A sunny morning.

Zhou Wenguang was walking on the street wearing sunglasses.

This trip was to explore the popularity of the arch-rival Yu-Gi-Oh's cards.

With the blessing of hot animation, the graphics of the Mingming Sword Fairy card are also very exquisite, and the original paintings are also very beautiful.

But it just doesn’t sell as well as Yu-Gi-Oh!

It can only be distributed through some small dealers, and visual sales are only about one-tenth of the Yu-Gi-Oh.

Soon there will be the Duel Kingdom Competition of Yu-Gi-Oh physical cards, and card sales are expected to soar again by then.

In order to research and seize the market, I no longer trust the abilities of my subordinates.

In this line of work, he just wanted to explore the situation of the players in the board game store.

What if there is a possibility of saving the Sword Immortal card?

Walking into a board game store fully armed.

Although he has never been to a board game store, he can feel that the recent business should be much better than before.

"My turn, draw a card! Beautiful!! Real red-eyed black dragon!"

"Pot of Greed! Draw two cards and let me take a look. Dark Mage Exodia! Got it all!"

"Damn, aren't you cheating? That's a banned card!"

As soon as the door was pushed open, a loud sound accompanied by the cool breeze from the central air conditioner hit my face.

It's summer now.

Many players have snacks and two drinks on their tables.

Under the glass on the tabletop in the store, a Yu-Gi-Oh battle chessboard has been prepared.

A table is hard to come by.

In order to make money, the black-hearted boss even set a minimum consumption for the table and a "Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Package" that just meets the minimum consumption.

Choose from two drinks, a plate of snacks, and two packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

The landlady is busy cleaning up the plastic debris from card packages on the floor.

Players kept shouting loudly.

"NICE! I fired the Dark Magic!"

"Brother, I'll trade moth larvae for you."

"This is the Black Magician, the main output of Muto Games!" The player said righteously, "You have to pay more!"

Zhou Wenguang looked down and felt happy.

Although there aren't many, you can see a lot of scraps of plastic packaging for Sword Immortal cards.

I couldn't help but feel proud.

Although it is small, there are still many players buying it!

After thinking about it, since I wanted to spy on the enemy, I had to blend in perfectly.

Thinking about it, he walked directly to the counter and said: "Boss, five boxes of Sword Fairy cards and five boxes of Yu-Gi-Oh."

The black-hearted boss had a hint of joy on his face and quickly turned back to get the goods.

Zhou Wenguang felt proud and smiled slightly.

Before I had time to think about why the boss was happy, I saw the boss holding six boxes of card packs and placing them on the counter.

Zhou Wenguang took a look and reminded: "Boss, I want five boxes of each."

The black-hearted boss said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, guest, is this your first time here? Each customer is limited to one box, or there is no stock, so you have to leave some for others."

The smile on Zhou Wenguang's face froze, and the pride that had just risen was gone.

Unsatisfied with the payment, then the dismantling started.

Many of the newly purchased scissors used to open card packages on the counter have been blunted by use.

While taking it apart, he looked at the dark gloves on the hands of many players and asked, "Boss, what are these gloves and stars?"

The black-hearted boss took a look and said, "That's a gift you can only get when you buy a card in a physical store, a gift from Duel Kingdom."

As he said that, he pointed to the Yu-Gi-Oh animation playing on the big screen in the store.

The animation just happened to show the plot of the protagonist group boarding the island on a cruise ship.

Each duelist has such a glove and two stars. The stars serve as chips and can be stuffed into the holes in the wrists of the glove.

Only if you have ten can you enter Bekas's castle for the final duel.

Looking at it, Zhou Wenguang became even more sour.

Damn kid king!

What are you doing with all these bells and whistles?

While talking, Yu-Gi-Oh's card pack was half opened, but nothing good came out.

At the same time, Zhou Wenguang continued to ask: "How are the sales of Sword Immortal cards?"

"Sword Immortal card?" The black-hearted boss curled his lips, "You won't even play with it."

This comment immediately stopped Zhou Wenguang's movements, and his anger level continued to rise.

After silently reciting several words in his mind to not get angry, he said: "But, but, boss, I see that many players have demolished the Sword Immortal card, how can you say that?

The black-hearted boss showed a sly smile: "If you want gloves, you have to buy cards from a physical store. If you want to buy Yu-Gi-Oh cards, you have to buy one pack of Swordsman cards for every three packs."

Zhou Wenguang almost vomited blood when he heard this.

Good guy!

So that’s it? !

I'm so happy because the Sword Immortal cards are selling well! Are you telling me it's a bundled sale?

My Sword Fairy card turned out to be a bonus?

Thinking again about the recent loss of many players due to the map update problem of the Sword Immortal card.

When I think about it, I feel even sadder.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "Boss, aren't you afraid of being punished by your superiors for doing this?"

The black-hearted boss handed the card package to another player.

"There's no way. If it weren't for the disgrace of the dealers we've cooperated with for many years, who would want to get into this Broken Sword Fairy card? If you can't sell it, you can't just throw it into your hands. Moreover, this is happening almost all over the country."

Zhou Wenguang's teeth were almost broken.

The action of removing cards is much larger.

It's like venting all the anger into the cards.

Who designed this crappy card? It’s been a long time since your child king dealt with physical cards, now you are causing trouble!

Seeing such a rough move, a small-eyed player next to him kindly reminded him: "Be careful, there is a chance of an invitation to the Duel Kingdom Tournament in the card pack. If you destroy it, you won't be able to participate."

A player next to him who didn’t know him at all and was also focusing on unpacking the cards said: “That’s right, there are invitations, charter flights and wine tickets, and at the end there is a mysterious surprise and the appearance of the mysterious designer of the Yu-Gi-Oh card.”

Zhou Wenguang felt like he was suffering from PTSD.

first reaction.

Wasn't it designed by Lin Mo?

Thinking about it again, Lin Mo is a game designer and will not be involved in such physical cards.

While thinking about it, he picked up the last pack of cards and opened it.

I thought at the same time.

Do you want to check out this Duel Kingdom Tournament?

Sooner or later, Sword Immortal Card will have its own competition, and it would be good to learn from it.

Coincidentally, the independent game version of Sword Fairy Cards will be launched in half a month.

Three days later, it will be the Duel Kingdom Competition.

It was rare that he wasn't targeted by Lin Mo, so it was time to take a vacation by himself.

But the tickets for this competition seem to have been sold out. I wonder if they can be purchased at a higher price.

Moreover, he was also somewhat interested in the mysterious surprise.

Could it be news about new card packs? Or the video game version of Yu-Gi-Oh?

If it’s the video game version of Yu-Gi-Oh, you have to check it out.

Thinking wildly, I opened the card package and looked through it one by one.

When you turn to the last two.

"Huh? What kind of card is this?"

This statement attracted the attention of many people.

One is called "Ticket to the Kingdom" and one is called "The Kingdom".

Everyone who saw this scene widened their eyes and exclaimed.

"What the hell?!"

This movement directly attracted countless people to come over and watch.

Then, he looked at it and said nothing.

Zhou Wenguang's mouth twitched.

He has seen the animation of Yu-Gi-Oh and knows the significance of these two cards in the animation.

Tickets to the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Kingdom Tournament and

Invitation card.

That's the ticket.

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