The wind and rain from the outside world cannot affect players who like this game.

No matter what the reputation is, it cannot stop it from being the most popular game on the live broadcast platform.

none of them.

The effect of the live show is really great.

Many players have passed Kudat and thought their future life would be bright.

Unexpectedly, this was the beginning of the suffering.

Lao Xue looked at the two roads to the left and right.

Go up the stairs on the left, and there are mobs everywhere.

The straight avenue on the right is also full of monsters.

After thinking for a while, Lao Xue asked: "Brothers, where should we go? Give me some advice."

[Go up there, there are good things]

[There is a surprise when you walk up there]

"Okay, let's go up there."

As he said that, he walked up the steps on the left.

As a result, just when he reached the top of the stairs, he drew his sword and saw a monster.

Just listen to the roar of a giant dragon.

A dragon flew over and stepped heavily on the high wall.

Lao Xue was startled.

"Fuck! What is this, an ancient flying dragon?"

Before he could get the answer to the question, the dragon opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of flames.

The platform above the steps turned into a sea of ​​fire.


Lao Xue:.

Come out of the campfire again.

It's still the same as before, after dealing with a few monsters, go up the steps, get the fallen soul, and then quickly roll backwards.

Get away from this sea of ​​fire.

"Hahahaha! Sand Sculpture Dragon, if I let you spray to death again, I will be your grandson! You also help me kill monsters, thank you!"

With that said, he turned and walked towards the second road.

That is the road on the left.

Holding the shield, he was about to fight the monster in front of him for three hundred rounds.

Unexpectedly, the giant dragon breathed out fire again.

This time the destination is the road on the right.

Flames filled this road that was not spacious to begin with.


Lao Xue looked at the death interface in front of him with a look of disbelief.

After a few seconds of silence, he took out his phone.

Sent multiple messages.

"Lin Mo, I've finished the new game, let's go out for a drink! I miss you so much, I want to show you something good."

[Hahahaha, I’m so angry, do you want a real person PK? 】

[Mr. Lin, you, run! 】

[Long: Grandson, you are here]

[Lin Mo (v): Don’t watch, just play your game]

Lin Mo (v) sent Rocket x1

Lao Xue felt his blood pressure rising.

"You still have the nerve to send rockets! Come here, I promise not to beat you to death!"

[Lin Mo (v): No! 】

Meng Dazui couldn't resist the audience's request, so he had no choice but to buy the game.

High Walls in Lothric.

It can be said that you are careful every step of the way and don't dare to make a mistake.

They were all unconscious.

Finally we reached a quieter place.

"Brothers, I have too many souls in my body. I can upgrade it to two levels. I think it would be better to upgrade it to one level."

[Treasure box ahead, open it before proceeding]

[There are good things in the treasure chest, grab it quickly]

[There is an artifact ahead! 】

"Huh? Treasure chest?"

Meng Dazui's eyes lit up and he immediately walked in happily.

The treasure chest is on the innermost side against the wall.

Walk over and press the interaction button.

Suddenly, the Mimic Monster in front of him stretched out his hand.

At the same time, the lid of the box was opened, and the inside looked like a mouth, full of sharp teeth.

He grabbed Meng Dazui and put it into his mouth.

"Holy shit! What the f*ck is this? A mouth? Why does this have a mouth!"

There was a constant sound of chewing as the box lid opened and closed, making waves of broken bones and chewed flesh.

The characters' screams echoed off the walls of Lothric.

Meng Dazui watched in confusion as the few blood levels dropped to zero.



"The treasure chest became a spirit? Mimic?! You did a good job!!"

Meng Dazui knocked on the table angrily, with a heartbroken look on his face.

That was enough soul to upgrade two levels, and it was all lost.

The second time, I walked to the Mimic again with careful steps.

Because he died once, all the mobs were resurrected.

After fighting all the way, I accumulated a lot of souls, so I became more careful.

When I arrived in front of the Mimic, I encountered a problem.

The location where the soul falls is too far inside.

Can’t pick it up!

Only the Mimics can be killed.

After thinking about it, Meng Dazui said: "Brothers, since it's a Mimic, wouldn't it be good if I get close and chop it, then hide away, and cycle back and forth?"

【Foot control benefits ahead! 】

[There are bare feet and long legs in front]

[Benefits of tongue kissing before]

"What about bare feet, foot control, are you crazy?"

Just do it.

Meng Dazui walked over quietly, charging up his strength and slashing out with his sword.

Then a roll backwards.

Just waiting for an opportunity to continue attacking.

But he saw a scene that he would never forget.

Mimic, stretched out his hand.

Then he supported the ground, stretched out his legs, and stood up!

The lid of the treasure chest was opened, and there were still two rows of teeth, and a large tongue that was one meter long spit out at the same time.

"No, are these the long legs you are talking about? Bare feet? Damn it!"

[My legs are longer than yours, so just tell me if you have long legs]

[Just tell me if it’s barefoot]

[Just tell me if it’s your tongue]

Just before he could react.

The treasure chest bad guy jumped up, like a ballet, spinning 360 degrees in the air.

A flying kick.


Meng Dazui took a deep breath and roared: "House Manager, block all the ones that say they have benefits! All of them!"

This time, the soul is completely gone.

【Shock! A famous anchor actually died because of bare feet? 】

[Is there any MOD guy who can add a black thread to the Mimic Monster?]

On the high platform, an enemy was watching eagerly.

Zhao Peng's blood volume has bottomed out at this time, and the element bottle has been drained.

"It's over, it's over, what should I do! I have so many souls, I can't die!"

I felt a little desperate for a moment.

The way forward has been blocked by the enemy.

Can't go back!

Only by killing the enemies in front of you can you have a chance of survival.

[The opponent doesn’t have much blood, so you both have a chance to strike with one blow (funny)]

【Combat skills! What are you doing with the blue stripe? 】

Zhao Peng's eyes lit up.

"Yes! Combat skills! Suffer death and see the true strength of my undead man!"

Saying that, he switched to two-handed weapon state without hesitation.

A combat skill shot.

The character holds the sword with both hands, charges directly forward, and then carries it forward.

This combat skill is extremely fast and does decent damage.

In an instant, the enemy was killed and turned into a soul floating on his body.

"Fuck, I did it! Eh? Wait!"

Combat skills are good at killing enemies.

However, this is a high platform!

There is a cliff ahead!

Zhao Peng watched helplessly as the undead man charged over his head.

He missed the mark and fell down.

I just heard a miserable "Ah~~".

Fall into the abyss and die tragically.

Zhao Peng was stunned for two seconds.

"Fuck your grandma's dark soul. I won't play anymore. Whoever wants to play will play! Fuck you uncle!"

Without hesitation, just download it.

Red cloak, pointed hat, mask.

Two identical people kill each other.

Same clothes, same weapons.

He held a dagger in one hand and a sword in the other.

The one who survived looked coldly at the undead who came.

Brother Exaggerated was tense all over, and he looked nervously at the first salary king he met in front of him - the Abyss Monitor, the French Undead Team.

After dying three times.

"This BOSS is finally relatively simple, not bad, not bad. The humanoid monster can hit hard!"

But the words just fell.

Another identical Abyss Watcher rushed out.

"What the hell?! What are these, two? Why are they two!"

Brother Exaggerated was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split apart, and he retreated repeatedly.

I can only steal a few knives in my spare time.

It's just that it wouldn't be Dark Souls if it were that easy.

You have to be worthy of the word darkness!

The next second, the third Abyss Monitor charged forward with its feet on flames.

The red eyes are very scary.

The undead man screamed and fell to the ground.

Brother Exaggerated looked at the hip-hop group in front of him in shock.

"Three. Three!! Lin Mo, just be a human being! How do you want me to fight?!"

On the Mouse Stage, there are more live broadcast rooms for Dark Souls.

Even more than in China.

A very muscular white man wearing a navy shirt stood up from his seat.

His face was tense.

In front of him is the fourth salary king.

Prince Lorien.

After a fierce battle.

"It's going to pass, it's going to pass! NICE! Thank God!"

One final slash.

Everything goes black and a cutscene begins.

Prince Lorien fell to the ground helplessly.

A smile appeared on the anchor's face, but it froze in the next second.

On the throne, Prince Lothric teleported directly to Prince Lorien.

"Brother, this is my sword, Prince Lothric. Please stand up. This is our curse."

Prince Lorian, who could only crawl on his knees, stood up again.

On his back, he carried Prince Lothric.

The fighting resumes.

The number of element bottles is decreasing rapidly.

Finally, Prince Lorien fell to the ground again.

"So unbeatable? Come on!"

The controller clicked and outputted desperately.

Prince Lothric was not afraid of the attack at all, and knelt down to pray for something.

Then, Prince Lorien woke up again.

After a teleportation, vision was lost.

Turning around, Prince Lorian slashed him with his sword.

The undead man screamed and fell to the ground.

How harshly I scolded you just now, how angry I feel now.

After screaming "Ahhhhhhh" for a while, he started to curse loudly.

"Son of the beach! What a silly girl!"

While cursing, he pulled off the handle cord.

Then it hit the ground, plastic flying.

"See you tomorrow."

Saying that, he downloaded the broadcast without hesitation.

In another live broadcast room.

A girl started a live broadcast.

Behind him is his boyfriend in his pajamas playing Dark Souls.

He kept swearing all the way and banged the table angrily from time to time.

The girl kept covering her mouth and snickering, communicating something in a low voice with the barrage, laughing at her boyfriend's furious look.

On the screen, the dancer in Lenglie Valley has a graceful figure, and the speed of each move and style seems to be very slow, but she can always accurately hit the undead person in front of her after rolling.

It's easy to get used to the slow knife, and now I want to have a fast knife that is so fast that I don't have to react quickly.

Once again, he was killed by the dancer's quick and slow knife.

The guy in front of the computer couldn't help it.

He cursed loudly, stood up and punched hard.

Pierce the screen directly.

"Farke! Farke!"

Cursing loudly, he picked up the game console and smashed it on the ground.

"Oh my God! Jack what are you doing!"

The little brother didn't answer, he just kept scolding Fake Fake.

A few minutes later.

The younger brother was pushed to the ground by the police who burst into the house.

Neighbors called the police.

The two of them explained for a long time that they smashed the computer because they were angry after losing in the game.

No domestic violence.

The two policemen disarmed and left.

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