It's mid-September.

If there is one hottest keyword on the Internet this month, it must be "eating chicken".

Taking advantage of the popularity of the origin platform and the extremely high game quality, the novel game method is in line with the characteristics of friends playing black games.

In the Internet cafe, if you look around, you can see people who are either playing CSGO or eating chicken.

The good news is that CSGO is no longer the dominant player in Internet cafes.

The bad news has become two-handed.

Not only that, at the dinner table and in their spare time, many people will take out their mobile phones.

"Brothers, do you want to eat chicken?" "Eat! I am 98K accurate!"

Then start a game.

Light players have the gameplay of light players, and heavy players have the gameplay of heavy players.

Every game is a different experience.

Movies and games promote each other. Movies are popular and games are explosive, and the explosion is very exaggerated.

The number of people online at the same time in the game has increased linearly.

It is already about to equal CSGO’s peak online number of 2 million, and is sprinting towards a higher level.

As for how high it will eventually be?

I dare not even think about it.

This is only on the PC side, not counting the console side and mobile phones.

With such a huge user base, free games have become money-making machines.

The major manufacturers are more sensitive to this heat.

They are studying their own IPs one after another.

Can you change to chicken-eating mode?

If you can, then eat chicken instead.


Then make a chicken game.

If you want to win a shootout, you won't be able to grab it, right?

Then let’s have a martial arts game, then have a Western fantasy game, and then have a science fiction game.

In short, no matter what method you think of, you must make a chicken-eating game.

This heat must be taken advantage of!

Under this circumstance, the game exchange conference held by the Game Committee this month has become a place that many designers want to go to.

Because Lin Mo was invited to participate in a lecture related to the chicken game.

In addition, there is another incident that caused an earthquake in the industry, which many people expected.

After criticizing a report two months ago, the Gaming Commission issued a new opinion draft.

"Measures for the Administration of Sales of Electronic Games and Software (Draft for Comment)"

It clearly states that electronic game and software sales platforms should strengthen content control and establish reasonable refund channels.

Although it is only an opinion draft at present, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before it is officially implemented.

The biggest impact has been on the game box, which has been the most popular in recent months.

Refunds for "Doomsday" are imperative.

This time and again, it directly emptied the family fortune.

Zhou Wei has aged several years in the past six months, and his originally black hair has turned much whiter.

First, he was beaten up by a set of punches from Naughty Cat, and then he encountered the liar from Fantasy Studio, and suffered a huge loss of blood.

A large number of game manufacturers defected to their opponents, and a large number of players uninstalled game boxes to vent their anger.

This resulted in a sharp drop in the company's revenue.

Will the company fail?

Not really, there are still three thousand nails in the broken ship.

After all, it used to be number one in China, and even now it is still number one in terms of installations.

But it is only a matter of time before we are caught up.

So now it’s time again to “have to make a big decision”.

Looking at the layoff list handed over by HR on the table, he showed a trace of unbearability.

Many people have been with the company for many years, and he can even name some ordinary employees.

Zhu Huanming, Wang Yu, Qu Jijun, He Xiangnan

But now, there is no other way.

However, when he thought of those two liars from the Mao Kingdom, he felt itchy with hatred.

If these two liars are not punished, they will be so angry that they will not be able to eat.

At this point, it's useless to lose your temper or break things.

The bitter fruit we are eating now was sown by our original carelessness and underestimation of the enemy.

Thinking about it, he suddenly cursed: "What are you afraid of? I just lost once. I won't starve to death."

Then he stood up and shouted toward the door.

"Prepare a car and go to the Chinese Game Exchange Conference."

Go and see with your own eyes what kind of person this young man who made himself so embarrassed is.

The Huaguo Game Exchange Conference is an official industry exchange meeting hosted by the Gaming Council that is not open to the public.

As an unavoidable part of the game industry in China, everyone who can be named in China is invited, and the game box is naturally one of the invited people.

Although I have been beaten with an iron fist recently.

The exchange meeting also has several exhibition halls.

There are technical exchanges, industry discussions, various game lectures, etc.

Originally, as a representative of the game platform, which is an important part of game distribution, he was also invited to give a speech, but he declined due to the bad luck in the past six months.

Entering the venue, Zhou Wei looked at the speech program carefully.

This year, many new companies have been invited, the most prominent of which are Naughty Cat and Lin Mo.

Not just one, but two lectures.

Regarding the exchange of experience in anti-cheating technology, and the upcoming lecture on the experience of designing the "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" series.

Without any fanfare, he walked into the venue just like an ordinary attendee, wearing his name badge.

This time, there were no empty seats at all.

Countless people stood at the end to listen to the lecture.

Not long after waiting, a young man walked onto the stage.

The audience applauded in unison.

The young man above entered the gaming industry in August last year because he was dissatisfied with the proliferation of game cheats.

Today, five games a year have refreshed the perceptions of countless people in the industry.

No matter how proud you are, you have to be convinced.

"Hello everyone, I am Lin Mo, the chief designer of Naughty Cat. I have led the development of "CSGO", "Long 4 Dead", "Plants vs. Zombies", the "Resident Evil" series and "PUBG: Battle Royale".

“We’ll start with a topic, which is the application of luck and skill in multiplayer games.”

“If we use technology as the x-axis and luck as the y-axis to analyze each game’s demand for technology and luck, it can be divided into four quadrants.”

"That is, games with high demand for high luck and high technology, represented by Texas Hold'em Poker."

"Games with high demand for luck and low skill are represented by games such as Ludo Monopoly."

"Games that require low luck and low skill, represented by Tic-Tac-Toe, have a strategy of winning first and almost no luck factor."

"A game that requires low luck and high skill is represented by Go. Skill accounts for almost 100% of the winning and losing factors."

"A major job of our game designers is to balance the randomness and technicality in the game. If one of them is too high, it will lead to the loss of one."

Speaking of this, Lin Mo gave a vivid example: "If CSGO's gun buying mode is to open a blind box, can you imagine what kind of disaster scene it would be? Of course, if any MOD authors see it, you are welcome to try and discuss it. The boundaries of this gameplay.”

Many people in the audience laughed kindly.

Zhou Wei looked around and found that many people had a notebook in their hands.

Looking at the PPT on the stage, I took notes and drew the coordinate system.

He's not a designer, but that's not hard to understand.

Every game has its audience, and one of the designer's jobs is to figure out what the strengths and weaknesses are.

Luck is randomness, which can increase the fun of the game and bring uncertainty to the game. The desire for luck to bring benefits is engraved in the genes.

But hard-core technical players are very disgusted with randomness, which will bring them a lot of negative feedback.

In CSGO, you clearly have the tactical advantage in marksmanship, but the way to buy weapons is to open blind boxes, and you keep buying revolvers R8.

If you lose a game in a multiplayer game due to luck, you must be devastated and feel that the designer is an idiot.

So how to balance randomness is a big problem.

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