Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 202: Cookies 10

"Why don't you speak? Just can't you?"

"Who is young? Do you dare to say it?"

"Don't you dare to say it, persuaded?"

" are big, you are the biggest, okay? There is nothing I dare to say. +++ Catino Novel Network"

Gu Liang's words seemed to pop out of his teeth. He pressed down desperately, trying to calm his tone, but his breathing was obviously a little messy. He took a breath, temporarily opened Yang Ye's restraint, and then turned over to face Yang Ye's eyes.

Gu Liang's elbow touched Yang Ye's neck, and continued gritting his teeth: "I dare you to say, don't you...Don't push it up?"

Yang Ye's palms of both hands were pressed to the ends of Gu Liang's waist, and he rolled over to crush him to the ground.

The wind blew in through the half-opened sliding window, blowing up Gu Liang's cotton (sleeping Shui) clothes, (showing) a small white and thin waist.

Looking up again, the wind blew away the hair on his forehead, revealing a smooth forehead.

Yang Ye raised his hand, his index finger lightly threw on his forehead, touched his forehead, and then went down the bridge of his nose, using a very light force similar to that of an ant crawling over, to continue down, until he reached the corner of his lips.

Gu Liang's heart beat fast, and his fingers sank into the soft carpet.

Yang Ye’s fingertips traced along his lip line little by little, like a general patrolling the city for a week, and finally stopped at the position of his lower lip, his fingertips (hook gou) rose, and his lower lip was gently moved out. .

Gu Liang's lips immediately turned red, as if they were bloodshot.

"I haven't kissed yet. Blushing like this?"


Gu Liang couldn't say what he said later, because Yang Ye's lips were pressed.

The whole body froze suddenly, except for grabbing the carpet with his fingers, Gu Liang didn't move, but Yang Ye actually maintained this posture without any next move.

Their lips are against their lips, their heartbeats are against their heartbeats.

But in a short period of time, no one has moved closer.

Time seemed to stop, but the lips were visibly wet again.

After a long time, the two mouths began to touch each other gently.

Click, click, click again.

Briefly, then heavy.

Gu Liang's eyes were wide open, and Yang Ye was also looking at him.

The dark and tea (colored) pupils faced each other, and Gu Liang saw himself slightly panicked in his eyes.

He raised his hand, placed it on Yang Ye's waist subconsciously, and gently grabbed his clothes.

Then he was surprised to find that this flustered feeling was clearly brought to him by Yang Ye, but he was still drawing a sense of security from Yang Ye subconsciously.

His unknowing dependence and closeness caused Yang Ye's efforts to boil completely.

Yang Ye held Gu Liang's face and kept going up (kiss wen) deeply.

At this moment, he suddenly realized a certain kind of completion.

Memories will disappear, fear, hesitation, and alert will exist in the subconscious mind, but at the same time, the thing that deeply loves Gu Liang has long been rooted in Yang Ye's blood (flesh rou) and has become an instinct. .

Therefore, when he saw Gu Liang, he could hardly control himself to approach him.

It turns out that loving someone can also become an instinct.

It should have been this way.

Yang Ye thought to himself—it should have been (kiss wen) him long ago. He should have passed like this (kissing wen) long ago.

Entangled breath and disordered heartbeat.

Amidst the rubbing of the clothes, both of them are becoming more and more focused (kiss wen).

In fact, at the beginning, Gu Liang was a little bit resisted for some reason. But as Yang Ye continued to deepen, he allowed him to attack the city and even began to cater unconsciously.

Finally, when Yang Ye's lips left for a while, Gu Liang's lips unexpectedly rubbed forward, as if he wanted to (kiss wen) over again. It's like a child holding a candy in his heart full of joy. Now that the candy is gone, he will instinctively choose to chase it.

However, Yang Ye became ill-hearted and deliberately turned his head to avoid letting Gu Liang succeed.

Gu Liang glared at him, his face was red, his lips were red, and his ears were red. Even his eye sockets are a little red, and there is a faint accusation in it, and there is a sense of confusion after a kiss.

Yang Ye smiled and pecked on his lips, and said dumbly: "Why, I can't bear to eat my marrow know the taste?"

Gu Liang didn't say a word, staring straight at him, moving his hand up along the waistline, gently stroking his arm, and then holding his face.

Immediately afterwards, the fingers and eyes slid down together, and finally landed on Yang Ye's Adam's apple at the same time.

Yang Ye made a swallowing motion unconsciously.

Upon seeing this, Gu Liang's lips twitched.

Then he stared at Yang Ye's eyes again, his fingers continued to drop, and he was suddenly caught.

Yang Ye wrapped his palm, and just when Gu Liang thought he was going to come (kiss Wen) again, Yang Ye just put his fingers against his lips again, and then kissed his ears.


Yang Ye kissed his eyebrows, eyes, and cheeks, but not his lips.

He kept teasing Gu Liang, changing tricks to tease him.

Finally, Gu Liang couldn't help but "hum", Yang Ye's lips pressed to his ear, but said: "Little liar, tell me, what are you hiding from me?"

Gu Liang didn't have much strength. He just grabbed his arm and said the word "you", and couldn't say anything else.

Yang Ye was cruel and talked about the hooligans who bullied him. "Do you want me to give it to you. Then you have to be honest."

"You get off me." Gu Liang was a little annoyed.

Yang Ye didn't go down, pointed to the hand that Gu Liang unconsciously hugged his arm, and continued to tease him, but he refused to let Gu Liang get that far. "Clearly reluctant to bear me. Why do you like me so much?"

After taking a few breaths, Gu Liang grabbed Yang Ye by the collar. "Yang Ye, you will regret it, believe it or not?"

Yang Ye's expression remained unchanged. "Want to make me regret, let me slap in the face, yes. Then you tell me the truth now."

"You don't know anything at all, you—"

Yang Ye palmed Gu Liang's forehead, lowered his head (kiss wen), then picked him up, took him all the way to the bedroom, and put him on the (bed chuang). "Okay. That's okay. (Sleep Shui) Gu Liang. You use the bathroom of the master bedroom. I'll go to the outside bathroom (wash xi) and take a shower. Good night."

Gu Liang: "..."

Gu Liang smiled a little bit angrily, and finally he took a breath, leaned on the head of the bed, adjusted to a calm posture, so that he could glance at Yang Ye in time. "OK, good night."

Yang Ye walked outside while taking off his shirt. He stopped halfway and turned his head to look at Gu Liang. "I just can't do anything to you for the time being. Because I'm not sure."

Gu Liang raised his chin and asked him, "What are you not sure about?"

Yang Ye said, "I have a person in my heart."

Gu Liang was startled.

Yang Ye solemnly said: "I just forgot about him temporarily. But I know he must exist. Before I figure out who he is. I can't do anything to others. So Gu Liang, we can't take one step closer. I don't want to go to the end. I'm sorry everyone."


Yang Ye said this only to encourage Gu Liang to tell the truth.

Regarding the truth, he knew far more than Gu Liang thought.

Things started from that night when he took out the black cloth, saw Gu Liang's red rope, and had a dream about Wang Chuanhe.

He felt something between dreaming and waking up, and he opened his eyes suddenly, and what he was holding tightly in his hand was still the broken black cloth.

Then he heard a voice. "You let go and give it to me. You can't bring over there."

Yang Ye sat up: "Which way is there?"

The front was pitch black, suddenly as if the space was torn apart, a hole was opened out of thin air.

The voice came from a crack in space. "Don't ask so much. Anyway, your black cloth is torn from my sleeve. The flow of time on the two sides is different, and I finally find you. Give it to me. You can just throw it over."

This person's voice sounded anxious. It seems that his behavior in coming here is against the rules. And part of his sleeves being taken here is also a serious violation. Besides, it seems... he can't seem to be in direct contact with himself, otherwise he can grab it, but he doesn't, he just lets himself throw things over.

Perceiving this, Yang Ye decided to take the initiative. "You tell me the truth, what the **** is going on? Otherwise I can't give it to you."

"I don't have time to tell you so much. Don't you know Gu Liang? He has a note of Chuan Shui over there."

A hand stretched out from the gap in the space, holding a tablet in the hand, and a can in the screen, "The water grows like this. You know everything when you drink it."

"Okay, I told you, give me my things quickly! I have worked so hard to send you home, you can't take revenge! The things brought from us here must be approved. You tore off a piece of my sleeve, and you brought it here privately. Without approval, it is illegal for us! Any more delays, I will be found dead. Give it to me!"

"Gu Liang? How do you know Gu Liang? Me and him..."

"The system judges that you two have a substantive (sexual) relationship (guanguan), and you still love it hard to separate. Is it all right? Are you satisfied? Give me my sleeves soon!"


Therefore, even though the memory has not been restored, and the truth is still unknown, Yang Ye already knows that Gu Liang is the person in his heart. And he was basically sure that Gu Liang remembered everything and cared about himself.

When Yang Ye hugged Gu Liang (kiss wen) him, he couldn't help but feel that way.

But he wanted to know the truth too much, and he minded why Gu Liang concealed himself, so he finally resisted doing nothing. He said such a sentence just to encourage Gu Liang to tell the truth.

He likes me so much and cares about me. When he thinks I like others, he will tell me the truth.

Yang Ye thought so.

But Gu Liang didn't say anything. He just got out of bed and walked to the bathroom silently, closed the door and locked it. Sleep Shui). Good night."


Yang Ye thought that Gu Liang was only temporarily annoyed, but it was not good. He told him the next day and had a good talk.

He didn't expect that Gu Liang was really angry, and he played a cold war like never before.

Yang Ye got up early the next day and was planning to make breakfast.

After breakfast, he walked into Gu Liang's bedroom and Yang Ye realized that Gu Liang had already left.

When I went to the company, I saw Gu Liang in the office. Yang Ye breathed a sigh of relief and asked him if he had breakfast. Gu Liang nodded and ignored him. Yang Ye went back to the office for a while, but he couldn't rest assured, he wanted to see Gu Liang through the glass partition. Unexpectedly, Gu Liang pulled down the blinds directly without letting Yang Ye look at it.

Gu Liang didn't talk to Yang Ye for the whole day. Calls are not answered, and messages are not returned. He only sent emails to Yang Ye, but he had to send emails for work reasons.

Gu Liang went back to this apartment at night, but went into the bedroom as soon as he went back, ignoring Yang Ye at all.

By the third day, the situation was better, and Gu Liang was willing to talk to Yang Ye, but only at work.

Knock on the door, go in, finish talking, and when Yang Ye finishes giving advice, turn around and leave.

Yang Ye was really anxious. Every day he stopped people to say good things, and changed their tricks to give gifts and desserts. Gu Liang changed hands and gave them to Li Xiaoyu and Gao Qing.

A week later, Gu Liang finally accepted the dessert, but he rarely glanced at him and smiled faintly.

Yang Ye was relieved. After all, he has to go on a business trip to the United States right away, and he has to make sure that Gu Liang is relieved before going on business, lest there be any more moths.

Some high-end shopping malls built by Huaiyu will introduce an overseas purchase area, and Huaiyu himself is responsible for overseas purchases and domestic sales. Therefore, they have also established branches overseas. Yang Ye went to the United States to be busy with this branch.

Before leaving, he had a meal with Gu Liang, and it seemed that Gu Liang was sullen.

Yang Ye gave Gu Liang a part of the authorization, and Gu Liang could directly sign on his behalf for some decisions.

It was confirmed again that Gu Liang did not blame himself before he was willing to go to the airport.

Before leaving, he took Gu Liang's hand. "I said that for a reason. I didn't mean what you thought, and I didn't hang you for anything. I will explain it to you when I come back, OK?"

"Good." Gu Liang nodded.

Yang Ye never expected that Gu Liang promised well. He returned a week later, but Gu Liang resigned.

Yang Ye was really anxious and asked Gao Qing. "I did not approve the approval in the system process, how does he go through the resignation procedures?"

Gao Qing is also anxious. "That... he has your authority, which is equivalent to the resignation process he mentioned himself and approved it himself."

Yang Ye hurried to look at the apartment in the community behind the company, and Gu Liang's things were gone.

He had brought some clothes, the things he usually used, and the books he read. Now he disappears with these things, as if they never existed.

Yang Ye only knows the community where Gu Liang lives, but he doesn't know his specific address. In the end, he found it from the personnel system and also noted Gu Liang's birthday by the way.

He drove quickly to Gu Liang's house, knocked on the door panel, but no one responded.

The neighbor was alarmed, opened the door and came out, watching Yang Ye's dressing, let go of a bit of distraction. "It sounds so loud, I thought it was coming (gan gan) or something. No one has been in or out of this house for several days. Don't disturb the people!"

No one came in or out for days?

Gu Liang, don't do anything wrong.

The more Yang Ye thought about it, the more worried he became. Looking at Gu Liang's code lock, he entered Gu Liang's birthday that he had just seen from the personnel system.

However, the password was wrong and the door was not opened.

——So, what would he use as a password?

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