Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 50: The fifth person (7)

When Li Xuexue said this, he was stunned. +++Mobile reading visit "Uh...Don't tell me, there may be two grasses."

"It is written in my script that Xiaocao, as a school grass, not only has a good-looking face, but also has very good grades. What is most surprising is that he is very energetic."

Li Kexue said, "He is a high-achieving student in the Department of Chemistry, but he has a double degree, and the other degree is literature that has nothing to do with chemistry. His classes are almost full, speech contests, basketball games, literature salons... he Are all participating."

"After exploring the risks with us, not long after returning to school, he was able to submit high-quality papers to journals, and I don't know when he wrote it..."

Li Kexue got more excited as he talked.

In addition, there are some plots about Xiaocao that he hadn't noticed too much before. He couldn't remember well, so he took out the card and checked it carefully.

After reading the cards, Li Kexue said: "There is one more detail. The boys on our adventure team all like Xiaohua, and they are all my rivals. I pay attention to them. I found Xiaocao is a little strange. I ran into him in the library several times. He ignored me at all. He just looked down at the chemistry books. His eyes were very gloomy and dark."

"But when I told Xiaohua about this, Xiaohua denied my judgment, saying that when he was in the library, Xiaocao was probably only doing questions seriously, so he ignored her friends. In Xiaohua's eyes, Xiaocao is a person. He has always been a big sunny boy, completely out of touch with darkness."

"Nothing else. My script is very long, Xiaohua, Xiaodong, etc., have a lot of descriptions of them. So I didn't think too much at the time. I thought Xiaocao was a two-faced person, pretending to be cheerful in front of girls. It was so gloomy before us. It seems...not that he pretended to be, but that there were really two people."

Li Xuexue finished a speech and took a sip of water.

Gu Liang watched him silently for a long time, and said: "At present, there should be no fantasy setting in this script. There is no way to talk about science fiction settings, so there is no copying. Then, maybe there are twins? It just doesn't know why. For whatever reason, the two brothers share the identity of'Xiaocao'."

Li Xuexue swallowed the saliva and nodded: "Well, maybe it's twins."

Professor Wang was also interested in this story and said, "Will that be the case? The person who can attack the four classmates at once must be the one who looks gloomy, that is, the one who studies chemistry. We put him It's called the dark grass."

"The other sunny and lively one is called Sunshine Grass. He is studying literature. Those who join the adventure team and like small flowers are all the Sunshine Grass."

"It should be so good."

Gu Liang looked at Li Kexue again, "Let’s talk about the things you came here three years ago in detail. For example, what happened before you entered the cave. When you were exploring, the grass in the team was sunny. It's still dark."

Li Xuexue raised his head and drank the other half bottle of mineral water, and began to tell.

"It is said that the colorful crystals on the Huilong Snow Mountain are hidden in the cave. You can reap happiness when you find the crystal. We found the cave in the evening. Everyone is very excited, but the sight is not good at night, in case (fafa) Whatever, it’s not convenient to ask for help, so we returned to the camp and planned to (sleep in Shui) overnight and go back early the next morning. These are the same as described in the Xiaodong’s diary you found.

"Early the next morning, we went to the cave, and we used all the air detectors. The air in the cave was fine, so we dared to go in."

"Ah, yes, there is one detail that I forgot to mention. When I got up in the morning, I found that the grass was already up. I thought it was strange because he usually loves (sleeping in Shui) to sleep in. I went to cook outside the tent. Congee, when he asked him whether to eat it, he also ignored me, as if he didn't know me, and returned to a gloomy state."

Hearing this, Gu Liang asked, "What about the front? It was before this night, what was the state of the grass when you were exploring?"

Li Xuexue said: "The script did not specifically mention it, but I think this means that my character (color) did not find any abnormalities at the time, and the grass at that time was a sunny grass."

Gu Liang said, "In other words, the person who went up the mountain with you before was always sunny grass. The night after you found the cave, when you were sleeping in the camp (sleeping Shui), while you were sleeping, two The grass was changed for some reason. So the person who entered the cave with you the next morning turned into a dark grass?"

"Yes. It should be so good."

Li Kexue said, “That morning, shortly after entering the cave, the situation was not right. The dark grass was the first to faint. After he fainted, Xiaohua and Xiaodong fainted one after another. I just wanted to ask them, and I fainted too. Afterwards, when I woke up, everyone was still dizzy. I ran out for help."

"The current base camp is 1,000 meters away from our temporary camp. Three years ago, it was different. I ran more than ten kilometers and approached the foot of the mountain before finding the base camp. The staff was preparing to go to the cave with me to rescue them, It's an avalanche."

Professor Wang asked suspiciously: "So according to this, it is the dark grass that died in the cave, and the sunny grass (killing sha)?"

"How do you vote then?"

"Will there be options for twin brothers and brothers, where do we know whether to vote for brother or brother?"

Gu Liang fell silent, picked up a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap, and took a few sips.

Then he put down the bottle and said: "Since the script does not give more information, I think we can vote for Xiaocao when we vote. The identity shared by the brothers is Xiaocao."

"You mean, there won't be many NPCs we don't know, or the words elder brother and younger brother?" Professor Wang was still a little worried.

Gu Liang shook his head: "The script has no other clues, so you just need to cast a small grass. Why did the brothers share their identities, why one of them (killed sha), did they have any entanglements with Xiaohua... These stories are in the plot interpretation. Not in itself, and it has no effect on finding the real murderer, so don't worry about it."


There was plenty of time left for the concentrated discussion, and through Li Kexue’s specific narration of the events of the year, the four people worked together to smooth the logic of the whole process of the script.

Three years ago, four college students from the "I am super good" university went on an adventure together.

Among them, Xiaocao, Xiaohua, and Xiaoyuan are all seniors, and Xiaodong is a junior.

And they didn't know that there was actually a little grass behind them in secret.

For some unknown purpose, the twins share a name and identity-Xiaocao.

The day after climbing back to Longxue Mountain and finding the cave, four college students entered the cave and were stunned.

The person who stunned them was one of the twins Xiaocao.

Madoka woke up early due to tolerance to anesthetics and escaped.

Immediately after (fa) a small avalanche, heavy snow blocked the entrance of the cave and killed three people in the cave.

As a result, one of the two small grasses (killed sha) two classmates and one of his own brothers.

After escaping, Madoka ran to the base camp at the foot of the mountain and looked for staff, but the staff were unable to rescue under that situation.

After this, the staff may not report to the police because of irresponsibility.

After Madoka calmed down, she didn't dare to tell anyone the truth.

Four people went on an expedition, but only one of them survived. He was afraid of being misunderstood as a murderer.

So after returning, he only told his teachers, classmates, and Xiaohua's parents that everyone was separated and he didn't know where the other three had gone.

Even when the parents called the police and they searched the mountain together, Xiaoyuan deliberately pointed in the wrong direction.

Huilong Snow Mountain is very large, composed of countless small peaks, and some sections of it are still very difficult and dangerous.

Coupled with Madoka's misleading, everyone has never found the body.

But in fact, Madoka has been guilty for the past three years.

After graduation, he took the path of geological research and changed his name to Li Science.

On this day three years later, learning that the institute organized personnel to go back to Longxue Mountain for an inspection, Li Kexue voluntarily applied to join and became a member of the expedition team. He wanted to make up for the weakness of the year. He wanted to find out that ( Who was the murderer who killed the three classmates?

In the past three years, Xiaocao, the real murderer, has been walking back to Longxue Mountain with rumors of ghosts, and often pretended to be scary ghosts, just to prevent people from getting close to the cave, and then found three bodies.

Xiaocao didn't expect that three years later, a team of four people would find the cave again and wanted to transport the body away.

So he made the trick of disappearing the camp, imitating ghosts and asking people "Do you believe me", just to make them really think there are ghosts here, and he wants to scare them away.

But Xiaocao failed.

The expedition team of four was not fooled, and chose to take the body away.

The three corpses have been frozen for three years. If they are taken to the police station, the drug components in their bodies may still be detected, and everything the culprit did in the past will be revealed (exposed).

So Xiaocao decided to burn the body.

On this day, he observed that Liu Li and Professor Wang went to the toilet, so he lay in ambush outside the toilet and stunned them both.

He did this for two purposes. The first and both of them were stunned, unable to confirm whether the other party had an alibi, and both had the opportunity to commit crimes so that they could doubt each other when the time came; second, Prevent these two men from returning to the camp, lest they disrupt their next plans.

After bewildering the two people, Xiaocao observed that Li Xuexue went to the direction of the cave alone, so he was lost on the way to the cave.

He recognized that Li Xuexue was Xiaoyuan, and he had a lesson from the past, so he increased the dose so that Li Xuexue could faint for a longer time.

After that, Xiaocao returned to the camp, stunned Doctor Xu, and took her away to a relatively safe place so that she would not be injured by the explosion. In this way, everyone will suspect that Li Kexue may have set the fire.

The preliminary work is now complete, Xiaocao spilled alcohol on the three corpses and set them on fire.

Before leaving, he took away the three energy bars from the box because he needed food.

When he left, he took the road to the cave. When passing by the fainted Li Xuexue, he threw the used potion bottle near him, also in order to blame.

The story can be sorted out smoothly, basically without major flaws.

Gu Liang squeezed the empty mineral water bottle with his fingers, and the sound was particularly crisp in the open snow.

After a long time, Gu Liang said: "Although I don't know what the story behind it is. But the real murderer (killed sha) his brother, in fact also disguised (killed sha) himself. They share a social identity. He wiped out the grass (killing sha), and he could not go back to the original campus to continue living."

"He is not dead, not a ghost, but he lives like a lonely wild ghost on this snow-capped mountain."

"And I always feel... he burned the body, maybe not because he was afraid of the police."

Gu Liang thought for a while, and then said, "Since he has been unable to return to society as Xiaocao, he plays ghosts and scares people on the snow-capped mountains every day... His life has actually been ruined. Such a person should not be afraid that he will be He was arrested by the police as a murderer. No matter how bad his life is, it will not go bad."

Gu Liang did say the key.

At this moment, the wind was a bit stronger, and several players on the scene wrapped their clothes tightly again.

It is hard for them to imagine the life of the real murderer in the past three years-wandering in the cold mountains, and when he meets single explorers or tourists, he will pretend to be ghosts and scare them.

The tourists may not have time to take away the tents and other equipment when they run away. The real murderers take these things as their own and use the food they leave to survive.

He is pretending to be a ghost, not a real ghost, but he has been on the snow-capped mountain for three years, so what is the difference between it and the lonely wild ghost floating on the mountain.

After Gu Liang said this, no one spoke again for a long time.

Until Professor Wang opened his brain, he suddenly clapped his hands.

The high-five broke the silence in the mountains, and Professor Wang said, "I see! Both grasses like small flowers!"

"Anyway, Xiaohua's person is a heartthrob. Let me make an analogy. Let's suppose that my brother is Sunny Xiaocao, and my younger brother is Dark Xiaocao. In the eyes of my brother, my brother, Xiaodong and Xiaoyuan, everyone like Xiaohua. Brother (Qiangan) Let's take advantage of their chance to come to the Snow Mountain and plan to (kill sha) all their rivals. Come again... he also (kill sha) Xiaohua."

"Isn't there a kind of abnormal feeling that if you can't get it, then (gan gan) will be crisp (kill sha)?"

Professor Wang continued to make up his mind: "So, my brother not only (killed sha) his love rival, but also (killed sha) his loved Xiaohua. After that, he didn't plan to return to his normal life. He just lingered on the snow mountain. He has been Staying in the snow-capped mountains and not leaving is just to accompany the body of your lover every day..."

"Ah, by the way, Liu inspected. You just said that he burned the body this time because he was not afraid of the police. Then he must just think... he can't hold his lover's body anymore, so he burned it all in a fire. One hundred."

Professor Wang was suddenly inspired by his thoughts, which made the other three players bewildered.

Gu Liang also froze for a while, before he said: "Yes, what you said is an idea and a possibility."

Professor Wang's face (showing) joy. "I still have decades of social experience more than you. Such a perverted person, I have read many reports."

"Yeah. If the murderer in the script is so..."

It seemed that he didn't find a suitable adjective for a while, Gu Liang paused, and then continued, "I really want to see who wrote this script."

Gu Liang yawned, nothing happened, took off his gloves, and grabbed a handful of snow on the ground.

Withdrawing his hand, he put on his thick gloves again, and the plot went through in his mind.

He frowned and couldn't help saying: "Wait, it's not right..."

Professor Wang was a little nervous. "Ah? Will there be another turning point? Isn't the murderer Xiaocao?"

"The murderer is Xiaocao. I just said that there is a problem with the story of your brain repair."

Gu Liang looked at Professor Wang and said, "Li Kexue said that Xiaohua has always been very sunny in Xiaohua's impression. Therefore, the person in contact with Xiaohua in the adventure team has always been Sunny Xiaocao. The dark one did not touch Xiaohua. Yes. So I don’t think that dark grass also likes florets."

"Then this means..." Professor Wang hesitated.

Gu Liang took his words. "If the real murderer is the younger brother, his thoughts may be exactly what you said-if you don't get it, then (kill sha) drop him. After (kill sha) drop him, he will stay with his corpse for a lifetime. Just... The person my brother wants to accompany is probably not Xiaohua, but his brother."

"The two brothers grew up dependent on each other and even shared the same name. Now that my brother is in love with a girl and plans to be with her as soon as he graduates, my brother may not be able to accept it."

"The reverse is also true. If the murderer is the older brother, the older brother cannot accept that the younger brother will be with Xiao Hua."

"Fuck." Professor Wang said, "Then the murderer of this script will be even more perverted."

"Indeed." Gu Liang nodded, "After the end, let's watch the story sent by the system restore it."


During the whole discussion, Dr. Xu tried several times (insertion), but no one answered her.

Even if she had been staring at Li Kexue several times, Li Kexue met her gaze, but soon he looked away and did not seem to want to communicate with her.

At this moment, everything that should be discussed was over. Gu Liang closed his eyes and rested. Professor Wang tried to find an awkward conversation next to him. Doctor Xu couldn't sit still and walked up to Li Xuexue. "Shall we talk?"

When Professor Wang heard this, his face was still directed at Gu Liang, and his gossiping eyes turned to Doctor Xu.

Li Kexue still chose to talk to Doctor Xu and walked far away with her before sitting down.

But this time, he obviously did not deliberately lower his voice, so Gu Liang and Professor Wang basically heard what he said to Doctor Xu.

Dr. Xu: "I didn't mean to suspect that you were the murderer. It's just that in our common timeline, you asked me to help you privately examine the corpse or something. It looked like you were hiding evidence of crime, so I... on……"

Li Kexue: "I have explained to you. It was not my fault that the three of them died back then, but then I was afraid of causing trouble to myself and not letting their family find the body. That was my fault. This one Things are a stain in my life, so I don’t want to let others know that I am Madoka who ran away back then, and I don’t want to talk to the police.

"But out of guilt, I still want to investigate how they died privately, so I want you as a doctor to help me check it out privately. Besides, I was almost killed back then. I still can't sleep well if I don't figure it out. ."

Dr. Xu: "I know. I was... maybe it was too cold here, my mind was frozen. You would think I..."

Li Kexue: "These are not important. The important thing is that you don't trust me. I took a big risk when I told you the side mission, because it might make everyone think I am the real murderer. After all, Madoka The only survivor is very suspicious. I guarded Professor Wang and Liu's inspection, but I didn't guard against you. Unexpectedly, you are the one who distrusts me the least."

Doctor Xu: "Sorry, I..."

Li Keke was silent for a moment, and said, "It's not a (guan) line, it's not important anymore."

"You mean... don't you mind?"

"Um. Don't mind."

Doctor Xu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, "Then I can rest assured."

"I don't mind, I understand one thing, it's been my wishful thinking all the time, and bother."

Li Kexue stood up and walked towards where Gu Liang and Professor Wang were.

The breath that Doctor Xu hadn't fully exhaled hit her throat, and her face was completely pale.


On the other side, Professor Wang couldn't help but sighed to Gu Liang in a low voice: "I think I've figured it out. In the previous scripts, Dr. Xu was pretty good to Li Xuexue. Probably among those people, Li Kokse has the best conditions. When it came to this script, she saw that you were handsome and wanted to please you, so she sold Li Kexue. Now that she offended Li Kexue, she went to make up... It turns out that this doctor is green tea."

Professor Wang didn't respond to Gu Liang and asked: "Hey, do you know what green tea is?"

Gu Liang: "Green tea? Any tea?"

Professor Wang: "Actually, you are 80 this year, twenty older than me, right?"

Gu Liang: "Oh, I remember, you said that, I have seen it, searched it. It means..."

Professor Wang interrupted him: "They're back. Stop talking. Cough cough cough, the moon (color) is so beautiful tonight."

Gu Liang: "..."

After Dr. Xu and Li Kexue came back, the atmosphere was subtle and everyone fell silent.

Gu Liang continued to close his eyes and rest his mind. Li Kexue hung his head and did not speak. Doctor Xu played with his fingers. The most unrestrained one was Professor Wang, who was boring, he just piled up a snowman.

Until the 5 hours of concentrated discussion time was about to pass completely, Li Xuexue walked to Gu Liang's side. "I want to say something to you."

Gu Liang was a little surprised. "Ok."

Li Xuexue's voice was a little hoarse. "I... had a bad attitude towards you before. Why are you willing to help me? No, I know, you don't mean to help me, just to find the truth. Anyway, I still want to thank you."

Gu Liang: "I really am not helping you."

Li Science: "..."

Gu Liang: "So far, we don't know who the detective is. Maybe the system will announce the existence of the detective right before the vote. If this detective falls on me and you vote indiscriminately, then I won't be cold. "

Li Xuexue blinked his eyes twice and asked, "Is it cold?"

Gu Liang: "Ah, it means dead. I only learned about it not long ago. A friend told me."

"What are you talking about? I have heard the song "Cool and Cool"."

Professor Wang (insert cha) mouth, "My granddaughter watches that TV series every day."

Gu Liang: "..."


The focus discussion time is over.

The system broadcast sounded on time.

"The "The Fifth Man" script case is about to come to an end, and now we will enter the voting stage."

"There are two rounds of voting. The first round is a vote on side tasks."

"Today's expedition team members, there is a person who was once a university student of'I am super awesome', and was also a member of the adventure team, who has been back to Longxue Mountain. Who is he? Please make a choice."

Gu Liang took out his card, and the four players' avatars appeared on the voting page, including Gu Liang, Li Xuexue, Doctor Xu, and Professor Wang.

Gu Liang quickly clicked on "Li Ke Xue".

One minute later.

The system continues: "Wow, all four players have chosen Li Kexue, including Li Kexue himself... Then now I announce that Li Kexue’s mission failed and will not receive any rewards; the remaining three players who succeeded in the mission can get two draws Opportunity for a reward card. Please come forward and let everyone draw cards."

After Gu Liang, Professor Wang, and Doctor Xu drew reward cards in turn, the system continued: "The second round of voting for the main task is below-three college students in the Mood for Love tragically died in the snowy mountains. Who on earth killed them so cruelly? What?"

"The incident three years ago was too far away, and the whereabouts of everyone present could not be tracked. Therefore, there is no detective in this case, and the four players are all suspects. Of course, the three college students who were present are also suspects. Okay, let’s start. Vote! The voting time is one minute! I wish everyone a smooth vote!"

Gu Liang picked up the card. This time, there were seven avatars on the page. In addition to the four players present, the three NPCs Xiaohua, Xiaocao, and Xiaodong were also among them.

Gu Liang frowned slightly, and after all he stretched out his finger and clicked on the portrait of "Xiao Cao".

The voting is over.

The broadcast sounded again.

"In the "Fifth Man" case, who was the real culprit who killed the three college students? Wow, one suspect got four votes. He is-Xiaocao."

"Congratulations everyone voted correctly. Each person can get two gold coins!"

"A friendly reminder is attached at the end of the game. This script can also be called a hard environment experience book. Those who can come to this script are usually judged as having a negative attitude towards the game in the previous script."

"The difficulty rating of this script is only one level. Please keep a positive attitude to the game, otherwise you will enter a script with a worse environment in the future. The setting of earthquake, tsunami, and even apocalyptic zombies may all be seen. In such a setting If you are attacked by a zombie and die, the player will really die."

"Well, this game is over perfectly. Please wait for the man in black to transfer everyone to the common rest area. See you next script!"

game over.

Gu Liang got on a sedan chair and was taken to the so-called public rest area.

On the way, Gu Liang recalled the last "friendship reminder" of the system.

According to the system, his performance was judged as "negative" in the last game.

Gu Liang carefully recalled the situation at that time.

After confirming that he was the murderer, he tore off the page "Yang Ye said I was a hero" in the diary, and left a sentence to remind him to burn the diary after amnesia, which means that he wanted to hide himself at first , He wanted to win the game and survive.

But afterwards, he probably sighed with Yang Ye's selflessness and was touched by the story of Ding Beggar. After several struggles, he finally chose to give up victory. He would rather die than bear his life.

Now Gu Liang was taken to the snow mountain script and lay in the snow all night, fully experiencing the hardship environment.

But his hardship rating is only Grade 1, probably because he played the game seriously at the beginning, and his subsequent performance was judged as negative.

But from the system's rating, Yang Ye's behavior was even more negative, so he was sent to a more difficult environment to survive.

The so-called beating of zombies is really beating zombies.

According to the system, in that kind of script, if you are killed by a zombie (sha), the player will really die.

Yang Ye's rating is "more negative", which also means...different from Gu Liang, Gu Liang hesitated at first, and Yang Ye almost never thought of winning at the beginning.

Gu Liang probably knew that Yang Ye might have done this only because of the beliefs of the soldiers. As he said, he will not give up any comrade in arms.

But thinking about this, Gu Liang was still quite moved.

I was touched, thinking that although Yang Ye had served in the military for two years, but had never actually been on the battlefield after all, Gu Liang took out the help card and stared at Yang Ye's head for a long time, unavoidably worrying in his heart.

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