Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 38: Undead City (7)

In front of the coffin shop, the crowd dispersed. +++ Catino Novel Network

The last person to leave was Xun Feng. He could feel that Gu Liang's mood was not right today, so he did not leave immediately, but walked up to Gu Liang and asked him a few words.

Yang Ye has a panoramic view of this scene.

But in the face of Xun Feng's concern, Gu Liang obviously did not give a particularly obvious response.

Yang Ye saw Gu Liang shook his head towards Xun Feng, and Xun Feng turned around and left.

Yang Ye glanced at Gu Liang and walked straight to the backyard of the coffin shop. "I'll go and sit there for a quarter of an hour. Lest they doubt it."

Gu Liang was silent for a while, then followed him to the door of the backyard. "What are you doing?"

Yang Ye didn't answer his words directly, but instead said, "Gu Liang, you need friends to play this game."

Gu Liang: "Why do you think so?"

Yang Ye: "Did you not find out that we met a lot of acquaintances in this script? I think the system is arranged in this way. As far as possible, the players of the same script can enter the next script together. This way, it can prevent playing. Players of different scripts talk about each other and confuse questions. Although the system will try its best to prohibit this kind of thing, it is hard to prevent."


"So at the end of the game, the players may know each other. At that time, it doesn't matter what the script and the truth are. In order to protect friends from death, people who play well can kidnap tickets directly."

"Not necessarily. The system is designed with so many complicated scripts, and it will definitely try to avoid such a simple and rude voting method."

Gu Liangdao followed Yang Ye into the back door, came to the position below the stairs, and continued, "You forgot, this game has gold coin rewards. In the end, I don't know what the gold coins can be exchanged for. It's a huge benefit, even life and death. At that time, can everyone still be friends? Businessmen are chasing profits. I think you should understand this truth best."

After Gu Liang said this, Yang Ye immediately stopped.

As a result, Gu Liang suddenly ran into his generous back before looking coldly.

Gu Liang raised his hand (touched Mo) to the nose he had hit. At this moment, Yang Ye suddenly turned around and stretched out his arm, closing the back door while pushing Gu Liang to the door.

"You always say this on purpose." Yang Ye's tone asked some questions.

Gu Liang said indifferently: "I'm just talking about human nature. People (sexuality) can't stand the test the most."

Yang Ye: "You didn't want to do anything to Principal Cha that day, and would rather be punished. You are not that kind of person."

Gu Liang's face (showing) was surprised: "Is that right? There is still such a thing. Unfortunately, I don't remember."

Yang Ye: "..."

Yang Ye's smile faded away, and he stared at Gu Liang sternly, with an extremely serious expression.

After fading the smiley skin of the businessman when he was a businessman, the energy of (killing sha) in Yang Ye's bones was so obvious that the whole person looked a little fierce.

"Okay. Then I will tell you now. Before becoming a businessman, I was a soldier first."

Yang Ye's voice was heavy and hoarse, "I will not give up any comrade in arms."

"If you treat others as a comrade-in-arms, others will treat you as a comrade-in-arms?"

"Okay, even if you think about it, everyone is self-interested, but you can be more sleek. At least this is the third script. At the beginning of the game, this is far from the time to make enemies everywhere, at least...not yet To the point where you treat me as an enemy."

Speaking of this, it seemed that he felt his tone was too harsh, Yang Ye exhaled gently, and his tone softened. "Gu Liang, you can trust me. No matter what, although I am not a soldier now, but..."

"I know. During the few days when the Xiaoyao sent to rest, you told me the story of your participation in flood relief. You said that you have faith, defend your home, and sacrifice for the people."

Gu Liang watched Yang Ye calmly for a moment, pushed his hand away, and walked out, "But you also have to see the person you want to save. It's worth it."

"I'm looking for other clues, see you later."


After 40 minutes.

A total of 12 corpses were placed in front of the coffin shop.

These corpses belong to 6 horns (colors), and each horn (color) has 2 corpses, and the method of death is exactly the same.

Boss Meng was strangled to death, neighbor Liu and Beggar Ding were poisoned to death, Senior Sister Feng was stabbed to death by fragments of a wine bottle, and Principal Cha was beaten to death by a baseball bat. The deaths of these corpses are exactly the same as those detailed in Gu Liang's diary.

The only thing Gu Liang didn't know was how Li Barbecued died.

Until now, he finally saw Li Barbecue's body.

The two bodies of Li’s barbecue were found in the smelly ditch at the back of the apartment building.

Li Babei's corpse can be said to be the worst of the few people. Not only did he have symptoms of incontinence, but his skin was strangely cherry red (color).

At this moment, Yang Ye squatted to Li Barbecue's body, unbuttoned his clothes, and looked at his (chest xiong) mouth. "The muscle (flesh) here is also cherry red (color). There are no other injuries on his body. He should have died of gas poisoning."

"Recognition." Gu Liang turned his head and looked at the player squatting near the barbecue stall.

This person was only seen by Gu Liang during the exploration stage, and was the only player in the field that Gu Liang did not know before.

It is Principal Cha.

Probably because he didn't know everyone, and he didn't get acquainted with him yet, Principal Cha squatted and smoked by himself.

He smoked quickly, and after a while, the stone road in front of him was full of cigarette butts.

This man has dangling eyebrows, a pointed chin, and deep eye bands. He is a standard fierce look, and looks very angry.

Li Xiaoyu is the most familiar, anyone can talk a few words, but at this moment she dare not approach Principal Cha.

When Gu Liang was looking at Principal Cha, Yang Ye followed his gaze and glanced a few times.

After a while, Yang Ye retracted his gaze and walked to Liu Ran, who played Li Barbecue, and said, "I want to confirm that it is your Ding Beggar, right? Are you using the remaining poisonous barbecue?"

Liu Ran nodded. "That night, when Feng-senpai asked me to take care of the barbecue stall, her expression was a bit weird, so I didn't go far. I hid in the dark and saw her poisoning neighbor Liu. Then I went back to the barbecue stall. Disposal of the poisonous barbecue, so as not to harm other guests, it happened that the beggar Ding came. I thought he often came to beg for food in a dirty way, affecting my business, (gan gan) gave him the poisonous barbecue."

What Liu Ran said was almost exactly the same as Yang Ye and Gu Liang's previous speculation.

Yang Ye asked him again: "Understood. Then, do you know who killed you?"

Liu Ran said, "After I gave the remaining poisonous barbecue to Ding Beggar, I felt a little flustered and closed the stall early. Later, when I got home, I thought I should take the opportunity to extort a certain amount of money, so I went to Principal Cha and talked about it. When he hid the body with Feng Xuejie (killing sha), he asked me to give me 5 million for the hush money."

Yang Ye: "Understood. This is the motive of Principal Cha (killing sha). He wants (killing sha) to kill you."

Liu Ran nodded: "Yes, it should be because of this."

That night, Barbecue Li went to Principal Cha's house and tried to blackmail him a sum of money.

Principal Cha said that he could not afford to give five million, but this matter can be discussed.

He asked Li Barbecue to sit on the sofa, saying that the two people were drinking while discussing the price of the sealing fee.

Li Barbecue agreed and went into the room and sat on the sofa.

At this time, Principal Cha went to the kitchen and said that he was getting wine for Li Barbecue.

After a while, Principal Cha walked out of the kitchen, holding white wine and a glass in his hand.

After putting these things on the coffee table, he said that there is no food at home. He has been cooking for her at Feng's house these days. He has to go to Feng's house to get some food and drinks. When the time comes, with wine and food, he will talk slowly with Li Barbecue.

Li Barbecue nodded, so Principal Cha picked up the key and went out.

Liu Ran also recorded these things in his notebook.

At the moment, he retelled the story and said: "After that, I sat on his sofa and drank some white wine, and then fainted and didn't know anything. It seems that the wine was probably added to sleep well. He added it when he went to the kitchen to get the wine. Of course, he turned on the gas at that time. I fainted on the sofa and died of gas poisoning."

Having said that, Liu Ran thought for a while and concluded: "So, I (killed sha) Ding beggar, and Principal Cha (killed sha) me."

As soon as Liu Ran's words fell, Headmaster Cha, who was squatting near the barbecue booth, suddenly spoke.

"Hey, you missed a little bit. When I left, I locked the window and the door. If you didn't drink, you wouldn't be able to run out, you would definitely die. Hey... this kind of (killing) sha) The way of human being is really boring, I also expect this system to give me some advanced perverts. It's good to divide the corpse, and rub the gas in secret... It's boring..."

Principal Cha yawned, threw the cigarette butts on the ground, stood up, and walked towards the crowd.

Seeing his extremely vicious appearance, and hearing him say this again, everyone's expressions were quite serious.

Principal Cha probably noticed it at this moment-everyone was looking at him like ghosts.

He smiled coldly and said: "Don't be polite, that is, I dare to say it. Who has not committed a crime? You dare not admit it. I dare. The taste of a corpse...Tsk, then you don’t know how good it is."

"Oh, why are you so surprised? Haven't been in jail? Haven't been in?"

"Not in jail, how did you get here?"

"Oh, you are different from me. You weren't executed before?"

"Bah!" Li Xiaoyu choked on him boldly, "I haven't committed a crime. Who is so perverted like you. You have done such disgusting things, I will vote for you in this round!"

"I dare say that I am not afraid of your votes. Why, because in this game, gold coins are very important."

Principal Cha sneered, "In the last script, I met a person. He has a wealth card. He uses this card to evenly divide everyone's gold coins. Gold coins can offset what years of service. It seems that one can be worth ten. Years. Little girl, you are so young and in the Mood for Love. If you don’t vote for the real murderer, vote for me... Then you need a gold coin less. Do you want to stay here for another ten years?"

Principal Cha suddenly laughed "haha". "You little girl, it's a pity to spend ten years here. Think about it, your parents are still waiting for you, you must leave quickly. I'm different. I just want to stay in the game. Here It's so great to be able to (kill sha) people without scruples."

After grinning a few times, President Cha suddenly took a few steps in the direction where Li Xiaoyu was.

Li Xiaoyu's face paled in shock.

She happened to be standing near Gu Liang, and (gan Gan) hid directly behind Gu Liang.

Her action was seen by Principal Cha.

Principal Cha laughed and pointed to her nose and said, "Little girl, don't be afraid. Although I'm excellent, it's also picky. You have thin arms and legs, you don't have much energy. Anyway... I'm in prison. Before, I only engaged with women. After I was in prison, there were no women, only with men... Let me see..."

Principal Cha set his sights on Gu Liang. "You are just right."

"Keep your mouth (dry gan) clean." Yang Ye's eyes sank, and he took a few steps to block Gu Liang.

Principal Cha turned a deaf ear, and continued: "He's like that, after opening..."

Before Principal Cha had finished speaking, Yang Ye stepped forward and punched him in the right cheek.

When Principal Cha reacted, the whole person was already lying face down, with both hands clasped behind him by Yang Ye.

Yang Ye was not polite, lifted his head and hit the ground, Principal Cha's forehead was suddenly torn, and the blood ran down.

Kill sha) isn't it cool? Is it cool to get a fist?" Yang Ye's voice was very harsh.

"You **** let me go! I can't kill you!" Principal Cha roared.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you first!"

Yang Ye's voice sank, and he lifted Principal Cha's head with one hand, and elbows crossed his neck, clasped tightly, making him not only speechless, but almost unable to breathe.

"Just take the opportunity to test the rules of the game. Now the plot interpretation is over. (Kill sha) you are a scum, and it will not affect the plot development. I want to see if the man in black will come to save you!"

After saying this, Yang Ye lifted his head and punched him a few times, then kicked him a few more feet before letting go.

Principal Cha tried several times, but he didn't even have the strength to get up, so he had to lie down on the ground temporarily.

When he returned to Gu Liang, Yang Ye just rubbed his hands, as if he had just moved his muscles and bones just now.

Yang Ye glanced at Gu Liang, only to see that Gu Liang looked at him with a little shock.

He opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't seem to know what to say.

Probably because of the words that Principal Cha said just now, it is really hard to tell.

Yang Ye stepped forward and patted Gu Liang on the shoulder. "Don't take his words to your heart. He is a scum."

Gu Liang blinked, then nodded. "Ok."

After examining the 12 corpses one by one, no more clues were found. After discussing them, they decided to spread them out and search for evidence.

Of course, before the players dispersed, after everyone agreed, Principal Cha was tied up.

This is mainly for your safety. So that he would take the opportunity to be a demon when everyone spread out and searched for evidence alone.

Especially when a girl like Li Xiaoyu is alone to search for evidence, it is very unsafe if he is left alone.

During the free exploration stage, while walking, Gu Liang, Yang Ye, and Xun Feng formed a group unknowingly. They turned the turf of the school flowerbed, but they did not find too many valuable clues.

There was a stone tablet at the main entrance of the school. The school motto was written on it. Yang Ye had been studying around the stone tablet for a long time, trying to find out if there was any secret about "immortality", but still couldn't find anything.

Finally, the three returned to Yang Ye's shroud shop for a short rest.

Yang Ye boiled the water, let it cool, then poured three cups.

After giving the water to Gu Liang and Xun Feng, Yang Ye sat down. "What do you think?"

Gu Liang didn’t answer, but Xun Feng said, “Boss Meng (killed sha) killed Principal Cha, Principal Cha (killed sha) killed Li BBQ, Li BBQ (killed sha) killed Ding Beggar, Sister Feng (killed sha) Neighbor Liu, Neighbor Liu (killed sha) Boss Meng. But now who (killed sha) Feng-senpai is still unclear."

Yang Ye said: "If Ding Beggar (killing sha) kills Feng-senpai, the incident of (killing sha) becomes a complete closed loop."

Xun Feng: "Closed loop (killing sha) people? You mean a (killing sha) b, b (killing sha) c, c and then (killing sha) a... It is indeed possible. (Killing sha) people are formed One cycle, and this cycle (fa) has been born twice. But there is a problem with this. Now there are 6 characters (color), 12 corpses, and everyone has died twice, and the death is exactly the same. Who is the dead ?Who is the murderer?"

After a while, Yang Ye said, "Now I can only say that I think Ding Beggar is the real dead person."

Xun Feng asked: "Where did you judge it?"

"For the time being, it is not judged from the plot itself, but from other places."

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang, "Do you remember the maid Liu in "The Death of Boss White". She is an NPC. After the script interpretation, she also participated in the free exploration and intensive discussion sessions with us. She just didn't have the right to vote in the end. Unlike Ding Beggar, he never appeared. Because he was completely dead. He was the dead in this case."

Xun Feng thought for a moment, and said: "Okay, suppose the deceased is him. Logically, this closed loop will continue. But why does it end? Has anyone realized this closed loop and broke it? The origin of this closed loop Is it related to witchcraft or science fiction settings? But we didn’t find any clues."

Yang Yexin said that there was a place that he didn't really look for—the coffin shop where Gu Liang was.

Yang Ye took a long sip of water and looked at Gu Liang who was sitting next to him without saying a word. "Gu Liang, you have no opinion?"

Gu Liang raised his eyelids and said indifferently: "I just have nothing to add. Your doubts are also my doubts. So far, we only know that the dead will resurrect, but there is no clue that...what is their situation? Will really die."

Yang Ye put the cup in his hand back on the table, and slowly made a circle with his thumb.

Then he directly said to Gu Liang, "Shall we talk alone?"

Gu Liang didn't answer, but Xun Feng first said, "Is there anything I can't listen to?"

Gu Liang glanced at Yang Ye quietly, then stood up directly. "I'll go back to the coffin shop. There are some things that I have to think about for myself. After 10 minutes, you come to me. Let's talk separately."

After saying this, Gu Liang turned and left.

Xun Feng watched astonishedly as Gu Liang's back disappeared at the corner of the shroud shop stairs, and then he cast a more surprised look at Yang Ye. "What are you hiding from me?"

Yang Ye stood up and patted him on the shoulder. "After talking with him, I will have a good talk with you."


After 3 minutes, Gu Liang returned to the attic of the coffin shop.

He sat back on the (bed chuang) and took out his diary.

In the morning he tore off the pages with key information and flushed away with the toilet.

Others that have not been torn off are irrelevant, such as "The steamed pork ribs made by Yang Ye are delicious".

Gu Liang stared at the blank page of the diary, recalling what was written on it, and then he inadvertently turned back and turned to a blank page with no text.

Although this piece of paper is blank, the mark left by the pen tip is faintly visible on it.

This means that someone wrote something on the previous page with a pen, but that page was torn off.

Gu Liang immediately lifted the diary and took a closer look, and found that the previous page was indeed torn off.

The few pages that Gu Liang tore off this morning were all records of the timeline and plot, and the content until he suspected his murderer.

At that time, he hadn't touched the back pages of the diary.

This can only show that it should have been yesterday afternoon, before he lost his memory, what he had written at the end of the diary. However, for some unknown reason, after he finished writing those words, he immediately tore off the page.

Gu Liang couldn't understand his state of mind at the time, because he lost his memory completely.

Now he had to find a pencil and dab it on the blank page.

Finally, the white paper was stained with lead (color), and the text that was torn away from the paper finally resurfaced.

——"I don’t want to personally (kill sha) Chan, I was punished, because of this, Yang Ye actually said today...I am a hero. Hero, I don’t deserve the word at all. I’m a bit sad. As for Yang Ye ...He is a bit silly."


Yang Ye actually said... Am I a hero?

Gu Liang threw the diary aside, lying on the (bed chuang) with his head up.

After a while, he lifted the diary and looked at it again, then closed his eyes, and let the diary fall directly to cover his own eyes.

He hasn't moved for a long time, just like (sleeping Shui).


the other side. Ten minutes after Gu Liang left, Yang Ye walked around from the backyard and knocked on the back door.

Yang Ye didn't wait long before Gu Liang came to open the door.

Under the lens, Yang Ye's eyes seemed a little gentle.

Gu Liang glanced at him lightly, and leaned over to let him in.

Gu Liang didn't speak, Yang Ye didn't speak either, only followed him all the way to the main hall of the coffin shop.

——In the center of the main hall, the coffin cover has been lifted.

Seeing Gu Liang first stepped into the coffin, Yang Ye frowned slightly and walked over.

Then he understood everything-a secret room was hidden under the coffin.

Walking down the stone ladder, Yang Ye followed Gu Liang to a cellar.

There are several jars of wine in the cellar, and one of them has a letter on it.

The cover of the letter is a bit yellowed, and it seems that it has been stored for some time.

Gu Liang looked around the cellar, then set his eyes on the envelope. "Maybe I was here yesterday. But I don't remember exactly what I saw. It seems that there are no clues on the walls or on the ground. Then the truth should be hidden in that letter. You Do you want to watch it with me?"

To Gu Liang's expectation, Yang Ye didn't answer his words immediately, but walked to him and stood still.

The cellar was dark, with only a dim yellow wall lamp.

The light shone on Yang Ye's face. At this moment, he was very close to Gu Liang, and his drooping eyelashes were projected onto Gu Liang's face along with the silhouette.

Gu Liang raised his head, but couldn't see Yang Ye's eyes clearly, so he just looked at the reflection of the glasses on the bridge of Yang Ye's nose.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ye raised his hand and supported Gu Liang's shoulders, and he moved closer to Gu Liang.

After a while, Gu Liang heard Yang Ye's voice softly speaking: "You brought me here, can I think you believe me?"

Gu Liang's expression was calm, and when he looked closely, there was a squiggly expression in his eyes, which seemed to be a little upset, frustrated, and even world-weary.

Gu Liang didn't answer Yang Ye's words, but Yang Ye could see something from his expression.

Yang Ye suddenly realized that she was wrong.

——He chose to be so honest, maybe not because he is willing to cooperate with himself.

Yang Ye glanced down and stayed on the red rope on Gu Liang's wrist.

Yang Ye's expression suddenly became serious. "Gu Liang, tell me, why did you do this? What is the real reason?"

Gu Liang met his gaze in surprise. "What's wrong with me doing this?"

Yang Ye shook his wrist and stared at his eyes. "You are a murderer, and I am a detective. Now you show your cards to me like this, but you don't seem to believe me and don't mean to cooperate with me. What does this mean?"

Gu Liang understood what was coming, and smiled. "Do you think I want to find death?"

After being silent for a while, Yang Ye said, "You didn't deliberately seek death. But I think... you may not want to live too much."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows, and at the same time, his lips curled downward, his expression obviously a little unhappy. "Like Xun Feng, you think my depression isn't getting better?"

Seeing Gu Liang's expression, Yang Ye closed his eyes and exhaled slightly.

In order to make the atmosphere less tense, he finally let go of Gu Liang's wrist and (强qiang) forced himself to change into a relaxed and ridiculous tone. "Okay. You say so, I'm relieved. I just ask casually, because..."

Gu Liang asked him, "Because of what? Because you don't believe me to be so honest?"

Yang Ye said in a teasing tone as much as possible: "It's not that I don't believe you. It's that you don't believe me. But when you don't believe me, you directly sent the key (sexual xing) evidence to me... …In your perspective, this is something that might make you lose your (sexual xing) life. You never think about my (sexual xing) life, and you don’t want to die or something. You are so straightforward and you don’t like it. I……"

"Like you?" Gu Liang repeated this sentence, looking at Yang Ye up and down. He seemed to find this very interesting. The corners of his mouth raised, and then he said unceremoniously, "Of course not."

Yang Ye: "..."

"You are thinking too much." Gu Liang pushed Yang Ye away, walked to the side of the wine jar, bent down, and picked up the letter.

Then he held up the letter and looked at Yang Ye calmly, with a natural and determined expression. "Even if I show you my hole card, I won't necessarily lose. This time, there will be 5 hours of concentrated discussion, which is enough for us to debate."

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang for a while, then walked up to him and looked at the letter in his hand.

The envelope read a few big words: "Papa Meng wrote to Boss Meng."

In this way, these words clearly and concisely indicate that this letter was left to Boss Meng by Boss Meng's father.

The envelope was not glued together, so Gu Liang easily took out the letter, and then read the contents with Yang Ye.

"Son, do you know that our town has another name? It is called the Undead City. Because there was a very powerful wizard in this city before, and he created a very powerful witchcraft called'immortality'. He They are the ancestors of our Meng family. Therefore, I also use this kind of spell."

"This spell is very evil, and I have never dared to use it. But before I die, I finally decided to use this spell on you... to be precise, it was used by everyone in the town. Body."

"Once you are unfortunately taken by someone (killing sha), you can be resurrected immediately. But from the moment you die, the spell will trigger a series of chain reactions, and the people on the street around you will become violent when affected by the spell. Kill (kill sha)."

"Of course, these people started (killing sha) under the influence of the spell, and they will also be blessed by the spell. Even if someone dies, they will be resurrected just like you. It's just that from that time on , They died and resurrected, and the memory will go back to 24 hours ago. (Kill sha) killing will continue, people on this street may fall into a (dead si) cycle of death, all people will be trapped on the same day, constantly (Kill sha) people, be (kill sha)."

"Fortunately, there is a way to break all of this-among these people who have come back from the dead, once someone kills the sha, they can break the curse. People who want to kill the sha will naturally no longer suffer.' The blessing of the immortal curse. At that time, the cycle of death will be broken, the time imprisonment will disappear, and your life will return to normal."

"Therefore, if you fall into the cycle of (death si) death, what you have to do is find a way to make (kill sha) your murderer self (kill sha). In this way, you will both punish your murderer and regain Live like a normal person and restore peace to the entire town."


After reading the letter, Yang Ye pondered for a moment and looked at Gu Liang: "So, the subsequent (killing sha) killings are a chain reaction. The cause of everything is that you were killed by your neighbor Liu (killing sha)?"

"Well, maybe."

Gu Liang handed the letter to Yang Ye, "Although give this letter to everyone. I don't care."

Yang Ye took the letter and heard Gu Liang continue: "First, the witchcraft mentioned in this letter is indeed consistent with your previous brain hole, that is, everyone may fall into a cycle of life and death and be trapped on the same day. But does this cycle really exist? The premise of the cycle is that Senior Sister Feng was indeed killed by Ding Beggar. But how did Ding Beggar kill her?"

"Second, even if Ding Beggar (killed sha) Feng-senpai, the cycle does exist. This witchcraft may not only be used by my father, but it may also be used by others. I don't believe it. In the whole story, it is only me. (Laughter) is related to witchcraft. Otherwise it would be too difficult for me to play."

"Of course, even if only I know this witchcraft, even if only my father used this witchcraft. But the premise for this witchcraft to work is that I am the first to die. But how can you prove that I was the first to die? After all, there are only two bodies of mine, the same as everyone."

"Third, if I follow my father's instructions, I should (kill sha) neighbor Liu. Then why is the dead beggar Ding?"

"If you are sure that the deceased is a Ding beggar, his two bodies are both painful and bruised (colored) lips. He was poisoned to death by a poisonous barbecue. How could he be self (killing sha)? Or, how can I let him (kill sha) himself?"

"Fourth, how did I wake up and find this letter, and then I was reminded to persuade others to (kill sha) when I was caught in a cycle and amnesia? Since I am amnesia, the body is buried in your home again, I am I don’t know about this. I will keep going to Liu’s neighbor’s appointments to show that I don’t even know that he will (kill sha) me.”

When Gu Liang said these words, his eyes were a bit provocative.

"Besides, there are still many problems. This letter in my cellar does not indicate that I am the real culprit. So I said, you just thought too much. When the discussion is concentrated, I will definitely wash (Off tuo) Your own suspicion. Unless—you can explain these issues to everyone."

"I heard that President Cha said that a gold coin may be equivalent to 10 years. I think everyone will be very cautious when voting for a while."

Gu Liang didn't expect Yang Ye to laugh after he said this.

——What is he laughing at?

I have made it clear that I am on the opposite side of him. I am so selfish and mean to kill him. Why is he laughing?

Suddenly, Gu Liang heard Yang Ye say: "Looking at you like this, I feel relieved."

Gu Liang: "Why don't you rest assured? I want to fight you, so don't you worry?"

Yang Ye's sight slid over the red line on Gu Liang's wrist intentionally or unintentionally. "Yes, as long as you have the desire to survive, I can rest assured. After all, I may not be able to watch you in every script."

"Okay. I'll look elsewhere. See you when I'll focus on the discussion later."

After saying this, Yang Ye bypassed Gu Liang, went up the stairs, and left the cellar.

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