Live Action Opens Up and Gets Blocked, Backhandedly Rectifying the Gaming Industry

Chapter 264 If I lose, I will be the most beautiful female character in COS

This time the new game was first announced during a live broadcast, and later Lin Mo's personal Weibo also admitted the existence of this matter.

The very next day, Naughty Cat’s official account officially announced the existence of this project.

Until the establishment of the official website and official Weibo, players who still had some illusions about 3A games had to give up.

It’s really a mobile game.

It’s really an open world!

Originally, all the anchors were full of expectations, thinking that mobile games were just a cover.

Naughty Cat's open world, how awesome does it have to be?

And this company has no experience in developing independent mobile games.

But after seeing the official introduction, many anchor players of shooting games and stand-alone games were deeply disappointed.

Immediately lost interest.

Although they are all games, they are separated by lines like mountains.

When it comes to shooting games, most fans stick to those games.

Those who watch console games like to watch the latest masterpieces that have just been released.

If this kind of anchor broadcasts a mobile game, not to mention that the fans will run out, the popularity will not be much higher.

For a time, negative voices filled the entire Internet.

The same is true in Xiaoyao's live broadcast room.

At this time, she had been playing APEX Legends for a day, and it was about to end the broadcast.

She looked at the title "Open World Mobile Game" and was filled with confusion.

He said with a weird look: "To be honest, I'm a little confused. Usually game companies make mobile games for money. However, Naughty Cat has no shortage of money. I can't figure it out if 3A makes one popular game."

The barrage was ridiculing.

[Maybe it’s because I’m short of money? Naughty Cat built a building]

[Perhaps it’s because I don’t want to bother doing 3A anymore? Make a mobile game to make some money at the end, and then retire]

[It’s definitely not the kind of open world that people often play in AAA games. That kind of game is completely incompatible with mobile games. Generally speaking, mobile game players still prefer lightweight]

Xiao Yao sighed and said: "The main difference between mobile games and 3A games is that 3A games satisfy the emotional needs of players. Players can think of what kind of emotional satisfaction this game can bring to them before playing."

"If you want to experience the feeling of overcoming difficulties with your girlfriend or brother, then play Duo."

"If you want to experience horror and puzzle solving, then play Resident Evil."

"If you want the ultimate sense of accomplishment in overcoming difficulties, turn to Dark Souls and Monster Hunter."

“If you want to feel the joy of competition, play CSGO Apex.”

"But mobile games create an emotional gap. They always use some means to make you want to win, to make you not want to be worse than others, or to make you want a certain role so that you can earn money."

"But Lin Mo is not that kind of person. I have to study it further."

As he spoke, he frowned and tried to find some differences from the official website.

The barrage was still questioning, but Xiaoyao was completely unmoved.

As a female anchor who started from Apex and switched from dark to bright, from Blue Cat Live to Shark Live, she became very popular and became the top female anchor on the platform.

Naughty Cat's games, except CSGO Chicken Apex, all other stand-alone games have been tried when I get tired of playing regular live games.

He is someone who knows Naughty Cat quite well.

She couldn't believe that Lin Mo would make such a gold-earning mobile game just to get money.

Read on one by one.

"Seven Kingdoms? Elemental reaction? These are hard to see."

"Travelers? Gods? Heavenly principles? These can only be said to be background stories."

"Dual-end on PC and mobile phone? Wait, double-end?"

The little demon was keenly aware of this strange description.

[What’s wrong with double ends? Isn't it just to make a mobile game emulator on the computer? 】

【This is no big deal, right】

[The mobile game is still out on PC, I guess not many people will play it by then]

When Xiaoyao saw the barrage question, he shook his head without hesitation and said: "It's different! As I said, PC gamers and mobile gamers have different criteria for selecting games. One is to satisfy the emotional gap, and the other is to create emotions. Gap. Since you dare to release a PC client, then maybe this game is really designed and produced according to the standards of PC games?"

The more I talked, the more I felt I had found the truth.

But the barrage of taunts also followed one after another.

【how could it be possible? It is impossible for mobile games to reach the level of client games, otherwise why are they called mobile games? 】

[Mobile games are born with design flaws, and those who live by cheating money are the leeks of Naughty Cat who wants to win over single-player gamers]

[You are just a gamer, you talk like a game practitioner]

Seeing the barrage of ridicule, the little demon curled his lips and didn't bother to explain.

I looked at the time and saw that the broadcast was about to end, and there were still a few minutes left.

"Let's have a PK, and then today's live broadcast will end here."

Not long after, the anchor on the other side was connected.

They were both stunned for a moment when they saw the other side.

"Little demon?"

"Sister K?"

For a moment, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was a little awkward.

It is different from the original determination of Xiaoyao not to renew his contract and go directly to the Shark Platform to cut off his wrist.

Sister K, who used to play in a professional anti-terrorism team competition with a women's team, stayed at Blue Cat Live.

However, due to the platform's very stupid ban agreement, the platform's traffic dropped crazily in a short period of time.

Sister K was also punished by the platform for being sidelined, and she is no longer called the first sister of Blue Cat Live Broadcast.

She came to Shark Platform by chance.

The platform saw the potential of top female anchors and wanted to try again to see if they could replicate Xiaoyao's success.

The liquidated damages platform paid part of it, but Sister K gritted her teeth and paid part of it herself and successfully changed jobs.

The two came to the same platform again by mistake.

It's just that Xiaoyao has long been the top female anchor on the platform, while Sister K has been branded as a sidekick and can never be erased.

Even though she had been training hard in recent months and wanted to transform, it was to no avail.

Seeing the former maknae in the team, Sister K was not happy at all, but had a gloomy look on her face.

"Isn't this a little demon?"

Xiaoyao was silent for two seconds, then said hello lightly: "Sister K, good evening."

Sister K felt unhappy.

Why can you become a top-notch person with your marksmanship? I was ridiculed by the entire Internet for being a sidekick!

The transformation has failed.

Without you, I should be the first sister!

Is it possible to steal the title of this first sister?

I know Xiaoyao doesn't like anyone mentioning the women's team.

She just steered the topic in that direction, and what she said was so exciting that she told the live broadcast room all kinds of things that only a few of them knew before.

The audience really listened with gusto.

Xiaoyao hates talking about this dark history of almost never winning, and never talks about it in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that Xiao Yao's expression was obviously bored, and feeling that the time was ripe, Sister K said: "Okay, okay, look at your expression, I won't talk about the women's team anymore. But the brothers like to hear it. , what do you think we should do?"

The little demon frowned, feeling bored to the extreme, so he said neatly: "You said it."

Sister K felt that there was something interesting and continued: "How about a small bet? Since you are so optimistic about the game Genshin Impact, how about the first month's sales? Regardless of whether you guessed it or not, I will never mention this matter again in the future. Yes. But if you don’t guess correctly, there will be some small penalties.”

First month’s turnover?

The little demon thought for a moment.

Industry speculation suggests that Battlefront 2 could have an astonishing monthly revenue of 300 million.

No matter how powerful Naughty Cat's game is, it's almost enough to be doubled four or five times.

Even some small punishments are enough to make this annoying mouth stop.

So he guessed: "Probably less than 1.5 billion."

The barrage was also confusing.

【How many? It’s better to just guess 5.1 billion]

[Even the mobile games made by Lin Mo, even open-world mobile games, can’t possibly achieve this level]

Sister K didn’t expect it to be this number at all.

Are you kidding? What mobile game can achieve this result?

"Isn't it a good idea for you to guess like this? This is obviously an achievement that no one can achieve."

Xiao Yao glanced at the PK time and said rudely: "I don't like gambling."

Sister K's face twitched, it turns out it's not that easy after all.

So I asked back: "What if it exceeds 1.5 billion?"

"I accept the punishment."

"What if it exceeds 2 billion?"

"Two punishments."


"There are no ifs." The little demon looked at the last minute left and said, "If you like gambling, don't gamble."

Sister K secretly gritted her teeth, 2 billion

How is this possible in a mobile game?

But it is indeed difficult to deceive people using this method. No one is a fool.

That is to say, Xiaoyao really doesn't like people talking about that period of history, so he takes advantage of it.

Forget it, just in case there is a miracle.

So he nodded directly and said: "Okay."

"What kind of punishment? Tell me in advance."

So cautious?

Sister K couldn't think of any suitable punishment for a while, and thought of the two things that hit her the hardest since she was the first sister of Blue Cat Live Broadcast.

The first thing is that I was sanctioned for passing the game, and the second thing is that I can't play Apex.

These two incidents gave him a considerable blow.

So he directly said: "Well, the first punishment is to wear the cosplay costume in Genshin Impact for five days to live broadcast, and I will choose which character. The second punishment is to play Genshin Impact and not be able to play other games for five days."

Hearing this, Xiao Yao let out a sigh of relief.

I thought it was an excessive request, but I could accept it if it was like this.

Fifteen days is absolutely unacceptable, but five days is fine.

Moreover, even if Genshin Impact exceeded expectations and reached a monthly revenue of 1.5 billion, the first punishment would be to wear a COS suit.

Moreover, it is restricted to Genshin Impact clothes. It is a serious game, and it belongs to Naughty Cat. There shouldn’t be any embarrassing clothes.

It doesn’t matter if he’s a male character.

In this era where Nan Liang Sheng can't move and "Brother, you smell so good", there are too many men and women wearing clothes in reverse.

As for the punishment of 2 billion monthly turnover, playing Genshin Impact for five days cannot play other games.

It is indeed not very good and may lose some viewers.

The audiences for mobile games and the shooting games she mainly broadcasts are completely different.


That's 2 billion.

An amount that would kill someone in cash.

It can exceed the revenue of more than 90% of listed companies.

Naughty Cat’s first mobile game, how could it be so successful?

The sales of many AAA games in the first month are less than this number.

Looking at the pk time, the countdown has started for a few seconds.

The little demon raised his head from his thoughts: "It's a deal."

Sister K also had a smile on her face: "It's a deal."

For her.

It doesn't matter if you lose.

If the original god really explodes

Well, although she doesn't think so, that's 1.5 billion.

But what if?

The final seconds are over.

Watch the PK system shut down.

Danmaku asked.

[What does Sister K plan to do with Xiaoyao COS? 】

【COS smoke cloud】

Sister K laughed evilly and said: "Of course, let Xiao Yao cosplay the sexiest character in Genshin Impact? I am doing this for your benefit. Whatever you want to see, I will let Xiao Yao wear it. "

If the punishment does come true.

I want to see how you, a female anchor with a steel gun, can type out your business card!

At that time, I will see who is the marginal female anchor.

After the official announcement of the original god.

China's two most famous mobile games immediately began an arms race.

Genshin Impact just announced some news, and Frontline War 2 immediately withdrew from some activities.

It is different from previous Dongrong Interactive Entertainment games.

Except for the cuckold plot at the beginning that disgusted many players, the game Frontline War 2 is simply terrifyingly stable.

Events were officially announced one after another, all around the time of Genshin Impact’s release.

For fear that the player's attention will be stolen.

On the day when the open beta server was launched, Frontline War 2 directly officially announced the first major event since the launch of the server-Operation Breakout.

And because of this biggest competitor, Battlefront 2 was originally notorious for being stingy, but now it's actually becoming more generous.

I found a reason to give players a lot of card drawing tickets, and the rewards given by various activities are much better than those when the server is launched.

For PC game players, nothing about Genshin Impact attracts their attention.

But among mobile game players or second-game players, they are almost laughing.

【Momen! Although I don’t think the open world mobile game made by Naughty Cat across several tracks is very fun, but at least it forced Frontline War 2 to update a lot of things]

[I actually plan to play both games. Naughty Cat’s game is a mobile game, so it shouldn’t be much different]

[I also plan to play both of them. As far as Frontline War 2 is concerned, there really isn’t much to play in the game]

Under the arms race between the two sides.

The time came on September 28th, at nine o'clock in the morning.

On this day, countless mobile game players are waiting in front of their mobile phones or, oh no, computers.

Waiting for Genshin Impact, an open world mobile game, to unveil its veil.

On the Mouse Stage, which few domestic players pay attention to.

Brother Exaggerated opened the promotional video of Genshin Impact for the nth time and watched it with great pleasure.

"Guys, I love this game so much, I can't believe how popular it is!"

"I believe it will be a good game, like Persona."

[Why doesn’t the anchor play Warfront 2 anymore? That is also a good game, and it is said that a PC client will also be launched]

[I still have doubts about Naughty Cat’s mobile games, although I also like Lin Mo’s games]

Saw these barrages.

Brother Exaggerated said dissatisfied: "Frontline War 2? I will never touch this garbage game again. It destroyed all the good feelings many players had towards the female characters in the previous game!"

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