Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 27: Painted Skin, Longevity (14)

Doctor Yu's expression on the worldview was sparse, Yang Ye only asked, "Just in case, I'll check with you. During the free exploration, you weren't with them?"

Doctor Jade said: "Didn’t I have a little trouble with the second brother, and have never been together. +++ As for the senior brother, I finally met him in the Armory, and then we were together. I went to the rockery and ran into you and the beauty in clothes."

Yang Ye: "How did you think of going to the rockery?"

"We both checked the map to see if there were any missing places, but everyone didn't go. Then...yes, it was the big brother who proposed that there are roads on the map, but in fact it is only a rockery."

Doctor Jade had a suddenly realized expression: "He only said at the time, could it be that the system map was drawn wrong. I proposed it, the system should be correct, maybe there is some secret way. He is... inducing me Thinking this way. He has actually been there once, and he pretended not to know anything, and was anxiously thinking of a way to open Shimen with us... He is a master!"

"Okay." Yang Ye closed the notebook in front of him and stretched, "He should be the murderer, but he didn't run away. But I don't know the complete plot yet. You are here to see Wang Bulao, what kind of illness he has."

Doctor Jade: "Where do I know?"

Yang Ye: "?"

Doctor Jade: "I am not a real doctor. I am just a liar. I pretend to be a doctor just to get close to him."

Yang Ye: "Then about his illness, do you have any clues in your script?"

Doctor Jade (gan Gan) took out his card and looked at it, and then said, "Ah, yes. He always coughs and thinks he is dying. But I don't know how to see a doctor, and I just prescribe normal tonics."

"Okay. I understand everything. I'll go out with you and have a look."

This time, Yang Ye stood up and walked out with Doctor Yu.

He did this to confirm as soon as possible whether Gu Liang had returned, and if he did, what is his condition.

Walking from the interrogation room to the concentrated discussion room, Yang Ye's eyes fell on Gu Liang.

Gu Liang sat in the chair and closed his eyes, as if he were still in a restful state with his eyes closed, just as usual.

But on closer inspection, there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and his face (color) became paler.

Yang Ye even noticed that he clasped his hands tightly, and a faint blue vein appeared on them.

"Yi Meiren, come, come with me to the interrogation room." Yang Ye's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid that Gu Liang would be frightened.

After half a second, Gu Liang opened his eyes and moved his eyes to Yang Ye, slowly gaining focus.

The others seemed to wake up, slowly stood up, and walked towards the interrogation room.

Yang Ye felt that his steps were a little vain, and couldn't care too much at this moment, and stepped forward to support his arm. "Is it okay? The punishment this time—"

"It's okay." Gu Liang did not seem to have much strength, so he let Yang Ye support him. "Go, go in and say."

Yang Ye helped Gu Liang sit down, poured him a cup of hot water, and then dragged the detective seat over and sat down beside him.

Gu Liang held the hot water in both hands, staring at the position of the cup of drool and did not move for a long time.

He sat very straight, and there was no fear in his eyebrows. He was just a little tired, so his eyes were slightly dull.

But in Yang Ye's eyes, he was weak, pitiful and helpless. His entire upper body seemed soft and boneless.

So Yang Ye raised an arm, crossed his back, and held his shoulder vainly, almost in a hug posture.

Gu Liang, a straight steel man, probably thinks this is just a good buddy cuddling his shoulders, and he didn't notice any ambiguity.

He picked up the cup and slowly drank half a cup of hot water, the paleness on his face faded a little, after a long while, he expelled a breath of heat, as if people finally came alive.

Gu Liang turned his face and looked at Yang Ye beside him. "Looking at your calm face, do you know who the murderer is?"

"I know it in my heart." Yang Ye said.

Gu Liang knocked on the table. "What did they say just now, come and tell me again."

Yang Ye smiled and squeezed his shoulder along the way. "You detective me detective?"

Gu Liang: "I'm helping you. Do you want to know what I found when I went back to the secret room?"

Yang Ye looked at him, wrote a name in his notebook, and handed it to Gu Liang. "That's why he is the murderer, am I right?"

Gu Liang lightly exhaled. "Yes. It's him. This script is a little more complicated than "Death of the White Boss", but in the final analysis it is a simple script. It seems complicated because the murderer can play it. Unfortunately, his logic exploded."

"You also want to understand what's wrong?" Yang Ye asked with a smile.

Gu Liang looked at him indifferently and said, "It should be a bit slower than you. I returned to the secret path, spoke to the npc, looked at the things he gave me, and realized what was wrong with him. "

Yang Ye asked Gu Liang, "What did you find there? Take a look."

Gu Liang took out two things from his arms, one was Wang Bu Lao's face, and the other was a letter signed Wang Bu Lao.

Gu Liangdao: "When we went to the secret room, the old npc man was still making dough and didn't respond to us. But when I went again, he finished the dough and started talking to himself."

Yang Ye asked: "What did he say?"

Gu Liang said: "He was repeating a sentence. "It's strange, why did the head of the head suddenly disappear? Hey, I almost couldn't complete the trust of the head. Fortunately, I came here a quarter of an hour and discovered this. , Hurry up and redo one."

What Yang Ye keenly caught: "A quarter of an hour ago?"


"In other words, almost, the NPC entered the secret room with the front foot, and we entered with the back foot."


"Look at this letter again. You will understand everything." Gu Liang handed the letter signed "Wang Bu Lao" to Yang Ye.

Yang Ye's first reaction after reading the letter was: "Fuck, is'Wang is not old'?"

Gu Liang: "What are the key points..."

Yang Ye knocked on the table, pretending to be serious: "Well, solve the case, solve the case."

Gu Liang glanced at him. "Okay. It's up to you. Tell me, what are the specific details that make you sure that the murderer is his?"

Yang Ye said: "Let me ask you first, when I was sleeping on the bed (sleeping in Shui) of'Wang Bu Lao' (Shang) last night, didn't he wear a shirt?"

"Yes. Naked." Gu Liang nodded, "I understand, this is the key."

"Well, so this is the first key point. The second key point, Doctor Jade came to me in the morning, and from May to May 3, she passed Wang Bulao's room and the rockery. But she didn't see anyone going to the rockery."

"Finally, that is the most critical point." Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang, "You just said that the murderer's logic exploded. You can guess the problem when you think about it."

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded, "The dough. The number of dough is wrong. The murderer is self-defeating."

"Okay. I'll call them in in turn. Everyone will be tried separately, and the murderer will not suspect that we already know the truth."

Yang Ye said this, got up and stood up, and Gu Liang suddenly stopped him. "Wait. Until now, we are all aware of the flaws in the crime and the real murderer. But there is one more strange thing, why did he fabricate (kill sha) people?"

——Why did he make up? It was Wang Bulao (强qiang) that made him want to (kill sha) his motive?

Yang Ye shook his head. "Let's ask him this question for a while and see if he wants to answer it."

Gu Liang nodded and looked at Yang Ye. After a while, he suddenly said, "I found you are very good."

Yang Ye smiled: "Huh, praise me?"

Gu Liang nodded earnestly: "It is indeed. You can always grasp the key point when you see the problem, it is very direct and effective. I am not like that.

Yang Ye asked, "Why do you think so? Your logic is clear, and every time you reason is very powerful."

Gu Liang said: "I am used to figuring out everything, the plot story, character logic, and the brain design of the whole story. I want to restore the whole story too much, and sometimes I ignore some details."

Yang Ye was a little flattered.

Gu Liang has always been mean and poisonous, but now it really seems to be complimenting himself.

Gu Liang continued: "Look. I went back to the secret room just to figure out the plot thoroughly. I figured it out, so I figured out the truth. But you are different. You don’t need to know what the story is this time. The murderer can also be found."

Yang Ye leaned slightly towards Gu Liang. "Tsk, thanks for the compliment."

"You're welcome." Gu Liang stood up and seemed to want to return to the centralized interrogation room.

Yang Ye stopped him: "Gu Liang——"

"What?" Gu Liang looked back at him, "Where else is the problem?"

"No. I just want to thank you. About that punishment..."

"It's okay."

Yang Ye said seriously: "You are here to help me--"

Seeing Yang Ye's rare and serious appearance, Gu Liang smiled: "Don't put gold on your face. I'm not helping you."

Yang Ye: "Huh?"

Gu Liangdao: "I'm just (qiang) dying and want to be sure. Besides, if I don't figure it out thoroughly, it looks like I've been played by the real murderer."

Yang Ye: "..."

——Forget it, Gu Liang must be arrogantly not admitting it.

Ok? Why does Yang Ye seem a little lost?

Oh, it's back to normal now.

Gu Liang stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. "You can find the murderer through one-on-one interrogation. Where can I help? Well, go and persuade them to vote."

Yang Ye: "!"

——Gu Liang, is this comforting himself?

Gu Liang turned around, calmly left the interrogation room, sat back in the centralized interrogation room, closed his eyes again and rested, immobile.

Next, in the order of Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, Jade Doctor, and Yi Meiren, everyone went into the interrogation room again.

Regarding the real murderer, what Yang Ye did was fooling around.

For others, what Yang Ye did was to clarify the truth thoroughly.


After the centralized trial is over, there is a voting session.

Everyone’s card automatically turns on the voting mode.

The system broadcasts: "Now it is announced that the case of "Painted Skin • Longevity" is over. The voting results are announced below. There are two players with zero votes, Yimeiren and Doctor Jade. Then, among the senior brothers and the second senior brothers, who is the murderer of the vote What?"

The second brother swallowed his saliva involuntarily, but he seemed to have expected the result, and he was calm.

The big brother's hands were clasped together, his face (color) pale as paper.

"Second Brother got 1 vote, and Senior Brother got 4 votes. Senior Brother is the murderer who was voted out in this case. So, is he the real murderer in this case?"

"The detective led everyone to find the correct answer. Congratulations! Now enter the reward settlement link."

The big brother suddenly raised his head and looked at Yang Ye incredulously. "Where did I...Where did I leave a flaw? Breakfast and clothes can be explained. This is not enough to expose (expose) me!"

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