During the time of Persona, we were limited by the cost of 30 million, so we were more cautious about doing it.

This makes everyone who is used to fighting for wealth very uncomfortable.

In the production of Warcraft, you can have a free hand.

"Remember, put all your talents into the story campaign mode of Warcraft. Just like the battle mode, no matter which side is missing, the quality of the other side is enough to be regarded as a complete independent game."

Then, Lin Mo began to explain the key points of the story and the key points of some core characters.

This point is mainly for the company screenwriter Wang Zichen.

The more he listened, the brighter his eyes became.

The story style of Persona is not what he is good at.

It’s not that I can’t write it, it’s mainly because my education environment is different from that of most people, and I’m not very good at two-dimensional stories.

A well-filled story with no sense of substitution.

The plot of Warcraft can be a great use for him.

Finally, it is the important function of the troika in parallel with the plot campaign and battle mode.

Map editor!

How many classics have been created by the map editor of Warcraft?

I can’t even count them clearly.

DOTA, Chenghai 3C, Shinzo, Tower Defense, Naruto, Guardian Athena.

Even two long-lasting classics, DOTA2 and LOL, were born later.

Later, DOTA2 also gave birth to the auto chess gameplay that is necessary for leisure.

It is precisely because of the existence of the map editor that this game still has many fans at the age of 20.

In this regard, Lin Mo plans to make something different from his previous life.

On the homepage of the player community, in addition to the various permanent rankings, the player's preferred type of map is also pushed to the player using a big data push method.

At the same time, a complete set of profit rules has been set up for map authors, with a 50-50 split.

If it involves adapting an independent game, it can only be undertaken by Naughty Cat. Unless Naughty Cat gives up the right to adapt the map, it can be submitted elsewhere.

I can take you to make money together, but you can't be a second-rate kid.

As for whether to build in the classic maps of previous lives in the map editor, Lin Mo’s plan is not to build them in for the time being.

The emergence of Naughty Cat is like a catfish, giving a glimmer of life to the stagnant water of the gaming industry.

Lin Mo was very curious, how can players in this world unleash their imagination and make good games?

After hearing about the functions of the creative workshop, Du Rui seemed ready to take action.

"Mr. Lin, can I make some fun and build it into the game for sale together as a small way to play?"

Lin Mo shook his head, then looked at everyone in the conference room and said, "You can use your creativity as you wish, and then use your private account to post it on the creative workshop."

After saying this, many people's eyes immediately lit up and they became a little excited.

If you post with a private account, it means that all subsequent profits from this map will be yours.

Du Rui chuckled and asked sheepishly: "Mr. Lin, do you have any good ideas?"

Zuo Xuming gave him a hammer: "Hey, hey, it's almost done."

Lin Mo didn't mind and asked, "Can you play mahjong?"


Several people looked at each other, not understanding what this meant.

Leaving an environment for everyone to discuss with each other, Lin Mo walked out of the conference room alone.

As for the final game release date, I really plan to wait for the release of "Sword Immortal Strategy Edition".

As for the agreement to apologize, if you really intend to apologize, I can say, "It's all up to my peers."

I can do without it, but you can't live without it.

If you don't apologize, I'll disgust you.

The project establishment meeting is over.

After returning to the office, he was about to work for a while when he received a call from Jackson first.

"Mr. Lin, when will your new game be released? It's about the adaptation project."

"The project has been officially launched today. As for the release time, when the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition is released, the new project will be released."

"Really?" Jackson's voice was a little surprising, "What type is it? A game suitable for adaptation. Is it an action RPG?"

"This needs to be kept secret first."

Zhou Wenguang on the other side.

I was overjoyed when I received the call from Jackson.

Since the IP adaptation of the Sword Fairy series, this is the first time I have received a call!

Could it be that after knowing that Lin Mo’s Persona is not planning to make a feature-length animation?

The mysterious work of Naughty Cat is not suitable for adaptation.

I also found that there are indeed no upcoming dramas on the market worthy of attention.

So, are you finally planning to sign the exclusive rights to the Sword Fairy series?

Oh my god!

Eight games, eight shows!

That's Netflix, the international stage that many popular little stars dream of.

Through this matter, I can also open up some connections in the entertainment industry.

Thinking about it, I almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Laughing to death.

So what if your Persona is better than my Swordsman 8?

As long as I achieve my goal, I won’t lose.

But, why do you ask about the release date of Sword Immortal Strategy Edition?

Jianxian Strategy Edition and Jianxian 8 have been approved successively, with the former progressing slightly slower.

But it's soon.

So he didn’t think about keeping it a secret and simply said: “June 5th!”

"So fast? Great!"

He told me it was great!

Zhou Wenguang's haze caused by being forced to apologize was swept away, and he no longer even cared about the fact that Jian Xian 8 was sprayed into a sieve.

He quickly responded: "It's really great! Mr. Jackson, Jianxian Tactics will bring new stories to supplement the world view, and the adaptation of Jianxian 8 is also actively being filmed. Please wait and see! You will definitely be satisfied!"

"Adaptation of a drama?" Jackson's voice paused on the phone, "Oh, that's okay. You take your time and don't rush it at all."

Not urgent?

Oh, are you afraid that there will be quality problems while I'm rushing to work?

So considerate.

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Jackson. I will strive for excellence so that you can watch the Sword Immortal 8 TV series that you are satisfied with!"

"Uh, okay, I understand. Anyway, if the release date of Sword Immortal Strategy Edition changes, please be sure to tell me."


The phone hangs up.

Zhou Wenguang was overjoyed for a while.

He actually calls to follow the progress of the game!


Thinking about it, he frowned again.

Why care about game progress?

Shouldn't we be paying attention to the TV series "Jianxian 8" that is being filmed?

Is it because Sword Immortal Strategy Edition shows some excellent qualities that I haven’t discovered yet?


After hanging up the phone, Jackson clenched his hands into fists and shouted excitedly: "YES!"

The Sword Immortal Strategy Edition will be released in early June.

So, Naughty Cat’s mysterious game will also be released in early June?

He couldn't wait to see the true face of this game.

An adaptation of the Sword Fairy series?

Who cares about this thing?

Maybe the adaptation of the Sword Fairy series can indeed be welcomed by some audiences in China.

However, if the Naughty Cat IP is adapted properly, it will be popular around the world.

It’s just that new games are not suitable for adaptation.

Isn’t there a biochemical series?

Is this better than the Sword Immortal series?

Li Ang, Aunt Wang, Chris, Wesker, Jill, etc. are all household names.

I’m really looking forward to it!

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