VR room.

In the room, a variety of equipment is displayed.

It took a lot of time just to put on the equipment as ordered.

Looking at each other, they all look like the trousers worn by gangsters in the movie when they steal precious collections from art galleries.

After receiving the firearm as ordered.

Naturally, these guns cannot fire bullets and are one of the devices used with VR.

But the feel and weight are exactly the same as in normal training.

Looking at each person's body, it looks like they are really on a mission, with thirty or forty pounds of equipment.

The comrade couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "It's just a game, do you want it to be so realistic?"

Finally, I walked onto the universal treadmill and put on the VR headset.

This "game" journey has officially begun.

After entering the game and calibrating, everyone appears in the same lobby.

They can see each other. Teammates who were originally wearing inexplicable equipment are all fully armed in this hall.

Even the expression on the face is clearly visible.

You can reach your teammates by walking around the character, and you can also reach out and touch them. The tactile gloves can also send corresponding feedback.

The person being touched may have a corresponding feeling on their body.

This feeling is very novel.

The point is, this picture is so realistic.

There is no dizziness at all like playing low-quality VR games in the past. For a moment, you will think that you are actually performing a task instead of playing a game?

The instructor's voice sounded all around.

“Let’s start the first mission.

20xx year x month xx day. In the Central Street Cafe, a dispute occurred due to debt arrears. The suspect was so excited that he took the client's wife and children hostage with a knife. After the negotiations failed, a hostage rescue operation was launched with the approval of superiors. Since the location where the suspect was holding hostages was not suitable for snipers, Gu sent a special operations team to rescue him! "

Everyone immediately looked serious and began to listen to the suspect's various conditions.

But the more Hou Ping heard, the more something seemed wrong.

Isn't this a game?

Is it necessary to make it so formal?

Moreover, because the picture quality is too realistic, the sense of substitution is too strong.

My body became tense, as if I was actually on a mission.

Whether it’s training or drills on weekdays.

It's fake after all.

His eyes went white, and when the scene appeared again, he had already arrived at the scene.

At the same time, there was a reminder from the command center.

According to the information, the suspect has a younger brother who has an extreme personality and is likely to be bewitched by him to act irrationally.

The situation in the coffee shop is unknown. While ensuring the safety of the hostages, the disposal method can be chosen on the spot according to the situation.

Thanks to the excellent security in the country, not everyone has carried out similar operations.

It was the first time I saw this similar scene, there were many people there.

Some people's faces were calm, and some were visibly nervous.

Soon, the first mission attempt began.

Use the back door of the coffee shop to enter.

Since it was the first training mission, it wasn't too difficult.

The structure of the cafe is not too complicated.

Within a few steps of walking in, I saw the suspect holding the hostages excitedly shouting outside.

According to the training content, the captain entered the coffee shop first, and the other members were on guard to prevent any unobserved suspects.

However, there was no time to officially start the rescue operation.

Just hearing a loud roar, a suspect rushed out from the bunker on the left side of the door and came towards the team with a knife.

"Bang" sound.

Gunfire rang out.

At this moment, Hou Ping had only one thought in his mind.

Is this a game?

At this moment, there was chaos in the cafe, shouts outside the room, the sound of bullet casings falling to the ground, the blood rushing out, the suspect's frightened face, and the shouts of his teammates.

This is a real mission scene!

How does this look like playing a game?

Or has the current game progressed to this level?

Indoors, the surround sound made the sound of gunfire ring in my ears.

I almost smell the smoke.

The mission was completed without any danger or failure.

After completing the task, I briefly took off the VR headset.

The instructor did not praise or criticize, but just commented on the gains and losses during the task.

And asked: "How do you feel? It doesn't matter, just let it go and say whatever you want."

"It's quite fun. I've never seen such a realistic game."

“I’ve long heard that Naughty Cat’s VR game is great, but I didn’t expect it to be so great!”

"The feel of the firearm is almost exactly the same as the real one, but it is limited by the Vientiane Treadmill and cannot truly contact teammates, which is a bit awkward."

The instructor nodded, not at all angry that many people played it as a game.

He simply said: "Continue."

After a short break, the same mission begins a second time.

This time, we also entered through the back door of the coffee shop.

However, after knowing in advance that there was someone behind the bunker on the left, the teammate responsible for guarding the left side subconsciously focused on the bunker where people could be hidden.

Even everyone's attention is behind that bunker.


There was still a yell and a roar.

This time, the suspect's brother rushed out from behind the bunker on the right side.

This time he was caught off guard and was immediately pressed close to his body.

Although the suspect's brother was stopped in time, everyone was in a cold sweat.

The setting of the game is to hold a knife.

If it's a gun

The consequences could be disastrous.

What they didn't notice while wearing headsets was that the instructor at the front who was watching the training through the computer screen nodded with satisfaction.

The first time I used it, I didn’t expect the effect to be so good.

This training was originally not intended to be anything serious.

The purpose is to make the trainees understand.

This is training with the military and police version of the game, not playing the game like a player!

Don’t underestimate the training tasks in the game!

So, in the first mission.

Each time you enter, the location of the two suspects will change.

Not only the suspects, but also the status of the hostages will change.

Either excited, or scared, or hurt, or healthy.

All require adaptability.

There are even many solutions.

You can kill, you can persuade, you can subdue gangsters.

End of the second time.

The instructor still commented on gains and losses without criticizing or praising.

"Same as last time, let's talk about it."

This time, everyone seemed more discouraged.

"I'm sorry, instructor, I'm reviewing. I'm used to thinking this is a game, and I think the suspect's position must be the same as the first time."

"I also reviewed it, and I didn't expect the suspect to be so emotional this time."

But some people are a little unconvinced.

"This game is quite difficult. I don't believe it."

The instructor nodded without anger: "Continue."

the third time.

The suspect's brother was not at the door at all. He hid in the bathroom and attacked suddenly after the rescue began.

the fourth time.

The suspect became even more agitated and started harming the hostages directly.

the fifth time.

The suspect's brother actually took a gun!

After the fifth time, everyone was wilted.

Everyone had a lot of frustration on their faces.

This time, the instructor asked with a smile: "Is this game fun?"

None of them spoke.

When no one spoke, the instructor's expression turned serious and he said, "I'm very dissatisfied with your training results. One of the five training missions failed."

"In a real mission, do you know what this means? Or do you think this is in-game training and just come here with a playful attitude?"

The instructor's tone was much harsher.

"Rest in place, and then continue training. In the next period of time, this will be your main training task! It seems that it will be impossible if you don't completely change your thinking."

The comrade's face was like a bolt from the blue and he whispered: "It's over, it's over. Playing this game is more tiring than training!"

Hou Ping nodded sympathetically and said, "Come on, you can have fun for me during this time."

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