Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 2: The death of White Boss (2)

After hearing this, Yang Ye laughed, and then he looked at Gu Liang and lowered his voice with trepidation, and said: "In the face of you who threaten to (kill sha) a detective, who dares to admit it? What if I recognize the detective, what if you (kill sha)?"

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, he was teasing with a clear smile, where is the slightest fear of himself (killing sha) him?

——When he said this, was he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, or was he simply amusement?

Gu Liang felt that he was more likely to amuse himself (sexual xing), so he glanced at him like a monkey show, and then said indifferently: "I asked the system that sentence, just to test the rules of the game, it's not true. I want to (kill sha) detectives. +++ Mobile read access to (杀 sha) detectives can, but not necessary. Everyone can vote. Murderer (kill sha) detectives does not mean that they can not be killed by others It makes no sense for players to vote to escape (escape tuo) sanctions. Unless—"

Gu Liang looked at him and asked, "Unless the detective has other privileges, such as holding important clues alone. Do you have them?"

After listening, Yang Ye held up his glasses and stared at Gu Liang's eyes: "The idioms are fair."

"Isn't the detective afraid of what I would say?" Gu Liang raised half of his eyebrows, his eyebrows appearing sharp.

Hey, this mouth can be amazing.

Yang Ye couldn't help asking: "What do you do (gan)?"

Gu Liang ignored him, retracted his gaze, and began to empty his eyes again. "Don't admit it."

Yang Ye opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

At this moment, a call for help suddenly sounded in the corridor outside the door.

It was a very crisp juvenile voice. "Help me! Help me!"

Gu Liang didn't move, just lifted his eyelids and swept indifferently, and saw Yang Ye stand up and went to open the door.

The teenager who ran outside the door was about 17 years old. Seeing the door opened, he ran in immediately.

Yang Ye glanced down the corridor and closed the door.

The young man leaned his back against the wall and kept panting. After a while, the panic in his eyes faded and he looked at the two men in front of him. "I...I'm Bai Son. Who are you?"

Yang Ye said, "I am your stepmother."

Yang Ye is tall and has aggressive eyebrows.

The suit tightly wraps his body, but it does not prevent people from seeing his sleek body and smooth muscles.

In short, his whole body exudes (strong qiang) strong male (sexual xing) hormones.

Therefore, when Yang Ye said "I am your stepmother", Gu Liang frowned, and he was obviously overwhelmed.

The boy reacted for a while. "You... Are you girlfriend Huang?"

"Well, I accidentally took a woman's role (color)."

Yang Ye pointed to Gu Liang, who was paralyzed on the sofa as steady as Mount Tai, "He is Lawyer Zhang."

The white son nodded, indicating that he understood.

He crouched, then sat on the ground silently, hugging his knees.

Yang Ye asked him: "What's wrong with you? Who is chasing (killing sha) you?"

"Yes... It's Boss Bai who wants to (kill sha) me!" When Bai's son said this, he seemed a little scared, he hugged his knees and hung his head down.

"Why did he (kill sha) you?" Yang Ye asked.

Bai's son swallowed, seeming to be panicked, so he didn't look up at Yang Ye.

Yang Ye knelt down to look at him. "Don't worry, speak slowly."

Son Bai thought for a while, lowered his head, and said in a glutinous voice: "According to my script, I recently found out that my dad, that is, Boss Bai, killed my mother, so I bought a poison. I want to find a chance to poison him during lunch today."

After hearing this sentence, Gu Liang determined two things.

First, as he guessed at the beginning, in this script, except for the detective, everyone else may have a chance to kill the boss, and they have also prepared their own set of modus operandi.

Secondly, this kid was still clever, he didn't say the specific timeline and name of the poison.

Bai's son continued, "I was in the house just now. Boss Bai, my dad, came to me. At that time, I just turned out the poison box before I had time to pack it. So the box of poison happened to be caught by him. I saw it. He immediately took out a knife and said that if he killed the murderer (sha) first, he would not die."

Gu Liang probably understood what happened.

Just now downstairs, after being frightened, Boss Bai was taken back to the room by two men in black.

After waking up, he didn't want to wait for death like this, he still wanted to come back.

Among these people, the best thing to deal with is probably this 17-year-old boy.

Probably for this reason, Boss Bai went to him first to test whether he was the murderer.

He may not know that many people want to (kill sha) him today.

When he saw the poison, he naturally thought that Bai's son was the real culprit in this case.

In order to avoid being (killed sha) himself, the white boss had to turn (kill sha) the white son.

Unexpectedly, Bai's son reacted in time and escaped.

——Is this a violation of the rules for Boss Bai?

Still, Gu Liang finally got up from the sofa. He walked to the door, opened a little crack in the door and looked out.

——Boss Bai was being carried to his room by two men in black. He was motionless, as if he had passed out.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Liang heard the familiar broadcast sound.

"The following is an emergency report. Boss White tried to (kill sha) White's son, but failed, and was transported back to the room by the man in black (strong qiang). The behavior of Boss White is judged below. Boss White's character settings are all evil. A scum, so his behavior conforms to the personality, there is no ooc, and the system does not judge a violation. Therefore, Boss Bai does not have to accept special punishment."

"According to the script setting, the timeline of each player is about to unfold. In order to prevent the white boss from affecting the plot, the man in black will strictly control his next behavior and ensure that everything develops according to the script."

The system claims to ensure that everything develops according to the script, that is, it will guarantee that Boss Bai will die in the way established by the script.

At present, the man in black has appeared twice. The first time was to rescue the unconscious Boss White. The second time was to tie Boss back and strictly control his behavior so that he obediently waited to be (killed sha).

In this game, the person who directly draws the dead card is undoubtedly the most unlucky.

Many people die if they don't want to, and naturally choose to do things.

So the setting of the man in black is reasonable.

They will control the "dead" when necessary to prevent them from affecting the direction of the script.

So, is there a way (gan gan) to pre-empt these men in black?

Gu Liang closed the door and sat on the sofa again. He knocked his index finger on the armrest of the sofa and thought for a while, and found that his son Bai was crying while covering his face.

Probably just because he was just trying to escape, Bai's son had not had time to be sad and afraid.

It wasn't until after listening to the radio that he soberly realized what a terrible world he had come to. At first he was scared and started to cry.

Watching Bai's son silently crying for a long time, Gu Liang frowned and said: "It's almost the same after crying for a while. It doesn't make sense to keep crying. Be strong."

On the side, Yang Ye listened to this, thinking it was a bit strange. So mean, he would comfort others?

In an instant, Yang Ye was slapped in the face. He heard Gu Liang ask: "By the way, when are you going to poison?"

Gu Liang's two words can be regarded as a sudden turn of God.

Dare to love him, not to comfort others, but to take the opportunity to talk.

His intention, Bai Son probably also saw it.

So Bai's son finally raised his head that had been lowered before, gave Gu Liang a shocked look, and then looked at Yang Ye as if asking for help. "You are my stepmother, can I believe you?"

Yang Ye smiled, so that his son's scalp was numb.

After laughing, he asked Bai son: "How are you going to poison? What is the specific (fuck cao) work? Read the script and listen to it?"

White son: "..."

He suddenly felt that the two people in front of him seemed more scary than the black npc and radio.

"Timeline or something, you don't talk about yours, and I don't talk about mine. I was sent here inexplicably to participate in this terrible game, and I also met people like you who slapped the gap. I...I really..."

Bai's son sat on the floor blankly, a little depressed for a while.

Gu Liang glanced at the wall clock on the wall, then turned his eyes to Bai Son and Yang Ye. "You should go now. I saw a room in the hallway on the first floor with the sign'Concentration Room'. You two have something to go there and say, I'm not holding a tea party."

After saying this, Gu Liang stood up, took a bite of the strawberry cake on the square table, and took another sip of black tea.

Seeing this movement of him, Bai's son blinked and suddenly jumped up from the ground, looking at him with an incredible expression.

Noting his unconcealed surprised expression, Gu Liang glanced at him. "what happened?"

"No...nothing..." The white son swallowed and looked away, "Are you...aren't you afraid of poison?"

Gu Liangdao: "Who did it? The system won't. It still wants us to play games alive for the time being. You two? You two have never been near these foods."

"But... isn't eating props a violation of the rules?" Baier frowned and whispered, his expression looked a little anxious. After a while, a strange expression appeared on his face, as if thinking about the words. , Then spoke again, "I always feel that this terrible house is controlled by some kind of gods, gods, and ghosts, and everything in it shouldn't stop."

"You can wait three seconds to see if I have anything to do." Gu Liang said calmly.

In the end, Bai Son chose to wait for three minutes.

After three minutes, Gu Liang frowned, as if his face was a little impatient. Upon seeing this, Bai son finally rushed over to take a few fruits and another piece of cake. "It just so happened that I was also hungry. I was brought over without breakfast."

Gu Liang: "..."

"Okay. I'm a man, eat some dessert, take a good rest, don't be afraid. What you have to do now is to organize your thoughts and think about how to keep yourself alive."

Yang Ye patted Bai's son on the shoulder and finally said something human. After that, he turned his head and took a longer look at Gu Liang before leaving.


The room was finally quiet.

Gu Liang sat for a while, got up and walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer containing insulin, thinking about the next (fuck cao) work.

The script only asks him to take insulin, but there are many things he doesn't know, such as how much he should take, and how soon after Boss Bai takes insulin, he will die.

The lack of such information will affect Gu Liang's judgment on whether he is the real murderer.

So Gu Liang continued to search the house.

Soon he found a piece of paper under the pillow, which seemed to be faxed.

It reads: "Attorney Zhang, I am giving you a new type of oral insulin that I independently developed. People without diabetes who take 3mg will get dizzy, convulsions, shock, and die after 30 minutes. Please use it with caution. ——From doctors who like to do research and development."

It turns out that this game is played like this.

Not only do you look for relevant clues and evidence yourself, you also have to prevent others from finding it.

Gu Liang rummaged through the boxes, found a lighter, and decided to burn this piece of paper.

Not only did he have to burn this piece of paper, he had to burn the box with the words "insulin" when he finished poisoning it.

At that time, if Boss Bai is really killed by insulin, he will not find any relevant evidence here.

But Gu Liang just burned a corner of the paper, and the broadcast rang abruptly.

"The following is an emergency report. Attorney Zhang tried to destroy the evidence—"

Gu Liang frowned and reacted quickly. He threw the piece of paper on the ground, raised his foot and stepped on it, extinguishing the fire.

The broadcast paused for a moment, and continued: "Unsuccessful."

Gu Liang: "..."

The broadcast continued: "Attorney Zhang's actions triggered a reminder: You can hide evidence that may point to you as the murderer, but you can find any way to hide it, but you can't destroy it, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation and you will receive terrible punishment!"

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