Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 73: Folding castle (11)

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after coming out of the piano room on the fourth floor, Yang Ye and Gu Liang once again went to the room where the Eastern Sorcerer was. +++ Catino Novel Network

After being searched for evidence yesterday, the mess here has remained so messy.

Paints, brushes, and various spell books are scattered on the wooden frame, (bed chuang), and on the floor.

Gu Liang roughly turned over these curse books yesterday, and they basically talked about various spell formations.

Yesterday, Gu Liang focused on the relationship between the Oriental Warlock and the mural, focusing on the brushes and paints, and did not read the books particularly carefully.

After this time, Gu Liang and Yang Ye picked up these books and looked them up one by one.

He found that one of the books was devoted to illusion.

Gu Liang opened the book, turned page by page, and found that the illusion art described here was probably of this kind-rabbits appeared in the hat, butterflies appeared in the glass bottles, and the stones became watermelons...

The book specifically mentioned that the so-called illusion is that seeing is not believing.

For example, if you really eat a watermelon turned into a stone, it will knock your teeth, but it does not mean that you can really turn a stone into a watermelon.

The so-called illusion can only construct a certain illusion for people.

When Gu Liang was watching, Yang Ye sat on the ground side by side with him to check.

Yang Ye’s comment on this is: "In fact, this is a bit similar to magic, but it is an advanced version of magic with a bit of magic (sexual sex)."

"Yes. That's it." Gu Liang said, "When I saw it yesterday, I didn't have any clue as to the connection between illusion and this story. But now I think... Yang Ye, look, this page is folded. ."

Yang Ye looked at the illusion book in Gu Liang's hand. Sure enough, there was a page in this book that was specially folded. It should have been folded by the Eastern Warlock himself to mark it.

This means that the content of this page is very critical.

The two of them read this page carefully. The illusion taught on this page is how to make a paper butterfly fly so that everyone thinks that the paper butterfly has really come alive.

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang: "What do you think is the function of this illusion?"

After a long while, Gu Liang met Yang Ye's eyes and said, "Flicker. The Eastern Sorcerer may be the Duke Dahl who fooled him with illusion."


The oriental warlock is a ranger-like figure, traveling all over the world, and erudite.

When he passed a village, he met Ai Meili and taught Ai Meili some foreign language.

Maybe it was because Ai Meili was still young, maybe the warlock still had a heart to continue wandering, so he didn't stop at that time, and after a short rest in the village, he continued to travel.

A few years later, Duke Dahl came.

The villagers respect him as a **** and are willing to obey his orders.

But gradually, everyone discovered his true face.

——He is a vampire.

Duke Dahl (killed sha) too many people, his behavior is outrageous and frightening.

His brutal deeds slowly spread, and everyone was condemned.

Duke Dahl, the owner of the castle, is a big vampire.

How many capable soldiers tried to kill him, but they all returned to no avail.

This incident also reached the ears of the Eastern Warlock.

He hurried back to the village without stopping, only to find that the people here were almost dead.

Including Ai Meili, she was also taken away by the owner of the castle.

He stayed to inquire, and found out that Duke Dahl fell in love with Aimei.

The two weren't really married, but everyone respected her as the mistress.

The Oriental Warlock also inquired that Duke Dahl wanted to decorate his castle, and wanted his wife and princess to have a good time and see beautiful paintings every day.

However, the Duke has never found the painter he wanted.

So the Oriental Warlock pretended to be a villager and was taken into the castle.

One time when the Duke was about to **** his blood, he knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that he could paint and had a lot of magic skills. He must be useful to the Duke, and asked the Duke not to (kill sha) him.

The Duke heard that he could paint oil paintings, so he asked him to try some paintings.

The Duke first asked him to paint sunflowers. The sunflowers he painted really came alive, as if it really attracted sunlight.

Moreover, after the servant presented the painting to Ai Meili, he reported it to the Duke-the lady who hadn't laughed in a long time, she actually laughed.

The duke was happy, so he spared the warlock and let him continue to paint for the lady and the princess.

But in fact, Ai Meili may not be happy because the sunflowers are painted well.

It was only because she understood the code words from the painting.

The painter usually leaves his own signature or mark when he paints.

Ai Meili saw the painting and knew he was coming, so she laughed.

After gaining the Duke's trust, the Eastern Warlock looked for a chance to meet Ai Meili.

The warlock said, "I have a way to kill the duke, and even the vampires in the entire castle. The duke likes murals, and I will paint murals in various places in the entire castle. The murals imply my magic circle, and they will slowly The power of condensing the resentful spirits, when all the magic circles are activated, as long as they are in the place where the mural is located, the vampire will die under the painting."

"The murals are all over the castle, so all vampires will die."

"The only difficulty in this matter is that the magic circle needs the Duke's blood to open."

"The undead of this ancient castle are all dead in the hands of the duke. Only the blood of the duke can stimulate their anger and resentment to the greatest extent, so that the magic circle can exert the most (strong qiang) power, so that it can (Kill sha) dead duke."

"I have to find a way to trick him into pouring his own blood into the mural."

When the warlock said this, he was standing in front of the window, and a little sunlight shined through the gap between the curtains to light him up.

Ai Meili looked at him.

At this time, he suddenly felt like a boy walking towards him in the light when he first saw him.

Ai Meili has completely become a vampire at this time.

She hid in the dark shadows hidden by the thick curtains nearby, daring not to approach the light or him.

After years.

Ai Meili never thought that seeing each other again would be like this between the two.

Ai Meili said to him: "This is simple. You (killed sha) me, and then lied to him that the mural can take him through time and find me who is reincarnated and reborn.

Warlock: "I can't (kill sha) you. Besides, how can you make sure this thing is foolproof?"

Ai Meili: "Because I can be sure that he really loves me. For me, he will try it anyway."

Ai Meili uttered these words calmly, without noticing that the oriental warlock's face (color) was stiff for a moment.

Ai Meili continued: "You may expose yourself in other ways. At that time, if your painting is white, you will die, and many people will die."

"He is too (strong qiang) too big, and only when he is sad for my death and frustrated or even collapsed, will he (expose) flaws. Then you will have the opportunity to convince him to put his blood in the mural. "

The warlock looked at her, his hands trembling. "I'm here to save you, how could I (kill sha) you?"

Ai Meili looked at him quietly and said, "You're late, I'm already dead."

"Like I am now, immortality or alive, living on human blood... is worse than death."

"Please help me out (tuo)."

"Just arrange it on November 7. Because he plans to marry me the next day."

"I won't let him do what he wants."

"When he thought he could marry me, he saw my corpse. Only then can he destroy him to the greatest extent and minimize his defenses. The rest is left to you."


The sunflowers painted by oriental warlocks are very fresh, as if they were really bathed in sunlight.

When the princess heard about this, she had always liked roses, so she asked her father to let the warlock draw many roses for herself.

On this day, after finishing painting for the princess, the oriental warlock used illusion to change a butterfly to show her.

White paper can transform butterflies and fly in front of the canvas, which is truly amazing.

For all this, Princess Rose likes it very much, which makes her feel like she is back in the sun, and there are not only flowers but also butterflies in front of her. She was like being a human again.

She couldn't help but praised the warlock in front of the duke.

The Duke didn't believe it at first, until he saw the paper butterfly come alive.

So he found the warlock and asked him what was going on.

The oriental sorcerer replied: "The East pays attention to yin and yang. Yin and yang are mutually dependent. There is me in you, and you in me, just like life and death. The living can die, and the dead can come back to life."

The Duke asked, "Can a man be born again without his soul?"

The warlock replied: "Of course. It's like this paper butterfly can come alive. (Body shen) body and soul, one is yang, the other is yin, it actually contains the truth of mutual transformation and birth. Therefore, the soul is still there and can be regenerated Reshape the body; if the soul dies, and the body is still there, the soul can also be reshaped."

Therefore, after coming to this castle, in addition to painting murals, another thing the warlock did was to subtly tell the Duke of Eastern metaphysics.

In fact, what he said is not entirely false.

But the so-called soul reshaping, he couldn't do it. He has never heard of anyone who has actually succeeded.

Slowly, the Duke became impressed, not to mention that he completely believed in this metaphysics, but he did not deny its existence.

Until that night Ai Meili really died. In any case, even if a dead horse is a living horse doctor, he also wanted to try the legendary Eastern metaphysics. No matter what the price, he wanted to save Ai Meili.

November 7th, 7 pm.

The oriental warlock went to Ai Meili's room in the name of sending the painting.

He can put the cross into her heart in just ten minutes, because this is what Amelie acquiesced in.

Even under the blessing of his illusion, no one could notice that there was a cross hidden on her body.

At 7:30 in the evening, Servant A tried to cross (kill sha) while changing her clothes, in the name of dressing up Ai Meili.

At this time, she discovered that Ai Meili (xiong) had been pierced by the cross.

Ai Meili smiled and said to her: "Help me make up. Let me accompany him to a meal at the end. I will suggest him to let him marry you in the future. Everything in this house will be yours. Don't worry. Actually ...Everyone was born as a human being, so why be hostile now?"

"Are you happy after becoming a vampire?"

"Think about it...everyone is just a pitiful person."

"You and I can't bother you, and we can't even go back to our real hometown."

Ai Meili's words reminded servant A of her bleak life-forced to become a vampire, fleeing, it is difficult to return home...

Therefore, when she left Ai Meili's room, she was a little bit emotional and sad.

She never thought that she would actually die tonight.

At 8:30 in the evening, Ai Meili had delicate makeup, pretending to have nothing to do, and had a meal with the duke.

I haven't seen her smile like this for a long time. The Duke was intoxicated, and with the blessing of illusion on her body, he himself was not afraid of the cross at all, and in the end he could not detect any abnormality.

At 9:30 in the evening, Ai Meili returned to the house, lay back in the coffin, closed her eyes peacefully, and waited for her to die completely.

That night, when the Duke saw her body, he was almost crazy.

He remembered the Eastern metaphysics that the warlock usually talked about, and immediately found him and asked him whether Ai Meili's soul could be reshaped and whether she could find her reincarnation.

The warlock said that her dissipated spirit will slowly reunite in the circulation of heaven and earth.

But when she can be reincarnated, it will be three hundred years later.

In the end, the Duke accepted the warlock's suggestion and decided to absorb grievances through the mural, and then use its power to achieve the crossing.

Therefore, this evening the warlock pretended to make so-called adjustments to the mural.

The next day, on November 8, he found the Duke, saying that he had adjusted the mural, and the Duke could start using blood to open the magic circle, so that the mural could absorb grievances.

The Duke did not expect that when he pierced his finger and touched his blood to the mural, the magic circle he opened was not a magic circle that could absorb grievances and then help him cross in the future.

The grievances on the murals had been condensed in this month.

Therefore, when the Duke’s blood touched the mural, the long-condensed grievance was instantly triggered, and the magic circle was activated.

At that moment, there was light filtering through the mural, more intense than sunlight.

All the vampires pictured died in an instant.

The moment before the magic circle was launched.

In the steward room on the fourth floor, steward is keeping a diary.

"Oh my god, madam is dead."

"The Duke is heartbroken."

"I have an ominous hunch, as if I will live soon too..."

After saying this, Guan Shi felt the painting on the wall glow.

——That was a portrait painting given to him by the Eastern Warlock.

His diary could not be finished because the moment he saw the portrait, it was gone.


The fourth floor. In the Oriental Warlock room.

Gu Liang roughly conceived the outline of the story and said, "Why didn't the other vampires cross? How can a vampire be reincarnated without a soul? The meaning of the folded page of the book of illusion; Ai Meili (xiong) with a cross in her mouth, but still The reason for attending the banquet with a composure expression; the oriental magician started painting murals so early, as if he could have predicted the reason for being able to use murals to pass through; why the steward’s diary is unfinished...

"All of this finally has a perfect explanation."

Yang Ye thought for a while and said, "I agree with this story. But we don’t know what happened to (fafa) afterwards. For example, did Earl William arrive at the castle that night? What happened to him (fafa) ?"

Gu Liang said: "In fact, I just thought that if there is no crossing, there is no overlap of the two times, but there are indeed many ancient objects in this castle, including the body of Ai Meili, which is also fresh. Then, we should be here. In some kind of illusion. This illusion must be related to the magic circle on the mural."

"The folding castle is not the overlap of time. It is actually the overlap of illusion and reality. Yuzhan died in the real space, and a person was transformed into the illusion in the illusion, using Yuzhan's appearance, but the memory for him is mixed. Earl William and Duke Dale."

"This explains why you think you are Earl William, but there are many memories of Duke Dal, including your failure in the war with the werewolves, including why you commanded the bat."

Yang Ye thought for a moment, and then said, "If this is the case, we still have three problems to solve."

"First, 300 years ago, whether the Duke died or not, where did the warlock go? If my character’s memory of Earl William is not wrong, Duke William came to the castle last night and saw a mess in the lobby, such as now In the lobby, all kinds of sundries are piled up here, why?"

"Secondly, if the rest of the characters in this script are not themselves, then Sulan is not actually Princess Rose. Players now can be divided into two categories, one type of people who have died, such as Yu Zha Nan and Mei Design , Ai girlfriend."

"The other category is you and Mr. Rong. Are you two still alive? If you are still alive, that does not mean that the dead will enter this illusion. Then, how did the illusion kill us and live? Are all the people connected together?"

"Finally, we have to find the stories of those two new players."

"Third, that's how this illusion came into being, and how should we get out."

Gu Liang nodded: "Well. For the follow-up plot, wait for the system to notify you. Places such as gardens are not yet open to explore. Maybe later, we can have more detailed clues."

"Finally, I think the timeline of the first morning is very important. No one can tell how everyone came to the castle. There must be an article in it."


at night.

When Yang Ye and Gu Liang went to the kitchen and walked through the main hall, they saw Li Xiaoyu.

When Li Xiaoyu saw them, he smiled a little bit shit.

Yang Ye saw through her careful thoughts at a glance. "It's time for dinner, come and eat?"

Li Xiaoyu said righteously: "You can't say that, I have important things to share with you!"

"Okay, then you share it." Yang Ye said.

Li Xiaoyu waved at him. "You go to cook first. Friendly reminder, I turned over the refrigerator, there is a small yellow croaker in it!"

"You are beautiful." Yang Ye raised an eyebrow.

Li Xiaoyu looked at Gu Liang and blinked, "Gu Dao, is it okay to eat fish tonight?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Gu Liang scratched his ears uncomfortably and looked at Yang Ye. "Just watch and do it, see whichever is convenient, and do whatever you want."

Yang Ye smiled affectionately at Gu Liang, then looked at Li Xiaoyu very contemptuously, changing his face at an astonishing speed. "Look at our family Liangliang knows how to be considerate. If you can't marry in the future, you have to reflect on yourself!"

When Gu Liang heard this, he subconsciously frowned.

How did Yang Ye describe himself like a little daughter-in-law?

So he patted Yang Ye on the shoulder, his eyes expressing a little dissatisfaction.

Yang Ye could see his dissatisfaction.

But Yang Ye misunderstood the meaning and thought he blamed himself for being too harsh on girls.

Yang Ye grabbed his hand and said solemnly: "Cool! You can't forget your principles as soon as your girl is cute. You are no longer a straight man, now you--"

Gu Liang pushed him away and held his forehead. "Go ahead, go make fish."

Li Xiaoyu made up the knife: "I have defrosted the fish! I like to cut the onion, ginger, and garlic! You can just cook it!"

"Uuuuu, the little yellow croaker my mother made for me is the best. I have not eaten it in a long time since I came to this game—"

"Okay, I'll do it for you. The condition is to stay three meters away from my home, Gu Liangliang. Otherwise, you won't have good fruit."

Yang Ye went to the kitchen after he finished speaking.

"It's finished, Gu Liang, you're finished. His possessiveness is too terrible, and he even eats my jealousy. In the future, he won't be able to keep the balance and how he will care about you."

Li Xiaoyu "tsk tsk" twice and sat down on the dining table with Gu Liang.

Gu Liang ignored her jokes and only asked her: "Starting last night, do you have any plot?"

"Yes." Li Xiaoyu said, "It's... a weird plot."

With a soft cough, Li Xiaoyu continued: "I said that the more I watched, the more I liked it, and then I went to my fiancé, the beauty boss, and broke up."

"You said how miserable my feelings have been. In the script of Painted Skin, the childhood sweetheart empathizes not to fall in love with the beauty in the top coat; in the immortal city, Ding beggar died for me; in the baby, I met Yu Zha Nan; this script, There used to be a handsome fiancé, but now I have a relationship with Lao Meng? It's almost impossible."

"When did you come here this afternoon? Has anyone else seen it?" Gu Liang asked.

"It's 6 o'clock. I came at half past five. I didn't see anyone else. They might be acting on their own plot."

Li Xiaoyu said, looked around, took out a piece of old paper, and said, "By the way, there is something here, which I found in a servant's room today. I think it's very important. Give it first. Look, you two, don't tell anyone."

Gu Liang took the paper and found that it was a map—a map of the castle 300 years ago.

Everyone has explored the internal structure, but it is nothing unusual. The focus is on the description of the garden on this map.

The location of the (Lu) Tian Garden restaurant now includes a small piece of orchard around it. 300 years ago, it was a rose garden.

As for the current position of the vegetable garden, 300 years ago it was a place where sunflowers were grown.

At this time, Gu Liang remembered the words written by Duke Dahl on the scores in the piano room: "If you leave, I will wait for you in your favorite place."

In the limited script scenario, it can only be inferred that Ai Meili's favorite place is the place with sunflowers.

So it corresponds to the position of the vegetable garden today.

When Yang Ye prepared the meal and the three of them ate together, Gu Liang showed Yang Ye a map. "Do you think it's possible that the Duke died in the vegetable garden in the end?"

"It is possible. After all, he has great strength (strong qiang), and may not die immediately like other vampires. He might go to the vegetable garden." Yang Ye nodded.

Gu Liang frowned, and said: "The pentagram of the (Killsha) doll is in the vegetable garden. Mingyuan Rong and Steward Hao also died in the vegetable garden. Yesterday morning’s timeline, currently Mama Ai, Boss Mei, Sister Mei All three admitted to having been to the vegetable garden."

"The vegetable garden, this location must be very important..."

"Come on again, do you think the Duke might be resurrected?"

"If he is resurrected, the beauty boss who appears in the vegetable garden will be very suspicious."

Yang Ye thought for a while, and said, "Don't worry about fantasy or fantasy. The role (color) that Ai's mother temporarily assumed is Ai Meili 300 years later. When she saw the beautiful boss, she regarded her as her fiancé. 300 years ago Who is Ai Meili's fiance? Duke."

Gu Liangdao: "But, first, the beauty boss doesn't recognize her as his fiancée, saying that he doesn't know her at all. Second, now Mama Ai has already transferred to her and loves the big man."

"Shit." The development of the plot made Yang Yele once again. He choked with laughter for a while, then turned his head and covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

Gu Liang frowned: "Eating fish, don't laugh. Forget it, let's discuss it after eating."

"Yes. I will keep my daughter-in-law's concern."


Li Xiaoyu sounded a little confused. "What illusion? What resurrection? Didn't the Duke go through it?"

Yang Ye pushed the braised yellow croaker in front of her. "Eat fish."


After eating, Gu Liang washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and went upstairs to the room with Yang Ye.

Li Xiaoyu was supposed to help, but the cards shook, so she left first and went to run the plot.

After returning to the room, Gu Liang sat on the sofa silently thinking about the case.

Yang Ye has been doing exercises, push-ups, squats...the same.

"It's too uncomfortable to run in no place." Yang Ye said, "I don't know when the back garden will open."

Gu Liang did not answer, and continued to bow his head in thought.

Yang Ye walked up to him, held on to the sofa, and the shadow cast completely covered Gu Liang.

He looked at Gu Liang condescendingly, and said, "You also relax a little bit and don't keep thinking. Does your head hurt? Would you like me to press your head for you?"

Gu Liang shook his head. "It's okay. I'm just thinking about other people's stories."

As soon as Gu Liang finished speaking, the cards of both people shook.

After reading the cards, Yang Ye smiled, and took the opportunity to hold on to the arm of the sofa and knelt down in front of Gu Liang on one knee.

After a while, Yang Ye took the back of Gu Liang's hand to his lips, lightly (kissed Wen), and looked at him affectionately: "Will you marry me?"

Gu Liang had to read the lines. "I...cough, I am willing."

This seemed to be the first time. When he read the lines, his voice was a little hesitant and his mood was a little bit fluctuating. It was not the calm tone of the previous wave.

He turned his head, and avoided Yang Ye's gaze, his ears were clearly red.

Yang Ye smiled. He asked Gu Liang, "Hey, getting married in the script is considered marriage? Then according to the plot, I will marry you at the wedding tomorrow."

I don't know how, when Gu Liang heard this, he remembered what Yang Ye said last year-"I won't mess around before I go to marry you."

So, what does he mean?

Is he suggesting something?

Does he want to (gan)?

Gu Liangzheng turned his head, looked at Yang Ye, immediately thought of something funny, smiled faintly, and said: "Don't worry, I instinctively feel that if the marriage fails, something will happen."

——As long as those who try to get married in this old castle, Rong Mingyuan, Feng boyfriend, Ai Meili and Duke Dahl, none of them will end well.

At this moment, the door was knocked.

Yang Ye stepped forward to open the door, Li Xiaoyu outside.

"Xiaoyu? What's the matter?" Yang Ye asked.

Li Xiaoyu awkwardly handed out a piece of something to Yang Ye, and said, "This is an invitation. Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the evening, I will marry Mrs. Rong. Welcome to join in. I will continue to post invitations to other people..."

Li Xiaoyu sighed and left.

Yang Ye closed the door, and Gu Liang came over and looked at the invitation with him.

The white (colored) paper, and the wedding invitation simply written with a black (colored) pen on it, is very sloppy. This white paper with black characters... also seems very unlucky.

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