January 3, airport.

Lin Mo had already received the award and had no intention of keeping it longer.

It was also because Wang Yi wanted to have some time to discuss game design and be entertained by the host, so it was postponed for a few days.

Wang Zhicheng didn't plan to leave with him. He finally came here and wanted to spend some time with his daughter.

"Mr. Lin, although I have said it many times, I still want to say it again." Wang Zhicheng said seriously, "Thank you!"

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "You have a share of the credit for "The Best of the Year". I am not a robot. I also need to rest. Doing everything by myself will make me exhausted."

"To be honest, I didn't expect it to really win the best of the year." Wang Zhicheng lamented, "Originally, I thought that if it could sell 500,000 copies and win one or two small awards, I would be satisfied."

"So, old games have not become history, they just lack a suitable stage for them to shine."

Hearing Lao Wang's words, Wang Yi snorted and said, "That's Teacher Lin. Wouldn't it be cool if you were allowed to play this game?"

"You girl, can't you save some face for me while you're out there?"

Seeing the relationship between father and daughter, which is like two good friends, I think about Wang Zhicheng's thinking and philosophy.

No wonder that such a world-renowned game designer can be brought out in an environment where domestic games are not yet recognized.

Lao Wang is a man who works hard and is very capable. He is not greedy for anything else but loves his reputation.

The way to cooperate with Naughty Cat is simply to join the company and get paid to work.

Lin Mo thought about using 3% of the total revenue as a bargaining chip for cooperation, but he refused.

Now, the duo is on sale and has won the best of the year. Lao Wang’s wish has come true.

According to the original negotiation, he also planned to take a rest.

The past few months of development have been exhausting.

As he spoke, Lao Wang had a disrespectful smile on his face and asked in a low voice: "So, Mr. Lin really doesn't want to accept the award invited by Station P?"

Wang Yi blushed and pinched Wang Zhicheng from behind.

"Mr. Lin is a serious game producer. Why would he accept an invitation from a website like that?"

Lin Mo ignored the joke, which was not funny at all, looked at her and asked, "If you have any plans to work at Naughty Cat, you are welcome to take up the position. I will inherit my father's legacy."

Wang Yi also smiled and nodded: "That's for sure, but at least I have to wait until I finish the project at hand before I think about it."

After saying goodbye, Lin Mo took his luggage and waited for the security check.

The father and daughter also returned to the parking lot and prepared to drive home.

On the way, Wang Zhicheng couldn't help but ask: "Do you really have the idea of ​​returning to China? This dad absolutely supports it, and Mr. Lin is a young and handsome man, tall, handsome, and has outstanding abilities."

"Dad! I just admire Teacher Lin's design concept. What do you think?" Wang Yi grabbed the steering wheel and complained quietly.

Then he said with some seriousness: "I came to Lighthouse Country because of its advanced game design concepts. Now that there is Teacher Lin in China, of course I am willing to return to China if possible."

As she said that, she couldn't help but sigh.

Wang Zhicheng also sighed in his heart, although he didn't care on the surface.

But she didn't win the best award of the year, which seemed to be a huge blow to her daughter's heart.

The way back was very long. After chatting for half an hour, I got bored and took out my phone to scroll.

Just the sound of the first video made him sit up in excitement.

Wang Yi smiled and joked: "What's going on? Did you see a ghost story?"

Wang Zhicheng's face was solemn, he checked the information on his phone again, and then said: "It may be scarier than ghost stories."

"Ah? What's the news?"

"You were photographed while cheering for Lin Mo and me at the WGA."

"What's the point? You are my father, and Lin Mo is the person I respect like a teacher."

"However, this was all captured on film and denounced online. Moreover, there are widespread rumors on the Internet that you are experimenting with "The Dark Cage" in order to ruin the project and make way for "Two Men" to be the best of the year."

Wang Yi subconsciously tapped the brakes, causing a sound of horns behind him.

"You must be sick! When I took over the development of "Dark Cage", it was at the end of three years ago. At that time, Teacher Lin was still the master of UP, and CSGO had not yet come out! How could it be possible to make way for "Two Players" across several years?"

Wang Zhicheng shook his head seriously and said, "It's not over yet. The fact that you said Martin is a clown has also spread on the Internet. Many people are accusing you of racial discrimination."

Wang Yi's eyes widened suddenly.

Four words appeared in my mind.

Political struggle.

This trick is too commonly used in the Lighthouse Country.

Wang Yi works at Hurricane Studios, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts Entertainment.

The company has a history of internal strife.

The previous chief designer of "Dark Cage" resigned due to sexual harassment.

Then Wang Yi, a woman, took this position because of her strong work ability and the gender characteristics of the lighthouse country.

Then relying on his own ability, he just revitalized the half-dead project "Dark Cage".

As for the current "Demon Hunter", the previous chief designer also stepped down due to some inexplicable reasons.

She was being used as a shield and firefighter again.

As a result, the game still has a few months left to release.

The same thing again? !

"Dad, let me take you home first. I may have to go to the company."


After a long flight, Lin Mo finally returned to China.

The company's driver had already driven Zuo Xuming and was waiting at the airport.

But before he could find a barbecue stall to have a delicious meal, he saw a piece of news that confused him.

"Calling me a trophy thief? Is Wang Yi racist? Using "Dark Cage" as an experiment to protect me from winning the annual award?"

After getting in the car, Lin Mo felt a little outrageous. Two people who were so incompatible with each other could actually be blamed?

Zuo Xuming said with a smile: "Maybe Wang Yi has this intention? To be honest, I don't have a good impression of foreigners."

Lin Mo read several reports carefully, and the more he read, the more he felt something was wrong.

This purpose is a bit too strong!

"No. This is probably to create momentum. Wang Yi is going to be in bad luck."

The next day.

Lin Mo did not choose to rest and came to the company early in the morning.

Zuo Xuming came early as always. As soon as they met, he couldn't wait to rush forward.

"What's wrong?"

He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Lin, as you expected, Wang Yi is indeed in bad luck."

Lin Mo frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Players in the Lighthouse Country were used as a weapon, and they all criticized Wang Yi for using immature ideas to deliberately destroy the game and make way for "Two People" to win the best of the year." Zuo Xuming looked serious, "Electronic Arts because of race Discrimination is investigating her.”



Lin Mo was a little surprised.

In just the past five days, the situation has changed dramatically?

Even a little want to laugh.

When leaving Lighthouse Country, I casually invited Wang Yi, but I didn’t take it seriously.

They are doing a good job there, the chief designer, why would he go back to China and work for himself?

But look at it now.

Maybe this is actually possible.

The next few days were even more magical.

If it weren't for "Two Men Go Together", the best game of the year would most likely be either "Dark Cage" or "World at War".

Although the Martin I met on the WGA did not directly say the word "trophy thief" on social media.

But on Twitter, this matter was also hinted at many times, and it was strangely expressed several times.

He also tactfully stated that if it were him, there would be no issue of racial discrimination, and he would get the new game "Devil Hunter" back on track and abandon the immature "highly difficult" design concept.

Defeat the "trophy thief" and win this year's Best of the Year award!

The spearhead was pointed directly at Lin Mo and Wang Yi.

It's really been widely recognized by the Lighthouse Country, which is outrageous.

On the Internet, except for China, players from all over the world are denouncing this matter.

Ask Electronic Arts to give an explanation.

Wang Zhicheng was a good friend for many years, and he also talked with Lin Mo on the phone.

When asked about his situation, he always sighs.

Two more days passed, January 10th.

At this time, he was staring closely at the system panel in front of him.

With the best word-of-mouth fermentation of the year.

The progress bar is still moving slowly and will soon break through the 85% mark.

What kind of reward will it be?

Will the Magic Engine be upgraded again?

It's not impossible.

But in comparison, Lin Mo hopes to focus the technology tree on hardware technology.

The engine functionality is adequate for now.

In the process of thinking, the time countdown ended.

A screen of light that only he could see popped up in front of him.

Congratulations to the host!

Mission accomplished!

Reward: VR technology +1

It is detected that it is related to the assets under the host's name and has been bound.

Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised, what did he say?

In this world, virtual reality, that is, VR, does not exist. On the contrary, it was once a very hot concept.

But since the collapse of the metaverse virtual property four months ago, many investors and speculators have lost a lot of their assets.

This concept has fallen out of favor, and few people mention it anymore.

Just like in the previous life, it’s not that the stuff or technology is bad, it’s that it’s immature.

There are many problems.

For example, there is the issue of weight. After wearing it for a while, it feels like there is a thousand pounds of weight on your head, making your neck sore and your eyes tired.

For example, regarding price, if a high-tech equipment is to be popularized, price is a very important factor.

Another example is the problem of dizziness, narrow field of view, blurred edges, etc.

Again, it’s the future, but not now.

I didn’t expect that the future would come so soon?

Since the system has said this, there must be a breakthrough.

Among the many technology companies that Lin Mo has invested in before, one company called Genting Technology focuses on VR research.

I couldn't get through on the phone, so I was thinking of going to have a look, but the company welcomed a pair of unexpected guests.

Father and daughter Wang Zhicheng and Wang Yi.

As soon as they met, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh.

The father and daughter seem to be having a hard time lately.

Wang Zhicheng's face was full of fatigue, his hair was whiter and there were more wrinkles.

Wang Yi is no longer the energetic, always positive, optimistic, and somewhat impatient person he was before.

She was a little depressed at this time, her eyes were a little red and swollen, her face was bare and pale.

His eyes were empty and lifeless, like a zombie.

"When did you return to China? How is it going in the Lighthouse Country?"

Wang Zhicheng sighed and said: "The company's investigation is over. It was determined that Xiaoyi had engaged in discriminatory behavior and was fired."

Lin Mo was silent for a while, he had thought of it when they met, and it was indeed the case.

"What about "Demon Hunter"? A game with such a good situation, it will definitely win the best action-adventure award."

"That Martin took over and lived up to expectations."

When Wang Zhicheng said the words "live up to expectations", his teeth itched with anger.

He cares more about his daughter than anyone else.

After a brief silence, he took a deep breath and asked directly, regardless of his old face: "Mr. Lin, I want to ask what you said when you left the Lighthouse Country."

Lin Mo glanced at Wang Yi, who was a little depressed.

He is in need of a talented designer with similar design concepts as his deputy.

The company has more and more projects, and Lin Mo is gradually unable to do what he wants.

However, such a designer who is not confident, has no fighting spirit, and is depressed is not what he wants.


The company that we have put in for several years and the project that we have worked so hard on is suddenly taken away, fired, labeled, and bullied online. You can imagine the blow that was suffered.

But still the same sentence.

This kind of designer is not what he wants.

Lin Mo is not a person who likes to speak harshly, but next, it seems that he needs to put on a show.

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