In a blink of an eye, the time came to July 20th.

Since it is a developer from Mauritius, the prime time for the live broadcast there is exactly midnight in China.

Players who want to watch the live broadcast need to stay up late.

It's time to get off work.

Lin Mo walked out of the office and saw Zuo Xuming and Du Rui sneaking around talking about something.

Seeing him coming out, the two of them said hello: "Mr. Lin, would you like to have barbecue and drink beer together tonight? By the way, wait for the live broadcast of "Doomsday Catastrophe"?"

At Naughty Cat, Lin Mo does not prohibit his subordinates from playing or chatting about their rival’s games.

They were even encouraged to play Zombie City and Alien after they were released.

Only when you are disgusted can you know which areas are worth more effort.

This trick never works.

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "I won't go, but I advise you not to go either. I don't know how to handle this live broadcast, but if nothing else, you will be disappointed."

The two looked at each other with hesitation on their faces.

I thought it was the announcement of the live broadcast of "Doomsday" that had taken away the popularity of the official announcement of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", and Mr. Lin was unhappy.

Seeing their guilty expressions, Lin Mo added: "Of course, I don't mind if you want to watch it. The choice is yours. I just think this live broadcast will delay your rest and won't see anything valuable."

"You really don't mind?"

"Of course it's true."

With that said, Lin Mo ignored the two of them and walked out of the company.

Even if you think about it, you know there must be something wrong with this live broadcast. Maybe it's just a night of painting, and then a minute or two of trial play.

Show the only exciting part live.

Do you really have to be so confident in the game that you won’t let a PVP-based game go on trial or start internal testing?

When I got home, it was time to go to sleep, and I didn't pay attention to the live broadcast at all.

A night of silence.

The next day, I came to the company.

It was still a little while before going to work, but the duo had already arrived early.

It's just that he doesn't look in good spirits and has heavy dark circles under his eyes.

Lin Mo looked left and right, and asked in confusion: "What bad things did you two boys do last night? Were you really watching the live broadcast?"

When he mentioned this, Zuo Xuming gritted his teeth angrily and said, "Forget it, I didn't see any live broadcast last night!"

Didn’t see it?

Lin Mo immediately became interested when he mentioned this, pulled up a chair and sat down: "Tell me in detail, what's the situation?"

Originally, last night's live broadcast was at 7 pm during prime time in Mauritius, which is five hours different from the domestic time and is at 0:00 domestic time.

I originally planned to eat barbecue and go home after watching the live broadcast. One or two o'clock is not too late, so I won't delay anything.


Unexpectedly, at 12 o'clock, the countdown to the live broadcast suddenly turned into one hour!

The reason cited by Game Box’s official blog and Fantasy Studio’s official blog is technical adjustments.

At one o'clock, I thought it was about to start this time, but the countdown turned out to be two hours again!

This time the two of them were completely confused.

This time, Fantasy Studio’s official announcement simply pretended to be dead.

The game box didn’t know how to find an excuse, it just said it was delayed.

The two of them thought that they had been waiting for so long, gritted their teeth and continued to wait.

When my upper and lower eyelids started to fight, when my physical strength from the mobile game was exhausted, I started to watch short videos again.

As a result, at three o'clock in the middle of the night, the countdown was reversed again.

Still have to wait two hours!

This time, the official blog of Game Box pretended to be dead.

Finally, at 7 o'clock in the morning, the official live broadcast room was closed and the signal was cut off.

There was no movement without warning!

At this time, the official blog of Game Box and the official tweets of Fantasy Studio were instantly rushed to the point of explosion.

Countless dirty words poured in.

There are actually 2,000 abusive comments at this point in time.

It can be regarded as the only one where scorpions poop.

After hearing this bizarre experience, Lin Mo was speechless for a while and asked: "So, you didn't use the recorded video to deceive people, you didn't fool people, you didn't make a fool of yourself, and it wasn't broadcast directly?"

"Yes!!" The two gritted their teeth.

Okay, awesome.

Lin Mo even guessed in the boldest way, but he didn't expect this result.

Isn't this the intention to blow up the players?

Zuo Xuming's eyes were red and the circles were dark, and he said bitterly: "Now I am told by Mr. Xinlin that this is a scam! I really regret that I wasted a whole night waiting for this crappy live broadcast."

Du Rui also nodded with a dark face.

I took out my phone and took a look, and sure enough, the players who got up early were also swearing.

Public opinion is at risk of getting out of control.

Every time I refresh the following list, there are game media editors who get up in the morning and work overtime to criticize this matter.

I refreshed it again, but I didn’t expect that there was really something new this time.

@Game Box: Due to some force majeure factors, the live broadcast last night was terminated. We apologize to the players. To express our apology, we will release a latest real-life demonstration of the game next.

Then the second one a minute later, the actual demonstration came.

Seeing the video, Zuo Xuming quickly found the video on the computer at his workstation and opened it.

As for the content, it is still the same old routine, showing off the technical capabilities of the game.

The protagonist searches at a gas station and faces the incoming zombies, relying on firearms and melee combat to eliminate them all.

There is also a woman's voiceover, and the content is a commentary video.

"Havoc creates a uniquely reimagined post-apocalyptic multiplayer online open world survival game for players, carefully developed by Fantasy Studios and published by Game Box."

Then there is a scene of entering a shopping mall.

It's resplendent inside, full of lights, and there's a light-tracing effect on the bright and clean floor. The picture is amazing.

It can be said that no game on the market has more stunning graphics than this scene.

But the more I looked at it, the more I felt something was wrong.

Each shot clearly has a splicing effect.

Zuo Xuming saw the scene that just flashed by and said in disbelief: "Isn't this scene a classic scene from "World at War" released last year?"

Then Du Rui also discovered: "Damn! Isn't this a scene from the first promotional video of "City of the Dead"?"

But then, both of them fell silent.

The next picture.

The running movement of a female character in it is almost exactly the same as Ashley's movement in a certain trailer of "Resident Evil 4".

The entire trailer is just a giant stitch monster!

"Tsk, tsk, did you blame me?" Lin Mo shook his head and sneered.

Zuo Xuming asked angrily: "Is it useful to sue him?"

Du Rui shook his head: "It's useless. What are you suing for? Just saying the moves are the same? You don't even protect the gameplay, let alone the moves."

Although he said this, he was actually extremely confused in his heart.

What kind of naughty operation is this?

Don’t forget that the game is not finished at all and cannot be broadcast live, so the trailer is a lie, right?

Zuo Xuming gritted his teeth with an unconvinced look on his face. After two seconds of silence, he suddenly asked: "Mr. Lin, this is obviously a trailer that stitches us together. Do you want to swallow this breath? I have an idea. Let's also shoot a video." , how about mocking them?"

Then he explained his plan.

The general idea is to play Edward in a live-action way and mock their despicable behavior.

After hearing this, Lin Mo pondered for a few seconds and said, "That's inappropriate."


Zuo Xuming sounded a little disappointed. Was he afraid of getting into trouble? This is not like Mr. Lin’s style.

Just about to say something more.

But Lin Mo said again: "This is too cheap for him. If you want to do it, make it big. Use our magic engine to make a scene like the one in their DEMO, and let players see the game made according to their specifications. , how ‘amazing’ the demonstration in the trailer is!”

After hearing this new idea, Zuo Xuming and Du Rui's eyes lit up, and they patted their chests and accepted the new job.

Even Lin Mo suggested that the two of them go catch up on some sleep, but they remained unmoved.

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