Group has developed very rapidly and its business has expanded rapidly. At that time, the establishment of various systems was mainly to support the business, and the overall planning was ignored. I don't know the language of writing procedures, but the current system of the group It is already very messy. This has led to the fact that the data of various systems cannot be checked. The accuracy of the data (sexuality) and effectiveness (sexuality) are not enough, and it has an impact on financial analysis and accurate business data forecasting. It should be planned well."

"I can't give specific suggestions. I spend millions of high salaries to hire an architect, and he can't give specific suggestions in a short time. I can only give directions (sexual xing) suggestions. People recruit reliable architecture through headhunting in advance. Then set up a project team for special sorting. The project team should not only send colleagues from it, but also send people from financial, human, and various business ends, because they are the users of information and should consider information output from a demand-oriented perspective. The problem of links."

"Okay. You will take the lead in this project team. Start moving now. In the middle of next year, I will listen to the progress report of this project." Yang Junwei got up and left, "The meeting ended."

The report will end without risk.

Aside (fuck cao), the microphone, the projector, and Gao Tien, who is responsible for ppt flipping, are all sweating.

Gu Liang exhaled gently and looked at Yang Ye.

Yang Ye got up and patted him on the shoulder, thought for a while, and chased him out.

Chasing my own Laozi to the chairman's office, Yang Ye asked, "What do you mean?"

Yang Junwei: "There are a few who have been swollen recently and have to be sharpened. I just use your assistant to suppress them. But you, what is this (gan)? You think your assistant is making things difficult for me, you come to me Want to say?"

Yang Ye frowned: "He came from a law school, and he doesn't understand the program or the system. You are too..."

Yang Junwei interrupted him: "Although I haven't been in the company much lately. But I have heard and heard. Guess what they told me?"

Yang Ye stopped talking, waiting for him to speak.

"Mr. Yang, the hotel wants to add a budget of 100 million yuan. Will it be approved?-You go ask Mr. Gu."

"Mr. Yang, it is estimated that the adjustment of the office area of ​​the Hangzhou branch will cost 8 million yuan. They reported the reason for the adjustment, did you approve it?-You report to Mr. Gu first.

Yang Junwei became more and more angry, and kicked Yang Ye (fart pi) for the last time. "Ask the assistant about everything. I think you don't want to (gan) work anymore. What do I want you, the president (gan)?"

Yang Ye quickly stepped forward and held him down. "No. It's okay to beat me. Don't flash your waist! No, sir, if you listen to it, it will be dark. We work together! You don't know my ability?"

"Anyway, that Gu Liang has the ability, I will let him temper it. Cto I have been displeased for a long time, the information system is in a mess. Gu Liang must be able to manage well, take this opportunity to let him be the cto. The assistant to the president is not for you to wipe ( Fart pi) Nosy. And—"

Yang Junwei looked at Yang Ye with a distinct accusation in his eyes. "You didn't bully others, did you?"

"No, where did you want to go?"

"Oh, you haven't come out of the closet with me."

Yang Ye: "..."

Yang Junwei: "What do I wear with you? When you were in school, did you receive fewer calls from boys who like you?"

Yang Ye: "..."

Yang Junwei: "I just think that since you have already had a boyfriend, are you worthy of being so close to an assistant?"

Yang Ye was surprised: "What boyfriend?"

Yang Junwei: "You didn't tell your mother? I did research abroad. When will he come back? Your mother is in a hurry to see you."

When I lied to my mother casually, both my parents were taken seriously.

Yang Ye has a headache. He only threw one sentence at the end. "We are nothing. Don't mix up. As for his career plan, I will talk to him to respect his wishes. Don't make him think. Cto you are not satisfied, let the headhunter recruit you."

Yang Ye is gone.

There is an incoming call on Yang Junwei's mobile phone, and the caller ID shows four people "wife adults".

"Hey? Yes, yes, I've finished seeing people. Okay, I'll come back and talk to you in detail."

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