Walking out of the venue, as in previous years, I did not stay in the lighthouse country for too long, and returned directly to the country after a night's rest.

This is the time when the old and the new are changing, and there is a three-day long holiday spanning Saturday and Sunday.

Normally, it is necessary to take a day off, because New Year's Day does not fall on Saturday or Sunday, but is a day apart.

Lin Mo thought about it and decided to give everyone in the company an extra day off, from the 31st to the 3rd.

The group was filled with joy and called Mr. Lin long live.

Du Rui chose to go home.

One is that I want to go back and visit my family during the holidays.

Another one is his father, Du Jingming. One student had some problems and wanted to go back and see what was going on.

Lin Mo finally had time to play games and have a glass of wine with Lao Xue.

January 3rd.

When two people who hadn't seen each other for a long time met, it didn't take long before there were already more than a dozen beer bottles on the table.

Lin Mo was a little better, but Lao Xue was already a little drunk.

"I said, Mr. Lin, you are worthy of being a big boss. I can't compare to your drinking capacity."

Lin Mo was amused and said with a smile: "Is it possible that you are older and that's why you can't do it anymore?"

Lao Xue was stunned, smiled bitterly, and swallowed a glass of wine in one gulp.

He is Lin Mo's senior, and he also studies games.

I'm a few years older, graduated earlier, and then started working as a UP boss.

Later, I met Lin Mo.

"Forget it." Lao Xue took out his cell phone and clicked a few times, then put it on the table. "Look! The latest news is that Bao Ken is about to step down! This bastard has long been disliked by him. "

He said and slid again.

Next, Werner's studio was disbanded, and the IP naturally belonged to Electronic Arts.

The Twitter God of War is showing off his power again.

Accused Electronic Arts of their shameless behavior on social media.

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? To join Electronic Arts, you must have this awareness."

Lao Xue was very happy to see it and said: "This guy is not a good guy. He raises the price from the ground and waits for the price. I don't even think about why the Black Knight became so popular!"

As he spoke, he swiped the phone screen again.

Next post, Ruian leaves his job to spend time with his family.

Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh.

This can be considered a talent, but it is a pity that it is the parent company of Electronic Arts.

The design ideas of Thunderfire Ranger can be seen to be influenced by CSGO a lot.

Being able to do this is truly commendable.

Lao Xue swiped the screen again, next one.

This time, it was an official message from an organization called [Internet Addiction Treatment Center].

As soon as he came up, there was a man in a white coat.

The two recognized each other immediately, and the famous Yang Xinyong on the Internet called him a beast.

As soon as he came up, he started to talk a lot.

"Parents, do your children also have the following conditions? They often hold their mobile phones and laugh at the screen, fall in love online, are addicted to games, and have declining grades? In this case, they may be suffering from Internet addiction."

Lin Mo and Lao Xue frowned at the same time.

Because although the background image is mosaic, it can be seen that it is CSGO and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

In his mouth, he directly compared the game to a scourge. At first glance, it sounds quite bluffing.

Lao Xue cursed: "What kind of ghosts and monsters are you talking about?"

Said and clicked on the comment area.

Below, there are really many parents looking at pictures of peonies or rivers and other scenery, asking for details of treatment.

"Really, hell is empty, the devil is in the world." Lin Mo sighed.

Today, the mantra among parents is that cell phones are ruining our children.

Ten years ago, computers destroyed all our children.

Fifteen years ago, it was MP3 tape star pop music that ruined all our children.

Twenty years ago, it was novels that destroyed all our children.

In short, irresponsible parents never reflect on their educational failures.

As soon as there is any trouble, the child's performance decline or rebellion will be attributed to external factors.

Just like what is written in the novel, the evil of human nature gives birth to the devil.

This is the soil for things like this network ring center to exist.

These so-called online abstinence centers do illegal things in the name of science and treatment.

He makes money crazily by sucking the blood of parents and students.

Outside, don’t forget about bad money.

Taking advantage of the traffic of the game and using the moral high ground as a weapon for others.

Seal the money.

Naughty Cat, as the most famous and one of the largest game companies in China, is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Because I didn't pay, I was often criticized by this so-called beast.

He won the Best of the Year award a few days ago, which provided good material for these beasts.

He criticizes Naughty Cat every day with examples and calls for the closure of game companies, so that children can get back on track.

Lao Xue was also full of indignation.

"Do you want to sue?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "It's useless, it will only make you look bad. Cold treatment is the best way."

For a shameless person like Yang Xinyong, prosecution will only make him happier and then become material for him to promote himself.

Lao Xue sighed and turned off his phone.

"Stop talking, come on, take a sip! By the way, tell me about your years of making games? At first I thought you were a very thoughtful person, but I didn't expect you to be so talented in games."

"It's a long story."

The two continued to drink and chat.

After talking about the WGA scene for a while, Werner and Martin looked so ugly.

Let’s talk about Baoken’s tragic upcoming resignation as CEO in a moment.

So unhappy.

After three rounds of drinking, just as the drinking party was about to end, Lin Mo's cell phone rang.

I took it out and saw it was Du Rui.

What are you doing on the phone at this time?

"Hello? Du Rui? Are you done with your matters?"

"Mr. Lin, something happened here." Du Rui's tone was very solemn, "I may have to take a few days off. My father will cause some trouble."


"Tell me what's going on."

"My father's student has been sent to that Internet detention center and suffered inhuman torture. He fell from a tall building when he escaped and was seriously injured. Fortunately, his life is not in danger."

"What? Fallen?" Lin Mo frowned tightly.

"Yes. My father blames himself very much, and I need some time to spend with my family."

"Okay, I understand. Leave is allowed. Tell me if you have anything."

Seeing that Lin Mo was a little angry, Lao Xue quickly asked: "What's going on?"

After telling the whole story.

Lao Xue said without hesitation: "I know what you are thinking, but it is best not to get involved. This is different from your determination to rectify the game industry. This is a completely different field, and it is not something you can handle."

Lin Mo was silent for a long time.

What Lao Xue said makes sense.

He is just a gamer.

There is no ability to seek justice for the victims.

There is no way to send criminals to the hospital.

Even if it is done by the state machinery, it is very difficult to collect evidence.

The other party stands on the commanding heights of morality, and his external image is that of a doctor, a scholar, a beast, and a good person who saves children from Internet addiction.

And I am just a game company.

Is there any way that I can help these poor children in my own circuit and send this devil, this butcher, to where he belongs?

Wait, butcher?

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

Maybe, there really is a way.

At the same time, there was a "ding" in my ear.

A task panel popped up in front of me.

【To trigger side missions! 】

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