Late August.

Hearthstone has been released for less than a month, and it is still a PC-based game.

With just one platform on the mobile phone, it has generated a monthly revenue of 300 million on the mobile game platform.

Ranked second.

The first one is a game that has continued to dominate the charts without any rivals since its release.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Third, it is a frontline war.


Hearthstone has become the new darling of the live broadcast platform due to its minimal difficulty in getting started and good program effects.

It's a pity that platforms like Blue Cat Platform, which plays a major role in game live broadcasting, cannot get any dividends.

Because of the ban agreement with Dongrong Interactive Entertainment.

This made Bai Kang, the boss of Blue Cat Live, cursed so many times, both openly and secretly.

It's almost a shame.

In the office of Blue Cat Live.

"Mr. Zhou! You need to give me an explanation." Bai Kang's tone was a little angry, "Whether it is the Sword Immortal card or the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition, none of them can reach the height you said!"

Zhou Wenguang on the other side frowned deeply.

My game crashed.

Am I not more anxious than you?

And what’s your name? It’s not like I didn’t give you money.

Your anchors who had the potential to become pillars ran away instead of retaining them.

Can this be blamed on me?

But these words were just spoken in my heart.

When it reaches the mouth, it becomes again.

"Mr. Bai, although the inability to broadcast Naughty Cat-related games has brought you a lot of losses." Zhou Wenguang said slowly, "But isn't "Frontline War 2" going to open beta soon? This will bring you a lot of losses. flow."

Bai Kang had a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

They all don't know whether to believe this.

Why do you feel like you hear these words every time before something big happens?

Then it gets worse every time, and the game gets worse every time.

"But this time it's a mobile game."

"What happened to the mobile game?" Zhou Wenguang asked back, "The mobile version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and PC are not interoperable, and the profit model is completely different. Are there not many people who only watch the live broadcast of this mobile game?"

This is true.

This is also something that the live broadcast industry is confused about.

It's obviously the same game and the same content, but some players just watch the live broadcast of the mobile game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

These words convinced Bai Kang to some extent, and he asked seriously: "Mr. Zhou, you don't do anything bad in this game, do you?"

Bad job?

Zhou Wenguang felt somewhat inexplicably guilty.

I have to say, it's a bit.

But even with some bad jobs, he is still full of confidence.

"Mr. Bai, you have to believe that in the field of two-dimensional mobile games, Frontline War is the most powerful IP." Zhou Wenguang said with a hint of pride on his face, "Donrong Interactive Entertainment is the leader in the field of mobile games in China."

Bai Kang nodded subconsciously.


So far, only others have copied the frontline war, and there has been no frontline war to copy others.

It should be said that you can’t copy even if you want to.

Among mobile games, the ones that make more money (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) are not as good-looking as the Battlefront characters.

The characters are good-looking, but the plot is not as good.

The plot is worse than it, but PVP is not as fun as it.

PVP is worse than it, but not as profitable as it.

Thinking of this, Bai Kang's face looked better.

"Mr. Zhou, are you so confident in the frontline war?"

"This is natural." Zhou Wenguang nodded as he should, raising his head proudly, "Get ready to embrace the new era of mobile games!"

Bai Kang also nodded, believing it in his heart.

But I still feel a little regretful.

What greed was there at that time!

Obviously, there is only one version of the ban agreement: Apex.

Just out of greed, it turned into several money.

Fortunately, this time after Battlefront 2, the agreement expired.

We must recover some losses this time!

"Mr. Zhou, in the promotion of the game...?"

"Of course, your help is unavoidable." Zhou Wenguang nodded, "I'll pay for it! Hosts, UP hosts, and even some influential game players are all invited. They will give you coupons and throw money! These people are all Come to your Blue Cat live broadcast."

Bai Kang was overjoyed immediately upon hearing this.

"Then, it's a deal. I'll let the company's operations take care of this matter."

That night.

Lin Mo returned home.

Today's residence is naturally not the ordinary rental house before, but a large villa.

However, because I have to be busy with work all year round, the office in the company is large enough, and one room has been specially decorated as a bedroom.

Sometimes I'm too busy, so I just stay at the company.

No different.

After Hearthstone, there was also a short period of leisure.

The new season of Apex and Chicken Fighting, the new big action of CSGO, the new dragon species in Monster Hunter update, and the new card pack of Hearthstone.

Just keep an eye on the progress occasionally.

When I got home today, I wanted to play games early and relax.

Unexpectedly, I just turned on my computer and found an unexpected email when I checked my mailbox.

It was sent to the email address used for business cooperation when I was UP.

Who will send emails to this email address?

I opened it with curiosity and took a look.

From Blue Cat Live.


Isn’t this a strategic partner of Dongrong Interactive Entertainment? Why did you send it to me?

Lin Mo read line by line with curiosity.

"On the first day of the open beta of Frontline War 2, promoted live on Blue Cat, 50,000 per hour?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but be speechless.

What kind of temporary labor practice is this?

I didn’t even look at it. I went directly to the game section of Station B and selected the fans with the highest number. Send an email to each one, right?

Although his account does not have the most videos.

But there are really many fans.

17 million.

They are all fans who come on pilgrimage.

The last video was more than a year ago.

Now that you are so sincere, I have been relatively free recently.

Or, make some extra money?

He has hosted live broadcasts, but with the Sharks, he could not do so twice a year, and he did not have a live broadcast contract.

Just playing around.

So I simply replied to an email directly stating that I had accepted the commission.

For the process, use Blue Cat Live’s dedicated business order platform.

I thought this process would have some twists and turns.

Or some Dongrong Interactive Entertainment Blue Cat Live Broadcast has a special purpose.

But I watched Party A’s advance payment arrive on the platform.


Since you are so sincere, I will broadcast it well.

A week later on September 5th.

The game will open for public beta at ten o'clock in the morning.

Lin Mo registered the live broadcast room at Blue Cat Live as promised and started broadcasting half an hour before the game was launched.

The anchor account registered with his ID card also received a lot of coupons in advance.

Enough for a 300-draw draw.

Today, there are still many video UP owners or well-known players who have been invited to Blue Cat Live Broadcast.

This live broadcast platform has not been so lively in an unknown amount of time.

In comparison, Lin Mo's live broadcast room was much deserted.

After all, there is no preheating in advance.

Not long after the broadcast started, the first audience came in.

But without waiting to say hello, he withdrew again.

After waiting for a while, the second audience member walked in.

[What’s the name of the live broadcast room? Lin Mo’s live broadcast room? Cenglin total popularity]

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Is it possible that I am myself?"

【etc. Damn it? ! Died young? What did I see? Mr. Lin, you actually started a live broadcast on Blue Cat? I’ll give you some publicity right now! 】

Then, more and more people entered the live broadcast room.

[Real person? ! Isn't it Blue Cat Live's show, inviting a lookalike to attract traffic? 】

[It’s obviously a real person. What are you thinking? Naughty Cat’s legal department is not just for food.]

[Thank you to the Internet for allowing such a big guy to play games and show them to me]

Lin Mo smiled and said hello to the new audience.

"Hello everyone, I am the anchor Xiaolin, whose company went bankrupt and was forced to return to my old job."

"Since you have accepted the business order, you must be worthy of the money. Now, let me introduce to you today's theme game - "Frontline War 2"."

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