The game is over, return to the main interface.

Unlike the stereotype of free games, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, like CSGO, has a terrifyingly clean interface.

There are no pop-ups about the ultimate skin worth 1999 points, nor are there any pop-ups urging you to spend money.

On the main interface, a character with a good face is standing there. There is an option to start the game in the lower left corner, and a row of functional buttons such as achievements, mall, settings, etc. in the upper right corner.

"Have a try first! Let's see what it's like to play with players."

Click on single queue.

It didn’t take long to enter the game.

The perspective is in the sky, the plane is passing by, and the perspective is given to the cabin.

Rows of players, ready to go, sat on their seats with serious expressions, and finally a close-up of the character controlled by Teacher Ma was given.

"Oh? The route and the scope of the poisonous circle are different every time."

Teacher Ma was shocked, rubbed his hands, and felt a burst of excitement.

The plane's route is from the bottom of the map to the upper left corner.

"Where to jump? This is it. The airport on the island at the bottom of Aiglen is marked with a high-end resource area."

With that said, at the moment when he was prompted to skydive, Teacher Ma pressed the F key and the character flew towards the airport below.

"Yo~ There is another person not far away."

He looked to the side and took a breath of cold air the next second.

There are too many people!

There is a streak of colored smoke behind everyone, and the sky above the airport is filled with various colors.

Visual inspection estimated that there were at least 20 people!

One by one, like dumplings, they landed on the not-so-large map of the airport.

Teacher Ma panicked. When he landed, he failed to grasp the distance correctly and fell downstairs instead of landing on the roof.

In desperation, he didn't choose a way out. He broke the bed and climbed through the window to enter the first floor of the building. Then he squatted down and started to act like an ostrich.

After making sure no one noticed him, he squatted and moved forward a few steps, picking up an M416, 5.56 bullets and a first aid kit on the ground.

As for the bandages, I didn’t take them because I didn’t have enough space in my backpack.

With a gun in hand, I feel much more at ease.

On the roof of the building, a fierce gun battle broke out as expected, with sounds everywhere and footsteps echoing in the building.

Teacher Ma didn't dare to move. He held his breath and huddled in the corner of the room, watching the knockout prompts pop up one after another.

[Go out and beat them up! What are you doing here? 】

[Fuck you, you old man]

Seeing the questioning from the barrage, Teacher Ma did not panic at all and explained: "The name of the game is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Survival is our most important job. If you stay here, someone will naturally come to your door. Do you believe it?"

The barrage was naturally full of doubts.

There was another burst of gunfire outside the building, very close to here.

Then there was the sound of footsteps approaching from far away, followed by the sound of gunshots.

In a panic, he climbed over the window and broke in.

Seeing a bandage on the ground, I went up to pick it up without hesitation. I just didn't see the motionless Teacher Ma in the corner.

"What did I say? Someone is giving away heads!"

As he spoke, he pointed his gun at the little deaf and blind man who broke in and fired a burst of fire, taking the first head in his gaming career.

Then the second person in pursuit also arrived.

Seeing that someone else was about to climb over the window, Teacher Ma immediately picked up his gun and shot.

But this time it was so crooked that no shot hit.

The person who climbed through the window was also frightened and walked out halfway through the window.

Teacher Ma looked at the screen seriously and said seriously: "Don't panic. If he wants to hit me, he can only climb through the window, but this way he will be hit by me first. We have an advantage. He If you want to run away, we can chase you, but if you want to come in, you will die. We have already taken this head.”

The old habit of the gold medal lecturer happened again. While analyzing the battle situation, he heard the sound of a pull ring under the window.

Then, something dark was thrown in.

"What is this? Damn it!"

Teacher Ma was so frightened that he quickly manipulated the character to open the door and go out, but he was still a step too slow.

With a "boom", the grenade exploded.

With severe ringing in the ears, the character falls to the ground.

Several big words appeared on the screen: Better luck next time!

No. 73/98

People from outside came in through the window and started licking the bag.

"Ahem, our analysis of the battle situation is still correct, just a little bit off."

[Hahaha, can you make money like this? 】

[It’s just a little bit short of 100 million]

This time, in order to avoid too many people, I deliberately did not go to the medium resource area.

But this time, many people still landed.

And just jump next to him!

The two of them rushed into the room almost one after the other.

Fortunately, there are weapons on the ground.

In the center of the house, there are a handful of 98K, bullets and a pan.

Another enemy rushed towards a weapon slightly further away, stared at him while picking up bullets and guns, and started loading bullets.

"His submachine gun has an advantage over ours, so throwing away melee weapons at this time is the best solution! He is gone."

As he spoke, he took out a pan and aimed it at the opponent's head.


As a result, the moment the pan was thrown, the opponent squatted down to avoid the thrown pan!

It's empty!

"Huh?! This will do!"

Teacher Ma quickly took out the 98K and started loading bullets, but unfortunately, the opponent was a little faster.

The burst of submachine guns rang out, and Teacher Ma was killed for the second time.

The third time, since I didn't grab the enemy, I planned to sneak away first to show respect.

There was a sound of a car engine behind me.

"What's the sound?"

When he turned around, a car hit him.

For the fourth time, Teacher Ma finally thought about it and stopped going to large resource points and turned back to the wild.

Sure enough, no one competed with him this time.

Although he only has a first-class armor and a shotgun, the advantage is that he can survive a little longer.

After leaving the house, I had time to observe the details of this game.

The weather for this round is dusk.

Viewed from first person perspective.

The glow on the horizon gradually faded away, leaving only a faint haze.

The sun has already dropped halfway below the sea level, and the sky is coated with a layer of gold.

The light has weakened, and some details can no longer be seen clearly.

"The scenery in this game is really good." Teacher Ma said with emotion, "And it is also divided into day and night, which brings a different tactical experience."

All in first person.

The light of the setting sun shines on the gun, and it actually feels like a photo at the highest quality.

It's like someone really took such a gun and looked at the scenery on the island.

Both the reflection of light and the physical effects are top-notch.

The breeze blew by, and the grass about calf-high in front swayed in the wind, and a few trees not far away made rustling sounds.

Occasionally, rabbits and other small animals hurried past, avoiding possible dangers.

"The scenery has a very peaceful feeling. If it weren't for a battle royale game, it would be a travel simulator."

Teacher Ma adjusted the mode to walking, looked at the scenery and walked slowly towards the safe zone.

When walking through a small river, water drops splash, and you can also see the realistic water drop effect on the gun, which is full of immersion.

While appraising the scenery, he walked and soon reached the grass as high as his calf.

"It's so beautiful. Lin Mo's gaming aesthetic is truly online. Looking at such a beautiful scenery on an island full of killings, I actually feel a sense of peace and tranquility. Can you believe it?"

While Teacher Ma was immersed in the scenery, suddenly a person stood up in the grass in front of him.

He is all green, his clothes are ugly, and even the character is a dark-skinned person.

Lying on the grass in this outfit, Teacher Ma walked close and didn't see anyone lying there.


Teacher Ma was so startled that even the character jumped up.

He wanted to pull out his gun, but it was too late.

The old silver coin had already pulled out his shotgun and fired twice.

Clean and cool again.

Old Yincoin stepped forward, carefully observed Teacher Ma's buttocks, and even did two squats on the body.

Then he started licking the bag.

Teacher Ma was silent for a few seconds, then scratched his face in embarrassment.

"Hey hey~hin trouble~"

The barrage instantly burst into laughter.

[A peaceful day for nuclear safety, right? 】

[No, you really didn’t notice it? ! 】

It’s the beginning of the month, please vote~

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