Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 33: Undead City (2)

Gu Liang found that his corpse was indeed not very good-looking, because the whole face was bluish (color). +++Mobile phone reading visit

The corpse wore a simple and cheap white T-shirt, exactly the same as the one Gu Liang now wears.

It's just that the clothes of the corpse and the purple (colored) face were covered with mud, and they looked very embarrassed.

Seeing the other himself lying dead in the ground, Gu Liang couldn't say that he was afraid, but he felt a bit strange at the moment.

It was as if he had had such an experience-looking at his body as a bystander.

Gu Liang was stunned for a moment, squatting down, and lowering the t-shirt on the corpse. The deceased's upper body had no other obvious trauma, only a deep strangle mark on the neck. In addition, the corpse's face (color) and lips were a little purple. Finally, Gu Liang lifted his eyelids and looked at it and found that his eyes were white. Some bulging.

"It should be a mechanical (sexual xing) suffocation (die si) death. The murderer took something and strangled him." Gu Liang turned to look at Yang Ye and asked, "Have you checked the corpse before? Any other traumas?"

Only then did Gu Liang realize that Yang Ye's eyes were aside, and he didn't even look at the corpse.

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows. "I see nothing wrong with my own body. Are you awkward?"

What did Yang Yexin say about me? But I (take off tuo) your clothes are not suitable.

(Take off tuo) Do you check your clothes? Is it fair to say?

Also "the rest", where are the rest? Want me to (take off tuo) your pants?

Where did Gu Liang think that Yang Ye's thoughts had gone wrong, he just pondered his forehead for a while, nodded and said, "But it is also true. Two identical people appeared in front of you, one alive and the other dead lying in the ground. It’s weird no matter how you think about it. But... have you ever thought that I might be really dead, now I am played by a certain murderer, I wear a human skin mask or something."

Yang Ye: "..."

After Gu Liangwu turned the corpse over and over and studied it clearly, he put the corpse back in the soil.

Gu Liang rubbed his hands and patted the soil on it. Then he stood up and looked at Yang Ye. He found that he was looking straight at him with a serious expression.

"What's wrong?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye said, "Don't say that anymore."

Gu Liang didn't understand. "So, where is it?"

Yang Ye said seriously: "Don't say anything about your death. Life and death are important matters, and you should not take it too lightly."

Yang Ye was so serious that Gu Liang was taken aback.

Rarely, Gu Liang didn't bother him, only nodded after a long while. "Ok."

Yang Ye was also a little surprised at how he reacted. "Ok?"

——This is the end?

Gu Liang nodded again. "Well, I see. Any more questions?"

Such Gu Liang, at this moment, was like a cat that was easy to blow up and accidentally dropped its minions. It was very smooth and cute.

Yang Ye exhaled a muffled breath from his heart, and couldn't help but lifted the corners of her lips. "no problem."

Gu Liang was a little surprised. Just because Yang Ye laughed like this suddenly, but Gu Liang didn't know what he was laughing at.

In fact, Gu Liang had discovered this problem a long time ago-it was often two people chatting normally, and Yang Ye suddenly laughed inexplicably.

However, Gu Liang didn't want to ask him what weird things he had made in his brain. He just looked at him up and down, and then said, "I'll go back to the house and take a shower. You should also go and wash it, all in mud."

Yang Ye asked him: "Okay. Do you want to come to me after the shower? Let's discuss this case?"

Gu Liang thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go to a place with me at 10:30. I can't take people there without writing in my script. So I think we can go together."

At 10:30, Gu Liang followed the script and went to the alley next to No. 7 Middle School.

The difference in the script is that Gu Liang did not come alone, he also brought Yang Ye.

However, the script did not clearly state that Gu Liang was the corpse encountered alone. After exploiting this loophole, Gu Liang and Yang Ye did not receive a systematic violation notification.

Mingyue Qinghui shone into the narrow alley and saw two corpses.

One of the corpses belonged to Ding beggar Gu Liangcai had seen.

As for the other one, it was another acquaintance-Li Xiaoyu's.

Li Xiaoyu closed her eyes tightly, her pale face (color) showed that she had lost too much blood.

She has a broken glass in her (chest xiong) mouth (insertion of cha), which should be a broken beer bottle.

The blood flowed out of her (chest xiong) mouth, flowing along the cracks in the stone slab, exuding a strong smell.

As for the beggar Ding, he held Li Xiaoyu tightly in his arms, and there were many tears on his face that had not been completely dried.

He frowns tightly, his eyes are straight (gou) (gou), his expression is painful and he can't catch his eyes.

However, Ding Beggar did not have any blood stains on his body, but his lips showed blue (color), which seemed to be a symptom of poisoning.

Gu Liang stepped forward to explore. Ding beggar's (bodyshen) body was still warm. It seemed that Li Xiaoyu's body was cold soon after he died. It seems that her (death si) died before Ding beggar.

A subtle feeling arose in Gu Liang's heart. He seemed to understand Yang Ye's mood when facing his corpse.

——Li Xiaoyu in front of him is also an acquaintance.

It is always regrettable that a naive girl died like this.

"What do you think?" Yang Ye's expression was quite serious.

Gu Liang told Yang Ye about the script he received, and then said: "I originally thought that when I came to the alley at 10:30, I would only see the body of Ding beggar. I didn't expect that there would be Li Xiaoyu... Among the characters I know so far, the only female (sexual xing) role (color) is Feng-senpai. Then Li Xiaoyu may be playing Feng-senpai. Therefore, at least three people have died in this script so far, I play Boss Meng, Senior Sister Feng and Beggar Ding in front of them."

Yang Ye asked, "Sister Feng? Ding Beggar died holding Feng-senpai and his expression was a bit sad. What (guanguan) relationship do they have?"

Gu Liangdao: "From the conversation I heard between Ding Beggar and Li Barbecue, Ding Beggar liked Sister Feng very much. He has been pooling money to buy a guitar for Sister Feng."

Yang Ye pondered for a moment, and said, "It seems that Senior Sister Feng died of excessive blood loss, and Ding Beggar was poisoned. Since there are two methods of (killing sha), the murderer should not be the same person. According to your script, poison ( It's possible that Ding Beggar was killed by Li Babe. As for (killing sha) Feng-senpai... Since Ding Beggar likes her, it is not Ding Beggar (killing sha)."

Gu Liang frowned in thought, trying to restore everything that was born here (fafa) based on the clues he had so far.

His gaze fell on the ground several meters away. There was a broken beer bottle. It is not difficult to guess that the fragment of the bottle at the mouth of Feng-senpai was picked up from here.

After a while, Gu Liang spoke slowly: "The murder weapon is to pick up the fragments of a wine bottle from the ground. This is not like a premeditated (killing sha) means. It should be a (stimulus) sentimental (killing sha). The elder sister was first killed in this alley. Ding beggar came to the alley and saw her body. He felt sad, so he held her in his arms and wept and wept. Unexpectedly, he followed. , He also died of poison. This is probably what happened."


The two did not look at the corpse for too long. After almost 20 minutes, they returned to the house of the next door Lao Wang.

Both of them didn't have much (sleeping Shui), Yang Ye (gangan) went to stir fry a few dishes, and planned to have a supper with Gu Liang.

Yang Ye didn't cook too many dishes, such as garlic ribs, cola chicken wings, boiled lettuce, and a tomato and egg soup.

After eating, Yang Ye served Gu Liang a bowl of soup, looked at him gnawing ribs, and asked him, "What did you eat today?"

Gu Liang thought about his own egg and soy sauce, but he was not too embarrassed to say.

Yang Ye stared at him and smiled: "If I didn't come to this game, would you starve to death?"

Gu Liang put down the ribs, wiped his mouth, folded the paper towels, and threw them into the trash can, before slowly saying, "That's not enough. Just... just eat lighter."

Yang Ye did not expose him, but found two glasses of beer. "Do you want something?"

Gu Liang shook his head, drank the soup slowly, wiped (gan) his mouth and hands, upholding Yang Ye's rule of cooking that he should wash the dishes, he got up and picked up the dishes.

After he finished washing the dishes, Yang Ye sat on the small broken sofa in the cramped room and had already drunk two bottles of beer.

When Yang Ye went to open the third bottle of beer, Gu Liang stopped it.

Yang Ye put down the wine bottle and looked at him: "What?"

Gu Liang said: "Discuss the case. If you drink too much, you will get confused."

"Okay. What do you want to discuss, you say."

Yang Ye put down the wine bottle and heard Gu Liang say: "I have been'dead', so my time has been reset."

Yang Ye nodded: "It's possible."

Gu Liang asked again: "There are no clocks in this room. Everyone's time can only be seen on the card display. When I woke up today, the card display was at 9pm on August 7. How about you, your time What is it?"

Yang Ye frowned slightly, and said, "According to my card display, it is August 8."

"My time is only one day away from you. It seems that I only died once. As for (killing sha) my murderer..."

Gu Liang paused when he said that, and immediately lifted his upper eyelids, looked at Yang Ye's eyes, and asked, "Is you the me who killed sha?"

Gu Liang wore a low-quality t-shirt with herringbone long dragging. This look was in line with the low-level people who guarded the coffin and waited to die.

But his eyes were clear and composed, his black hair and white face made him look very noble.

It can be seen that he is a very proud person, it is a feeling brought out from the bones, a realm of flowers blooming in the dust.

But for some reason, Yang Ye always felt that when Gu Liang asked these words, his eyes were a bit provocative.

So Yang Ye changed from a leisurely sitting posture, (body shen) leaned slightly to form a posture that was not to be outdone, with a sense of oppression.

Yang Ye asked back: "Do you think I will (kill sha) you?"

The clothes of Yang Ye, the owner of the shroud shop, are a bit like long gowns from the Republic of China period.

But Gu Liang looked at him and understood what it means to be born with extravagance and being born domineering.

——Yang Ye wears this suit, not at all like the real shroud shop owner, just like the gangster in Shanghai during the Republic of China.

He stretched his legs slightly, put his hands on his legs, and sat in a very big position, leaning slightly to look at Gu Liang.

There was still a smile on his face, but his eyes were quite meaningful.

Gu Liang seemed to think what he asked was very interesting, and after a while he replied: "You (kill sha) me, you are only implementing the script requirements. You have two choices-either you (kill sha) me; or you are locked up. The black room, let the man in black (kill sha) me for you. Compared with the two, I will die anyway, why do you need to go to the black room. So, if you are smart enough, you should choose to directly (kill) sha) me."

Yang Ye narrowed his eyes, his eyes appearing dim under the lights. "If I weigh the pros and cons this way, don't you think I'm so cold?"

Gu Liang's expression was calm, he smiled faintly, and the beautiful silkworm bends along. "Weighing the pros and cons is human nature."

Yang Ye (body shen) leaned back to the back of the sofa, her shoulders loosened, and a relaxed posture was formed. Then he commented: "Tsk, no conscience."

Gu Liang's eyelids drooped, he smiled, and did not answer.

After a while, Yang Ye said: "Even if you weigh the pros and cons, it's not like that."

"Then how to weigh?" Gu Liang asked.

Yang Ye did not answer this question.

He only changed his silly expression and said, "Don't you ask me the timeline of these two days?"

Gu Liang continued to ask, "If I ask you, will you answer truthfully?"

Yang Ye sighed after having been bored for a long time. "I have no conscience. When did I lie to you? You just don't believe me."

Gu Liang glanced at him, his eyes a little cold. "I didn't say I was afraid you lied to me."

Yang Ye perceives something subtlely. "Eh?"

Gu Liang raised his chin and glanced at him obliquely. "I just think it may be due to the script rules, you can't say something."

Yang Ye: "Oh..."

Gu Liang's pupils shrank, his tone stern. "If I'm afraid you lie to me, why should I (gan gan) bring you to this script?"

Yang Ye: "..."

——Oh Huo.

Yang Ye's heart was warm, (body shen) immediately leaned forward to look at Gu Liang's eyes, this time it was not an oppressive attitude, but an expression that he wanted to explain. "I'm not a murderer. After I entered this script, I was taken to a wasteland immediately, and the black man gave me two pieces of bread and left. You don't know what the **** I have had a day."

Gu Liang asked him: "Then what is your plot?"

Yang Ye said, "Go back to the village to visit relatives. The people in black will leave and I will leave. I asked them, didn't they mean going back to the village? Where is the village? Guess what the people in black answered?"

Gu Liang seemed a little funny, smiled faintly, and asked cooperatively: "What did he answer?"

Yang Ye angrily said: "He said that the village venue has not been set up yet, let me make do with it later, anyway, my role is not important!"

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows. "Aren't you a detective again?"

"Who knows. Anyway, this time the deceased is unknown, the murderer is unknown, and the detective is unknown. I don't have a laptop or camera."

Yang Ye seized the opportunity to complain to Gu Liang, "I stayed in the wasteland for almost 24 hours without even roots!"

Gu Liang calmly said, "Well, I have suffered you."

"No." Yang Ye seemed to be comforted, and looked at Gu Liang with a smile.

Gu Liang nodded his head blankly, pondering for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'm clear. There are now three murders (killing sha). First, someone used a bottle of shards (killed sha) to kill Sister Feng and kill her. Throw it in the alley. This is likely to be a (激ji) love (kill sha) person."

"Secondly, Ding beggar's lips were purple, and his body had no other obvious trauma. It is suspected that he had eaten the poisonous barbecue under Li Barbecue. This poison would not kill him immediately, so he died after an hour."

"Third, someone strangled me and threw me out of your backyard. He probably knew that you went home to visit relatives, so he dared to go to your house to bury the body. By the way, he can blame you. By the way... …"

Gu Liang asked Yang Ye: "When did you come back?"

Yang Ye said: "It's almost 10 o'clock."

Gu Liang nodded: "I woke up at 9 o'clock. According to the setting that the deceased will be reborn for 24 hours. I died at 9 o'clock on August 8. Since you came back at 10 o'clock, then he was at 9 o'clock (kill sha) After the person, the burial was completed before 10 o'clock."

"Yes, that's right. It's 11 o'clock. In fact, you were (shamed) once 2 hours ago."

Yang Ye stretched out, raised her brows, and said, "Actually...what is rebirth and the time reset of the dead? I think these words are used by the script to confuse everyone. In essence, everyone still lives at the same time and Under the space."

Gu Liangxin said it was true.

There are the clothes he folded the day before the bed, the porridge he cooked in the refrigerator...These items still exist, so in essence, time does not go backwards, but the "rebirth" person has lost the memory of the day.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Liang said: "So, if you look at this setting from another way of thinking, everything will become very simple-no one will really die. Once someone is murdered (sha), he will lose 24 hours of memory and at the same time Gu completely copied his body and appeared for us to investigate the murderer for clues."

"Yes, that's it. This script is called "Undead City", and there will be no real (dead si) death. I have visually observed that there will be many dead bodies in this script, but they do not mean real (dead si) death. It only serves as a clue to the plot. In the end, there should be other clues as to how the deceased and who the murderer was in this case."

Having said that, Yang Ye stood up. "I have to find a notebook to record these things. If I am (killed), I will lose my 24 hours of memory. But as the porridge you cooked is still there, my notebook will exist. , Reading the notes, I can know what happened to my amnesia (fa) within 24 hours. Looking at it this way, the script is very simple."

"Yes, I'm a little disappointed." Gu Liang said.

Yang Ye looked at him in surprise. "What are you disappointed?"

Gu Liang said indifferently: "At first glance at this setting, I was confused by the wording of'time reset', thinking that the script was quite difficult. I didn't expect everything to be so simple. I knew I hadn't asked you to come."

Yang Ye wondered what came over and smiled. "Yo, praise me?"

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded generously, "In case you stumble upon a really difficult script... Tsk, it's a waste of opportunity."

Yang Yele said, "It's okay, maybe I will draw a similar reward card next time, so I can just bring you."

"All right." Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, "By the way, in addition to your own copy, bring two more notebooks. We will record three copies in total. One copy for you, one copy for me. The third copy is for public backup. , Put it with my corpse."

Yang Ye wondered what he had come over, and his smile was lost. "Do you want to remember another copy?"

Gu Liang nodded: "Of course, I might be (killed) a second time and forget it again."

Yang Ye frowned immediately.

At that moment, he just got up and found a few small blank ledgers. Hearing Gu Liang's words, he squeezed the ledgers with his palms, and couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Are you (gan)? The paper will be crumpled by you." Gu Liang suddenly said.

Yang Ye woke up from a daze, and finally came over and handed the notebook to Gu Liang, and divided the work with him to record the key information.

Late at night. Yang Ye sent Gu Liang back.

Gu Liang looked at him in surprise. "I'm right next door, what to give?"

Yang Ye said: "Let's go to your place and have a look. The setting of the coffin shop...maybe something is wrong."

Gu Liang nodded: "That's OK."

Yang Ye sent Gu Liang back to the room, and the two of them slid up and down, and it was almost time for Yang Ye to leave.

It rained when Yang Ye left. Gu Liang went to the utility room upstairs to get the umbrella, and then took it down to Yang Ye.

Yang Ye stood at the back door, wet his hair with a little rain, and then flowed down his temples.

Gu Liang handed him an umbrella and helped him get a towel.

Before the light was under the eaves, Yang Ye stared at him with a smile. "Really thoughtful."

Gu Liang said lightly: "You're welcome."

Hearing this answer, Yang Ye was happy. "The White Lady also gave Xu Xian an umbrella on a rainy day."

Gu Liang looked calm. "Oh, so what?"

——What is the brain circuit of this person?

Yang Ye took off his glasses and wiped the rain on them. "It's nothing. It's 12 o'clock in the evening. I can also write it down in my diary when it rains. Maybe it's useful."

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded in agreement.

After that, Yang Ye left with an umbrella.

Standing at the back door, Gu Liang glanced at the appearance of Yang Ye's back in the rainy night, his head tilted slightly.

Then Gu Liang's eyes bend. ——What Xu Xian. Xu Xian is an honest person. You are not like him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yang Ye left, his card was shaken, and it said: "The more you think about it, the more angry you are. You can't marry a wife. If you end up with a lonely family in the future, it's all caused by Principal Cha. . You decide to (kill sha) him to relieve your only hatred."

"Principal Cha will run in the backyard of the Seventh Middle School every morning at 6 o'clock in the morning. You enter through the back door at 5:30, pass the sports equipment room, and walk along the baseball bat inside. At 6 o'clock, Principal Cha Sure enough, he came for a run. You took advantage of him (killing sha) and threw his body into the (fuck cao) long jump bunker on the field to bury him, and threw the baseball bat there. Finish this Everything, you went back to the coffin shop, pretending that nothing was born."

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