Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 66: Folding castle (4)

Before Gu Liang responded to Li Xiaoyu, he followed up the progress of the case and the conclusions made by him and Yang Ye. +++ Catino Novel Network

In the case of "carrying a doll", in addition to the boyfriend Feng played by the npc, there are a total of seven characters (colors) played by the players.

Last night, the actor Ming stayed alone in the old castle; Mr. Rong went out and will come back this morning.

Except for the two of them, all five people died overnight.

Yu Zhanan, Mei Design, and Ai's girlfriends, these three died in a car accident, it is very likely that the big man Rong instigated people (to kill sha).

The big man Rong (killing sha) did not want these things born in the old castle (fafa) to spread out through the mouth of these three people, so that rumors and rumors would affect the future happiness of his daughter.

Next, Mingyuan Rong and Steward Hao died in the vegetable garden.

Mei Design said before that she collects money (to kill sha).

Then, it is very likely that the person who really wanted to let the lady Rong die, saw the beauty design failed, and waited for the opportunity to sneak into the old castle (kill sha) the lady, and by the way (kill sha) died and followed her butler.

In the end, the chef who came to the castle to work normally to make breakfast, died in the kitchen.

When the system talked about this story, there was a sentence saying that he died after eating food, so maybe he has cooked meals and half eaten food around him.

He should be played by npc, but somehow, the body was moved to the main hall by other players.

He was almost sucked into a (dry gan) corpse, and it was obvious that (killing sha) he was a vampire.

Therefore, in just one night, 6 people died in this castle, and the murderer might be 3 people.

I just don’t know what the first stage of voting is for everyone to vote.

In addition to the deaths of 6 people, this castle seems to have been born with time and space travel.

Three hundred years ago, the original owner of the castle was called Duke Dahl, and his daughter was Princess Rose.

Earl William came to the castle to defect to the Duke of Dal.

But when he came to the castle, he did not see the duke and princess.

After staying for one night, he traveled to this time and space with many bats and old objects.

It is very likely that the duke and princess also crossed over together.

Then, in this group, there may be three vampires hiding-the duke, the princess, and the earl played by Yang Ye.

At this moment, Gu Liang looked at the players in the main hall, Su Lan, Li Xiaoyu, and Meng Qiancheng were among them.

Meng Qiancheng should still be a big brother Rong.

But Mei Design and Ai's girlfriends are already dead, so Su Lan and Li Xiaoyu should be the same as Yang Ye, in this new script, got a new role (color).

In addition to these three people, there are two unfamiliar faces, one male and one female players that Gu Liang has not seen before.

After Shun knew everything about the current life in this castle, Gu Liang looked at Li Xiaoyu, said hello, and asked, "Are all the players here?"

"It should be. You..."

Li Xiaoyu glanced at him, and then at Yang Ye, who looked breezy behind him, "Why are you two here so late?"

"I got up late. He just arrived."

Gu Liang said casually, and then glanced at everyone. Everyone was dressed in human costumes. It seemed that the vampire among them, like Yang Ye, came here after changing their clothes.

Gu Liang immediately understood that this meant that no matter which side mission he ultimately chose to abandon, he would pretend to be a human with Yang Ye.

He made a certain plan in his heart and looked back at Yang Ye.

Yang Ye nodded towards him, stepped forward and put his shoulders on him, and said to Li Xiaoyu: "I am the assistant of Ming actor, called Assistant Wang. I usually do some work as an agent, and I come to pick him up. What is your status this time?"

Li Xiaoyu said: "This time I am girlfriend Ai's mother. My name is Mama Ai. I am divorced and have a fiancé again. Girlfriend Ai hasn't returned all night, and I am worried, so I came to her with my fiancé."

Li Xiaoyu pointed to the strange male player and said to Gu Liang, "That's my fiance, the American boss."

American boss?

Is there a relationship with the beautiful design?

Gu Liang looked at the player with some curiosity.

The beauty boss took a step forward and said to Gu Liang and Yang Ye: "You two have just arrived, and I didn't hear you just now. Then I will introduce myself. I am the beauty boss, the fiancé of Ai's mother, and the boss of Mei Design. I will come Here, on the one hand, it is to find Ai girlfriend, and on the other hand, it is to find Mei Design. She handed me a resignation letter, but I wanted to keep her as an employee. I heard that she came to the castle, so I came here to find her. "

After the strange male player introduced herself, the female player next to her said: "I am the sister of Mei Design, sister of Mei. I also came to her because Mei Design did not return all night."

"Do you know my boss?" Gu Liang asked her.

Sister Mei shook her head. "I don't know, I don't know much about her work."

Gu Liang nodded and set his eyes on Meng Qiancheng.

Meng Qiancheng said: "I'm the same as you. I'm still a big man. There are so many characters in the last script. We are the only two of us."

At the end of the conversation, Meng Qiancheng sighed.

Finally, Gu Liang looked at Su Lan.

Surand Road: "I am a lost tourist, a dream tourist. I was playing in a nearby mountain stream, got lost, and found this old castle."

Therefore, among the players in the last script, Dong Wan and Liu Bowen, who played the real murderers and accomplices, only those two players actually disappeared as the voting ended.

As for Su Lan, Li Xiaoyu, and Yang Ye, the only ones who died were the roles they played in the last script. But in the new script, they each have a new identity.

For the time being, there should be no new players.

Then, this script still has seven characters (color)-Mei Sister, Mei Boss, Ai Mama, Dream Tourist, Ming Actor, Rong Dao, and finally Earl William played by Yang Ye.

Now, Earl William Yang Ye lied that he was Assistant Wang, the assistant of Ming actor.

So, in fact, among the four people of Ai, Meng Tourist, Mei Sister, and Mei Boss, there may also be two vampires hiding. One of them is the Duke and the other is the Princess, but they are just like Yang Ye. Human clothes hide their identity.


Gu Liang's eyes slid past these players one by one, and then returned to the corpse.

Li Xiaoyu was the closest to him. He asked her smoothly: "Isn't the chef's body supposed to be in the kitchen? Why is it here?"

"When the chef died, he should be eating sweet porridge. Before he died, he should have overturned the sweet porridge. In short, a lot of sweet porridge was sprinkled on the ground, and there were a lot of mice in the kitchen. If the corpse is removed, it will be easy to check."

Li Xiaoyu looked at Gu Liang again, "You guys came too late. All of us came over immediately after listening to the system broadcast and saying that there were dead bodies here. Now we are going to the vegetable garden to see the dead bodies of Mingyuan Rong and Steward Hao. ."

"You are here first because you all feel that the first phase of the mission is related to these corpses?" Gu Liang asked.

"Isn't it?" Li Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Isn't this game about finding a murderer? This time so many people have died, and several murderers may be found."

Gu Liang nodded and looked at Li Xiaoyu: "Then you go to the vegetable garden, Yang Ye and I will go to the kitchen to take a look, and we will go to the vegetable garden to find you later."

After a while, the rest of the players went to the west gate to the direction of the garden.

Li Xiaoyu looked at Gu Liang and Yang Ye and smiled mysteriously.

Gu Liang:?

Li Xiaoyu's inner os: the big star and the little assistant, the little assistant turned into a serf to sing and crushed the big star, I can!

She waved her hand on the face: "See you later, hehe."

Gu Liang looked back at Yang Ye, not knowing what he thought of, but the corner of his mouth (hook gou).

Yang Ye took his shoulders and walked towards the kitchen. "What are you thinking about?"

Gu Liang said indifferently: "Thinking, I can't think of what Li Xiaoyu is thinking, but you definitely know."

Yang Ye smiled. "Oh, Liang Rang knows me so well."

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye glanced in the direction where the other players were leaving, then looked back at Gu Liang, and lifted his collar up, lest the marks of the teeth (exposed) appeared. "You still have to be careful."

Gu Liang thought for a moment and said, "Actually, maybe... it's okay to let them see."

Yang Ye understood what he meant: "Do you want to fish?"

"Good people and vampires should only choose one side."

Gu Liang said, "Everyone should not know about the [transition period] for the time being. I deliberately (exposed) my wounds. Maybe the vampire will think that I am a real vampire and come to me to form an alliance. Shun Teng (touch Mo) melon, find out everything As a player, this game is easier."

"But this is just a preliminary strategy. If you want to do this, you have to look at it again."

At this point, two people came to the back kitchen.

As Li Xiaoyu said, the table was full of rich breakfast, but it was obviously destroyed by rats.

There was a broken bowl on the ground, half of the sweet porridge was in the bowl, and the remaining half flowed out and stained the floor.

There were too many mice on the ground. Some of them licked the sweet porridge on the floor, some jumped into the bowl, and some jumped to the counter and started eating other food.

"Breakfast is so hot." Gu Liang's eyes were filled with regret.

He has always cherished food, all of which seemed to him to be a waste.

Yang Ye took a look at the pots and pans. It was estimated that they were not easy to use. Turning to the refrigerator, he took two fruits out, took a bite, tasted the taste, and then passed the other one to Gu Liang. "Some ham or something, do you want?"

"No. Just a fruit. Thank you." Gu Liang took the fruit and glanced at the kitchen. Except for a messy floor counter, and too many furry mice that made people look dissatisfied, it seemed that there was nothing for the time being. watch.

The two quickly walked out of the back kitchen, ready to go to the vegetable garden.

But unexpectedly, the two had just returned to the main hall and found that the rest of the players had also returned.

Yang Ye first asked, "Why are you all back?"

Li Xiaoyu said: "I just walked a hundred meters, when I couldn't even see the garden restaurant, there was fog. It seems that at this stage of exploration, we can't go to the garden."

Li Xiaoyu was quite melancholy, Yang Ye said: "Thinking about the good things, this is actually the system is reducing the difficulty. This time there is no plot interpretation, and the first stage of free exploration is directly here, and the voting is about to be 12 o'clock. The time is very short. Limited, if the scope of exploration is too wide, it will be troublesome."

"That's true." Li Xiaoyu asked other people, "have any of you been to floors 2-5?"

No one responded to her question.

Gu Liang thought for a while and looked at Meng Qiancheng: "What the **** is going on with this castle? As the current owner of the castle, do you have any special information?"

Meng Qiancheng said: "It should be similar to everyone. I only know that the original owner is Duke Dahl. The castle was built by him three hundred years ago. The first floor of the blocked area, and the second to fifth floors, I have never lived since I lived in. Never went in."

"It hasn't been rebuilt at all?" Gu Liang asked again.

Meng Qiancheng said: "You have seen the part of the blocked area on the first floor. It is thick walls and closed iron doors. When I rebuilt this place, the Feng Shui master said, that place, including all floors 2-5, is all Can't move."

"So, on the wall on the first floor, I only painted a layer of paint, and then decorated it to make it look less dark, but to match the style of the entire lobby and look more magnificent."

Gu Liang: "There is a keyhole on the iron door. Have you opened it?"

Meng Qiancheng: "No. I don't have the key. Feng Shui master also said, don't open it."

So, this means that the blocked area on the first floor, as well as all areas on the 2nd to 5th floors, will look like three hundred years ago, and will still be like three hundred years later.

Moreover, this part of the area has remained closed for three hundred years.

At this moment, the American boss walked to the entrance of the main hall and looked in the direction of the lobby. "Have you noticed that there are a lot of antiques here? Have you ever thought about what happened?"

A crowd followed his words and walked to the lobby.

Li Xiaoyu squatted down and picked up a wooden comb on the ground. It was an ancient craftsmanship.

"Could it be through time and space? Time and space (fa fa) gave birth to some confusion, allowing the past to pass through to the present."

Li Xiaoyu said, "The plot mentions Duke Dahl three hundred years ago. I think all this must be related to his time."

In fact, Gu Liang already had a guess in his mind just now.

But he did not say it.

Because he didn't want to be the person who first mentioned time travel.

Lest everyone think he is too unpredictable, and then think of him or Yang Ye next to him from three hundred years ago.

Now that some people have mentioned this matter, especially Li Xiaoyu directly mentioned "time and space travel", Gu Liang then said: "If these objects travel through three hundred years. I think we can find something."

Li Xiaoyu asked: "What is it?"

Gu Liang raised his chin toward the iron gate in the enclosed area of ​​the lobby. "The key to those iron doors."

"Ah! Yes! Three hundred years ago, the Duke's thing passed through, so of course the key can also pass through! This way we can open the blockade that we haven't been to before!"

Li Xiaoyu was a little excited, then picked up a vase, took out the flowers directly, and poured the vase to check if there was a key inside.

Other people obviously also think Gu Liang's brains are reliable, including Yang Ye, who are looking for the key together.

Gu Liang didn't move, but walked to the elevator and pressed the up button.

Li Xiaoyu noticed this action: "Huh? Where are you going?"

Gu Liang: "So many of you are looking for the key, but are you afraid you can't find it? I go back to the room on the 6th floor to take a toilet, and then try to see if the system is open to other floors, that is, if the elevator can reach it. I am 5, 6. Come back in minutes."

It stands to reason that leaving everyone alone at this time is very suspicious.

But Gu Liang's face was very open and calm, and as expected, he returned after 6 minutes.

Looking at it this way, he really seems too late to do anything.

At this time, Meng Qiancheng also remembered the words that Gu Liang once said-dare not pull people to speak alone, for fear that it would make people suspicious; or those who saw people asking people to talk trivialities alone were novice players. How can reasoning be so easy?

Meng Qiancheng thought for a while--hey, does it also apply to acting alone?

In fact, Gu Liang is going to restore a piece of evidence.

At the beginning of the script, there were so many things to understand and think about, that he and Yang Ye neglected one thing-there was still the piece of paper that Gu Liang painted with a pencil in the room of Mr. Rong.

Although, if everyone went to the room together to see this piece of paper and asked Gu Liang, the only one living on the 6th floor, Gu Liang could also find an explanation.

But if there is a chance, it is better not to let everyone know which room he has been to.

So, after returning to the 6th floor just now, Gu Liang first went to the housekeeper's room to get the key, and then went to Mr. Rong's room.

The book on the table is still there, still in an unfolded state.

Gu Liang picked up the pencil, followed the strokes of the four characters Kill sha) them", and drew heavily, leaving a clearer stroke mark on the next page.

After that, he tore off the paper smeared with a pencil, and carefully tore off part of the shredded paper at the edge to avoid leaving traces of the notebook being torn off too many sheets of paper.

Afterwards, he took out his signature pen and re-written these four characters along the mark just now.

In this way, he perfectly restored Dalai Rong's handwriting.

At the same time, the blank page on the next page also has traces of these four words.

In the end, Gu Liang tore off the piece of paper he had just written with his signature pen, and also paid attention to tearing (dry gan) the shredded paper on the edge.

When he went to the bathroom, Gu Liang tore up the two pieces of paper that had been torn off, threw them into the toilet and flushed them away, and immediately left Dao Rong's room, locked the door, and put the key back into the housekeeper's room.

In this way, Gu Liang restored the evidence perfectly—the notebook stand was open on the table, and the white paper had a clear mark left by a signature pen. It seemed that Mr. Rong had written something on the previous page and then tore it away. As for what he has written, you can restore it with a pencil.

Everything is exactly the same as what he and Yang Yegang saw when they stepped into this room in the morning.

Gu Liang restored the evidence, and the last piece of paper with the words Kill sha) them" was torn away. It was written by himself, not the evidence given by the system. Sure enough, the system did not send a warning about the violation.

After doing all this, Gu Liang returned to the elevator and tried to click on the "5" floor, and it was able to light up.

It seems that these previously blocked areas, the system really opened up.

When the elevator opened, Gu Liang did not go down to look. He just watched at the door. The entrance was a corridor. The two sides of the corridor were still dark walls. It was similar to the situation on the first floor. There were several iron doors on the walls. Locked tightly, as if locked in some kind of secret.

Knowing that, Gu Liang shut down the elevator and clicked on the "1" floor.

The elevator doors opened, and many people looked over.

Gu Liang looked at everyone naturally and asked: "Did you find the key?"

Li Xiaoyu happily picked up a bunch of keys and said happily, "I found it! I found a wooden cabinet with such a large bunch of keys and marked the floor. It seems that every room can be entered. Here we are. Check it one by one!"

"Gu Liang, did you go to other floors to see it? How was it?"

It was Yang Ye who asked this.

Gu Liang looked at him and saw that he was standing with his hands in his pockets and slightly bent legs against the wall, looking ruffian.

But the smile on his face is very gentle, and the look in his eyes is not profound.

He was clearly cooperating with Gu Liang's "fake".

The corner of Gu Liang's mouth raised slightly subconsciously, and then said, "I first went to the toilet on the 6th floor, and then only went to the 5th floor. The situation there is similar to the area on the 1st floor. Black walls and big iron doors."

"There are lights in the elevator. When it's on, the light passes by and you can see a little bit. But there are no lights in the corridor, and the surrounding area is pitch black. I stayed there for about a minute without daring to go too deep alone. I returned to the elevator and got down."

"Understood." Yang Ye said, "We will go back to the storage room on the 6th floor to fetch the flashlights, and then check on other floors."

Su Lan said now: "Let's start from the lobby. If these rooms have never been remodeled, they should be built three hundred years ago, they should be the same as the 5th floor, and there are no lights. We need flashlights now."

After saying this, Su Lan stepped forward to light up the elevator and went to the 6th floor. "I'll get it."

"Wait—" Su Lan suddenly looked at Li Xiaoyu, "I'm afraid, would you go with me?"

"Okay." Li Xiaoyu handed the key to Meng Qiancheng nearby. "You first study the sequence, which key opens which door, Sulan and I will get down when we get the flashlight, and then we will check each room together."

Gu Liang squinted his eyes and saw the two people quickly get on the elevator.

He frowned slightly, and then looked to the side. The two new players, a male and a female-Boss Mei and Sister Mei, they both looked down and looked for the ancient objects that passed through, seeming to want to find out if there are any more inside. Other clues.

It's possible that these two people are not familiar with everyone, and because they don't dare to believe people easily, they haven't said much. Basically, it can be said that they have not exposed (exposed) any information.

Retracting their gazes, Gu Liang and Yang Ye looked at each other, then raised their heads and looked over the main hall door.

——There are three paintings there, a rose, a portrait, and a sunflower.

The portrait is in the middle, with roses and sunflowers on the sides.

There are many such paintings in the castle.

But Gu Liang does not yet know what the intentions of these paintings are.

After staring at the painting for a while, Gu Liang has no brains for the time being, and he eats a fruit with peace of mind.

The system has never deducted anything from the food. This fruit was crisp and delicious, and Gu Liang quickly finished one.

Su Lan and Li Xiaoyu returned when the pit was thrown into the trash can.

After all, they went there for almost 10 minutes.

"Have you brought the flashlight?" Meng Qiancheng asked, "Why have you two been there for so long?"

"We went to the toilet too. By the way—"

Li Xiaoyu (Lu) had a lingering expression, "The sixth floor is very scary. There are many dead mice on the ground. We took the flashlights, and went to the room where Mei Design lived first. Let me go, the room is full of bats! Fortunately, I reacted quickly. , Just opened the door and closed it immediately."

"Then we went to girlfriend Ai's room to use the toilet. Fortunately, there was nothing in it. But there was a strange thing-the mirror was broken, it was almost broken into foam, I don't know who (gan gan)."

Su Lan shook her head when she heard this. "There are too many strange things in this castle. The most terrifying thing is that in the previous script, we knew what the main mission was. Now we don't even know what to vote for in the first stage of voting."

"Since you don't know anything, let's go to those unknown areas first."

Gu Liang looked at Meng Qiancheng, "Do you understand the key?"

"It's stringed together in order. I will try the first one in a while, and I should know everything later." Meng Qiancheng said.

So, after a while, everyone first came to the west side of the lobby on the first floor. There is only one iron gate here.

Meng Qiancheng picked up a key and tried it, but he used the right key all at once.

There was a heavy unlocking sound, and Meng Qiancheng immediately pushed the iron door open.

A (strong qiang) stench hit his face immediately, and Gu Liang was about to raise his hand, Yang Ye reached out and helped him cover his nose and mouth.

At the same time, Yang Yeyi grasped his waist and took him back a few steps in a gesture of holding him.

Yang Ye whispered in Gu Liang's ear: "Be careful. Don't get too close."

The rest of the players also covered their mouths and noses, especially Meng Qiancheng, who opened the door, bore the brunt (dry gan) and vomited.

Li Xiaoyu covered her mouth for a moment, and couldn't stand it anymore, ran to the trash can and threw up.

Su Lan covered her mouth with one hand, and took a flashlight to take a photo behind the iron gate.

——The pile of bones suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

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