August 20th.

The eleventh day after the release of "Doomsday" is also the tenth day after the release of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

August 20th.

The eleventh day after the release of "Doomsday" is also the tenth day after the release of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds".

For ten days, Da Sima, who is no longer young anymore, has been eating chicken in a high-intensity live broadcast.

The live broadcast time this month is even enough.

The audience can see that Teacher Ma is no longer doing this for work.

It's addictive!

[The second season of Hema Epic is officially launched! 】

【One of the best side dishes this year】

[Teacher Ma’s classic scene recommended for UNESCO World Heritage application]

Seeing the distrust in the barrage, Teacher Ma declared confidently like the gold medal lecturer before: "This one will kill at least three! If more, six or seven!"

Naturally, the barrage didn’t believe it.

[I will send you a flight if there are more than seven]

[If you eat chicken, I will give you a rocket! 】

In the guessing game that comes with the Shark platform, Teacher Ma’s option of placing a box into a box has a total of 120,000 beans, 100,000 beans for less than 3 kills, only 30,000 beans for more than 5 kills, and only 10,000 beans for 7 kills.

These beans cannot be cashed out and are for entertainment purposes only.

This time the jump was from City P. There were eight or nine people who came down together, and the sky was filled with colorful smoke.

Although Teacher Ma is very good at marksmanship, he is better at parachuting.

One of the fattest places was the stadium. He was the first to land, and he reached the inside of the building from the hole very accurately.

I got precious time to pick up guns, and I was very lucky to get the first level three and first level armor, as well as a UMP.

Then, the three players landed and began to try to pick up the guns.

Teacher Ma did not hesitate, switched to the first person on the spot, raised his gun and shot.

Although the machine sight is a bit difficult to use, none of the enemies have been able to get the gun.

Kill the only one with the shotgun with a few precise bullets, and then steal the head of a player with residual health.

Reload the bullet calmly, while crouching down to avoid the machete thrown by the other person.

Looking back again, I was faced with a lamb that was defenseless.

Three kills in just two minutes after landing!

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[It is open, it is recommended to block the account]

[Old Ma, you make me a stranger]

"Don't call me stranger, no!" Teacher Ma looked at the camera and said seriously, "My talent! I have already shown it!"

Next, it seems to confirm his words.

On the way to escape from P City, Teacher Ma actually killed another person and successfully escaped.

At this point, he already has a fully equipped SCAR, an SKS and an eight-fold scope.

This time, it seems that he is finally favored by the chicken god.

In the wild, I didn't meet Lao Liu, and the final round was in a small basin.

He took advantage of the favorable terrain and used high ground to defeat low ground.

In front of him is a plain.

There is little cover, and many players need to run poison.

It happened to be necessary to pass diagonally in front of him.

The ferocious firepower of SKS was fully displayed at this time.

It was a sunny day and the scorching sun also took advantage of the weather.

Five kills, six kills, seven kills!

Before the last poisonous circle had time to shrink, only the last two people were left.

I have had the experience of being fucked in the grass before.

This time, I focused entirely on the grass in front of me and up to my calves.

Soon, a black cloth appeared in front of him.

Teacher Ma's eyes lit up and he took out his SCAR without hesitation and fired at the man lying on the grass.

Seeing that they were discovered, the enemy began to fight back.

It's just rifle versus rifle. Teacher Ma has an expanded magazine, but the opponent doesn't!

My marksmanship is a bit poor, but I have a lot of bullets.

The last bullet came out of the gun, and blood exploded in the grass.

"What is this? Read it out loud!" Teacher Ma chuckled, "Good luck, let's eat chicken tonight! Eight kills of chicken, is it valuable enough?"

【Fuck! Isn’t this too strange? 】


[Is this really Lao Ma? ! 】

In an instant, the barrage was overwhelming.

"Please call me the gold medal chicken king, thank you! What did you say just now? Why are you so timid after seven chicken kills?"

This has reminded me that gifts are flooding in.

Super fire, rocket, airplane, card application.

"Thank you to Rocket who likes to smell Lao Ma's underwear, thank you to Geoduck who likes abalone for twenty cards, thank you to Turtle's Blackhead for sending me the plane."

Just thanking the gift took a full ten minutes.

For a time, those who had not eaten chicken since the release of the game were tortured.

Teacher Ma let out a long breath, smiled bitterly and said: "Brothers, I really can't thank you for the 500 yuan SC barrage? Let me see what this brother said. He said that Fantasy Studio just declared bankruptcy. Already? Huh?"

This news instantly filled the barrage with question marks.

Bankruptcy? collapse?

Teacher Ma quickly opened the information website.

Sure enough, a video from five minutes ago.

[The developer of "Doomsday" declared bankruptcy and the game has been removed from the store! 】

Teacher Ma and everyone were stunned.



Hey guys, what is a classic cold joke among programmers, as long as you and the programmer can run away together?

Click in.

"Breaking news!

Everyone must know about the game "Doomsday" produced by the fraud company Fantasy Studio and exclusively distributed by Game Box, right?

Today, Fantasy Studio suddenly issued a statement saying that due to insolvency, the studio went bankrupt and closed permanently. Players who have purchased the game can continue to play.

At present, the official YouTube channel of "Doomsday" and the personal channels of producers Edward and Eisen have been closed.

As for the game box, it has not yet responded to this matter. "

The article also posted the last piece of official news to enhance the authenticity of the article.

Teacher Ma looked in disbelief: "I say cyber fraud is just for venting, but is it really a fraud?!"

He also took a special look at Twitter and YouTube.

The article is absolutely right, this studio really ran away.

The news spread all over the Internet instantly.

Many players who still had hope for the game had their expectations dashed.

Also update the hammer?

The studio and everyone ran away with their buckets.

After this wave, the reputation of game boxes is completely bad.

The stench is overwhelming.

The public opinion problem of using its monopoly position to force players to choose one from the other has not yet been resolved.

I thought about using exclusive games to win back the victory and gain reputation and make money, but it turned out to be a mess.

The abuse and calls for refunds intensified.

[Players of "Zombie City", if you don't come and give "Doomsday Catastrophe" negative reviews, I will give you guys good reviews! 】

[Brother, it really doesn’t matter. Let’s help each other, okay? 】

[Guri’s Game Box, Geneva, refund! ! ! 】

[Zhou Wei is a dead liar! ! ! 】

This time they are no longer just rats on the street, they all have the feeling that everyone can kill them.

Players don’t care that the game box is just a game sales platform that has signed an exclusive agreement.

All I know is that I was deceived when I bought a game on your platform because I saw your ads, and you have to take responsibility!

If you buy fake and shoddy products in a supermarket, the supermarket still has to take responsibility. Do you want to distance yourself from the relationship?


There are also international students who do not believe that evil is far away in Mao, and they have traveled thousands of miles to check out the company address of Fantasy Studio.

It turned out that the building had long been deserted.

The news that Fantasy Studio ran away with a bucket naturally also spread to Game Box.

The company has already been in chaos.

In the morning, Zhou Yiwei was still thinking about how to solve the cyber fraud claims that were circulating on the Internet, and wanted to restore his reputation.

I still have a little bit of fantasy, just in case all the game content that should be implemented later is implemented.

What if the reputation picks up?

The foundation or framework of the game is good, as long as it is turned into something that can be played normally and can be called a game.

As a result, in the afternoon, he heard news that shocked him for a whole year.

Fantasy Studios, declares bankruptcy and closes studio.

Run away!

Obviously, during the video call last night, he was still urging the game to be updated as soon as possible, to fix bugs, and to install various missing game systems.

The other party also readily agreed, saying that he would actively cooperate and do his best to repair the relationship with the players.

As a result, bad news came today.

My head is buzzing.

How could such a thing happen?

Zhou Wei's scalp felt numb for a while.

Only then did I realize it in hindsight, and the more I thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Why would a game like this that is obviously going to be a "big hit" beg to be exclusive to the platform? Why would it go to Naughty Cat first and then Game Box?

Why would Lin Mo give up his monopoly and not save any face for Edward?

Why do game promotions have so many game features that are almost impossible to achieve.

Why did the other party have such a strange expression when talking about using the law to protect one's own interests during the first video conference?

Why is there the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets during a video conference?

I see!

Think again about the previous inappropriate announcements, the unreasonable corporate philosophy of so-called "volunteers playing games", the abnormal pigeon live broadcast and other strange incidents.

He just wanted to give himself a big slap.

It was obvious that something was wrong, but it still came to an end.

Are you following a ghost? Why do you believe this!

The word regret is not enough to describe my inner feelings.

But the more terrifying question is what to do next! How to deal with this piece of x!

The situation in Mao is well known.

law? Rights protection? Accountability?


No one knows where they are now!

People ran away and the company went bankrupt.

The money, of course, cannot be recovered.

Not long ago, Game Box used its monopoly position to squeeze out the origin platform, and this happened again.

It is said that this fraud incident has alarmed the Tourism Committee, and a new opinion draft is being drafted.

Rumors have spread that this time the iron fist will hit again, and it will hit harder.

The stronger the Game Box’s initial publicity campaign, the stronger the backlash is now.

At this moment, he seemed to hear a sound in his ears, the sound of heartbreak.

I'm still thinking about competing with the Origin platform through this exclusive game.

Now I have dug my own grave.

Finished, finished completely.

At this time, as the central figures of the incident, Edward and Eisen had arrived in the Lighthouse Country.

In a luxury hotel, two people were sitting at the table in nightgowns.

"Cheers!" "Cheers!"

The two wine glasses clinked together, Edward drank the amber liquid in the glass, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Aisen was a little drunk and his cheeks were already red, but he could not hide the joy on his face.

"It's a pity that Lin Mo is not easy to cheat. He refuses to close the door and give an unconditional refund for two hours. He has to see the game for trial play. Otherwise, he can make more money,"

When the name was mentioned, Edward's face didn't look good, and he said gloomily: "If it weren't for his video, there wouldn't be so many players refunding money. It's such a pity."

"What's the next plan?"

"Of course, let the money make money. Money makes money. You don't think this little money is enough for a lifetime, do you?"

Edward smiled and gestured to the expensive wine in the glass.

"Oh? Any good ideas?"

"I think the Metaverse is a good project. What do you think?"

Eisen hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Invest your money here? It feels unreliable."

"It's not urgent anyway, you can think about it again."

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