Electronic Arts over there.

Bao Ken covered his heart. He was no longer angry or angry, but felt a little uncomfortable all over.

Especially the chest.

Naughty cat.

It’s endless, right?

When my new game is released, you will come to disgust me, right? They all want to grab the popularity, right?

"Black Knight" invested so much publicity funds, and also sacrificed the PVE mode of "Thunderfire Ranger".

I just hope that this good game can get more attention on the day of the trick, and the chance of winning the best game of the year will be greater.

The result was totally unexpected.

Lin Mo is causing trouble again!

I feel disgusted with you just once, because of Wang Zichen’s matter, I sued Naughty Cat for malicious competition.

Well, at most we had a few wars of words over the announcement.

Didn't it end in the end?

I didn't take any money from you.

How many times have you disgusted me? It’s endless, isn’t it? Come again this time!

There are many players buying games.

However, many of them actually went to play with the ancient flying dragon in Monster Hunter for the first time.

The more I think about it, the more heartbroken I become.

He obviously had a good hand, but why did he end up playing like this?

It was obvious that he was a Thunderfire Ranger who had made a lot of money, but in the face of gambling agreements from various sponsors.

It can only be regarded as a small profit.

Far from meeting expectations.

Finally, the long-awaited "Black Knight" was cut off from Lin Mo.

It was also upstaged by a mere linked ancient flying dragon.

Dark Souls is obviously going to be released before December, so it can win the WGA's best game of the year.

Is this disgusting Electronic Arts?

Or is he taking revenge on Tidal Studios and Werner for going back on their word?

Still have them all?

Thinking that my position as CEO may be over, my chest feels even more uncomfortable.

The shareholders' meeting has become increasingly dissatisfied, and there may be only one chance left for him.

If "Black Knight" can win the best film of the year, there is still hope of a comeback.

Thinking about it, I called Werner again.

As soon as he came up, he made no secret and said unceremoniously: ""Black Knight" must win the best of the year, you know! No matter what method you think of, increase your publicity efforts!"

Werner was greeted with such a sentence just after he answered the phone, which seemed a bit silly.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said weakly: "But Mr. Baoken, the matter of the best game of the year depends on how Lin Mo's new game is."

Baoken snorted and said: "Monster Hunter has little hope of winning the award. Thunderfire Ranger was launched before Overwatch, so it is not considered innovative according to the selection rules. The storyline of Titanfall is too short. Dark Soul is your only opponent. It must be won! Lin Mo said you have a chance!"

Werner was speechless for a while.

You were still reminding me two days ago that "Black Knight" was the first game Lin Mo said to have a chance to win the best game of the year without Naughty Cat.

Are you now taking Lin Mo's words as a life-saving straw?

Is this an addiction to abuse?

But even after the big boss said it, he could only nod in agreement.

"Okay Mr. Bowken, I will definitely win a WGA trophy for you! Let those who sponsor Overwatch regret it!"

Baoken was stunned when he heard this and asked: "Sponsor Overwatch?"

"Ah? Don't you know, Mr. Baoken? There are several brands just announced."

Baoken's eyes widened in disbelief.

No, Overwatch doesn’t even have a league.

Sponsor a hammer?

I quickly opened Twitter and read it.

It didn't matter what he saw, his eyes were immediately filled with darkness.

@Invista: From now on, if you purchase the linked RTX series graphics card, you will receive the "Overwatch" Cyber ​​Evil Genji skin!

Here’s what the skin and graphics card look like.

It can be seen on the skin, and the workmanship is extremely fine and elegant.

It inherits the cool light pollution and multiple color combinations of the cyberpunk style, especially the dragon tattoo on Genji’s arm, which has a fluorescent effect.

When the ultimate move is activated, the dragon tattoo will also light up.

Whether it's a dart or a katana, the voice, movements, and close-ups have all been redone.

You can choose the color of Genji himself, the appearance of the evil spirit mask, the type of katana, and the appearance of the darts.

The linked model of the graphics card also inherits the same style, highlighting a light pollution, and the color matching is the same as that of Cyber ​​Evil Genji.

When the fan is spinning, you can also see the head of the cybernetic ghost.

Handsome is just one word.

Look down quickly.

It’s not just INVISTA.

Various sports goods, restaurant chains, car companies, etc. are countless.

The sports items will be linked to new skins in the Overwatch Summer Games, which will be updated next year.

For catering, if customers buy a linkage package, they will receive CDK as a gift and some character voice avatar spray paint as a gift.

For drinks, we have launched drinks linked to popular female characters such as DVA Angel.

Drinking girl juice is a real deal.

The car company painted the sports car with a concept paint to show off its skills, but it did not launch the same car in the Overwatch game.

But in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, during the linkage month, this car will appear at a random car spawning point in the game in each round.

Some are now, some are in the next month, and some are next year.

Bowen understood everything now.

Why did these sponsors rush to cancel their sponsorship and demand compensation as soon as the Thunder Fire League fell below the red line required by the betting agreement?

This kind of commercial sponsorship prohibits sponsors from taking sides and sponsoring competing products.

Fortunately, now, the sponsorship of Thunderfire Rangers has just ended, and the money received from Electronic Arts has been given to Naughty Cat!

What is intolerable is unbearable.

You can bear it but I can't!

My chest hurts even more.

Werner looked confused on the phone.

What's going on?

How come after saying that sentence, the keyboard beeped a few times and then went silent?

I was just about to ask the boss if he had any advice.

I heard a sudden rumble from the opposite side, as if something fell to the ground.

Then the female secretary's scream came from the other side.

"Mr. Bowken? Mr. Bowken! Is there anyone there? Call 911!"

Werner swallowed.

Isn't it?

Don't blame me.

Thinking about it, I quickly hung up the phone.

The next day.

A piece of news is spreading online.

[EA CEO Bob Ken suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment! 】

In the article, the whole process of the matter is described in a realistic way.

[It is reported that. Yesterday, Electronic Arts CEO Bob Ken suddenly fell ill in his office and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the belated secretary discovered Baoken and called 911 in time. Baoken was immediately sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. According to the current information, Baoken is fine. ]

The comments below are even more hilarious.

[Blessings, I hope the disease will be defeated soon! [Hands together][Hands together]]

[In half a lifetime, I will win thousands of thumbs, but in one lifetime, I will gain a reputation of filth. Well worth the trip! 】

[How could this secretary do this? Late? Why the hell can't you go home from get off work early? 】

[You’re not angry because the Thunder Fire League has gone cold, right? (funny)】

No matter how sad the netizens were, Baoken still came through disappointingly.

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