Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 9: The death of White Boss (9)

"Yes... it's Boss Bai who wants to (kill sha) me!"

"Boss Bai killed my mother, so I bought a kind of poison and wanted to find a chance to poison it while eating at noon today. +++ mobile phone reading visit"

"I just stayed in the house. Boss Bai actually came to me. At that time, I just turned out the poison box, and when he entered the house, I didn't have time to clean it. So he happened to see the box of poison. He took out a knife and said that if he had killed the murderer first, he would not die."


This is what Bai's son said to Gu Liang and Yang Ye when he came to Gu Liang's room after being chased (killed by sha) by Bai Boss.

Gu Liang believed what Bai's son said at the time.

Boss Bai thinks that the 17-year-old underage is the best bully and the best fool of all players. Therefore, based on the mentality of wanting to save himself, he chose to talk to his son Bai first to test whether he is a murderer. This logic is reasonable. .

After going to Bai's son's room, Bai Boss found poison on the table, thinking that he was the murderer, so he wanted to attack (强qiang) first and start chasing (sha) him. This is reasonable.

But now it seems that as early as that time, Gu Liang had been deceived by him.

"So, what do you think the truth is like?" Yang Ye asked.

Gu Liang did not answer immediately, but instead asked, "Why did you come to my room first in the morning?"

Yang Ye told the truth: "Everyone just finished drawing the card, and when they heard the system announce the rules, they were very confused. After that, the system asked everyone to go back to the room and rest. No one took action except you. I noticed you at that moment. After you started to act, everyone went out one after another. I followed you quietly and watched you go to the room of'Lawyer Zhang', so I understood the lawyer Zhang you played."

Gu Liang thought of something, and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you think I run so fast, maybe it's the murderer?"

"Well, if you draw a killer card, you must (强qiang) force yourself to calm down, (强qiang) force yourself to adapt to this game, and you may have to return to your room as soon as possible to prepare for your actions. So, you leave It’s so early, and the chance of being a murderer is great."

Yang Ye said, "Of course, if you are not a murderer, your actions will show that you are very calm and adaptable (strong qiang). I just got the detective card at that time. It’s very unfamiliar. I really want to find someone who is sane and calm to talk about this game. Others are either scared or nervous, and can’t tell you any results. I can only find you.”

Speaking of this, Yang Ye adjusted his sitting posture and leaned forward slightly, moving closer to Gu Liang.

Yang Ye understood the intention of Gu Liang's question. "You asked me this because you were thinking about the reason why Boss Bai went to see Bai's son?"

Gu Liang nodded: "As a detective, you want to find a calm and sensible person to chat to help clarify your thoughts. Then, as the murderer, the boss of white, of course, may also find a relatively easy to fool for the purpose of self-help. Adults chat. I believed Bai's son in the morning, so I think so. But now it seems that is not the case."

Yang Ye opened the notebook and recorded something. "You think it's not his personal behavior that Boss Bai finds his son."

"Yes. The White Boss did not act privately when looking for Bai Son, but was implementing the script requirements."

Gu Liang replied affirmatively, "I speculate that the true plot should be that Bai's son had a plan to (kill sha), so for some reason, he brought Mr. Bai to his room. Bai's son was in his room ahead of time. The cups in the room or the desserts were poisoned by the white moonlight. When the boss arrived, he gave him poisonous desserts and water."

Yang Ye recalled, and said, "The time when Bai son escaped to our room was almost 9:20. So, according to your opinion, Bai Boss was already hit between 9:20 and 9:20. poison."

Gu Liangdao: "Yes. At 12:20, when Maid Liu called Boss Bai to eat, he was dead. The time of Bai Yueguang's onset was exactly 3 hours. The time was right."

Yang Ye narrowed his eyes, then asked, "Then how do you explain, Boss Bai (killing sha) Bai's son?"

Gu Liangdao: "I think that Boss Bai (killing sha) Bai's son is simply an unexpected situation outside the script. Boss Bai did this, not to survive. Under the supervision of the man in black, he can't survive, so he saves it. I want to take Bai's son to die together."

Yang Ye leaned back and leaned his head on the back of the chair. After a long time, he breathed out gently and said, "Yeah. I accept this statement. I suddenly thought of a detail. Back in the morning. , Son Bai was very surprised when he saw you eat the desserts in the room without scruples. If the desserts in his room are poisonous, it makes sense. He doesn’t know how other people (killing sha) people are, and subconsciously thinks that everyone might also make appointments. Boss Bai talked alone and poisoned in a similar way, so he dared not eat anything."

"Yes." Gu Liang nodded and said again, "In addition, there is one more detail. During the free search, I passed by his room. After he saw me, he didn't greet me immediately, but first looked at me and drank a big drink. Saliva. Thinking back to this detail now, his actions seemed deliberate, as if he was (强qiang) adjusting the water he was drinking to be non-toxic."

Yang Ye asked: "The glass of water he drank was not poisonous, but we didn't see any desserts in his room. If the water or desserts are poisonous, where did they go?"

Gu Liangdao: "He may have washed the poisoned cup, and the dessert may have been washed away by the toilet."

Yang Yi thought of something, and took out the notebook again and wrote it down, "Isn't that counted as his destruction of evidence? The system didn't report it."

Gu Liang said: "When I went to the kitchen to take insulin, I only used 3 mg, and I washed the rest with water. The system did not judge a violation. I think this behavior is different from my burning fax paper. ."

Yang Ye thought for a while and understood. "Understood, our script does not have forensic medicine, and there are no technical investigators. Even if there are poisonous desserts and insulin, our eyes cannot judge. So, things like this are processed, it doesn’t count. Destroy the evidence. At least not in our simple experience script."

Gu Liang nodded and expressed his approval: "I think, Bai son cleaned the cup (dry gan) and disposed of the desserts. He can only say it just in case-in case we let him drink water for desserts, he dare not. Just (lu) fell. But we didn't do this. His actions in front of me, if you think about it, it's a bit out of money here."


After Gu Liang said this, he did not continue to speak, and Yang Ye also did not speak for a long time.

The one-on-one interrogation room is not large, and the surrounding walls are full of pitch-black colors, and the same pitch-black door is closed, isolating all sounds from the outside world. When neither of them spoke, the room became unusually quiet again.

The walls, floors, and doors are black (color), and the conference tables and chairs are also black (color). When the white (color) light is projected, the black and shiny desktop also reflects the faint white (color), which is not dazzling, but after all, it looks monotonous.

Because of this, the red string on Gu Liang's wrist is particularly eye-catching.

Can't help looking down, his eyes fell on the red (color), after a while, Yang Ye finally raised his head and looked at Gu Liang. He clapped vigorously twice, and then said, "It's wonderful. I'm more and more curious about what your job is."

"Anyway, I'm not a policeman. The police are more professional than us. Anyway—"

Gu Liang stared at Yang Ye's eyes, "When you searched for evidence on the first floor, you fooled your son Bai to be cruel. He really thought that you had determined that Brother Bai was the murderer, so let your guard down."

Yang Ye was noncommittal, and Gu Liang asked again, "So, even though you have asked me so much, it looks like a dog-head detective who doesn't know anything. But in fact... You already knew that Bai Son was the murderer? How did you know of?"

Hearing this, Yang Ye finally took out the detective's exclusive digital camera, swiped his finger, called up a photo, and showed it to Gu Liang.

Gu Liang took the camera. "This is the shredded paper from the White Moonlight Pill Box I picked up from the balcony. I glued it together and took it for you?"

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang and said, "Well, you pay attention to reasoning, and I pay attention to the details of the evidence. You see, this medicine box is very wet."

Indeed, the photo shows it very clearly—the pill box is almost completely soaked in water.

Gu Liang actually noticed this detail at the time. Not only the pill box, but even his sleeves were wet after searching the certificate. Yang Ye even handed him a tissue. But he didn't think too much at that time.

Maid Liu went to the balcony to water the flowers in the morning. There are so many flowers on the balcony, so naturally there is a lot of water left on the petals and leaves. Therefore, when the pill box fragments fell from the second floor, they would get wet on the petals and leaves, which is normal.

Now that Yang Ye reminded him, Gu Liang found the crux of the problem—the water on the pill box was a bit too much.

In the morning, Gu Liang was downstairs at 10:30. He met Yang Ye and the two played poker together. At that time, Maid Liu was cooking in the kitchen, and about 10 minutes later, she went to the balcony to water the flowers.

Therefore, the maid Liu watering the flowers, Gu Liang personally saw that (fafa) was born at around 10:40.

At noon, most of the water had been absorbed by the soil. The only remaining water was the petals and leaves.

If the fragments of the medicine box were thrown on the balcony by Bai's son at noon, the medicine box would only be wetted by the petals and leaves, which was almost equal to the wetness of Gu Liang's sleeves.

But now a large area of ​​the pill box is soaked in water, this degree of wetness must not be a pure rubbing effect.

When Maid Liu was watering the flowers, the water flowed out of the spout, through the gaps in the flowers and leaves, and directly poured onto the fragments of the medicine box, which caused this degree of wetting.

This clue can only indicate that the fragment of the medicine box was already in the pot before 10:40.

Gu Liang half-squinted his eyes and slowly said, "I understand. This photo can show that Bai's son was not the pill box that was thrown away at noon. He lied."

"Yes." Yang Ye said, "Besides, after I left your room in the morning and went to the living room, I didn't just sit still on the sofa. I wandered around and not only found the pill box of fake death medicine, but also saw it. The fragments of the medicine box in the flower pot on the balcony. It’s just that I didn’t have the time to put it together at that time. Besides, if I put it together at that time, let you know, there will be no way to blame the murderer."

Speaking of this, Yang Ye concluded: "Now we can restore the real modus operandi of Bai's son. It should be around 9 o'clock, he put the white moonlight in the dessert and water in the room, and then tore the medicine box. Throwing the fragments from the second floor into the flowerpot on the first floor balcony, afterwards, Boss Bai went to his room, drank water and ate desserts, was poisoned, and died of the poison 3 hours later."

"In short, poisoning and hiding evidence. These two things were not done at noon by Bai son. He lied. There may be no Bai Yueguang in the meal given to Boss Bai at noon. Because of this poison, Bai son morning It's used up."

This detail of Yang Ye is well-founded, simpler, more direct, and much more effective than Gu Liang's reasoning.

After listening to his words, Gu Liang raised his eyebrows slightly, then frowned, his eyes narrowed immediately. "I found this a long time ago, and let me take so much? Are you kidding me?"

Out of Gu Liang's expectation, Yang Ye shook his head and looked a little serious.

Yang Ye likes to amuse herself, Gu Liang is not blind, you can tell.

He thought that what Yang Ye did just now was nothing more than to show his weakness first, pretend to be ignorant, let himself analyze, and after his long argumentation was completed, he threw out a very simple and effective and direct reasoning to hit his own. Self-confidence, mock yourself.

He will definitely tease himself a few words, "Although your reasoning is correct, but it is only based on logical analysis and guessing, there is no such true evidence as mine."

But Gu Liang found that Yang Ye was not entertaining herself at this moment. His expression was completely different from the previous solemnity, even a little solemn.

Yang Yeqian frowned, looked at Gu Liang, and said, "No. I really want to hear your analysis. Because I can't make a mistake. Our vote determines the life and death of a person. Bai son will be because of us. Vote to die."

After a while, Gu Liang said, "It's a pity. Your details and my reasoning all show that the murderer can only be him."

Gu Liang got up and walked to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Prudence is right. If we make the wrong shot, we will not only blame a good person, but also kill you as a detective. But we don't have to be too entangled. This is the rule of the game. You said that we are not sinners but victims. "

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