Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 35: Undead City (4)

The morning glow was still thousands of miles away, and the dark clouds suddenly arrived, and the weather became humid and hot. +++Mobile phone reading visit

One after another corpses, the unstoppable (killing sha) killing, plus the dull weather...

Everything seems to be getting heavier.

Yang Ye glanced at the sky (color) and looked at Gu Liang.

Gu Liang stood leaning on the handle of the stairs, frowning, looking a little gloomy.

Yang Ye wanted to make him more relaxed, and did not want to continue discussing the case, so he proposed to take him to dinner so that the lunch would not get cold.

As soon as Li Xiaoyu heard that there was food to eat, his eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and said, "I'll go too! Did you make it, Chef Yang Ye?"

Yang Ye glanced at her with "you are so ignorant", but took her there anyway.

After a while, the next door Lao Wang's shroud shop.

Yang Ye brought the dishes to the table, and Gu Liang took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the kitchen to serve food.

At this moment, Yang Ye poured himself a small glass of beer, then glanced at Li Xiaoyu: "You drink water?"

"Anything." Li Xiaoyu looked at Yang Ye's unhappy expression, glanced at the direction of the kitchen, and then leaned in front of Yang Ye, and whispered, "I'm not here to be a light bulb, I'm here to be an assist."

Yang Ye choked her: "What is the assist? Your eyes are green when you stare at the ribs. It's clear that you are here to eat."

Li Xiaoyu: "Hey..."

Yang Ye: "Steamed pork ribs are not allowed, they belong to Gu Liang."

Li Xiaoyu: "..."


In the middle of the meal, Yang Ye remembered something and asked Gu Liang: "Since Li Xiaoyu will attack neighbor Liu again tonight, you may die a second time tonight. Have you received anything new? The plot? For example, who will you meet at night? The person you want to meet may be the murderer who wants to (kill sha) you."

"No. I haven't received it yet."

As soon as Gu Liang finished speaking, the card shook.

Yang Ye immediately put down his chopsticks and looked at Gu Liang, his expression a little nervous.

Compared to Yang Ye's nervousness, Gu Liang, the person involved, seemed calm and calm throughout.

He watched the plot with a dull, emotional face, and then silently collected the card back.

Yang Ye has been waiting. After Gu Liang finished watching the plot, he would tell him the plot and discuss with him.

But to Yang Ye’s surprise, after Gu Liang put away the card, he raised his chopsticks again and picked up a piece of steamed pork ribs, and continued to eat warmly—first slowly eat the waxy and soft outer shell. Drop it, and gnaw a little bit more (肉rou).

Seeing him like this, he didn't take the initiative to talk about the plot.

Yang Yenai waited for him to eat a spare rib slowly, and then buckled the table with his index finger. "How to say?"

Gu Liang was surprised and asked, "What do you say?"

Yang Ye asked: "Of course it is the plot of the night. How about, who will (kill sha) you?"

Gu Liang paused for a while and replied, "I don't know yet. I haven't received the story about my going out at 8:20 in the evening. What I received is something else."

In Gu Liang's two answers, he has clearly and clearly revealed one thing-he didn't want to say what the new plot he received was.

Does he not believe me, or is there something else?

Yang Ye's eyes suddenly narrowed.

His eyes are long and narrow, and his eyebrows are sharp, so that when he is squinted like this, it is a bit bluffing.

So Yang Ye looked cold and serious at this moment, and the surrounding air suddenly solidified.

On the side, Li Xiaoyu clearly felt the strange atmosphere. She blinked her eyes, glanced at Yang Ye, and then at Gu Liang, asking questions for Yang Ye. "What plot did you receive? Can't you tell us?"

Gu Liang glanced at Li Xiaoyu, and finally looked back at Yang Ye calmly.

"I'm not sure about some things. I'll tell you when I'm sure."

Yang Ye keenly caught the two words "you", and said to his heart-Gu Liang had said that he believed in himself before, so he didn't believe in Li Xiaoyu, so he was scrupulous, right? Then I will ask him secretly in a while.

Yang Ye's hanging heart let go, and then picked up the chopsticks again. "Okay, eat and eat."

The frozen air resumes its flow.

Gu Liang picked up the ribs again, Li Xiaoyu looked at the two people dumbfounded, and finally had to bow his head and eat quietly.

After eating, as usual, Gu Liang took the initiative to wash the dishes.

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang who was busy in the kitchen, and then at Li Xiaoyu who was lying on the sofa. "Everyone knows that if you are not involved in cooking, you have to wash the dishes. Are you just spreading it? Don't help?"

"Yes." Li Xiaoyu's expression was full of clouds after eating, "So I don't have a boyfriend, it's normal."

Yang Ye: "..."

Li Xiaoyu looked at him: "But in fact, it is you who should help. Do you have the heart to work alone?"

Yang Yexin said why I can't bear it anymore? What is my relationship with him?

Li Xiaoyu speaks with a long heart. "The daughter-in-law is used to hurt, not to abuse."

Yang Ye: "..."

Li Xiaoyu: "By the way, you don't want to be like this. During the meal just now, I thought you were a bit fierce to him."

Yang Ye: "? Why am I fierce?"

Li Xiaoyu: "Your eyebrows are sharp, and you are very bluffing when you are straight. He is so (sexual), you have to be gentle, the more you are against him, the more he frizzes and the farther away from you. Be gentle, Beckon, he ran to you. So, smile gently to others."

Yang Ye: "..."

Yang Ye always felt that Li Xiaoyu’s description was not a good description, but he couldn’t help it. He followed his brain and waved gently to Gu Liang. Gu Liangliang ran towards him and wagged his tail. How cute is how cute.

Eh... will there be such a day?

What do I think, he is straight.

Seeing that Li Xiaoyu had made Yang Ye happy, she didn't need to listen to the lesson, and after she had finished her meal, she took the time to drive away.

Sure enough, the big man Yang Ye patronized the brain to make up for it, not paying attention to when she left.

After a while, Gu Liang came out of the kitchen.

He put down his apron, folded it slowly, and put it on the shelf next to him. He looked up unexpectedly and saw Yang Ye smiling at him.

Gu Liang frowned subconsciously. "Why are you laughing?"

Yang Ye spread his hands. "Am I not smiling tenderly?"

Gu Liang glanced at him up and down. "Well, it's very gentle and abnormal. If you continue to do this, I want to think that you are my murderer (killing sha), thinking about a dark-bellied plan."

Yang Ye: "..."

——He felt that he believed in Li Xiaoyu's evil.


Saying goodbye to Yang Ye, Gu Liang returned to the coffin shop alone.

After he closed the door tightly, he also closed and locked the back door.

Then he walked to the center of the hall and looked at the coffin in the middle, frowning tightly.

Gu Liang stared at the coffin for a long time without knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he walked to the coffin, raised his arms and pushed open the coffin lid.

After the lid of the coffin was pushed aside, the internal situation was completely revealed.

It's not empty inside.

The bottom of the coffin was covered by several straw mats, like a secret.

Gu Liang bent over and leaned into the coffin, raising his hand to lift up the straw mats one by one-this coffin has no bottom, and the ground directly under the straw mats, and there is a hole in the center of the ground, and there is a stone ladder below the entrance. .

Gu Liang stared at the cave entrance for a while, after all, as the plot said, he jumped into the coffin and walked down the stone ladder.


Goodbye at noon, Yang Ye saw Gu Liang goodbye, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

During this period, whether it was the front door or the back door of the coffin shop, they were all closed tightly. It was really hard to guess what Gu Liang was doing inside.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the front door of the coffin shop was finally pushed open.

But at this time it was almost sunset, and the store would not be open for long before it had to be closed again.

At this moment, Yang Ye saw a little beggar appearing in tattered clothes.

Yang Ye knew that he was the Ding beggar.

Compared with others, Ding Beggar's acting is very natural.

He is probably the npc, not the player.

This is not hard to guess.

Ding beggar walked to the door of the coffin shop, knocked politely, and took up the rice bowl in his hand. "Boss Meng, I wish you a prosperous business! Can you reward me a few dollars?"

After a while, Gu Liang walked out from behind, showing half of his face.

I don't know what he did alone in the afternoon. Now he looks a little weak and his face (color) is so pale with no blood (color).

Later, Yang Ye noticed that Gu Liang didn't just send Ding beggar away, but confronted him.

"You want to pool money to buy a guitar for Feng-senpai? How much is the difference?"

"It's still two hundred! But how did you know this? I..."

"I heard you tell Li Barbecue last night."

"Ah? Li Barbecue? I haven't seen him last night, why don't I remember it. I... I obviously woke up in the next city today. We don't sell guitars here, I'll go to the next city to find a piano store I asked the price of the guitar."

"Because you have already died once."

"What?! What does this mean?"

"You are dead, and your Feng-senpai is also dead. Even if you get the money, it doesn't make sense. You can't save her."

"I don't believe...I..."

"Come, come in, let me tell you."

At this point, Yang Ye couldn't hear the following words, because Gu Liang led Beggar Ding into the house.

Before closing the door of the coffin shop, the other half of Gu Liang finally stepped out of the threshold and glanced in Yang Ye's direction, as if he knew he was always there.

Yang Ye frowned slightly and waved at him.

Gu Liang nodded slightly, then turned and closed the door.

Yang Ye's brows frowned immediately.

——The look in Gu Liang's eyes just now...very wrong.

He looked like a stranger would not enter, and he simply went back to when he first met him.

Half an hour later, when it was dusk, Gu Liang did not open the door of the coffin shop again, but sent away Ding Beggar through the back door.

Ding beggar left with his front foot, and Yang Ye appeared at the door with his back foot.

The sunset was like red maple, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

Finally, Gu Liang spoke slowly: "What are you looking for me for?"

Look at the strange words.

Before, I bothered you every day, and you didn't ask me what to do with you.

Yang Ye stared at Gu Liang and asked, "Li Xiaoyu and I asked you about the plot you received at noon. You said at the time that you have to think about it before telling me. Now that Li Xiaoyu is not here, you stayed alone again. Afternoon... So now, are you thinking about it? Can you tell me the details?"

Gu Liang fell silent.

After a while, he said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

When Yang Ye heard this, his eyes sank.

But soon his expression returned to normal, and he stepped forward and said, "If you didn't think about it, then don't think about it. Let's go, go to my house for dinner."

Gu Liang lowered his eyelids for a moment, then lifted his eyes to Yang Ye. "dinner?"

"Are you free?" Yang Ye raised his eyebrows.

"Well. I'm free. I won't have the timeline until 8 o'clock."

At noon, Gu Liang said that he had not received the night timeline.

It now appears that he has received it.

Therefore, Gu Liang would indeed go out to see someone at night, and then he would (kill sha).

Yang Ye's expression became solemn again—how could he watch Gu Liang go to death?


The old Wang next door is obviously not a rich person, and the refrigerator stock is a bit in a hurry. Yang Ye can only cook a carp tofu soup for this dinner, plus a few vegetables.

"I don't know where to eat in the next few days." Yang Ye asked Gu Liang, "I only have one meat dish. Will I not be full?"

Gu Liang shook his head, and then said, "Aren't there two meats?"

Yang Ye was surprised and asked, "Where did the two meats come from?"

Gu Liang pointed with his chopsticks. "This, tomato scrambled eggs."

Yang Ye: "Eggs don't count."

"Oh." Gu Liang smiled faintly, picked up an egg and ate it.

Yang Ye put away his smile and stared at him deeply.

Gu Liang didn't need to look up, knowing that Yang Ye had been looking at him.

But he just ate silently and didn't take the initiative to say anything.

The silence of the two people continued until Gu Liang finished eating.

Gu Liangzheng was about to stand up to pack the dishes, Yang Ye's eyes were quick, and he pressed his wrist before he got up.

Yang Ye is very precise, just hold his pulse position, so that this action does not look too ambiguous-although even if (暧ai) ambiguous, straight guy Gu Liangliang may not feel To.

Gu Liang raised his eyes, the tea (colored) pupils looked towards Yang Ye, but did not speak.

Yang Ye looked at his eyes and said, "Don't rush to clean up, there is still a long time before 8 o'clock, talk about the plot?"

After a while, Gu Liang nodded, and Yang Ye finally withdrew his hand.

Then Gu Liang stood up, moved the chair to the window, and sat down.

"From here you can just see the situation of the barbecue shop. Come here to chat."

The second floor of the Shroud Store, near the window.

Gu Liang and Yang Ye were sitting on two shabby chairs with beer and plain water on a small broken coffee table in front of them.

It's almost half past six in the evening.

At the barbecue stall opposite, Liu Ran, who once played the role of Brother Bai, is now preparing for the night market in the evening as Li barbecue.

The tables and chairs were set. When he was about to wash the vegetables, the Feng-senpai played by Li Xiaoyu came over.

It can be seen that Li Xiaoyu's expression is a little nervous and a little disturbed.

But according to the plot, she took out a wad of money from her bag and handed it to Li Barbecue.

Li Xiaoyu said something to Li Barbecue, Li Barbecue patted her on the shoulder and left with a smile.

Seeing Li Barbecue walking away, Li Xiaoyu put the dishes on the stove, salt, chili powder, cumin... After putting them out one by one, she took out a blue (color) medicine bottle from her pocket and put the medicine powder inside. Spread it evenly on these foods.

Seeing this, Yang Ye whispered: "So, the plot should be that Mr. Feng thinks (killing sha)'s neighbor Liu likes to eat barbecue. So Mrs. Feng made an appointment with him at the barbecue booth. Feng Xue Sister wanted to poison the food, but she couldn't be seen by Li Barbecue. She just gave Li Barbecue a lot of money, probably in the name of a date, to cover the barbecue stall at night."

"Agree. That's about it."

Gu Liang shifted his eyes to the left and looked to the other side of the street, "Neighbor Liu is here."

Yang Ye also looked at Liu's neighbor.

It's about 6:50 now.

And when he sat down, took the barbecue handed by Feng-senpai, and ate it into his mouth, it was exactly 7 o'clock.

In the next time, he and Feng-senpai looked at each other and chatted with each other from time to time.

It seems that the poison did not occur immediately, but for a certain time.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang: "So, who is the person you want to see in a while? Or, who is the person who will (kill sha) you tonight?"

Gu Liang rolled his chin out of the window, and then looked at Shang Yang Ye. "It's him, neighbor Liu. Neighbor Liu played by Xun Feng."

Yang Ye frowned, and Gu Liang said again: "Of course, not the current neighbor Liu. Or to put it simply, neighbor Liu was resurrected by Feng Xuejie (killing sha). Then he will (kill sha). I."

Yang Ye took out his small notebook this time, spread it out, made additional notes, and then said to Gu Liang: "I will be alone this afternoon, and I carefully sorted out the plot. Plus now Senior Sister Congfeng and you I have some ideas about what I have learned, and you will analyze and analyze it together?"

Gu Liang: "Of course. You said."

Yang Ye said: "First of all confirm with you, can you be sure that Ding Beggar was killed by Li?"

"Yes. Basically yes. Yesterday I saw him give the rest of the barbecue to Ding Beggar, and the script deliberately mentioned that his eyes were grim."

Gu Liang nodded, "In fact, it may be like this...Although Li Barbecue accepted the money that Senior Sister Feng had contracted for the barbecue stall, he did not go far. He saw the poisoning of Senior Sister Feng in the dark. So later on. When Beggar Ding was begging with him, he easily gave the remaining poisonous barbecue to Beggar Ding. In this way, if the Dongchuang accident happened, he could throw the pot to Senior Sister Feng."

"Senior Sister Feng didn't expect that some people would eat the leftover skewers that neighbor Liu had eaten, or even had half a bite."

"Okay. So it's actually like this-what you saw yesterday, the barbecue that Li Barbecue gave to Ding Beggar, was actually leftovers from neighbor Liu. Because yesterday's Feng-senpai used a poisonous barbecue (to kill sha) to die. Neighbor Liu. So..."

Yang Ye's tone sank, "Exactly the same thing, today (fa) gave birth again."

"This series of things at the barbecue stall seems to be the case." Gu Liangdao.

Yang Ye took a step closer and said: "Okay. Then I will summarize now. Li Barbecue (kill sha) Ding beggar; you, as boss Meng, (kill sha), (kill sha) Principal Cha; Feng Xuejie used poison, (kill sha) Neighbor Liu; Neighbor Liu thinks (killing sha) is you. We are basically certain about these conditions."

"Yeah. No problem." Gu Liang said.

Yang Ye continued: "Who was Feng Xuejie (killing sha)? Was Li Babei killed (killing sha)? Next, President Cha and Ding Beggar, these two characters, did they want to murder (kill sha)? The objects of ), these few things, are unknown to us."

"But despite some unknown elements, we can conclude a rule."

Gu Liang didn't answer, and only faced Yang Ye with an expression of "I will quietly watch you analyze".

Yang Ye paused for a while, and then said: "The law is that at present, everyone has conflicts with only one person, and has only acted on one person. That is, there is no one person being killed by multiple people, or One person (killed sha) multiple people."

Gu Liang nodded in agreement, and Yang Ye said, "In this way, I can open a brain hole."

Gu Liang asked cooperatively: "Well, what kind of brain hole?"

Yang Ye said: "This is a (kill sha) slaughter cycle. For example, a (kill sha) b, b (kill sha) c, c returns (kill sha) a. In this way, everyone’s Time will keep going backwards. Everyone is trapped on August 7."

"On the surface, everyone is immortal. But in reality, everyone is trapped in a repeating day, constantly unfolding the (killing) cycle. Of course, I am not in this cycle. This time I May still be a detective."

The dusk (color) outside the window is getting thicker.

The moonlight came in, and (gou) extruded Gu Liang's cold but slightly supple face.

Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye quietly, and finally said after a long time: "This brain is very good. But there is one thing you can't explain."

Yang Ye asked: "What's the matter?"

Gu Liangdao: "If you exclude you as a suspected detective, most of the characters (color) want to (kill sha), we all know, except for the principal Cha and Ding beggar. And (kill sha) kills the murderer of the senior sister Feng, we I don’t know, right?"

Yang Ye nodded, seeming to understand what Gu Liang meant, and his brows were slightly closed.

Gu Liang continued: "If according to your brain, (killing sha) killing is an end-to-end cycle, there is no two people (killing sha) and one person, or one person (killing sha) two people, then, (Kill sha) The murderer of Senior Sister Feng can only be among Principal Cha and Ding Beggar."

"But, Beggar Ding likes Feng-senpai, and Headmaster Cha is the adoptive father of Feng-senpai. He cares about Feng-senpai very much, and he helped her hide her body. Neither of them can (kill sha) Feng-senpai. This one It can show that if there is someone else who harmed Senior Sister Feng."

"In this way, the person who (killed sha) killed Feng-senpai was one of me, Li Babei, and neighbor Liu. And the three of us all wanted to (kill sha) to kill. Therefore, someone must have killed two people. Your brain is not established."

After speaking this long paragraph, Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye, who held the armrest of the seat with both hands, and did not speak for a long time.

Time went to 8 o'clock.

Gu Liang glanced out the window. At this time, neighbor Liu tilted his head and lay on the table, motionless, looking like (sleeping Shui).

Gu Liang knew that at this time, the poison in the barbecue was working.

——He ate the barbecue at 7 o'clock and died at 8 o'clock (died). The poisoning time was exactly one hour.

Yang Ye also glanced out the window, but after only looking at it, he stared at Gu Liang again. "I quite believe in my brain. Why is this town called the Undead City? It is because of the (killing sha) killing cycle. Everyone is trapped on the same day, so that everything can continue. Perhaps, it will appear in the end. A person who breaks the cycle. This person is the real murderer we are looking for."

"Of course, the question you just mentioned is very important. Who killed the Feng-senpai may be the key to this case."


Gu Liang stood up. "It's time. I'm going to walk through my plot. I'm too late to wash the bowl, so I'll trouble you."

"Gu Liang--" Yang Ye watched him become sharp and serious, with a trace of exploration.

Gu Liang turned around and left without saying anything more.

After Gu Liang left the shroud shop, he did not immediately set off to find his neighbor Liu, but went back to the coffin shop first.

Yang Ye went downstairs, went to the backyard, and found a small bench to sit on.

He frowned and stared at the dirt pit where the corpse of "Gu Liang" was buried, his expression (look) a bit solemn.

An hour later, it was 9 o'clock in the evening.

At that time, Gu Liang will be (killed) again, and there will be one more of his body here.

Yang Ye pressed his eyebrows, and then thought of the death of the other three corpses.

Neighbor Liu and Beggar Ding died of poisoned barbecues.

But the former was killed by Feng Xuejie (killing sha), and the latter was killed by Li BBQ (killing sha).

As for Feng-senpai... she was killed by a bottle of wine.

On that day, he and Gu Liang analyzed that she died of (激ji) love (kill sha).

Because the murder weapon is a shard of a wine bottle picked up from the ground, it means that the murder was an accident, not a long-planned.

and many more--

In this way, it would be unreasonable to simply pursue the motive of the murderer from the story line, and then exclude Ding Beggar and Principal Cha.

If Ding beggar likes her again, and Principal Cha takes care of her as a daughter, it is also possible that out of some unexpected incident, she temporarily voluntarily (killed sha).

Yang Ye remembered that when he saw the corpse last night, it was understandable that he and Gu Liang temporarily excluded Ding beggar as the murderer of (killing sha) Feng-senpai.

At that time, they had just seen the corpse and had a little understanding of the plot of the characters.

But thinking about it now, that judgment is problematic.

According to Gu Liang's IQ, he should understand now.

So why did he say that just now?

Is he deliberately misleading himself?

In the afternoon he went back to the coffin shop alone, what did he see?

Could it be that this time, Gu the murderer?

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