Naughty cat.

Shen Dingnan walked out of the interview office in a daze, feeling a little weird.


It can't be the imagined experience of being discovered by a discerning eye and then standing out from the crowd.

Although it is not yet the time for autumn recruitment at this time, there is still more than a month to go.

But recruitment has begun on a small scale.

Shen Dingnan is just one of them.

But Du Rui's recommendation still played a very good role.

I skipped the previous series of troublesome and anxious processes and entered the interview directly.

During the interview, Shen Dingnan also met Mr. Lin, whom he had only seen in various videos and materials.

After knowing that he was the maker of the Sword Immortal card.

HR was obviously surprised.

Du Rui walked up and asked, "How was the result of the interview?"

Shen Dingnan said excitedly: "Thank you, Teacher Du, I, I never thought that one day I would have the opportunity to work here!"

Du Rui looked at this man who was obviously much older than him and said with a smile: "Thank you for your ability. The Naughty Cat now is not the same as before. Anyone who wants to come in must rely on their ability."

After calming down, Shen Dingnan was a little confused: "But, I didn't graduate in a game-related major. I thought I would be dismissed."

Du Rui shrugged: "Me neither. I learned many things by myself after joining. You are still in the probation period, but you should seize the time to enrich yourself."

Shen Dingnan was stunned and quickly nodded in agreement.

Then he asked somewhat unconfidently: "Teacher Du, what should I do now?"

"Now? Don't you have a labor contract with another company? Take care of your personal matters these days, and then wait until Monday to sign the contract and officially start working."

He originally thought that he would be able to enter the game industry of his dreams with the opportunity of Sword Fairy Cards, and he even quit his previous job.

Concentrate on making Sword Fairy cards.

Unexpectedly, he was stabbed hard in the back.

"Then I'm over there with the Sword Immortal card." Halfway through the words, Shen Dingnan gritted his teeth, "I'm going to make an announcement that the Sword Immortal card will stop updating!"

Du Rui said nonchalantly: "I don't think Mr. Lin cares about such trivial matters. It's up to you to decide."

It took about half an hour to walk around with Shen Dingnan.

I gave this new colleague who was unfamiliar with the game company a brief introduction and a brief chat.

Du Rui also had a non-major background and had a natural affinity with him.

"Okay, any more questions?"

Shen Dingnan thought for a while and was about to continue asking some questions when he felt his phone vibrate.

When he picked it up and looked at it, his face turned dark.

This was the person who interacted with him and entertained each other in Dongrong on weekdays.

Although, I still don’t know who the other party is.

I was thinking about whether to answer the phone.

At this time, the recruitment has ended, and Lin Mo and the company's HR were chatting in a low voice as they passed by.

He saw Du Rui and Shen Dingnan, who was holding a mobile phone and looking confused.

"What's wrong?" Lin Mo looked around, "What don't you understand?"

Shen Dingnan smiled awkwardly and said, "Dongrong Interactive Entertainment, you gave me a call."

Lin Mo suddenly understood and was not angry. Instead, he gave him a supportive look.

"It's okay to take it. Tell Zhou Wenguang for me that he still owes me an apology."

Shen Dingnan's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

At this time the second call also came.


"Hello? I'm Shen Dingnan."

"Hello, hello. Our company didn't think it through before. President Zhou personally invited you to continue updating the Sword Immortal Card. After the Sword Immortal Card independent game is released, you will be considered to join the project team."

Shen Dingnan heard a lot of surrounding sounds from his mobile phone and knew it was a meeting.

He glanced at Lin Mo, who was walking towards his office.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry, I already have a job."

"I suggest you consider giving up your current job. The salary here is good. After becoming a full-time employee, the salary will be above 15,000 yuan. This is not a low salary.

As far as I know, your previous job income was not at this level. Why don't you consider coming to us? "

"Because I found a new job, also in a gaming company."

As soon as these words came out, the other person was silent for a few seconds before continuing.

"I suggest you think about it again, because in China, except for a few companies such as Naughty Cat, there is nothing more suitable for you than our company. We"

Hearing this, Shen Dingnan suddenly interrupted: "How do you know?"


"I mean." Shen Dingnan had a smile on his face, "How did you know that I joined Naughty Cat?"

"Ah?!" x3

On the other side of the phone, at least three people exclaimed at the same time.

Shen Dingnan looked at Du Rui.

The latter also had a smile on his face and seemed to like this scene very much.

"If you want to update the Sword Immortal card, go ahead and update it yourself. I believe in your ability and you don't need me, a little guy who is not a professional. But..."

Shen Dingnan mustered up the courage to add the last sentence, "My new boss, Mr. Lin, asked me to tell you, when will Mr. Zhou fulfill his promise? There is also an apology!"

After finishing speaking, he didn’t wait for the other person to reply.

I hung up the phone immediately.

Take a deep breath.

Before he had time to recover, a burst of applause suddenly sounded nearby.

Only then did he realize it.

Many people are secretly listening to what's going on here.

Everyone is afraid that the world will not be in chaos, applauding and applauding.

Du Rui also laughed loudly: "Yes, a personality like yours will be very popular in the company. Remember one thing when working here. Naughty cats are the best in the world!"

Shen Dingnan touched his nose and added.

"I think he is number one in the world."

"Yes! Nothing wrong!"

There is laughter and laughter here.

On the other side, the atmosphere in Dongrong Interactive Entertainment was extremely awkward.

Yang Jun also attended the meeting.

He was covering his face deeply at this time.

They didn't dare to look at Mr. Zhou's face.

Unexpectedly, I could be embarrassed twice in one day.

Du Rui, one of the backbones of Naughty Cat, once promised to recruit him, and once he wanted to recruit a map author, but he was rejected.

Not only was he rejected, but he was also slapped with crazy output.

Everyone heard it.

Zhou Wenguang's face was so dark that it looked like he was about to drip with ink.

His lips were trembling, and he could tell that he wanted to say something, or wanted to curse something.

But I couldn't say it.

Finally, he took a deep breath and gave the command coldly.

"After today, the community map version of Sword Fairy Card will be updated and produced by Dongrong Interactive Entertainment! Hold on until the independent game is launched!"

"I don't believe it. A poor guy with a background as a salesman can die suddenly without your Sword Immortal card!"

"I don't believe it anymore. It's just a community map without Lin Mo's participation, and it has a stupid name like Warcraft Auto Chess. How can it steal 100,000 of my users!"

"If you have the skills, you can snatch away all the users of my Sword Immortal Strategy Edition and Sword Immortal Cards!"

As he spoke, he slammed the table hard and stood up.

Walked out without hesitation.

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