Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 52: The fifth person (9)

What does Yang Ye mean?

He was asking if he minded that a girl liked him, or did he mind the series of actions he had just done?

Did he just kiss my hair?

Although it doesn't seem to be leaning much, it doesn't feel much...

Gu Liang was startled for a moment, then looked at Yang Ye in front of him. +++ Catino Novel Network

His right leg was swollen in a mess. He was standing on his left leg, with his left hand on the door frame, his face was slightly scratched, and his right arm was even more horrible.

Gu Liang stepped forward to support his left arm and led him to the sofa to sit down. "Don't spend anymore these days. Rest well. I'm leaving."

"Hey Gu Liang—"


The door is closed.


Early the next morning.

Because of the arrival of a few new players, the restaurant seemed a lot lively.

The rest area is no longer lifeless and becomes alive.

At the position by the window, Yang Ye had already had a heated conversation with Professor Wang.

Both of them are familiar with each other. Without a word, it means that the brothers are very emotional and bored.

After chatting for a long time, Yang Ye looked at the clocks hanging in the hall. "It's ten o'clock, Gu Liang hasn't come down yet."

Professor Wang said: "He just gets up late. Hey, these young people, wake up late at night (Shui Shui), it's not bad."

Yang Ye smiled, bought a glass of health juice for Professor Wang, handed it to him, and said: "Hey, you just said that Doctor Xu in your script, she and Gu Liang..."

Professor Wang was intrigued: "Yes, it's very interesting. She probably fell in love with Gu Liang. She sold Li Kexue in an instant, and said that Li Kexue was the murderer. Li Kexue probably reacted too. She was used as a spare tire before. Once she had a new goal, he would immediately become an abandoned child. It was too miserable."

Yang Ye had a very curious expression. "It seems that she likes Gu Liang very much?"

Professor Wang took a sip of coffee and said, “I just met and I can’t talk about who I like or dislike. Of course, Gu Liang is a handsome guy, so it’s for sure that I like girls. But it is estimated that Dr. Xu still thinks that he is comprehensive in all aspects. The quality is better. She wants to play this game. She thinks that Gu Liang is a better use object in comparison. Li Kexue, it is indeed a bit worse in EQ and logical analysis. Tsk... "

Professor Wang shook her head: "In fact, she just wanted to use the charm of female (sexual xing) to please Gu Liang, and she wanted to use him in the future. Unfortunately, she treats others as fools, which is self-defeating. Now she has neither What good impression was left in front of Gu Liang, and I lost Li Kexue’s spare tire. I lost my wife and broke down."

Yang Ye nodded in cooperation. "So Gu Liang didn't mean that to her at all?"

"Don't say that. He can't even make friends. He wants to make a girlfriend?"

Professor Wang sighed, "I really admire his ability. But his (sexual) choking."

It's just right to find a girlfriend.

I can just spoil him.

Yang Ye smiled, and when he wanted to find out something, Professor Wang glanced out of the window, his face (color) changed, and said, "Hey, what about them. How are they together? Gu Liang and Doctor Xu! Then! It's the direction of the park! What's the situation, Gu Liang, who can't move a person who wakes up every night, accompanies Doctor Xu to the park so early in the morning? Am I wrong? Doctor Xu is still high?"

Go to the park?

what's the situation?

I have never visited the park with Gu Liang.

Yang Ye helped his glasses and immediately looked out the window.


On the other side, Gu Liang's forehead jumped, always feeling a little headache.

It is rare for him to get up early today, because Yang Ye's hands and legs are inconvenient, so he wants to go to the restaurant to help Yang Ye take breakfast.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the house, he saw Dr. Xu crying in the corridor.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Inspector Liu, you said, is it my fault? Why was I isolated? Why did everyone ignore me?"

Gu Liang didn't answer.

Dr. Xu continued: "Everyone is blaming me. This kind of game is depressing and uncomfortable. I'm still not understood by my teammates. I'm dead, forget it! leave me alone..."

When he heard this, Gu Liang frowned.

Because he (killed sha) himself.

He didn't succeed because at the last moment, he found that he wanted to live. He wants to survive.

When a self (kill sha) person, tell others that he wants to (kill sha), this is his (身shen) physical instinct calling for help.

So Gu Liang still persuaded two words: "You misunderstood. My (sexual xing) personality is like this, I am used to being alone. As for Li Kexue, I think it is the problem between you. It may not be Professor Wang. Take the initiative to find you—"

Doctor Xu stepped forward: "My real name is Dong Wan, what is your name?"

"Gu Liang."

"Then Mr. Gu, can I... have a chat with you? It has been several days and no one has spoken to me. The waiters in this hotel don't speak. I'm really...really depressed. Not here It's too convenient, can you accompany me out for a walk?"

When Gu Liangzi (killed sha), he was rescued.

At this moment, there was no reason to die. He had to nod his head in agreement and accompany Dong Wan to stroll outside the hotel.

The two did not go to the park, and walked to the end of the long street. When they were about to touch the thick fog, they turned back to the hotel.

Right now, at the entrance of the restaurant.

Dong Wan tidyed her hair. "Thank you for opening me up. I'm much better."

Gu Liang said lightly: "You're welcome."

"That me..." Dong Wan frowned.

"What's wrong?" Gu Liang asked her.

Dong Wan frowned tighter. "I seem to have a cold."

Gu Liang was not sure what she meant by saying this to herself, after a while, she replied sincerely, " drink more hot water?"

Dong Wan: "..."

Walking behind Gu Liang was Yang Ye.

Yang Ye had a serious face and assumed an attitude of treating the enemy like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, but as soon as he walked behind Gu Liang, he heard his saying "Drink more hot water".

Yang Ye's steel-like stern face broke power in an instant, and his index finger (hook gou) lowered the tip of his nose and immediately laughed.

Gu Liang immediately turned his head and looked at Yang Ye, his eyes slightly surprised. "How did you come?"

After saying this, Gu Liang looked at him up and down again. "Don't the legs still hurt?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt, it's not serious. You can accompany your daughter-in-law in the park!" Yang Ye (gou) held his neck, "have breakfast?"

Daughter-in-law... Daughter-in-law?

Dong Wan was stunned.

Of course, Gu Liang's first reaction was also rejected.

But he remembered that Yang Ye used himself as a shield last night.

In the script with zombies, the hero of Yang Ye saved the beauty once, which caused the beauty to have a reverie.

But Yang Ye was crooked and couldn't delay the girl. He had to cut off this reverie as soon as possible, so he called Gu Liang "daughter-in-law" in front of the girl.

Gu Liang certainly felt that his situation was completely different from Yang Ye.

He neither has a hero to save the beauty, nor does he admit that he has nothing to make girls fall in love at first sight.

It's just that Professor Wang's comments on Dong Wan are still in my ears. Gu Liang really doesn't want to have too much trouble with her, especially the inexplicable (guan) relationship between men and women. After being infected, many things will become very troublesome.

So he looked at Yang Ye and just said, "The legs are still swollen, what park to visit? Have breakfast first."

When returning to the restaurant with Yang Ye, Gu Liang passed by Professor Wang who was dumbfounded and whose jaw almost dropped.

In Gu Liang's cognition, he is a straight man. And indeed he is not in a relationship.

But in front of Su Lan, Dong Wan, and Professor Wang, he just came out inexplicably.

But Gu Liang didn't particularly care about this matter.

The only thing he felt a little awkward was, why is he a "daughter-in-law"?


Everyone returned to the restaurant one after another.

Su Lan didn't know if it was because of sympathy for the same disease, or because it was hard to see a girl again, so she took the initiative to talk to Dong Wan.

In fact, Yang Ye's leg still hurts. After Gu Liang saw it, he helped him back to the dining table by the window, and the two sat down side by side.

Professor Wang followed back to the dining table and sat opposite Yang Ye and Gu Liang, still with a shocked expression of his jaw dropped.

During the dinner, Yang Ye said a few words to Professor Wang, which surprised Gu Liang.

——When did these two people meet? Mature like this in the morning?

After speaking with Professor Wang, Yang Ye rushed to Gu Liang and said, "I just ordered a few for you. It should be your favorite."

"Thank you." Gu Liang yawned, "Did you help me order coffee?"

"Is black tea all right? Drink less coffee." Yang Ye said.

"Okay." Gu Liang nodded, looking sideways at the scenery outside the window.

He always felt that this rest area was too quiet, not as quiet as the human world.

Now he knew the reason. There are red flowers and green trees, rockery and lakes, but there is not a single bird or ant.

The whole world seems to be made up of exquisite but false props.

Yang Ye followed his gaze and looked out, "Go out this morning?"

"Well. I went to the street for a walk." Gu Liang said.

"That girl..." Yang Ye asked.

"I just met in the script." Gu Liang looked back at Yang Ye, "What?"

"Nothing, why did you go out so early today? I thought you were sleeping (sleeping in Shui)."

"I went down to buy breakfast, and I rushed to her. She couldn't want to (kill sha), and I would share my experience with her."

Yang Ye frowned.

Looking down, he glanced at the red string on Gu Liang's wrist, his expression looked a little serious.

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows.

Yang Ye tried his best to conceal the worry in his heart, and finally raised his hand to squeeze Gu Liang's hair. "No. I'm not worried about you."

Gu Liang glanced at him, but was amused.

"What are you laughing at?" Yang Ye asked him.

"Laugh at myself. It seems that my temperament is really bad."

Gu Liang felt a little embarrassed inexplicably. People were worried about him and didn't dare to let himself know.

Probably when Xun Feng talked about his mental problems, Yang Ye was also there, and his attitude at that time was really bad.

Soon the waiter brought the breakfast.

Gu Liang picked up his teacup to drink.

Yang Ye quickly opened his hands with eyesight. "I have a bad stomach, eat breakfast before drinking tea. Give you noodles to nourish your stomach."

"Okay. Thank you." Gu Liang took the noodle bowl, and first rolled the noodles with chopsticks, and then took a small bite.

Gu Liang bowed his head to eat while Yang Ye was watching him eat.

Yang Ye's right hand still hurts, his left elbow is on the table, his face is supported on the palm of his hand, and he has been staring at Gu Liang.

——Gu Liangliang seems to be very cold, but in fact, the more we get along, the more I think he is very good and obedient.

Staring at him, Yang Ye suddenly thought of a key question and asked, "You just came to buy breakfast today when you got up early? When did you get up so early?"

Gu Liang swallowed a mouthful of noodles and wiped his mouth with a tissue. "Isn't that inconvenient for your legs and feet."

It turns out... he got up early for me.

Yang Yexin was about to melt, and I heard Gu Liang say indifferently: "But it seems that your legs and feet are fine. You can buy it yourself tomorrow."

"Buy, I'll buy it. I bought it for you." Yang Ye smiled.

Gu Liang glanced at him in surprise, then shook his head: "No. I am not injured."

Yang Ye: "You can't buy it for you if you're not hurt? That's what it says. It's not that I used to sleep in the same bed and rub my breakfast."

Gu Liang: "..."

Opposite Professor Wang took a sip of tea and almost choked himself.


Three days later.

Yang Ye, who lives in the hotel room, feels that he is living a fairy life.

On the small coffee table is a fruit cut by Gu Liang, the skin is peeled off, the fruit (flesh) is cut into small pieces, and toothpicks are put on it.

Next to the coffee table are two small sofas. Yang Ye sits on one of the sofas, crossing the coffee table with his long legs, and supporting them on the armrest of the opposite sofa.

Gu Liang sat on the opposite sofa, rubbed safflower oil on both hands, and helped Yang Ye's swollen right leg invigorate blood and remove blood stasis.

The sunlight came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, dyeing Gu Liang's long eyelashes down in gold.

The eyelashes down are his fast and transparent nose, thin lips, and thin chin.

He looks serious, focused and rigorous, just like he usually tastes food seriously.

Although he still looked cold, but he would not feel like Yang Yesheng stayed close at all now.

Yang Ye found that under the cold and hard-to-reach shell, Gu Liang was not only soft in his heart, but was actually really easy to arrange.

Who said Gu Liang is not easy to get along with?

After getting acquainted, he can get along well.

Starting from the little things like cooking, what Yang Ye does and what he eats are always delicious.

Next, the two of them are sitting relative to each other, even if no one speaks for a long time, the atmosphere will not be embarrassing at all.

When two people are together, it is the most comfortable way to get along without speaking.

After a while, Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang: "You haven't said yet, what exactly did you do before?"

Gu Liang raised his eyes and met Yang Ye's gaze. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his hand massage continued: "Detective Yang, come and guess."

Yang Ye looked at him and said, "It’s used to get up late (sleeping Shui) early and play (sex xing) work system. It is possible in the Internet industry, but you are not like a game planner or a programmer? Nor is it. What about the financial industry, investment banks, Private equity...neither is very similar. You don’t have that pretending temperament. Or, auditor? The Big Four?"

Gu Liang shook his head: "No. But it's a bit close."

"Close? Not from the Big Four accounting firms. So... a law firm?"

Yang Ye smiled and asked him, "Are you really a lawyer? Same as the first character (color)?"

At this moment, the legs are almost pressed. Gu Liang patted his leg, which meant he took it back.

Yang Yegui retracted his leg properly, Gu Liang went to the bathroom to wash the medicated oil (dry gan) of one hand with soap, wiped his hands, and then returned to Yang Ye to sit down, and then said: "It can only be regarded as once I was in contact with that line. Then it didn’t."

Gu Liang lowered his eyelids, folded his hands, and intertwined his ten fingers. It seemed that for some reason, reminiscing about the past made him feel a little nervous.

But in the end, Gu Liang continued to say: "According to my personality and preferences, I should study science, and then I will follow the path of research. However, when my parents were divorced when they were divided into classes in high school, it happened. I was young and didn't want to go the way of my dad, so I chose the liberal arts by accident and entered the law department. Then I realized that I was really not suitable for being a lawyer."

"After graduating, I first worked as an intern lawyer in the law. The work was simple and cumbersome, and I was very poor. Later, I got my practice license and slowly transferred to the litigation lawyer. The boss was good, and he took me to several big cases After two years, some customers have been accumulated, and later..."

Gu Liang fell silent.

Yang Ye glanced down, and saw that his hands were clasped together, and his knuckles looked white because of the force. On the contrary, the back of his hand was red, and he had accidentally pinched it.

Yang Ye frowned and leaned to look at Gu Liang, planning to interrupt him.

If those past events make Gu Liang so unhappy, he doesn't want to ask any more.

But this Gu Liang actually went on. "Later, I had a psychological problem and resigned. About half a year later, I went to a company to do business. This company was originally an offline chain, but it has been transforming in the past few years. On the one hand, it started to engage in Internet retail, on the other hand. Offline business has begun to get involved in real estate, cinemas and so on."

At this point, Gu Liang's expression returned to light.

Yang Ye also took a breath and talked to him: "So in fact, your main professional experience is the period of legal affairs."

"Yes." Gu Liang smiled, "The first trainee lawyer, dealt with some disputes, went to learn some boxing. Later, as a business, we expanded stores across the country, and sometimes we met some landlords, which was not easy to do. There are too many contract disputes, so I continue to learn about boxing."

Yang Ye: "If the company transforms to the Internet, it is no wonder that it is a flexible work system. You all have to follow the business time."

Gu Liang nodded: "I basically work overtime all year round. If there is nothing urgent the next day, it will be the rhythm of going after 10 o'clock."

Yang Ye used a toothpick (inserted cha) and handed him a piece of Zhiguo. "The practice is also very good. With your ability, you will soon become an executive?"

Gu Liang took the small piece of fruit and swallowed it in one bite. "It's just the deputy director. If you don't change jobs or change positions, your career will come to an end. Several presidents of the company are in charge of operations, finance, and it. They can't do anything."

"It's a non-revenue-generating functional department. I have been a director above me for five years. A carrot and a pit, promotion is difficult."

Yang Ye immediately said: "How important is legal affairs? During the transition period, the company has been involved in businesses that have not been touched before. How many moths can you get without your checks? Your company leaders do not know how to employ people.

Gu Liang smiled, turned his head, and stared at Yang Ye: "Really? The top leader of your company's legal department, what level is in your company? Is it an executive?"

Yang Ye was silent for a while, righteously saying: "I will promote him when I go back!"

"..." Gu Liang couldn't help but blankly glanced at him, and immediately leaned back on the sofa.

He seemed to relax a lot, no longer playing with his fingers, and his hands naturally fell on his legs.

For a long time, turning his head and looking at the green trees and blue sky outside the window, Gu Liang said softly, "I am not too young anymore, and my career is in a bottleneck period. I am actually thinking about changing jobs or changing jobs. I just didn't expect to come here suddenly... Up."

pretty good.

Gu Liangliang lived a very positive life.

Yang Ye smiled and looked at Gu Liang deeply, and said seriously, "Gu Liang, we will definitely go out."

Gu Liang met his gaze and nodded. "Ok."

Yang Ye suddenly thought of something and asked him expectantly: "Don't you want to quit? Come to our company. We also have real estate, cinema and other businesses, and we are also transforming the Internet. If you have experience, just come to help me."

Gu Liang: "Oh, what position is there for me and what is the annual salary?"

Yang Ye: "You mention the position. However, the appointment of executives requires the approval of the board of directors. Um... I have a president's office underneath. A team of about 20 people is considered my business secretary. You come to be the director of my president's office, at the director level. . When you have the results, you can raise it up. If you have an annual salary, just open it. It’s all easy to talk about."

"The director of the president's office?"


Gu Liang looked at him: "Do you mean to let me be your secretary?"

Yang Ye: "Yes. However, my business secretary is not in the traditional sense—"

"Well, I know. I can get in touch with all kinds of businesses in the president's office, and people grow up quickly. I'll think about it."

Gu Liang stood up and stretched.

I go?


Yang Ye smiled.

"But it's too early to say this." Gu Liang looked at the park not far away, "Your legs are almost better. Let's go around?"


Soon, the two went downstairs to leave the hotel and went to the park in the rest area.

The park in the rest area is not big.

In the center of the two rows of trees is a large grassy slope. In the middle of the **** is a small artificial lake with a small wooden bridge.

When passing the small wooden bridge, Gu Liang looked under the bridge.

The water in the lake is very (dry and gan) clean, and you can directly see the bottom pebbles, not even water plants.

If the water is clear, there will be no fish. The saying is true. There is no fish or shrimp in the river, and it looks lifeless.

Across the wooden bridge, there is a forest in front.

Gu Liang had walked here before when he came alone, but he didn't go deep into it at the time.

At this moment, he said to Yang Ye: "Let's go. Look over the woods."

"Yo, follow me into the grove?"


Why does this man owe so much?

Gu Liang glanced at Yang Ye obliquely, a certain impulse to beat someone, and reluctantly gave up thinking that his injury was just right.

Swinging his head, Gu Liang took the lead to walk towards the woods.

When going to the woods, Yang Ye took a few steps forward, and entered the woods first before Gu Liang.

Although the small woods in the rest area are not weird, Yang Ye still wanted to be just in case.

When he first walked into the woods, Yang Ye stopped suddenly, turned around and made a silent gesture to Gu Liang, and said with his mouth, "There is someone inside."

Gu Liang stopped, hid in the toilet behind a tree, and then looked up and saw a woman in cleaner clothes bending over to clean the dead leaves.

Gu Liang's first reaction was that her figure was somewhat familiar.

When she finished cleaning a small area and raised her head again, Gu Liang recognized her-Maid Liu, whom she had met in the first script "Death of the White Boss".

This time Yang Ye obviously recognized Maid Liu, and turned to look at Gu Liang.

Gu Liang nodded, and Yang Ye stepped forward, "Maid Liu? Or...what should I call you?"

Maid Liu saw Yang Ye and Gu Liang both come here. She was taken aback for a moment, her brows frowned.

She left the broom, put her hand to her mouth, pointed to her lips, held the broom again, and continued to sweep the floor with her head down.

"It's not the same as when the script was performed. Now, like other NPCs in this rest area, you can't talk to us?" Yang Ye asked her.

Maid Liu nodded, definitely.

"What the **** is going on? Why can't we speak? Is anyone watching us at any time?" Yang Ye asked.

Maid Liu's sweep of the leaves stopped for a moment, then raised her head again, and suddenly opened her mouth wide.

At this moment, Yang Ye saw that she didn't even have a tongue.

Who cut off her tongue? system?

None of the NPCs here can speak because their tongues have been cut?

Is this some kind of punishment?

"Maid Liu..." Yang Ye became serious, "What kind of world is this?"

Maid Liu sighed, shook her head again, and left with the broom.

When she left, the end of the broom was dragged to the ground, rolled up a few dead leaves, and then whirled down.

Seeing her walking in the lifeless woods, Gu Liang couldn't help feeling a strange feeling.

It seemed to be a bitter chill from the sixth sense, but it was inexplicable.


xs007 control center.

After finishing the evaluation of the player in charge, the man in black stretched out.

At this moment, Mingyue walked in.

The man in black glanced at him. "How did you come?"

Mingyue: "I'm going back over there. I can't get by for a long time. Say hello to you before I leave."

"Okay, all the way is smooth." The man in black suddenly remembered what was interesting, and called out a video to Mingyue, "You should be interested in this. Gu Liang's evaluation of this script."

Mingyue took the tablet handed by the man in black and opened it blankly. "Isn't monitoring prohibited during breaks?"

Black Humanity: "That's right. But the system has a keyword grabbing program. As long as they talk about the relevant content of the script story, the system will automatically include it. Here, as a feedback to your script. A lot of progress."

Mingyue clicked on the video, and the screen showed the scene of Gu Liang talking with Professor Wang.

After watching this scene, Mingyue exchanged the tablet for the man in black.

The man in black said: "I'm curious, how you feel now."

Mingyue: "I don't have any thoughts. Gu Liang is such a person. I am not surprised that he said that. Is he your key monitoring target?"

The man in black nodded: "Yes. If you are interested, I can show you the list of key players in this issue."

Mingyue took the list from the man in black, sat down, and looked at it casually. "Who is this Yang Ye with such a high score?"

The black man said: "Yes, according to the overall score, he is the highest. The above is also very interested in him. He and Gu Liang seem to get along well."

"Is it."

Mingyue didn't pay much attention, put her pale and slender fingers on the screen, and lightly tapped Gu Liang's avatar to check his scores.

I don’t know if I saw Gu Liang’s score on a certain skill, Mingyue’s mouth was slightly smiling, and his eyes curled, forming a nice arc: "Speaking of which, he once had a little girl friend."

The man in black apparently knew Gu Liang quite well, and was a little surprised: "He actually had a girlfriend."

Mingyue: "She's Yu Hui. Guess why she broke up with him and transferred schools?"

The man in black felt a little chill behind his back. "Why not you..."

Mingyue looked up at the man in black and smiled. "I didn't do anything. I just said a few words to her."

X City Seventh Middle School Grade One and Three. summer.

The smell of camphor tree appeared strong and sticky in the hot weather and spread to every corner of the middle school.

All the other students in the classroom have gone to PE class.

Mingyue had a fever and didn't go, so he lay on the desk and played Go with himself.

Someone went back to the classroom to get something, it was Yu Hui.

Her hair fell apart and came back to take another rubber band.

Seeing Mingyue's appearance, she stepped forward and asked. "Are you okay?"

Mingyue looked up at her and shook her head lazily.

But when he inadvertently glanced out the window again and saw a teenager running in a white (colored) t-shirt through the camphor tree, some stubborn emotions flashed in his eyes.

But when he turned his head to look at Yu Hui, his eyes had become the same as usual. "Yu Hui, I actually like you, but it's a pity that you are with Brother Liang."

This was the first sentence he said to Yu Hui.

At this time, his hand was under the desk, and Yu Hui could not see what he was doing.

Yu Hui was stunned.

What she smelled in her mouth and nose was the sweet and greasy smell of camphor tree, and what she saw in front of her was the boy’s red cheeks because of the high fever, and the pair of (dry gan) looks pure and innocent. Eyes of refusal.

She said: "Actually...we are not officially together. It's all made by everyone. Although you are two years younger than us, you look very mature and handsome many times. We girls actually like you... Yes. If you are true, I can try with you. I..."

Mingyue's hand stretched out from under the desk and raised the recorder. "Fever affects class. I plan to record the teacher's words and review it back... I forgot to turn it off. What do you think if Brother Liang or other classmates heard you?"

This is the second sentence Mingyue said to her.

At this moment, inside the control center.

The man in black asked Mingyue curiously: "What two words did you say?"

"Actually it's nothing. I didn't expect her to transfer schools soon."

Mingyue closed the tablet and returned it to the man in black, "At that time, she and Gu Liang were only 16 years old, and I was only 14 years old. What can I say? It's nothing more than a kid playing and pranking. I just thought of this suddenly. It's very interesting because Gu Liang didn't react much later."

The man in black took the tablet and understood what was coming. "No wonder you said that Gu Liang said that is normal. Do you think he is more... lack of emotion?"

"That's not true. He is just cruel."

"Be cruel to others, even more cruel to yourself."

Mingyue stood up, waved to the man in black, and turned away.

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