Naughty Cat Studio.

"Boss, is this too risky?"

Lin Mo looked up and asked in confusion: "What's the risk? Will I be assassinated?"

Zuo Xuming touched his nose, feeling embarrassed and speechless.

Assassination will not happen. After all, if the game industry is bad, at least it is still a society governed by the rule of law.

However, as a practitioner with certain work experience, he always felt that his boss was taking a road that no one had ever traveled before.

And this determination is a bit heavy.

He previously worked for a game company and ran a small online game that cost money.

Although it is not a shooting game, scripts and plug-ins are rampant, especially in PVP.

Anchors and some big guys have taken scripting and plug-ins as a matter of course.

It’s not like the officials haven’t taken action, but in the face of threats from Kryptonians and anchors to force her to have an abortion, the officials still gave in.

After all, these people are the big spenders.

Anyway, ordinary players can't beat it in PK, and they can't beat it even if they turn on the script plug-in, so let's go for it.

It makes no difference anyway.

There was a chance to save it, but the game environment continued to deteriorate day by day.

The situation in CSGO is exactly the same now.

This new game had a "minor illness", but the boss's decision was to uproot the root of the disease, not caring about the pain.

"Boss, what will happen if these anchors join forces to cause trouble? We want to deal with the phenomenon of hyping jewelry prices and cheating at once. Are we too hasty?"

Lin Mo smiled lightly. If the system didn't have a set time for the task, he wouldn't be in such a hurry, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Glanced at the mission panel.

[Mission completion: 65%]

If we continue at this pace, there will be no problem in completing the task until the end of time.

However, Lin Mo has obsessive-compulsive disorder and feels uncomfortable when he is not 100%.

Click on Weibo hot search.

At this time, after many parties have added fuel to the flames, the four letters CSGO have made the headlines on Weibo.

[I’ve had enough food tonight, how can this be a heroic move? It’s Operation Red Lock! 】

[My friend’s warehouse number has 120,000 goods, all of which have been blocked and are now on the rooftop]

【It’s sealed well! I’ve long been displeased with gangsters, but today justice was finally carried out]

【When will Dawei be fair? Dawei didn't open it. I think Brother Mo was just retaliating against Dawei for blocking his account with anchor rights, but Dawei has already apologized, what else do you want? 】

[Facts aside, isn’t the official wrong at all? 】

[Absolutely banned by mistake, how could so many anchors cheat? 】

[Something big happened, all the anchors used the same copywriting to ask for explanation! 】

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and clicked in to take a closer look.

The first is Dawei’s Weibo.

@Daweiweiweiwei: Today, we are very disappointed with the Naughty Cat official. Faced with such an obvious mis-blocking, not only did they not deal with it immediately, but they also refused to admit it. Is this how the official treats players? Please give us an explanation! Give me back my account and my accessories!

Some anchors forwarded this post, while others copied and pasted it.

All in all, it was an organized and premeditated forced abortion.

"They're already making trouble, much sooner than you think."

As he spoke, he turned the monitor over and tapped the screen with a ballpoint pen.

Zuo Xuming quickly looked around and saw that there were all major shooting game anchors on various platforms.

"This, this, boss, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Cold salad." Lin Mo shook his head regretfully, "I am a bit determined to die. In this case, give them a chance."

Zuo Xuming was stunned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"There is absolutely no way that the warehouse jewelry account will be unblocked." Lin Mo smiled faintly, "As for the issue of cheating, since they are so sure, let's prove it offline! Give them this opportunity."

Zuo Xuming's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

"I'll do it right now!"

The next day, an official announcement from Naughty Cat was issued, pushing the matter to a new climax.

People who eat melons expressed that they can’t eat any more.

Offline self-certification! Official supervision!

Not only the anchors, but all banned players can come forward to testify.

As long as the self-certification is successful, the account can be unblocked and an official public apology and apology can be obtained.

However, after the announcement came out, the atmosphere online became a bit strange.

There are surprisingly few people who accept self-certification for the first time.

"Good morning, brothers! Today I will teach you a newly discovered rice garbage sewer one-way cigarette. The score is unbeatable!" Meng Dazui said to the camera in his trademark loud voice.

In recent days, the live broadcast industry has been changing.

Meng Dazui, as the latest technical anchor with rising popularity, is a little too stable.

I just hone my skills day after day, study props, practice basic skills, and teach novices.

Even before the broadcast every day, I will run pictures for two hours.

No ups and downs from the outside world can enter his live broadcast room.

Never chat, never comment, never take advantage of others, never make friends.

This live broadcast style has gathered a large number of players who like to watch high-quality games and learn skills to improve their skills.

"That's it? Have you learned it? It's not difficult to throw the method. It's mainly aimed at the opponent's players who like to grab the first position, but remember not to be superstitious."

"It's best to have friends to help cover you when playing this way. Okay, let's have a real battle. Maybe I can get into the top 100 on the ladder today with this skill."

Not long after, the game was scheduled and the game started.

In the third round, Meng Dazui started to demonstrate directly, but just as the smoke bomb was dropped and exploded, his cell phone suddenly rang.

After frowning and looking at it, he raised his eyebrows and didn't care about playing the game or even controlling the character to return to the bunker.

Turn off the sound in the live broadcast room and answer the call.

His expression was very wonderful, even a little weird, as if he couldn't believe it.

The barrage was also fun.

[Isn’t Big Mouth Wife checking the post? 】

[I think the official notice is that Big Mouth will be paid or his account will be blocked. 】

A minute passed, the call was completed, and the character was killed as expected.

But Meng Dazui didn't look depressed at all. He turned on the microphone, resumed the live broadcast, and apologized to his teammates first.

No matter how the fans in the live broadcast room asked, he refused to say what call he received.

It's just that the expression is worth pondering and has a sense of bad taste.

Things are getting more and more heated with the help of rhythm and caring people.

Game marketing accounts have said that their accounts are full and cannot be loaded.

Come to the day of self-certification.

In the end, only 15 people signed up to self-certify their innocence offline.

Naughty Cat's official charter flight, food, accommodation and food brought all anchors from other places to Zhonghai City.

The entire process of self-certification was broadcast live online.

As for the location, we directly rented a venue and carefully built a soundproof shed.

Naturally, the 10,000 seats on site cannot be wasted.

If you want to watch the excitement, you can make reservations online and swipe your ID card to enter.

The start time of the notification was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but early on, a large number of players poured into the live broadcast room.

The ups and downs during this period, today, here, will the coffin be finalized or will the rhythm be resumed? Everyone is looking forward to it.

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