Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 6: The death of White Boss (6)

On the semi-open balcony, Gu Lianglue arched his head and looked back at Yang Ye. +++Mobile reading visit The five-faced six (color) flowers and the emerald green leaves form a harmonious and warm scene, which brings out his cold and hard look a little soft, and finally looks not so strange Don't enter.

Yang Ye lipped (hook gou), looked at Gu for a while, then said: "It's okay, you can search. I will guard the door and take pictures of you."

"Just take pictures of the exhibits. Give me something." Gu Liang glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and continued to search for evidence.

There was something hidden in the flowerpot. Gu Liang gradually picked up the flowering bushes and found several pieces of paper one after another.

These papers are collected and put together to form the front of a medicine box with the words: "Am I your white moonlight".

Gu Liang rummaged in the flowerpot on the other side, and gathered the pieces that could be pieced together on the back of the medicine box, which read: "Died 3 hours after taking the medicine."

Gu Liang glued the paper from the two-sided pill box and did not take pictures of Yang Ye temporarily.

Yang Ye didn't worry, and took a few tissues and handed them to Gu Liang.

Gu Liang didn't react for a while, Yang Ye pointed at his sleeve.

Only then did Gu Liang realize that both his cuffs were wet.

"Thank you." Gu Liang took the paper towel and wiped his cuffs. "There is a lot of water on the petals and leaves. It should have been rubbed against the flower pot just now."

Yang Ye looked at his cuffs thoughtfully. Just as he was about to say something, the sound of "Deng Deng Deng" came from the stairs—someone came downstairs.

Yang Ye was silent, and said nothing more.

Gu Liang turned his head and saw that it was his son Bai who came downstairs. It is estimated that he has just inspected the room upstairs and has just come to the first floor to search for evidence.

Gu Liang took the opportunity to stop him and asked, "Bai Yueguang, this poison was inflicted by you? I couldn't find all the fragments. There are still some places that are not clear. How long will this medicine take effect?"

Bai's son glanced at him, scratched his head, seemed to remember, and then said, "It should be 3 hours."

"This medicine is the one you took at noon?" Gu Liang asked.

"Yes." White son nodded, "I went to deliver food to Boss Bai. When I walked to the corridor on the second floor, the white moonlight fell in the food. After the meal was delivered, I went back to my room and shredded the packing box. Throw it down through the window and let the shredded paper fall into the flowerpot on the balcony on the first floor. After all this, I will go back to the dining room and meet you."

"Okay, I see." Gu Liang said.

Bai's son hesitated for a moment, and then said, "So, my suspicion can be eliminated, right? First of all, it seems that the meal has not been passive, and Boss Bai has not eaten it. Secondly, even if he eats it, Bai Yueguang It takes 3 hours for the poison to come out. I deliver the food after 12:30. If it is because of my poison, he will die after 3:30. But the maid found him dead at 3:10..."

"Yeah." Gu Liang said, "The maid admitted that she was poisoned by a cinnabar nevus in that meal. If it was a cinnabar nevus, the deceased would have a cinnabar nevus on the eyebrows. But Boss Bai did not. The side shows that he did not eat that meal."

Bai's son exhaled for a long time and couldn't help asking, "He didn't drink your chicken soup, he didn't eat the vegetables poisoned by me and the maid, then... only Brother Bai is left? Is Brother Bai the murderer?"

Gu Liang didn't answer, his expression was somewhat noncommittal.

Bai's son gave him a hesitant look. "If it wasn't him, who else could there be?"

Gu Liang asked him back: "Then what do you think Brother Bai's modus operandi is?"

Bai's son said, "We recognized the rest of the medicine, but Brother Bai did not recognize anything. But he can only prepare the fake death medicine. What he prepared is the fake death medicine, not the poison. Just now--"

Bai's son looked at Yang Ye, who was fiddling with the camera: "Girlfriend Huang, didn't we just investigate in Brother Bai's room together? We found the train ticket and the information that he was taken up to someone else since he was a child. So, Brother Bai did not Grew up with Boss Bai, and the train ticket shows that he came to this villa only yesterday."

"Yes." Yang Ye nodded and looked at Gu Liang, "So we judge that although Brother Bai is a relative of Boss Bai, he does not understand Boss Bai as well as the maid, and even worse than you. He does not know Boss Bai's diet. Habits, such as drinking chicken soup on a regular basis every day. Boss Bai may not trust him, and will not meet him alone and eat the food he prepared. Therefore, he can't poison Boss Bai by poisoning (killing sha). It’s impossible for him to poison everything directly because he doesn’t want to kill other people, so—"

"Brother Bai can only add fake death medicine to all meals. This medicine does not harm people, but will only make everyone faint temporarily. After everyone fainted, he took a knife from the kitchen and went to the second floor, taking advantage of the fact that Bai was fainted. When he died, he used a knife (to kill sha). This should be his plan. I have to say that this plan is very good, not only to ensure that Boss Bai has no resistance, let him succeed in a blow, but also to ensure The process of (killing sha) people will not be disturbed or witnessed, because everyone will fall into a coma."

After hearing this, Gu Liang frowned, obviously still having doubts in his heart.

But Yang Ye added with certainty: “According to the rule of elimination, it can only be Brother Bai. There are no poisonous things like Boss Bai. Then, he can only be killed by a knife. During the concentrated discussion , I lied to Brother Bai. We lied to him that Boss Bai shed very little blood, so when he was stabbed, he was already dead. Let's see how Brother Bai responded and can we admit that he stabbed him. "

Gu Liang: "But he does shed very little blood. How do you explain this?"

Yang Ye said: "The reason why the fake death medicine can make a person suspended animation is that the metabolism slows down to almost nothing. Maybe he has less blood flow, which is related to the fake death medicine. Or, if the lung is pierced by a knife, it will not flow. How much blood, but it can make people die of suffocation. Our game currently does not seem to have a forensic doctor, and we cannot receive an autopsy report. Everything can only be guessed. The only problem now is that I don’t know how Boss Bai took the fake death medicine. Yes. We will look for clues later."

Gu Liang frowned, what else he wanted to ask.

Yang Ye raised his hand and held his glasses.

The sun shines in through the semi-open balcony, folds a fine light on the lens.

Gu Liang's pupils shrank and didn't speak again.

Yang Ye smiled and asked Gu Liang, "Lawyer Zhang, what do you think?"

Gu Liang had to say: "If you can't find other poisons or something, it really can only be him."

Yang Ye nodded: "Yes. This script is a simple model. I don't think everyone can prepare two sets of (killing sha) methods. Excluded from it, only him."

The three discussed for a while, and Bai son waved to the two first and went up to the second floor.

Gu Liang took a look on the second floor, and when he saw him entering the room, he took out the two sides of the cardboard box containing the white moonlight poison and took photos of Yang Ye.

Yang Ye didn't take the paper box in time, just looked at Gu Liang with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Liang asked.

"It's nothing." Yang Ye helped his glasses again, "I just feel that you and me are in a tacit understanding. Besides... your way of talking with others is very funny."

Gu Liang raised his eyebrows: "Are you here to solve the case or to watch the show?"

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