Live Action Murder Mystery

Chapter 98: Rhinoceros photos (15)

The light in the interrogation room seemed a little dark, making Yang Ye's facial contours even deeper. +++ Catino Novel Network

Yang Ye looked at Gu Liang and slowly said, "The first possibility is that he is not a murderer. He wrote this for fun and came (gan) to disturb you. Did you offend him before and he deliberately retaliated? "

Gu Liang shook his head: "I don't remember such a thing. It shouldn't be enough. I haven't contacted for so long."

Yang Ye said: "I also think this possibility (sexual xing) is very small. Then, he is indeed the murderer. As he admitted to you. But why did he write this paper? If he does not write this paper, he should be Make himself look more (gan) clean. Why does he want to increase his suspicion?"

Gu Liang thought for a moment, and said, "If he wants to help me and tell me the truth about him, he won't. He is afraid that I don't believe him, so that he will forge this letter and pass this letter. Give me some information."

"So, he is more likely to mislead me (sexual xing). But what is he going to mislead..."

Yang Ye said: "The letter has a very critical time point, that is, the time between 2:30 pm and 4 pm. In fact, the real (death) time of boss Ling may be this Within range."

"After 2:30, the one who went to the other side of the lake was Liang Service. Did he specify this time just to blame Liang Service?"

Yang Ye asked this in a skeptical tone.

Because he really grasped (touching Mo) the intention of opaque moon.

Gu Liang shook his head: "But if this is the case, his trick is too simple."

After saying this, Gu Liang frowned, and his whole person looked very serious.

After a long time, Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye and suddenly asked, "Have you ever played mahjong?"

Yang Ye: "Of course you can do mahjong, but you're not good at it. Sometimes you can accompany your elders, or if you need to have entertainment, you can play a dozen."

Gu Liangdao: "Whether mahjong, including poker, there is a way of playing, called playing cards. Some people directly show all their cards and play them clearly. In this way, if he wins, The money you win can be doubled."

Yang Ye: "Do you think Mingyue is playing a bright card with us?"

Gu Liang nodded: "He confessed that he was the murderer at the beginning. He is indeed one of the murderers. But he has a way to prevent us from finding another murderer. This may be his idea."

"It's like when playing Go, he will give you a few pawns first. In this case, if he loses, there will be nothing, but if I lose, it will appear that I have a complete IQ. It's crushed."

After a long while, Yang Ye couldn't help but ask: "Couldn't it be, the grievances of your top class competition for ranking years ago have continued into the game, right?"

——The world of schoolmasters is really hard for ordinary people to understand.

"...I don't know what he thinks. But after analyzing it now, plus the feeling he gave me, it will make me feel so. Maybe this is also related to the system test."

Gu Liang hugged (chest xiong), his eyes were half-squinted, and after a long time he said, "Through this letter and what Mingyue said to me, he told me a lot of information. First, this time Two murderers, a boss led the bell to the window, the other was on the other side of the lake (killing sha), and chef Huang was one of the murderers; second, the exact time of the death of the boss bell was indeed in the afternoon. Between 2:30 and 4 o'clock."

"He told me these things bluntly. If I can't find another real murderer, I would seem too stupid."

Yang Ye didn't know why. In such a tense atmosphere, looking at Gu Liang's serious appearance, suddenly felt that Gu Liangliang was getting more and more lovely.

Gu Liang looked at him: "What are you laughing at?"

Yang Ye said: "Nothing. Together, we must be able to think of the problem. After all, we are two people. You can't make me both look stupid."

Gu Liang also laughed when he heard this, his brows loosened, and he suddenly relaxed.

Gu Liang flipped through his notebook from the beginning and said, "Nice service and Qianlong are secretive, and the plan of (killing sha)ling boss is laid down. As Qianlong's apprentice, Wang Guxie will probably know this plan. Apart from Wang Guxie, the most It's possible that it is Chef Huang. He and Liang Service have been staying at this inn, and he can easily detect the actions of Liang Service."

"Next, at midnight for two consecutive days, the pretty service went to the fence to see the money stray. The night before the boss of Ling died, they discussed a specific plan."

"At midnight, midnight, and there are rumors of'recruiting ghosts', there is actually a very small probability of unsuspecting tourists going out. Even if Wang Guxie is a ghost and his girlfriend Jia is a Taoist priest, they strolled outside most of the night and happened to leave. The possibility of hearing all the details of the plan negotiated by Liang Service and Qian Lang at the fence is actually very small."

"If you think about it, it is most likely that you will be aware of the conspiracy of the Liang service and the money wandering early in the morning, so you will pay attention to the movement of the Liang service, and then follow and eavesdrop to know their complete plan...Then Chef Huang is the most likely . He lives next door to Liang Service."

"Finally, Chef Huang has enough motivation to (kill sha) to stray money. Pretty service does not (kill sha) to stray money. On the one hand, she likes to stray money, and on the other hand, she knows the inside story that Qian roving wants to avenge his apprentice."

"Chef Huang doesn't have these two conditions."

"In the eyes of Chef Huang, Qian Liulang is a Taoist priest who can kill sha even such a powerful ghost as Boss Bell. He (killing Sha) will take care of himself if he finishes the Boss Bell. It is too stupid to believe in him. People and ghosts have different paths, let alone the other party or Taoist priest?"

After listening to Gu Liang's words, Yang Ye nodded in agreement.

Yang Ye only said: "The only question now is, how did he do all this? Who is the other murderer and how did he cooperate with him."


After a while, Gu Liang opened the notebook, turned to a new page, and said: "I think the only thing that can be ruled out is pretty service. On the premise that she did not lie, she left at 2:10 in the afternoon and went through the fence, bushes, In the woods, 20 minutes later, at 2:30, she reached the stone bridge at the foot of the mountain and was seen by me. At 2:45, she reached the other side of the lake, and found Qian Wandering (dead si) dead at 2:50."

"She stayed in the thatched cottage for about 5 minutes and left at 2:55. Assuming that her way back and her walking speed are the same as when she went, then when she walked back to the stone bridge, it was almost 3 o'clock, but this At that time, the fragrance on her body was gone, and I didn't see her."

"Cross the bridge in 15 minutes. The time for her to return to the bottom of the mountain is 3:15. Then, if it still takes 20 minutes to cross the woods, bushes, and fences, then her time to return to the inn is 3:35."

"We analyzed earlier that the murderer A who led the boss to the window must also be the one who cleaned the scene and moved the body to the woods. Then the murderer A took Boss Bell’s body to the woods, and it must be at 3:35 and served beautifully. After leaving the woods and returning to the inn."

"The murderer a must have been staring at the inn. He saw everything about (fafa) through the window, and he also watched the direction that the pretty service went to the woods. So he must wait for the pretty service to come back before daring to go to the woods to throw the corpse ."

Yang Ye said: "My room can't see the direction of the woods and the other side of the lake. Just now they were brainstorming, diverging their thinking, and opening their minds. At that time, it didn't matter how they could fill up my story, but if After a while, the formal discussion begins. If everyone really doubts me, I can use this to clean up myself."

Gu Liang nodded: "Um. Yes. This is very important. You can't see the woods. Many people have entered the woods. The murderer must be able to see the details of the woods before he can decide to throw his body. Time. This will definitely rule you out."

Gu Liang got up and walked out. "Let's go and talk to everyone. It's good to see if they have any new developments."


In the concentrated discussion hall, everyone discussed for another two hours. Finally, everyone checked it out and still only locked the murderer on Wang Guxie and girlfriend Jia. After all, Yang Ye cleared up his own statement and convinced everyone.

In order to avoid making the discussion too confusing, Gu Liang arranged for everyone to take turns to speak.

When one player speaks, if the other players are not necessary, don't interrupt them easily. They can wait until their turn to speak; of course, detectives are not subject to this restriction.

At the moment, the discussion has been going on for several rounds.

When it was Yang Ye’s turn again, Yang Ye said: “According to what we said, the murderer must be able to see the woods through the window in the room. The woods and the thatched cottage on the other side of the lake are all in the north of the Diaojiaolou. The window of my room faces west. It’s impossible for me. Only a few people living in the middle 301-304 are possible."

"Senior Hua is a detective, Zhao Meili and Jia Tourist are humans, it is impossible to go to the opposite (kill sha) person, so indeed only Wang Guxie and Jia's girlfriend are left..."

"Wait." Gu Liang suddenly thought of the key and stood up.

Yang Ye glanced at him, reviewed what he had said, and seemed to have discovered a certain key.

Gu Liang immediately took out a reward card and clicked the [Confirm Use] button.

This card is called [Concentrated Discussion Delay Card]. How to use it: After clicking Confirm, the duration of the concentrated discussion will be increased by one hour.

Then Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye: "Lend me your [Restart Exploration Area Card]. I want to go to the crime scene again."

Yang Ye thought about it for a moment, and understood Gu Liang's intentions, took out this card, and after a quick confirmation, walked to the door with Gu Liang, "I'll go see it with you."

The two men just opened the door of the restaurant, the discussion room, and the public broadcast rang. "The crime scene has been opened. However, during the concentrated discussion stage, players are prohibited from leaving the discussion room. Players leaving the room without permission are violations and will be punished. As the player Gu Liang violated too many violations and the punishment time was too long, it will be postponed to the rest time, please Players consider carefully—"

The system just says that if the player goes out now, he will be punished after the game ends, but the player is not completely prohibited from leaving.

Furthermore, for such violations, the system did not deprive players of their voting rights, and it even moved the punishment back so that Gu Liang had time to explain the truth to other players.

In this way, the system is actually quite friendly.

Originally, Gu Liang planned that if the system requires him to be punished before he can return to the centralized discussion room, and if his punishment time exceeds the remaining discussion time, he will use the remaining delay card.

In addition to the one-hour delay card, he also has advanced delay cards, and more than one.

The high-level delay card can delay five hours at a time. When Gu Liang has more than one card, it is enough to cover his punishment time.

The only disadvantage of doing that is that it wronged the rest of the players.

Originally, the discussion could end at 7 in the morning, but they had to stay here until Gu Liang's punishment was over.

But now the system actually moved the punishment directly to the rest time, allowing players to vote normally.

This is the first time Gu Liang feels that the system is fairly friendly.

Therefore, after Gu Liang listened to the system's words, even before Yang Ye could stop him, he immediately stuck one foot out of the door.

Yang Ye couldn't help being serious, looking at Gu Liang with a rare sharp look. "Gu Liang, I can go. The same goes for me."

"You stay, I can go by myself." When Gu Liang tried to push Yang Ye back, Yang Ye had already grabbed Gu Liang's hand and walked out. "Yang Ye, you don't need to—"

Yang Ye didn't speak, but only took Gu Liang towards the woods.

Along the way, with the help of the light, seeing Yang Ye pursing her mouth and her face, Gu Liang frowned and asked, "Are you angry? What are you angry about?"

Yang Ye only glanced at him, but still did not speak.

Gu Liangdao: "There is no need for two people to come here. You have to follow, and you will be punished at that time, why bother?"

Yang Ye: "I should ask you this sentence. I can come. My punishment is very short. Why do you have to come by yourself?"

Gu Liang: "Because I am a detective this time."

Do you have to tell me so clearly?

At this time the two had just walked to the fence.

Yang Ye stopped, shook Gu Liang's wrist, and looked at his eyes.

All the emotions finally disappeared at the moment when he looked at Gu Liang's eyes.

Yang Ye finally sighed, went forward and picked Gu Liang in a hug, carried him outside the fence, and turned it out by himself.

"Hey Yang Ye, your legs--"

"It's okay." Yang Ye pressed one hand on the fence, hung up from the waist down, two long legs easily crossed the fence, and he landed steadily. Of course, it's still on one foot.

Outside the fence, Gu Liang looked at Yang Ye and asked, "You haven't answered me yet. Are you angry just now? Are you still angry?"

Yang Ye rubbed his head after all: "Explore the case first. I'll talk about the rest later."

"Yes. But I still think—"

"Just take it, I want to accompany you to be punished."

"You really don't need to—"

"Gu Liang, can you just watch me sit there and enjoy my achievements, making you suffer?"

Gu Liang: "..."

Yang Ye: "Solve the case."


Yang Ye and Gu Liang went deep into the woods from the mountainside where the inn was, until they found the bottom of the mountain, and finally turned back.

They probably spent more than an hour on this trip.

When the two turned back, everyone looked at them expectantly.

Gu Liang paid special attention to two people.

——One of them, of course, is Mingyue. Mingyue smiled faintly at Gu Liang's gaze, and the emotion in that eye was still unclear to Gu Liang (touching Mo).

The other person Gu Liang noticed was another real murderer that he and Yang Yegang had confirmed.

The real murderer did not make a sound (color), but the tight lines from the shoulders to the upper arm and forearm, as well as the movement of the lips pressed and the corners of the mouth slightly downward, obviously exposed (exposed) his tension.

Gu Lianglue exhaled and looked at Li Xiaoyu first. "Lai Xiaoyu. We are one to one."


After a while. In the one-on-one interrogation room, Li Xiaoyu looked expectantly at Yang Ye and Gu Liang, "Do you know the truth? Are you going to tell me separately, and then tell the rest of the players separately, and then everyone secretly voted the old way?"

"Yeah." Gu Liang nodded, "Our thinking has always been correct. But we have fallen into a misunderstanding. We have been spinning around in the misunderstanding, so there was no progress for a long time."

Li Xiaoyu asked: "Where is the misunderstanding?"

Gu Liangdao: "We call the murderer who went to the other side of the lake (killing sha) and then shooting (killing) the boss of the bell as'murderer b'. Murderer b must be a ghost, because we are sure that the only person going to the other side of the lake is Shiqiao This way. These are all right. But when we ruled it out, we did it wrong."

Li Xiaoyu thought for a while, "You can rule out Liang Service and Chef Huang. Then, won't you leave Wang alone? At 2:10, Chef Huang overturned the fence and heard it. Then what happened to him was 2:10. I'll go to the other side of the lake after the division. But if you want to rule out the possibility of him and Liang Service colliding, I'll leave it up, he has to leave after 3:30 no matter what he does. Otherwise, he would be too risky to do this."

"Then he went to the other side of the lake, it's 4 o'clock anyway."

"But we have dinner at 6 o'clock in the evening, and he has to prepare for at least 2 hours. He did the food."

"Furthermore, we checked the back timeline just now. At 4 o'clock, the pretty service could see him cooking, and confirmed with him the evening dishes (color)."

"He seems to be too late--"

Gu Liang asked Li Xiaoyu: "Then what if he arrives on the other side of the lake before Liang serves?"

Li Xiaoyu was stunned. "But, he saw his girlfriend Jia enter Wang's lonely room at 2 o'clock, and then he saw me come out... He was right. He was in the inn at that time."

Gu Liang asked her again: "You didn't draw the curtains during the day, did you?"

Li Xiaoyu nodded, "Well, I'm afraid of mosquitoes. In the morning, I will accompany you to go fishing. I opened the window a bit bigger to allow ventilation. But in the afternoon I was in the room and closed the window, but did not draw the curtains."

Gu Liang: "That's right."

Li Xiaoyu: "...?"

Gu Liang explained: "The sniper. The gun has a scope. He is on the other side. He can see the timeline of everyone in your rooms from 301 to 304."

Li Xiaoyu seemed to have figured it out, (exposed) a shocked expression. "Fuck, so his own timeline is completely faked. He is too courageous!"

Gu Liang shook his head: "He is a little bolder. But it is mainly because of his careful thinking."

Gu Liangdao: "I tried that scope, and it was very clear. Therefore, Chef Huang can clearly see what each of you is doing in the thatched cottage where Money Wanders."

"At 2 o'clock, he could see his girlfriend Jia enter Wang's lonely room, and he could also see them set up together trying to trap Boss Ling."

"He can also see you leaving your room immediately. But you will return to the room soon, maybe he even saw you with a knife in your hand. So he can speculate that you should have not left the Diaojiaolou. Just went to the class and came back."

"Furthermore, he was very cautious when talking about the timeline. He gave us the illusion that he would leave immediately when he saw you open his door."

"After leaving the Diaojiaolou, he also claimed that he just took a look at the fence and went back to the room. In fact, when he first told me about it, he didn't clearly say whether he saw you out of the inn building. Because he didn't dare to leave It's dead."

"Including the time it took for the pretty service to go over the fence. He didn't actually say at the beginning. He couldn't kill it at 2:10. In fact, he said that he was a stilt building at 1:50. First look for it in the lobby and wine cellar. I called the boss, went to the third floor of the inn to see girlfriend Jia, and you, and talked about your timeline. On the way back, he indirectly said the timeline of the service. But the time of the service is relatively vague. of."

"This is because he can only see the time when the Liang service appeared on the stone bridge in the thatched house, and then make a calculation. She estimated when she went out, but he is not so sure."

"If Liang Service denied it at that time, saying that he went out at 2:20 and rushed to the foot of the mountain, that would not count as his flaw. Because in his timeline, he did not see Wang Guxie himself. This is why we speculated at the beginning that maybe only girlfriend Jia and boss Ling were in the room, girlfriend Jia forced boss Ling to stand in front of the window, while Wang Guxie squatted in front of the sight in the opposite thatched cottage."

"Therefore, even if Liang Service denied that he was the voice over the fence, we can still push this voice to Wang Guxie."

"Actually, the only thing Mingyue needs to bet on is Yang Ye, that is, the timeline of President Gao. If President Gao stays in the courtyard all afternoon, he can't say that."

"But for lunch at noon, President Gao said that he wanted to take a rest after climbing the mountain. Everyone has heard that."

"Come on again, I think at 1:30 in the afternoon, Xiaoyu, you finished the knife in the lobby and heard the voice coming from the courtyard. It was from Chef Huang. He might be burying the extra incense sticks, which is us. The one found under the pebbles."

"So, Chef Huang was still at the inn at 1:30. After eating at noon, he watched President Gao go upstairs. This is an inn with a verandah-style building. He was in the courtyard and he could see President Gao returning to his room to rest. As for President Gao, he went downstairs as soon as he slept. So he dared to fake the timeline around 2 o'clock.

"In fact, I think that Chef Huang left the inn at about 1:30 and went to the other side of the lake. The service was slow and it took 40 minutes to reach the thatched cottage. But when I checked the evidence, I ran through. It took more than a quarter of an hour, less than 20 minutes."

"Therefore, Chef Huang left at 1:30, and he was able to reach the thatched house of Money Wandering at 1:50. After he (killing sha) Money Wandering, he appeared in front of the scope and saw the situation in your various rooms around 2 o'clock. possible."

"He doesn't need to finish the layout of the murder scene before 2 o'clock. He can always observe in the scope, and when he knows your timeline, he can disguise Qian Lang as hanging himself."

"Probably after setting up the scene, he saw through the window of the thatched cottage and saw the figure of a pretty service appearing on the stone bridge, so he floated out of the house in the form of a ghost and hid in the woods somewhere behind him."

"After the Liang service leaves, he will return to the thatched cottage, staring in the direction of the inn through the scope, and wait for the boss Bell to appear at the window."

"Chef Huang can cook in the kitchen at 4 o'clock, and the nice service is almost the thatched house leaving at 2:55. Then the time for Chef Huang to fire his hands is probably between 3 and 3:40."

Li Xiaoyu couldn't help asking: "Then why did he make money stray to drink wine with Mongolian sweat?"

"Come on again, who can cooperate with him? I can't think of it!"

Gu Liangdao: "Didn't you read all of the wish book of Mrs. Ling? You take it now and turn to... it should be between pages 40 and 50. I can't remember the details. You take it and I will look for it. If you show it to you, you can understand-where did Boss Ling go yesterday morning. At that time, she never disappeared, but stayed next to one of us."

Genius remembers this site address in one second: ... zbb mobile version reading URL: m..

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