Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 30: Painted Skin, Longevity (17)

Gu Liang frowned, and his eyes showed undisguised disgust. +++ Catino Novel Network

The second elder brother hurriedly asked: "Yes! You feel sick, too, Meiren!"

Gu Liang didn't speak, just nodded casually.

Yang Ye's arm supporting him suddenly stiffened.

Gu Liang didn't notice anything. He was really too tired at the time, and just wanted to take a good sleep (Shui).

As soon as Gu Liang returned to Master Hui's wing, he lay down (sleeping in Shui).

By the time he (Shui Shui) wakes up, it is almost afternoon.

At this moment, Doctor Jade came and told him to eat.

Gu Liang got up, washed a little, and went to the main hall with Doctor Yu.

At the dinner table, the dishes are quite rich.

Gu Liang had no appetite at first, but when he saw such dishes (color), he immediately had an appetite.

Doctor Yu, who was the most active during the dinner, kept talking.

From her mouth, Gu Liang learned that he, the second brother, and Yang Ye had caught the chicken together, and the vegetables had just been picked from the garden. These ingredients are very fresh.

However, under the ancient background, there were very few seasonings that could be used. For cooking utensils, none of them were very good at using them. Therefore, they worked together for a long time to make so many dishes.

This remark made Gu Liang a little embarrassed. "Then I just sleep alone (sleeping in Shui)."

The second brother said, "You can't say that. We all know that you must have suffered a lot when you went to the small black room. If it weren't for the last evidence you found, I'm afraid I might be wronged. You rest. It should be."

Gu Liang was noncommittal and just said, "I'll wash the dishes and clean up in a while."

Doctor Jade asked: "Have your fever subsided? If it's still burning, don't do it (strong qiang). Just leave it to us."

"I'm fine. (Sleeping Shui) I have a better night's sleep."

After Gu Liang said this, he looked at Yang Ye who was sitting opposite him.

Yang Ye kept bowing his head to eat, without saying a word from beginning to end.

This is too unlike his usual.

What's up with him?

Gu Liang didn't understand.

After eating, everyone was afraid that Gu Liang (shen) would be unwell, so they still stayed with him to clean up the dishes.

After washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen, Gu Liang went to the main hall and wiped the table.

Then he discovered that Yang Ye had disappeared.

Gu Liang frowned slightly, and then went back to the house.

He still had a headache, so he sat on the (bed chuang) with his back against the wall and took a nap with his eyes closed.

Unconsciously, Gu Liang (sleeping Shui) stayed for a while.

When he woke up this time, his spirits were finally much better.

But the room was empty, and Yang Ye hadn't come back.

Gu Liang rinsed briefly, took off the wig and the red skirt (tuo off), flipped through the shelf, turned over to a (dry gan) monk robe, and put it on.

Wearing this gray (color) monk robe, Gu Liang went out.

After the game is over, the player's plot card has been recycled by the man in black.

However, after experiencing the free exploration, Gu Liang is familiar with the route of the Xiaoyao faction, and he can find his way without the help of cards.

Finally, Gu Liang found Yang Ye by the lake next to the rockery.

The moon (color) was just right, and Yang Ye sat on the rocks by the lake and looked at the lake, not knowing what he was thinking.

He was tall and straight, and the bright moon shone on his monk's robe, and he felt a sense of openness and openness.

——This casual dress seems to be more pleasing to the eye than the suit he just wore.

Gu Liang only looked at Yang Ye's back in silence, but didn't walk over.

Because he suddenly thought of many things.

Previously, because of the tight time for investigating the case, all his energy was allocated to the case, and there was no time to think about anything else.

At this moment, he discovered that there were a lot of details about Yang Ye that he hadn't thought about carefully before.

For example, when he found those albums, Yang Ye looked at him with searching.

It now appears that the search is not about the case, but about the topic of homosexuality.

For another example, the last time I changed clothes in front of him, and when I was going to be in the same bed with him (Shui) this time, his expression seemed a bit strange, and he felt like I wanted to avoid something.

In the end, Yang Ye knows very well about what is being attacked and what (sex xing) will not change.

Gu Liang suddenly realized-he is the same?

Understood, after the second brother asked that sentence, seeing his own reaction, Yang Ye thought that he felt disgusting when he had sex.

If he were the same, he would of course be hurt by himself and the second brother.

Gu Liang had a count in his heart, and stood still for a while before walking towards Yang Ye.

Gu Liang walked to Yang Ye's side, sat down on the rock, and looked at the lake (color) in front of him.

He didn't look at Yang Ye, but said softly: "Are you angry?"

Yang Ye looked at him and shook his head. "Why are you here? It's cold at night, go back to the house and stay."

Gu Liang asked him: "What reward card did you draw today?"

Yang Ye was turning his head, looking at the rocks on the shore, and then said, "I won't tell you for now."

Gu Liang stared at the moon in the lake, and the moon (color) reflected in his eyes.

After a while, he said: "The card I got is that I can choose a teammate for the next script."

Yang Ye didn't speak.

The wind suddenly became stronger, passing over the lake, engulfing the chill of autumn.

Gu Liang immediately sneezed.

Yang Ye scolded: "Go back quickly."

Gu Liang turned his head and finally looked at Yang Ye: "You come back with me. I have something to say to you."


In the middle of the night, the moon is like frost.

Before the candlelight, Yang Ye and Gu Liang sat opposite each other at the window.

They found a pot of dirty wine and drank it as warm as the ancients.

However, after taking a sip, Gu Liang felt a hot voice, so he gave up, and poured himself a glass of water.

Yang Ye was still used to drinking, and drank a glass slowly.

After a while, Gu Liang spoke and asked him: "Are you the same?"

Yang Ye glanced at him and didn't answer, but he acquiesced.

Gu Liang continued: "My father is the same."

Yang Ye seemed to understand something, and her brows frowned subconsciously.

"My dad looks pretty feminine and he likes to wear high heels. As for other homosexual relationships, I haven't had much contact with him. So when I first met you, I didn't think about you in that way. ..."

Gu Liang paused and said, "Back to my dad. He was forced to marry my mother by the older generation. After my mother gave birth to me, he was able to complete the task for the older generation and let him go. Self."

Yang Ye frowned more tightly.

Gu Liang still looked indifferent, as if talking about something indifferent. "At first he hid it for a while, then he blatantly moved in with his boyfriend. My mother cried and made self-harm, it was useless, and finally got divorced."

Gu Liang picked up his cup and took a sip of water, and continued: "Come again, when I was in college, I once took the train back to my hometown, (sleeping in Shui)'s lower bunk. A man in my upper bunk climbed to me (bed chuang) in the middle of the night. Come on. Of course, he didn't succeed and was subdued by me. I also reported to the police in time after the incident."

When Gu Liang said these things, his eyes kept looking at the flames on the candles on the table.

When he finished telling these two stories, he raised his eyelids, and then he looked at Shang Yang Ye.

"Sorry. When the second brother asked me today, I just thought of my father and the man on the train. I think they are both disgusting, so they will face (show) disgust. These things are my sex, I don't want to be in front of them. Everyone said it in person, so there was no explanation."

"But I think you might be misunderstood, so I want to explain to you. I will not attack your whole (group qun body) because of those two scumbags. I don't find homosexuality disgusting. , I didn't think you were sick."

"In addition, I don't have to pay attention to the opinions of the second brother."

Gu Liang found that after saying this, Yang Ye's expression became more and more serious.

Moreover, this situation is too rare.

Yang Ye usually talks about stubbornness, and Gu Liang babbles him from time to time.

At this moment, the talker became Gu Liang, but Yang Ye didn't say a word.

Gu Liang narrowed his eyes and stared at Yang Ye and asked, "I explained it clearly, are you still angry?"

Of course Yang Ye was angry.

But he has never been angry with Gu Liang. He was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk. In fact, he just felt lost.

Now he was so angry that Gu Liang's beast father and the wretched man on the train.

After listening to Gu Liang telling his story, Yang Ye felt a pain in his heart, like a knife was cutting.

This kind of reaction made Yang Ye feel strange to herself.

At the same time, he has (strong qiang) fierce irritation and anger in his heart, which is resenting those two people for Gu Liang.

Yang Ye drank a glass of strong wine, (强qiang) suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and after a long time, he spoke as calmly as possible: "I'm not angry. I have never been. Anyway, you can tell me this, I I feel... I don’t know how to say it, it’s probably gratifying."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows. "Thank you?"

"Yes." Yang Ye nodded and smiled, "This means that you treat me as a friend. I am very pleased."

"Friends..." Gu Liang's lips curled downwards, and he said with emotion, "The older you are, the fewer friends you can make. If we meet you in real life, we are probably No way. But in this game... it's a coincidence."

Yang Ye was not happy anymore. "In real life, why don't we deal with it?"

Gu Liang glanced at him and said faintly, "Nothing. I just think that you look like a rich second-generation, with a good family background and no hardships. After graduation, you can go to your own company as an executive. You look like a business elite. Kind. So you can live recklessly, publicly, freely (tuo), I am not the same person as you."

Yang Ye smiled angrily. "So bad at my first impression?"

Gu Liang replied, "Just say, I guessed right about your identity, right?"

Yang Ye helplessly, and then corrected Gu Liang: "Yes, yes, yes. Most of them are right. It's just that I am not the kind of rich second generation who is unlearned and skillless as you think. I want to clarify. I am very motivated! "

The corners of Gu Liang's mouth were picked up, not smiling. "Yeah. You took the college entrance examination...669, okay, I didn't say that you are unlearned."

Yang Ye asked: "Then why are we two worlds?"

Gu Liang naturally said, "The class difference. I don't look down on each other. I have a natural barrier between them. It is difficult to be friends."

Yang Ye tapped the table with his index finger: "You are biased against me."

"Yes." Gu Liang nodded, "This is my own problem. I live a hard life and I have a natural prejudice against people like you. In the final analysis, it is jealousy. Why do you reincarnate well?"

——So Yang Ye, I am really a terrible person.

Yang Ye's voice fell and asked him: "What about now? Is there any prejudice?"

Gu Liang was taken aback, and raised the water glass in his hand. "Replace wine with water and toast friends."

Like a leaf suspended in mid-air for a long time, it finally fell to the ground.

Hearing this, Yang Ye felt at ease.


After a while.

Gu Liang yawned and slowly drank the water in the cup (dry gan), but suddenly realized that Yang Ye seemed to be in a daze.

Gu Liang raised his hand and shook it before his eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Yang Ye returned to his senses and looked at Gu Liang, then realized what he had discovered.

--Eh? Where is the beauty? Where is the beauty in my red dress? Why are you wearing a monk robe?

Yang Ye asked him, "Where's your skirt? How do you wear my clothes?"

Gu Liang said lightly: "What your clothes are, it's just script props."

After speaking, Gu Liang got up and went to wash in the yard without waiting for Yang Ye to say anything. "Okay. Just talk clearly. It's not early, I (sleep in Shui) sleep."

Yang Ye also stood up. "Okay. Then I'll hit the floor."

Gu Liang looked back at him: "This ancient background, the facilities are rudimentary, and the ground is particularly cold. Let's (sleep in Shui) just like before."

Yang Ye was a little confused. "You know that I am... or...?"

Gu Liang looked at him strangely, and suddenly asked, "You are... called attack?"

Yang Ye was amused by him. "Yes. I'm a general offense."

Gu Liang said, "That's fine."

Yang Ye: "How can it be done?"

——Dear do you have any misunderstandings about homosexuality?

"You are attacking, and what you like must be suffering. If you accept, it is the kind of... very delicate and beautiful boy? Just like my dad. This'mother' is not derogatory, but just a description. Or just Like... I have watched "Farewell My Concubine", just like Leslie Cheung's role (color), it is very charming. Anyway, it is definitely not mine. So I don't think it matters."

Yang Ye understood now. Gu Liang meant-even if I am bent, I am in your circle, then I must be of that type. Isn't the two of us colliding? How can we erase the sparks between us?

Yang Ye helplessly lifted his forehead, and immediately (hook gou) the bridge of his nose. "Everyone has different tastes. The kind you are talking about is weak or motherly, but there are also people who like (strong qiang) to receive muscles (flesh rou) or something..."

Gu Liang's (strong qiang) dysfunction and thirst for knowledge are coming up: "Why? If you have a (strong qiang) temperament (sexual xing), why should you suffer?"

Yang Ye: "..."

Yang Ye didn't want to explain too much, sighed somewhat dumbfounded, and then lay on the wooden bed. "Well, it's okay. You're right, what I like is... what you think is like that. (Sleep Shui)."

At this time, Yang Ye only thought that the general public had a deep misunderstanding of homosexuality (group qun body).

He didn't know that the deeper reason why Gu Liang thought so was his low self-esteem.

He didn't think that anyone would have a good impression of him.

This night, Yang Ye (sleeping Shui) was on the inside and Gu Liang (sleeping Shui) was on the outside.

Gu Liang closed his eyes, and after a while, he heard Yang Ye say: "There is one more thing."

"Yeah. You said."

"The reward card you mentioned before...well, next time the script, take me. We will continue to cooperate happily."

"Okay. But, what if you are still a detective and I am the real murderer?"

"Then just wait and see. It's time to compare IQ."

"Okay. Then wait and see."

The candle went out.

Yang Ye closes his eyes, but he can't sleep (sleeping Shui).

As soon as he closed his eyes, a dim carriage appeared in front of him. Gu Liang lay quietly on his side in the lower bunk, showing a small white waist. Suddenly, a person came down from the upper bunk, and his dark and damp palms leaned toward the little white waist.

This fact cannot be considered carefully. As soon as he thought about it, Yang Ye became dry and angry.

Gu Liang (sleeping in Shui) all afternoon, but he couldn't sleep (sleeping in Shui) right now.

He half-opened his eyes and heard Yang Ye roll over, so he asked: "Have you (sleeping in Shui) yet?"

Yang Ye opened his eyes, but did not look at Gu Liang.

He opened his eyes and stared at the endless night. After a long time, he suddenly asked: "You hit that person? Can't you tell, you still have some skills?"

Gu Liang said, "I started to learn taekwondo in junior high school, and I have been to a black belt. After the third year of high school, I didn't learn it, and the university was abandoned. After work, due to the nature of the job, I went to learn boxing. "

Yang Ye raised his eyebrows. "I really didn't see it. When Bai son stabbed you, you didn't hide."

"I will hide, but it's not as fast as you." Gu Liang said.

Yang Ye suddenly remembered the scar on Gu Liang's wrist.

——Couldn't, he is not hiding, but there is a bit of death in it, right?

Yang Ye frowned.

Gu Liang was totally undecided. "You don't believe me, let's make a gesture tomorrow?"

Yang Ye suddenly smiled Shen Shen.

The laughter shook the wooden bed, and the solid-state sound was heard, which seemed to make Gu Liang's heart shake.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Laugh at your class. You can practice casually in the training class. Can you compare with me?"

"Aren't you... the second generation of ordinary wealthy?"

"Before I went to university, I was a soldier for two years."

Oh. That is incomparable.

"In addition, I am not a rich second generation."


"It's the rich three generations."


Gu Liang closed his eyes again, really didn't want to talk to him again.

Yang Ye asked again: "Then what about you? You said your job (sexual xing)...requires you to learn boxing? What are you doing (gan)?"

"Guess detective, go ahead. (Shui Shui). Good night."

In the night (color), Yang Ye made a deep voice.

"OK, good night."


Early the next morning, Gu Liang wanted to take a bath.

Although he felt that it was nothing to be in a bed with Yang Ye (sleeping in Shui), but (washing xi) taking a bath or something, he felt that he should avoid suspicion.

So Gu Liang rarely got up early, went to the kitchen to boil water, and then carried the wooden bucket full of hot water to Avon House with both hands.

Yang Ye saw it, and naturally stepped forward to help.

In this way, the two people went back and forth twice, and the large wooden barrel used by Avon Curie (washing xi) was also full, enough for Gu Liang to take (washing xi) bath.

After that, Yang Ye went to the kitchen to make breakfast, while Gu Liang pulled the screen at Avon Curie, (take off tuo) clothes, put into the wooden barrel, and began to take a (xi) bath.

Avon House is a beautifully dressed bedroom, full of the smell of rouge powder. The screen is painted with mandarin ducks crossing necks, and the pancreas on the basin next to it, that is, the ancient soap, smells of osmanthus.

Furong tents warm, animal stove cigarettes.

All this made Gu Liang very uncomfortable, as if he had really become a woman.

If it were not for (washing xi) to avoid Yang Ye in the bath, he would not want to step into this room at all.

His whole body was full of resistance.

When Yang Yelai called Gu Liang to eat, the door of Avon House was ajar, and half a screen appeared.

Behind the pattern of mandarin ducks on the screen, there are wisps of water vapor, and Gu Liang's back.

Yang Ye can almost imagine the appearance of Gu Liang (washing xi) in the bath-leaning back against the wooden barrel, half-opened eyes, lazy, those tea (color) eyes staring at the void, seemingly in a daze, yet again. Expressing indifference to this world.

Opposite to his indifferent eyes are the heat of the water and the touch of (yan) (color) on the screen.

The two contradictions constitute an extremely bewildering picture, like a sprout from breaking the ice in the snow and ice, or like a red (colored) flower blooming in the dark hell.

Yang Ye was stunned for a long time, and then asked in a (gan gan) dumb voice: "Have you finished washing?"

"Okay. Come."

After a while, Gu Liang came out wearing a monk robe. Seeing some moisture on Yang Ye's face, he asked, "Have you taken a bath?"

Yang Ye nodded: "Well, make breakfast, I went to the lake to wash up."

Gu Liang asked him, "Isn't it cold?"

"Telled you to be squeamish." Yang Ye laughed at him, "When I was a soldier, I went down to the lake in winter."

Gu Liang frowned and was about to refute something when Doctor Yu came over.

"You two are too slow. Let me see how you are."

"Huh? You wear couple clothes!"

Facing Doctor Yu, Yang Ye pretended to scold him: "Don't talk nonsense."

"? You two are not in that (guanguan) type?" Doctor Yu looked innocent.

Yang Ye was afraid that Gu Liang would be awkward with him and had to correct Doctor Yu's corrupt thoughts, but before he could speak, the broadcast suddenly sounded.

"The script of "Painted Skin: Longevity" is completed. This time, everyone has a 7-day break. Please recharge your energy and meet the next challenge."

"The following is an emergency report. The next-door crew has an unexpected accident. The scene has been burned and cannot be used for players to survive. Therefore, five players have been temporarily transferred to the script site. Please get along with each other and negotiate an allocation for living Room. Five players will be here in an hour."

"Friendly reminder that the two groups of players cannot make any spoilers on the scripts they have played, nor can they deliberately or unintentionally reveal any clues, and those who violate the rules will accept the penalty of death."

Catch fire? Burn the script venue? The game had to be stopped halfway?

——Can still play like this?

This was Gu Liang's first reaction after listening to the system announcement.

Doctor Jade tilted his head with his hands on his hips. "They will arrive in an hour? Do you need to help them prepare breakfast?"

"Well, you can prepare a good meal and draw them down to the (guan) system." Yang Ye said, "Although it can't be spoiled, you can also inquire a little bit. What if you get caught up with a senior player?"

"Then I'll go find Senior Brother No. 2 and let him cook another pot of porridge." Doctor Yu ran away.

Seeing that Gu Liang hadn't moved, Yang Ye looked up and down at him.

Gu Liang's expression was cold, but Yang Ye seemed to be able to guess his thoughts. "What are you thinking? Let's hear it?"

Gu Liang came back to his senses and looked at Shang Yang Ye.

Not knowing what he thought of, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Gu Liang's mouth. But in the end he only asked: "Which are there earlier?"


An hour later, after having breakfast, the two senior brothers, Doctor Yu, plus Yang Ye and Gu Liang, the four people walked to the entrance of the Xiaoyao School halfway up the mountain, waiting for the other five players to come.

The entrance is still shrouded in thick fog, if you step into it rashly, you will be rolled up by the gust and thrown to the ground to death.

Therefore, all four of them kept their distance from the entrance, just looking at it from a distance.

After a while, five black (colored) sedan chairs appeared in the dense fog.

Wuding sedan chair successively entered the boundary of Xiaoyao faction, and then descended one by one.

Five people walked inside.

All five of them were gray-headed and ragged, and they all looked like they had just escaped from the fire scene.

One of the men wiped his face, (showing) his face that was originally covered by the dust, which turned out to be quite handsome.

He has a long body, wide shoulders and a broad body, but due to his thinness and tallness, he does not appear too strong, and is a fairly standard model.

His temperament is more refined and gentle, with such a gentle and bookish air, he looks like a doctor or a university professor.

The man's eyes were a little dazed, and he looked very downcast, as if he had just experienced something terrible.

He followed the other four sighing people and walked forward in mourning, like five walking corpses.

But when he saw someone, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the next moment, he went straight to the man.

When he walked to this person, he couldn't conceal his joy, but excited, he directly held his wrist. "Gu Liang?! It's actually you?! I'll stop you here!"

Gu Liang looked at the people who had always been, with obvious surprise on his face, and then also with a little bit of joy.

But soon, his expression became a little serious. "Xun Feng? You... why are you involved in this game?"

On the side, Yang Ye had a panoramic view of this scene. He stood quietly, rarely speaking.

The slight wrinkle between the eyebrows was unfolded after Gu Liang subconsciously pulled his wrist from the man named Xun Feng.

Doctor Yu walked to Yang Ye to take a look at this pledge, and he didn't know what he had made up. "Are you a rival?"

Yang Ye: "..."


At noon, everyone had hot pot together.

There were more players suddenly, so everyone set up two tables to sit.

The hot pot uses an ancient (color) copper pot with no spicy seasoning. The soup base is more similar to the old Beijing shabu-shabu, but the material is completely different. It is made with chicken (meat rou) and chicken bones. .

Originally, the people at the two tables were naturally separated by two sets of scripts.

But Xun Feng seemed to want to talk to Gu Liang, so he pulled Gu Liang to their table.

In this way, Yang Ye, the second brother and Doctor Yu were at the same table.

Gu Liang played a table with Xun Feng and the other four players in the script.

Gu Liang wasn't thinking about eating right now, but seizing this rare opportunity to ask Xun Feng questions. "when did you come?"

"It's been here for about a month. This is the third script I played." Xun Feng said.

"What's the matter with your fire?" Gu Liang asked.

Xun Feng looked at the surrounding players, leaned to Gu Liang’s ear, and whispered against his ear: “It should be the murderer who set fire to the dead according to the script’s requirements. But he didn’t control it when he did it. , The man in black was unable to support in time, so it caused an accident."

"I smelled the smell of alcohol. I should have used alcohol to set the fire. However, everyone is afraid that when the script site is repaired, the original crew will have to come back again. Therefore, no one is willing to admit the murderer, and no one is willing to say that the fire was set. Details."

"Understood. But, you are also a six-player script? Since the deceased does not appear, it means that he is already dead. Then how do you start again? Will you not find another deceased?"

"I don't know. Anyway...before I was uncertain, the murderer dared not say anything."

At the next table, Yang Ye's mind was not on eating.

He has been staring at Gu Liang.

He was rare and serious. At this moment, seeing Xun Feng and Gu Liang biting his ear and talking, his face (color) sank even more.

——Isn't there a table for six people? It's already so crowded, do you want to talk to people's ears? Do you want to take advantage?

Finally, Xun Feng sat upright and kept a normal distance from Gu Liang, but he picked up another freshly blanched chicken (meat rou) slice and put it into Gu Liang's sauce plate. "This chicken (meat rou) is very tender and delicious. You can eat more."

Yang Ye's eyes suddenly narrowed fiercely.

——This chicken (meat rou) is made by me, and the sauce dish is also made by me. Isn’t it a bit too much for you to borrow flowers to offer Buddha?

Doctor Yu glanced at Yang Ye, smiled secretly, and raised his voice to Gu Liang, "Yi Meiren, we have a lot of (肉rou) here, do you want to come over and eat it? (肉rou) slices are thinly sliced ​​and cooked for a while If it's rotten, it's wasted."

"Oh, good. Come here." Gu Liang came over with his sauce dish.

It just so happened that Yang Ye was empty, so he sat beside Yang Ye.

Gu Liang clamped (肉rou), lowered his head to eat (肉rou), slowly, but in one go.

Yang Ye took the opportunity to give Doctor Yu a thumbs up.

Doctor Jade made a mouth shape. "You owe me personal love!"

On the other side, the second brother took it all into his eyes, but didn't understand (fat) what happened.

He poked Doctor Yu with his elbow, "What do you mean?"

Doctor Jade only rolled his eyes. "Patient fear of such patients, you don't know what to do."

Brother Second:? ? ?

——Why was I rejected?

——Come on, from the beginning of the game, he didn't deal with Doctor Yu.


After lunch, everyone began to discuss room allocation.

Doctor Yu is the only girl, so naturally she lives in her own room.

As for the other men, one player next door lived with the second brother, the other player and Xun Feng lived in Avon House, and the remaining three lived in the steward's room, which was originally the place where the subordinates lived. Too much.

In the afternoon, Doctor Jade and Brother Er went to help the five new players clean up their rooms and let them rest well.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye stayed to wash the dishes.

After finishing packing, Yang Ye was almost digested, planning to go for a run by the lake.

After Gu Liang followed him to the lake, he walked straight to the path beside the rockery.

That was the way to Master Hui's wing, and Yang Ye saw at a glance that he wanted to go back (sleep in Shui).

"Sleep again?" Yang Ye stopped him.

"Run with me. It's rare to come to such an open place. Who knows what the **** the next script will look like."

"Yes. So I have to recharge my energy. I want to sleep (Shui)." Gu Liangyi said righteously.

Yang Ye: "..."

"Eh, that person... is Doctor Yu?" Gu Liang said suddenly.

Yang Ye looked at the side of the rockery, and he saw Doctor Yu.

She was sitting in the pavilion next to the rockery and seemed to be looking at something.

Doctor Yu heard the voices of the two people, looked up at them, blushed, then quickly put what she was looking at behind her, and then she opened the book in front of her and looked at it pretendingly.

At this moment, Yang Ye and Gu Liang just walked up to her. "What is it? So mysterious?"

Doctor Jade blushed. "It's nothing."

Looking at her like this, Yang Ye looked more and more wrong.

But before he had time to say anything, the book behind Doctor Jade fell to the ground and spread out with a "pop".

This is a stone bench in the pavilion, not a chair with a backrest. Dr. Jade has forgotten this in a hurry just now.

After she realized that the book was spread out, she quickly picked it up and closed it.

Can't hold it Yang Ye and Gu Liang have already walked into the pavilion, and they probably have seen everything.

They did see it too—the book turned out to be a male and female pamphlet from Wang Bu Lao Zang Shu Ge.

Gu Liang: "?"

Yang Ye laughed "haha" twice.

Doctor Yu took back the book in Yang Ye's hand, and his face blushed. "I... I'll just rot, can't you?"

"Okay. Of course. Sorry." Yang Ye pretended to apologize.

Doctor Jade rolled his eyes. "Your husband and wife are very leisurely, come here for a walk after dinner?"

Gu Liang: "???"

Yang Ye quickly scolded her. "Don't mess with yy. We are not that (guanguan) type. No."

"Why not?" Doctor Yu asked curiously.

Yang Ye glanced at Gu Liang and found that his gaze was attracted by another book on the stone table, so he made a mouth shape for Doctor Yu. "The revolution has not yet succeeded."

Doctor Jade understood in seconds, and replied: "Then come on!"

Gu Liang ignored the two unscrupulous people, but picked up the book on the table, which was full of English and numbers. "This is the acca textbook? You study accounting? How can you bring it here?"

Doctor Jade said, "When I came to this ghost game, I came with my schoolbag on my back. Later, I applied to the man in black, and they said, I want to bring a book, it’s not impossible, but I can only reason in the script every time Read it after completion. The book will be confiscated during the interpretation and reasoning of the script, so as not to disturb everyone in solving the case. When the investigation is over, they can temporarily return the book to me."

Yang Ye and Gu Liang didn’t speak. Doctor Yu picked up his serious books and said, “My real name is Li Xiaoyu. No matter what the game is, I still want to go back. I applied for the man in black to bring these books. At the time, they declared detailed reasons. Since they agreed, it means...I can still return to reality."

Gu Liang asked her: "What is your specific reason for applying?"

"I have to take an exam. My family is not poor, but not rich, and it cost me a lot of money to study acca. My registration fee for this exam is not cheap. If I fail the exam, how can I be worthy of my parents and myself."

Li Xiaoyu sighed and glanced at the brochure in Yang Ye's hand. "Yes, you can't read these unscrupulous books. Next year I am a senior, if acca passes a few courses smoothly, it will be much easier to find a job."

Yang Ye and Gu Liang looked at each other, and tentatively asked Li Xiaoyu. "Then you think, why did you come to this game? Everyone here... seems to be guilty."

"I am not guilty. At least I don't think I am." Li Xiaoyu said, "Last semester's final exam week, our school's library, study room, and the cafe in front of the school were all overcrowded. Everyone was reviewing the final exam at night. . So I went to a remote 24-hour water bar to stay up late to review. When I returned to school, it was about 3 in the morning. There was a girl in front of me, who was also from our school. The way I followed was probably a review. So late."

"Then a gangster came over and wanted to press her. I rushed over to help the girl. The gangster had a knife on his body and wanted to play with us. We were all stabbed by him. But in the end we turned him back (kill sha) Up."

Li Xiaoyu pulled up her sleeves, and as expected, there was a big scar on her arm. "I (chest xiong) have a mouth too, so I won't show it to you. It won't work if you are gay."

Yang Ye: "..."

Gu Liang: "That..."

You seem to have misunderstood...

Forget it...

Li Xiaoyu put down his sleeves and said, "Anyway. I (killed sha), but I am not guilty. My defense is justified. I was awarded the prize for bravery."


After a while, Li Xiaoyu was reviewing the exam in the pavilion.

Under Yang Ye's persuasion, Gu Liang ran a few laps with him, and then the two of them started walking by the lake.

"So, in this game, not everyone is actually guilty." After walking a distance, Yang Ye asked.

Yang Ye asked this, but did not hear Gu Liang's answer, so he turned his head to look at him.

It happened that the wind blew over, blowing up the broken hair between Gu Liang's forehead, (exposing) his full white forehead.

Because the two people have been familiar with each other a lot, Gu Liang was not covered in thorns like he did at the beginning, and his eyes were full of guard.

Now he looked very gentle, and under the gentle breeze, he seemed very innocent and unloving for a while.

Yang Ye looked dazed for a while.

At this time, Gu Liang was also thinking about something, not paying attention to the situation in front of him.

When he reacted, he stretched out his hand, it was too late.

"Yang Ye, be careful!"

Yang Ye didn't react, he was already planted in the water.

-Yes. The parents were so good-looking, but they were so dazed that they fell into the lake.

Yang Yexin said that fortunately this was in a certain game world, if his friends in reality knew it, his old face would be lost.

Yang Yeshui (sexual xing) is very good.

When he was a soldier, he participated in actual combat exercises and finally won by lying in ambush in the water.

Therefore, although the lake was quite cold at the moment, he ran just now, and he was warming up, and immediately a carp struck, his upper body jumped out of the water, and he saw Gu Liang look a little worried.

Yang Ye was wicked, and wanted to tease Gu Liang. So he (身shen) twitched a few times, pretending to be cramped, the whole figure seemed to be pulled by some underwater monster, (身shen) sank until the lake water completely submerged the top of his head.

Li Xiaoyu, who was reading in the pavilion not far away, saw this scene and immediately ran over, but she couldn’t swim, so she was anxious. When she ran to Gu Liang and wanted to ask him what to do, Gu Liang Have already (take off tuo) shoes jumped into the water.

Gu Liang shouted Yang Ye's name while swimming towards the spot where he had just sunk.

Gu Liang swam to that location, took a deep breath, and dived into the water, trying to find Yang Ye's trace.

But there was no shadow of Yang Ye under the water.

Gu Liang frowned, jumped out of the lake, and shouted: "Yang Ye! Yang Ye! Can you hear it? If you can't speak, move, I can find your voice in search of your voice!"

Gu Liang couldn't hear anything, so he changed his direction, took a deep breath, and plunged into the water.

Yang Ye didn't want to embarrass him any more. At this time, he stretched his arm out of the water and thumped it so that he could find himself quickly.

Gu Liang swam in front of him, grabbed his shirt, and lifted him out of the lake.

With his head emerging from the water, Yang Ye opened his eyes and was about to smile at Gu Liang.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong with Gu Liang, something very wrong.

Gu Liang's face (color) was extremely pale, his eyes seemed to be staring at Yang Ye, but he seemed to pass through Yang Ye and staring at someone else.

At this moment, his tea (color) pupils were filled with deep fear.

Dark clouds rushed from all sides, coming surgingly, blocking the sky.

The ice formed at the bottom of the lake, from the bottom of the feet upward, freezing all the body of (body shen).

Gu Liang felt that he could not move, and the woman in front of him broke off (tuo) and opened his hand, (body shen) submerged little by little.

He opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound. He stretched out his hand, but didn't have any strength.

He could only watch her fall into the dark bottom of the lake.

Her life is slowly passing by, and it seems to have pumped (gan) his spirit at the same time.

"Gu Liang? Gu Liang? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Yang Ye shook Gu Liang's body, trying to wake him up.

Gu Liang grabbed Yang Ye's clothes tightly. Because of too much force, the blue veins bulged up, and his arms and the whole person began to tremble violently.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'll take you ashore."

Feeling that Gu Liang's strength was disappearing, Yang Ye quickly raised his arm around his waist with one hand, and quickly paddled the water upstream with the other.

Gu Liang had no energy, and stayed on Yang Ye's neck in vain, only to breathe out and not to inhale for a while.

——He, he is puffing!

In shock, Yang Ye speeded up and sent Gu Liang ashore as quickly as possible.

During this process, he heard Li Xiaoyu shout: "I'm going to find someone to help!"

After going ashore, Yang Ye put Gu Liang in his arms, maintained his body temperature with his own body temperature, and kept rubbing his back.

Yang Ye really didn't know what was wrong with him.

Just now Gu Liang jumped into the water to swim, Yang Ye could see clearly under the water, he could see that Gu Liang's water (sexual sex) was very good, and he dared to tease him like that.

Yang Ye can confirm that Gu Liang didn't choke.

——Then why is he doing this?

After landing, the warmth of Yang Ye's palm kept coming from behind, and Gu Liang came over slightly.

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang and found that he slowly opened his cold eyes, staring at himself coldly.

"Pretending?" Gu Liang's voice was deep.

"sorry, I……"

Gu Liang raised his right hand, made a fist, and punched Yang Ye in the face.

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