That night.

Weibo is extremely lively.

There is no doubt that AR’s victory has become a hot search topic, and countless college dormitories erupted with shouts of “AR is awesome!”

Now that we have won the championship, those who established FLAG will be liquidated.

@Meng Dazui: [Picture] Brothers, in order to celebrate AR, you have risked your life. Comment and draw 100 cash red envelopes. No need to repost.

In the picture, she is wearing a black and white classic maid outfit.

And she's a battle maid.

He was holding an AK47 toy model gun with the queen's skin on it.

The strong dark arms, thick thighs, and leg hair even came out from the gaps in the stockings.

The more people say that they don’t need to repost in the comment section, the more enthusiastic netizens repost.

In one night, more than 10,000 reposts were received, which was quite terrifying without the data brushing like Xiaoxianrou.

It is also his most forwarded Weibo post.

[Beautiful legs benefits, brothers, you’re welcome]

[Thank you so much to the man upstairs. Where do you live, I will send you some souvenirs]

[[Hannibal Sharpening Knife.jpg] What flavors do you guys like? 】

@Drain the leader Zhao Peng: [Video] The video of jumping the big pendulum is here. But the pigeons will be broadcast live tomorrow, and my waist is twisted. Damn it, it turns out that wiping the edge is also a technical job. Thank you for your hard work, network female bodhisattvas.

under this comment.

@Cute white girl: [crying.jpg]

@Strawberry Gummy Candy:[crying.jpg]

@The sweetness fills the air: [crying.jpg]

It became the scene where the female Bodhisattva cries at her grave.

Then netizens sensitively discovered that the number of followers on Zhao Peng soared from 58 to 172, all of which were taken from the comment area.

@一小白白: Willing to admit defeat, new horror game, play each one

There are also many popular female bloggers and anchors, all dressed in rags, wearing damaged CSGO gangster costumes, and holding model guns in their arms.

Naughty Cat’s official blog and CSGO’s official blog also posted congratulations on Weibo and said that the championship printing capsules are in production and part of the sales will be additional bonuses for the players.

At the same time, a sample printing sample was also released. The background is the AR team icon of the Hua Guofeng variant, and the player's personal signature is in the front.

The whole body is mainly red and gold gradient color, with a bit of embossed brushed style similar to that of the Eternal Spear and Prince, which looks more three-dimensional when attached to the gun.

But at ten o'clock in the evening, a Weibo post suddenly appeared and quickly topped the list.

It squeezed out # AR, # major finals, # AR championship, etc.

# "Doomsday Catastrophe" and Game Box reached a permanent exclusive agreement

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is obviously a hot search to buy.

But the content is shocking enough.

Permanently exclusive, game box?

Reminiscent of the fact that the game box was rejected from the market a few days ago and was sanctioned by Iron Fist. Players can finally let the two platforms coexist on their computers.

The war resumes.

However, this time the opposition from players was much smaller, as long as players were not allowed to make multiple choice questions.

As for which platform is exclusive, it doesn’t mean you have to buy another console, which is acceptable.

It's just a bit troublesome. There are multiple icons on the desktop.

The exclusive "Doomsday Catastrophe" still surprised many people.

This game is something that many players dream about.

It stands to reason that selling on all platforms is in your best interests.

While the players were all speculating, another piece of news was revealed by Uncle Dang.

The people who actually collaborated with Lin Mo at the beginning only reached a cooperation with Game Box because Lin Mo's rudeness and rudeness angered Fantasy Studio.

This news is based on rumors and rumors, and many people do not believe it.

But unable to withstand the naval offensive, many people just didn't believe that Lin Mo would be so rude and rude, but they also thought of another possibility.

Has the Origin platform grown bigger and become arrogant towards game developers?

Have a big appetite too?

What was lost in the previous channel war, should we get it back in another way?

Many players have doubts, but considering the bad record of Game Box, this time there is no one-sided cyber violence on the Internet.

Lin Mo was about to sleep when he found out about this, so he opened it and took a look.

The Chinese official blog of "Doomsday Catastrophe" was established today, with two updates.

One announced an exclusive agreement with Game Box, and the other released a new promotional video, creating a crazy rush to win the CSGO championship.

In the video, the PVE part and the PVP part are demonstrated.

In the PVE part, a player accidentally summoned a powerful monster while searching. Other online players in the city came out to share the pie, hoping to get rewards by killing monsters.

The PVP part is divided into two parts. One is for players to search private houses, find valuable things and bring them with them, and then fill them with food, water and medicine.

The second is that he mistakenly entered another player's base during a search.

The two fought fiercely.

The intruders were more skilled and used superior weapons to achieve victory with one headshot.

Finally, the houses of the aborigines were plundered and filled with treasures.

He even used explosives to blow open the safe and obtained a lot of crystal currency.

But when I walked out of the house, I stepped on a trap left by others. Fortunately, there was no one nearby.

Finally, we arrived at the gathering place where attacks were prohibited and started selling goods.

Some PVP enthusiasts who watched it were so excited that they wanted to go to the game and fight for 300 rounds.

This feeling of being able to kill your opponent in any way, returning home with loot, and escaping the pursuit of other players behind you, is so cool!

As long as you can offend others, you will be happy.

The key is at the end of the game, when the game is released.

August 10th!

At this time, the May Day holiday has not yet passed, this time means that it will be just over three months later!

For a while, game boxes were all the rage.

But the trailer is not without its problems.

This time, the frame drop phenomenon is more serious, and there are some problems with the feel of the gun. The phenomenon of mold clipping still exists, and there are even clippings where the voice mouth shape does not match.

It didn't extinguish the players' enthusiasm, but instead made them more excited.

After all, it is written clearly that the process of game development does not represent the final quality.

There are still a few months left, isn't this small problem easily solved?

In the words of a die-hard fan.

"All counterfeiting is perfect, how can there be a counterfeiting with so many shortcomings?"

Time enters July.

Game Box is going crazy, putting game advertisements on the streets.

This game can be found on co-branded flights, subway stations, shopping malls, etc.

The so-called "new concept shooting game of doomsday survival MMO" makes every player's ears feel calluses.

Today is a soft article.

[What kind of chemical reaction will there be when the new concept shooting game, MMO and doomsday survival are combined? Put an end to old antique shooting games]

Tomorrow is the UP main chat video.

[From "Doomsday Catastrophe", I saw a new future for FPS games]

Any news about the game industry is inseparable from the so-called "new concept shooting game", which is boring to read.

The key is that every word inside and outside must be played in CSGO.

Either it's saying that no one plays this type of game, or it's saying that this type of game is outdated.

This is true at home, let alone abroad.

While promoting, it's disgusting.

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