The entire video is finished.

[Holy shit, art, electronic products, garbage? Lin Mo is sarcastic and sarcastic]

[Laughing to death, I love such a weird company. I love it]

[So in summary, EA is garbage? 】

【Nothing wrong! 】

【New game two months later! Isn't this too fast? It can give birth better than a sow]

Xiaobai also laughed loudly, although he did not indicate which game he was a fan of.

But out of love for high-quality games, Naughty Cat-related news has been paying attention.

"This may be because Lin Mo was unhappy with Electronic Arts' disgusting lawsuit some time ago, so he came up with this."

Then I clicked on the replay of the video and watched it again.

This time I had a preconceived impression, and I always felt that every sentence had something to say.

So, in the live broadcast room, the anchor started a pleasant "Easter Egg" hunt.

[To say that he has won two awards is probably to mock Electronic Arts for not having won a single Best of the Year Award. Lin Mo has already won two awards]

[This passage about difficulty and simplicity should be a mockery of how Wang Yi’s game was changed into a mess, and he died violently in the end]

[The words "the two of you are mine" should refer to Wang Zichen and Wang Yi joining Naughty Cat after they both left their jobs]

[There were a few sentences before about orders and the like. They were probably mocking Electronic Arts for wanting to win orders from Disney, but they were intercepted]

[Holy shit, are you so brave? Isn’t Electronic Arts suing Naughty Cat for unfair competition? 】

Xiaobai was also happy.

As a Chinese, I am a gamer.

The vast majority of people in the country are like him and unequivocally support Naughty Cat. If they don't mention this, Electronic Arts is being stupid.

Wang Yi and Wang Zichen were both expelled, and some players have long complained.

Why are you targeting our Chinese designers like this?

Are you saying that Electronic Arts is being mean and disgusting?

Take a step back.

It was Naughty Cat who did something wrong and poached two people by unfair means.

That’s awesome too!

What do you do at Electronic Arts that you can't even keep the head designer of your own studio?

All in all, Naughty Cat is awesome.

When the disgusting things about Electronic Arts first broke, many people were looking forward to how Naughty Cat would fight back.

Judging from the past, Lin Mo is not a character who knocks out his front teeth and swallows them.

I thought they were all big companies and would use some business warfare methods that ordinary players could not understand.

Unexpectedly, the imaginary means of commercial warfare.

Speak eloquently in court to force the other party to apologize and reconcile, or use outside forces to exert pressure, or use certain technical means.

Some players even speculated whether they would hire a killer like in the movie!

The result is a real business war.

The trailer for the new game is sinister and sarcastic.

They say you don’t slap someone in the face, so this trailer will hit you in the face.

If you don't want to hear something, you just say it.

Xiaobai said enthusiastically: "Brothers, I'm going to get off first. I'll have some fun tonight. I'm going to stay up all night to edit a video and post it on YouTube. Come and like it then!"

Saying this, he opened the editing software without waiting for the audience to stay.

According to the audio track of the original video, different pictures are added.

For example, when it comes to "winning two awards", the picture changes to the scene of Lin Mo's two best performances of the year.

For example, the sentence "These two, what's yours is mine", the accompanying picture turned into news that Wang Zichen and Wang Yi joined Naughty Cat.

For example, the sentence "It's right if it's hard, but it's useless if it's too easy." The accompanying picture turned into a comparison of the first-week sales of "Demon Hunter" and "Monster Hunter: World."

Been busy for more than an hour.

Editing completed.

Based on past experience, Naughty Cat’s international official website will either announce the news at the same time as the domestic one, or the English version will be delayed by a few hours.

Moreover, Xiaobai was also worried that he would not be able to understand these weird and mysterious things and their connotations in an English environment, so he thoughtfully re-edited the video and added pictures, which is very intuitive.

Since you are sarcastic and sarcastic, you must make the other party angry.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste?

the next day.

Bao Ken returned to the office a little tired, loosened his tie a little, and felt suffocated.

Just now, he participated in the company's shareholders' meeting and accepted questions from major shareholders.

Nothing more than why Wang Yi and Wang Zichen were fired, why "Devil Hunter" was overhauled before its release, and so on.

The meeting lasted five hours and was exhausting.

In the end, Hao Xuan coaxed and lied and settled the matter temporarily.

"Damn, damn it!"

He cursed angrily, then took out a wine glass in the office and took a swig.

Due to the recent problems with new games, and the loss of a large order from Disney, the stock price has been falling, not to mention crashing.

As of today, it has fallen by 6 percentage points, and its market value has evaporated by nearly $2 billion.

Naughty Cat is not the main reason, not the root cause, but it is the direct cause.

The game didn't lose money, but even if it did, it would be a drop in the bucket for a giant like Electronic Arts.

The key is that investors don't have enough confidence in Electronic Arts.

This is a big deal.

Bao Ken couldn't help but smile bitterly. He never expected that one day he would have to rely on the "Skyfire Armor" series to save the day.

Hopefully the series’ good reputation can be used to save it.

He was not optimistic about this project at first.

Tomorrow, "Skyfire Warframe 2" will be officially released, pre-sales will begin in advance, and the game will be released on June 28.

However, what made him feel uneasy was.

The toy company Kids King obviously has a good foundation for cooperation.

This time, we once again mentioned the cooperation to launch the Skyfire Armor 2 series of toys, but they were actually rejected!

Dear Bowken, I am very happy to receive the invitation to cooperate, but I refuse.

Shi refused.

This was something he didn't expect at all and found it unbelievable.

Doesn't make sense?

I wanted to find out the reason, but the other party was very confidential about this matter.

Not a hint of wind was heard.

I just heard that the other party is planning a new series of toys.

It will be announced and released in early July.

Open YouTube and start browsing the latest industry consultation videos.

"CSGO's skill-based battle MOD has been well received? Haha, I have already predicted this. The new game "Thunderfire Ranger" in August will definitely shock the industry!"

"Wang Zichen, the chief designer of Skyfire Battle Armor, resigned to join Naughty Cat? This old news is still around."

"Naughty Cat's new work "Titanfall"? June 25th?"

Bao Ken subconsciously tightened his anus and did an anus lifting exercise.


Or was it intentional?

Somewhat nervously, I clicked on the video and started watching.

I had already expected it when I saw the name and cover of the game, but when I actually saw the content of the game, I couldn't hold back my anger and slapped the table and stood up.

"Good on you Lin Mo!"

Bao Ken gritted his teeth for a while, taking the plot and story as one of the main selling points, mecha, and sci-fi futuristic style.

All these things need to be explained clearly.

I'm here for you Electronic Arts!


Bao Ken frowned slightly, and some of the lines in the middle seemed to be jokes or allusions to something.

Two chapters left in the afternoon

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